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Clinical Biomechanics 24 (2009) 833–841

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Knee joint kinematics, kinetics and muscle co-contraction in knee

osteoarthritis patient gait
Tamika L. Heiden *, David G. Lloyd **, Timothy R. Ackland
School of Sport Science, Exercise and Health, The University of Western Australia, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background: Compared to matched controls, knee osteoarthritis patients walk with altered, kinematics,
Received 10 December 2008 kinetics and muscle activity. Studies of osteoarthritis patient gait have focused on individual measures,
Accepted 9 August 2009 and findings from these studies differ due to differences in patient levels of disability and age. Therefore,
aims of this study were to examine kinematic, kinetic and muscle co-contraction gait variables within a
single osteoarthritis patient group, and to determine if alterations in these variables are related to pain,
Keywords: symptom and function measures.
Methods: Thirty asymptomatic controls and 54 patients with radiographic evidence of knee osteoarthritis
Gait mechanics
Knee joint moments
participated. Self-perceived measures of pain and symptoms, and gait (knee joint angles, moments and
Knee extension strength muscle co-contraction) were analysed and compared.
Findings: Osteoarthritis patients had greater self-perceived pain and symptoms on the questionnaires.
Gait differences in the knee osteoarthritis patients were greater knee flexion at heel strike and during
early stance along with reductions in the peak external knee extension moment in late stance. Co-con-
traction ratios highlighted greater lateral muscle activation in osteoarthritis patients, which were corre-
lated with the magnitude of their adduction moments. Larger adduction moments were related to lower
self-perceived pain and symptoms.
Interpretation: Osteoarthritis patients use predominantly lateral muscle activation during stance which
may aid in stabilising the external knee adduction moment. Kinematic alterations in knee osteoarthritis
patient gait occur without alterations in knee joint moments. Our results also suggest that adduction
moments are lowered to reduce the patients’ pain and symptoms.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction phase of gait (Astephen and Deluzio, 2005; Baliunas et al., 2002).
They also walk with reduced heel strike forces on the affected limb
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common rheumatic disease and (Stauffer et al., 1977), lower external knee flexion moments during
the knee is the most often affected weight bearing joint (Martin, early stance (Kaufman et al., 2001), lower external knee extension
1994). Knee OA causes low quality of life and functioning in activ- moments in terminal stance (Smith et al., 2004), and increased
ities of daily living, with increased pain, decreased muscle mass, external knee adduction moments in stance (Astephen and Delu-
proprioception deficits, and altered gait mechanics. In regard to zio, 2005). This is accompanied by increased hamstring activation
gait, compared to matched controls, knee OA patients have reduc- (Hortobagyi et al., 2005), prolonged muscle activation in stance
tions in walking speed (Astephen and Deluzio, 2005; Brinkmann (Childs et al., 2004), and increased co-contraction (Schmitt and Ru-
and Perry, 1985) and cadence (Chen et al., 2003; Stauffer et al., dolph, 2007).
1977), longer double support time (Chen et al., 2003; Smith Wide variability exists in the magnitude of impairment in walk-
et al., 2004), a smaller stride length (Baliunas et al., 2002), in- ing speed, knee kinematics, and knee kinetics between OA and con-
creased knee flexion at heel strike (Childs et al., 2004; Munder- trol groups in the aforementioned studies. This variability may be
mann et al., 2005), and reduced knee flexion during the stance attributed to differences between the studies in age, knee align-
ment, disease severity, or walking speed. With increasing age
comes altered neuromuscular function and reductions in walking
* Corresponding author. Address: School of Sports Science, Exercise and Health, speed (Rudolph et al., 2007). Reductions in gait speed are a func-
The University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley, Western tion of both age and the disease. Healthy subjects walk at faster
Australia 6009, Australia.
**Corresponding author.
preferred gait speeds than those with knee OA (Hanlon and Ander-
E-mail addresses: (T.L. Heiden), David.Lloyd@uwa. son, 2006) and many gait variables change with walking speed (D.G. Lloyd). (Andriacchi et al., 1977). Specifically, ground reaction forces

0268-0033/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
834 T.L. Heiden et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 24 (2009) 833–841

(Andriacchi et al., 1977), peak knee flexion and sagittal plane knee contraction (Lewek et al., 2004, 2006) and lateral muscle co-contrac-
joint moments (Lelas et al., 2003) have been shown to rise with tion (Schmitt and Rudolph, 2007) in the OA patients compared with
increasing gait speed, and gait speed is a reflection of a patient’s control subjects. However, these studies did not compare the medial
clinical state (Andriacchi et al., 1977; Brinkmann and Perry, versus lateral muscle co-activations, i.e. directed co-contraction. Re-
1985). With increasing OA disease severity there are alterations cently, greater lateral relative to medial hamstring activation during
in the external knee adduction moment (Mundermann et al., gait has been shown in both severe (Hubley-Kozey et al., 2008) and
2004), knee flexion angle, and gastrocnemius muscle activity moderate OA patients (Hubley-Kozey et al., 2006), possibly in an at-
(Astephen et al., 2007) during gait. Given these differences, the tempt to control medial joint articular loading. However, these inves-
selection of similarly aged OA patients and controls, and the con- tigations did not control for walking speed or age of the comparison
trol of confounding factors should be considered when examining group (Hubley-Kozey et al., 2006), or did not use a comparison group
gait alterations in knee OA patients. (Hubley-Kozey et al., 2008). Therefore it remains unclear if this pat-
Inclusion of patient self-perceived pain, symptoms and function tern is distinctive to knee OA patient gait. It is also possible that knee
are important due to their direct links to functioning in activities of OA patients may increase their directed co-contraction of the lateral
daily living (Maly et al., 2006). The relationship between structural muscles to support the increased external knee adduction moment
changes and symptoms in knee OA patients is small (Dieppe, commonly reported in knee OA patients. Finally, directed co-contrac-
2004). However, the development of increased pain is associated tion may be related to the self-perceived pain and symptoms experi-
with increased external adduction moments in the gait of knee enced by knee OA patients.
OA patients (Miyazaki et al., 2002) and these adduction moments Consequently, the aims of this study were; (1) to determine if
in turn are associated with increased radiographic severity (Shar- the knee joint kinematic and kinetic variables, previously deter-
ma et al., 1998). Pain and symptoms may also be related to muscle mined to be altered in knee OA patient gait, all occur within the
activation patterns although this is yet to be tested. same OA patients, (2) determine levels of net muscle activation
There are only a few studies of knee OA patients compared with in knee OA patient gait and examine two directed co-contraction
asymptomatic, similarly aged controls, that have comprehensively ratios; (a) medial and lateral quadriceps, hamstrings and gastroc-
examined knee joint kinematics, kinetics and muscle activation, nemius muscles and (b) medial and lateral hamstring muscles,
whilst controlling walking speed and age of comparison group and (3) examine the relationships between self-perceived pain,
(Lewek et al., 2004, 2006; Messier et al., 2005; Schmitt and Ru- symptoms and physical function with gait kinematics, kinetics,
dolph, 2007). Importantly, the findings of these studies varied, and muscle directed co-contraction.
most likely due to differences in the OA patient populations exam-
ined. For example, Lewek et al. (2004, 2006) studied ten OA pa-
tients, 49 years old, with medial compartment OA and genu 2. Methods
varum, while Messier et al. (2005) examined ten OA patients,
74 years old, with varying OA severities in all three knee compart- Thirty asymptomatic control subjects (19 females) and 54 phy-
ments. Schmitt and Rudolph (2007) studied a larger cohort (28 pa- sician-diagnosed knee OA patients (30 females) were recruited.
tients), 60 years old, and OA confined to the medial compartment. Public advertisements were used for the recruitment of controls
So one must control for confounding factors such as walking speed whilst OA patients were recruited through both local orthopedic
and assess the level of pain and function if we are to examine OA outpatient clinics and advertisements. All OA patients had radio-
gait and the relationships between gait kinematics, kinetics and graphic signs of knee OA, BMI <35, experienced morning knee stiff-
muscle activation patterns. ness <30 min, knee varus/valgus alignment 65°, could walk
Co-contraction of the knee muscles provides a means to alter the unassisted, and had not received steroid injections in the past
stability and articular loading of the joint (Hubley-Kozey et al., 2008). 6 months, or regular physiotherapy in the last 12 months. Inclu-
Additionally and as previously mentioned, knee OA patients may sion in the program for both OA patients and controls was re-
walk with increased co-contraction of the knee muscles. In general, stricted to those aged between 50 and 80. Exclusion criteria were
there are two forms of knee muscle co-contraction: generalised co- neurological and/or cardiovascular disorders, surgery or injury to
contraction and directed co-contraction (Lloyd and Buchanan, the back or lower limbs in the past 2 years, and any form of inflam-
2001). In generalised co-contraction all agonists and antagonists of matory arthritis (e.g., rheumatoid or psoriatic). All procedures were
the knee co-activate equally, whereas in directed co-contraction approved by the University of Western Australia Human Research
medial agonists and antagonists are activated to support abduction Ethics Committee and all participants gave their informed, written
moments and lateral muscles for adduction moments. Directed co- consent prior to being enlisted in the study.
contraction is believed to directly support the external moment to The Knee Osteoarthritis Outcome Survey (KOOS) (Roos et al.,
prevent condylar lift-off and reduce the concentration of articular 1998) and the Medical Outcomes Study 36-item short form health
loading in the medial knee compartment (Schipplein and Andriacchi, survey (SF-36) (Ware and Sherbourne, 1992) questionnaires were
1991). Generalised co-contraction can also have this effect but be- administered to all participants prior to testing. The KOOS is a 42
cause of the non-directionality it is less effective in preventing condy- item disease-specific instrument with subscales of pain, other
lar lift-off, and may unduly increase all articular loading (Andriacchi symptoms, function in daily living (ADL), sport and recreation
et al., 1984; Lloyd and Buchanan, 2001; Zhang et al., 2001). General- (Sport/Rec) and knee related quality of life (QOL) (Roos and Loh-
ised co-contraction has been identified when people were supporting mander, 2003). Use of the KOOS in a knee OA population has been
the isometric adduction/abductions knee moments (Lloyd and Bu- found to be a valid and reliable tool (Roos and Toksvig-Larsen,
chanan, 2001; Zhang et al., 2001), and during sidestepping and cross- 2003). Due to the age and current activity status of the OA patients,
over cutting (Besier et al., 2003a,b). Directed co-contraction has been however, the subscale Sport/Rec was given the additional selection
demonstrated in ligamento-muscular reflexes to resist adduction/ option of ‘‘not applicable” (N/A) (Roos and Lohmander, 2003; Roos
abduction perturbations at the knee (Buchanan et al., 1996), and vol- and Toksvig-Larsen, 2003). KOOS subscales are scored from 0 to
untary directed co-contraction has been shown to the support static 100 with 0 indicating extreme problems and 100 indicating no
knee abduction–adduction moments (Andriacchi et al., 1984; Zhang problems.
et al., 2001), and abduction moments at the knee during side stepping The SF-36 assesses general health and comprises a physical
(Besier et al., 2003a,b). Studies examining muscle co-contraction in component score (PCS) and a mental component score (MCS).
knee OA patients have found increased levels of medial muscle co- PCS and MCS scores were developed using norm based methods
T.L. Heiden et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 24 (2009) 833–841 835

and then standardised using linear T-score transformations (Ware Further processing of the raw EMG data and gait kinematic and
et al., 2002) with values ranging between 23.9–61.6 for PCS, and kinetic data were carried out using custom software (MatlabTM ver-
30.1–64.2 for MCS. sion R2007a). Raw EMG data were full wave rectified and then fil-
Motion, ground reaction force and electromyographic (EMG) tered with a zero lag, fourth order, 6 Hz low pass Butterworth filter
data from gait were collected synchronously using Workstation to create linear envelopes. These data were then amplitude nor-
Version 4.6 (Oxford Metrics, Oxford, UK). Motion data were cap- malized to maximum values calculated from maximal isometric
tured using a seven-camera VICON MX motion analysis system (Ox- strength trials carried out using a Biodex dynamometer.
ford Metrics, Oxford, UK) operating at 100 Hz. Ground reaction Gait strides were normalized to 51 points using a cubic spline
force data were collected at 2000 Hz from two AMTI force platforms function, and then further broken down into four sub-phases
(AMTI, Watertown, MA, USA), indistinguishable from the floor, at throughout stance (Fig. 1). These sub-phases were: loading first 15%
the midpoint of the 10 m walkway. OA patients walked at their nat- of stance, early stance 15–40% of stance, mid-stance 40–60% of stance
urally selected speed, whilst the controls carried out walking trials and late stance the last 40% of stance. The kinematic variables studied
at three speeds (a naturally selected speed, slow walking and very included knee flexion angle at heel strike, peak knee flexion angle in
slow walking) for the purpose of matching walking speed. A mini- early stance, and peak extension angle during mid-stance. Kinetic
mum of six trials with good force plate contact were collected for variables consisted of the peak adduction moment during early
each walking speed. To reflect what the participants wore on a daily stance, peak flexion moment in early stance, peak flexion moment
basis and subsequently reflect the gait patterns that they experi- in late stance, peak extension moment in loading and late stance.
ence daily, participants were required to wear their preferred com- There are three characteristics of muscle co-contraction: (1) the
fortable everyday walking shoes. Retro-reflective markers, 10 mm ratio of the agonist to antagonist activation, (2) the total activation
in diameter, were placed according to previously established meth- of the agonist and antagonist muscles, and (3) determination of
ods (Besier et al., 2003a,b). This involved clusters of three markers which agonists or antagonists are the dominant co-contractors.
on both thigh and shank segments, and individual markers on the Two variables were constructed to examine these features of co-
landmarks of left and right anterior superior iliac spines, and left contraction: (1) directed co-contraction ratios (DCCR) of agonists
and right posterior superior iliac spine, as well as over the calca- and antagonists, and (2) net muscle activation. DCCRs were calcu-
neous, and the first and fifth metatarsals of each foot. lated for the medial (SM, VM, MG)/lateral (BF, VL, LG) muscles
EMG data were recorded at 2000 Hz using a 16 channel EMG (MLDCCR), medial (SM)/lateral (BF) hamstrings (HAMDCCR) and
system (Delsys, Boston, MA). After abrading and cleaning the skin, the knee flexors (SM, BF, MG, LG)/extensors (VL, VM, RF) (FEDCCR).
ClearTraceTM Ag/AgCI disposable surface EMG electrodes (ConMed The DCCRs were calculated as follows:
Corporation, Utica, NY, USA), 30 mm diameter, were applied in line
with the muscle fibres over the mid muscle bellies of the quadri- If agonist mean EMG > antagonist mean EMG;
ceps (rectus femoris [RF], vastus lateralis [VL], vastus medialis DCCR = 1 antagonist mean EMG  agonist mean EMG
[VM]); hamstrings (biceps femoris [BF] and semimembranosus Else
[SM]); and gastrocnemius (medial gastrocnemius [MG] and lateral DCCR = agonist mean EMG  antagonist mean EMG 1
gastrocnemius [LG]) muscles of the involved leg (most painful or In these equations if agonists (e.g. extensors or medial muscles)
functionally limited limb in OA patients and matched limb of con- were more active than the antagonists (e.g. extensors or lateral
trols) using double differential electrodes with an inter-electrode muscles) the DCCR would be above zero, and vice versa. Maximum
distance of 30 mm. A reference electrode was placed over the head co-contraction would be represented with a DCCR equal to zero,
of the fibula. The raw EMG data were checked for artefacts after while a minimum co-contraction is indicated with a DCCR of 1 or
placement of electrodes and prior to data collection. 1. In addition to the DCCR, net muscle activation values (i.e. the
sum of all agonist and antagonist activity) were calculated from
2.1. Data analysis the normalized EMG data during each phase of stance in gait.
Instantaneous values of all co-contraction measures were deter-
The gait parameters of the involved leg of each subject were mined across stance, and the mean values of these determined in
used in the data analysis. Marker trajectories and force data were each of four stance sub-phases.
filtered using a fourth order zero lag Butterworth filter (Vaquita
Butterworth Filter Plugin Version 1.5) with a cut off frequency of 2.2. Statistical analyses
10 Hz. Data were processed using custom kinematic and inverse
dynamic models (Besier et al., 2003a,b) in Bodybuilder (VICON Between group differences for age, height, body mass, and
Peak, Oxford, UK) to calculate 3D knee joint kinetics and kinematics walking speed were examined using t-tests. The Mann–Whitney
from the gait trials. The model uses functional hip and knee move- U-test was used to analyse non-parametric data, whilst analysis
ments to identify the hip joint centres and knee axes (Besier et al., of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare between group differ-
2003a,b) using a custom MATLAB (Mathworks Inc., Natick, USA) ences on the remaining dependant variables (co-contraction ratios,
program, which has been shown to produce more repeatable data and gait variables). Pearson’s correlations (r) were used to examine
(Besier et al., 2003a,b). The knee centre was identified as the mid- relationships between muscle co-contraction and gait parameters
point of the femoral epicondyles along the mean helical knee axis, of knee OA patients and controls, and between the self-perceived
defined from the swinging shank’s marker trajectories referenced measures (KOOS and SF-36) and the gait parameters of the OA pa-
relative to the thigh anatomical coordinate system (Besier et al., tients only. All statistical analyses were done using SPSS for Win-
2003a,b). The hip joint centre was determined as the centre of dows (Version 12.0; SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA). Due to the number
spheres transcribed by the thigh marker trajectories relative to of statistical tests a significance level of P 6 0.01 was used for all
the pelvis anatomical coordinate system (Besier et al., 2003a,b). A examinations.
foot alignment rig was used to define the subjects foot abduction/
adduction and rear foot inversion/eversion angles (Besier et al., 3. Results
2003a,b). Knee kinematics were expressed as per the ISB standard
convention (Wu and Cavanagh, 1995) and external moments were There were no differences between controls and OA patients in
calculated with inverse dynamics (Besier et al., 2003a,b; Kadaba age and height (Table 1), but OA patients were 13% heavier than
et al., 1990) using the body segment parameters of de Leva (1996). controls (P = 0.002). Controls slow walking trials were compared
836 T.L. Heiden et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 24 (2009) 833–841

Fig. 1. A representation of the external adduction moment (top), flexion/extension moment (middle) and sagittal knee joint angle (bottom) throughout the stance phases of

to the OA patients natural walking speed and there was no signif- Comparison of peak external knee joint moments in OA patients
icant difference in these walking speeds between groups and controls (Table 2) revealed peak adduction levels during early
(P = 0.240). stance that were 7.7% greater than those experienced by the con-
The sport and recreation subscale on the KOOS was not com- trol group, although this was not significant (P = 0.301). The OA pa-
pleted by many participants due to their current level of disability tients exhibited trends towards higher peak flexion moments in
so these results were not analysed. OA patients scored lower than late stance (P = 0.040) and greater knee extension moments during
controls on all other KOOS subscales with the greatest reduction loading (P = 0.039), but these variables had small effect sizes. The
seen for QOL scores (63%) (Table 1). The SF-36 revealed a signifi- OA patients, however, did experience a significantly lower peak
cantly lower PCS for the OA patients (P < 0.001) compared with external knee extension moment in late stance (P < 0.001) with a
controls, but no difference between the groups for MCS (P = 0.883). moderate effect size (0.40).
OA patients exhibited greater knee flexion at heel strike OA patients exhibited significantly greater net muscle activa-
(P < 0.001), greater peak knee flexion during early stance tion in both loading (P < 0.01) and early stance (P = 0.002) com-
(P = 0.005) and less knee extension during late stance (P < 0.001) pared with controls (Fig. 2). The increase in net muscle activation
(Table 2). The knee flexion excursion from heel strike to during loading was negatively correlated (r = 0.461) with the
mid-stance was not significantly different (P = 0.100) between OA FEDCCR in the same phase showing an increase in the flexor mus-
patients and controls (effect size = 0.18). cle activation. During early stance the increase net muscle
T.L. Heiden et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 24 (2009) 833–841 837

Table 1
Subject demographics and questionnaire data (mean (SD)) comparing knee OA patients and controls.

Variable Controls (n = 30) OA patients (n = 54) Test statistic P-value

Subject characteristics t-value
Age (years) 64 (6) 65 (8) 1.041 0.301
Height (m) 1.70 (0.09) 1.70 (0.09) 0.174 0.862
Body mass (kg) 71.2 (13.2) 81.4 (14.2) 3.307 0.002
Gait velocity (m/s) 1.10 (0.11) 1.12 (0.153 1.184 0.240
KOOS questionnaire U-value
Pain 96.5 (6.0) 57.6 (18.2) 21.0 <0.001
Symptoms 94.3 (7.9) 53.6 (17.6) 24.0 <0.001
ADL 96.8 (5.5) 60.0 (20.0) 27.0 <0.001
QOL 89.6 (14.9) 32.4 (16.8) 12.5 <0.001
SF-36 questionnaire
PCS 54 (5) 39 (9) 103.0 <0.001
MCS 53 (9) 51 (12) 750.0 0.883

Note: ADL = activities of daily living, QOL = quality of life, PCS = physical component score, MCS = mental component score. KOOS scores are 0–100 with 0 indicating extreme

Table 2
Comparison of kinetic and kinematic data for controls and OA patients. Data are shown as mean (SD).

Control OA patients F-value P-value r

Joint moments (%BW  HT)
Peak adduction ES 2.70 (1.03) 2.91 (1.33) 0.492 0.485 0.07
Peak flexion ES 2.34 (1.34) 2.73 (1.45) 1.446 0.233 0.13
Peak flexion LS 1.46 (0.61) 1.75 (0.61) 4.366 0.040 0.23
Peak Extension LD 0.99 (0.32) 1.14 (0.32) 4.403 0.039 0.22
Peak Extension LS 1.13 (0.86) 0.17 (1.18) 15.409 <0.001 0.40
Knee joint angles (degrees)
Flexion HS 1.7 (4.3) 7.8 (5.3) 29.099 <0.001 0.51
Flexion peak ES 14.3 (7.1) 18.6 (6.3) 8.360 0.005 0.31
Extension peak LS 2.6 (4.7) 8.9 (6.9) 19.839 <0.001 0.44
Flexion excursion HS ES 12.6 (5.0) 10.8 (4.4) 2.773 0.100 0.18

Note: LD = loading, ES = early stance, LS = late stance, MS = mid-stance, HS = heel strike, r = effect size (0.1 small, 0.3 moderate, 0.5 large).

activation seen in the OA patient group displayed a significant rela- (Fig. 3B), with increased lateral hamstring activation during load-
tionship with both the HAMDCCR (r = 0.356) and the FEDCCR ing, early stance and mid-stance for the OA patients compared
(r = 0.344) highlighting greater flexor and lateral muscle activa- with controls. Control subjects utilized a medial hamstring strat-
tion patterns. egy during loading and an almost equal HAMDCCR during early
Examination of the muscle co-contraction ratios in gait showed stance. In mid-stance, both controls and OA patients used greater
the FEDCCR differing only during the mid-stance phase where con- lateral muscle activation but, the OA patients had significantly
trols exhibited greater flexor muscle activation (P < 0.001) (Fig. 3C). higher lateral muscle activity compared with controls.
The HAMDCCR differed between the controls and OA patients The MLDCCR showed a distinctive difference between loading
to mid-stance with OA patients having greater lateral muscle activ-
ity in loading and early stance whilst the controls had greater med-
ial activity. Then in mid-stance the OA patients tended to utilize
the medial and lateral muscles equally whilst the controls experi-
enced high levels of medial muscle activity (Fig. 3A). There were no
between group differences in net muscle activation, nor any of the
co-contraction ratios in late stance.
Correlation coefficients (r) between patient self-perceived mea-
sures and patient knee joint kinematic and kinetic gait variables
tended toward significance P 6 0.05 (Table 3), whilst there were
significant correlations (P < 0.001) between the PCS scores and
net muscle activation during loading, early stance and mid-stance
(Table 3). Control and OA patient net muscle activation and muscle
co-contraction data revealed significant relationships with the
kinematic and kinetic gait data (Table 4). In loading, significant
relationships existed for knee flexion angle at heel strike and
MLDCCR (P < 0.001) and HAMDCCR, (P < 0.01). In early stance the
peak flexion angle was significantly related to HAMDCCR
(P < 0.01) MLDCCR and FEDCCR (P < 0.001), the external knee flex-
Fig. 2. Net muscle activation (sum of all normalized muscle activity) for OA
ion moment peak was related to the FEDCCR, HAMDCCR and
patients and controls throughout the stance phases of gait. Significant differences MLDCCR (P < 0.01), and the peak knee adduction moment was sig-
in Loading and Early Stance at P < 0.01. nificantly correlated with MLDCCR and HAMDCCR (P < 0.01). In
838 T.L. Heiden et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 24 (2009) 833–841

Table 3
Pearson’s correlation coefficients for self-perceived disability measures, and knee
joint kinetics, kinematics, and muscle co-contraction variables for OA patient data

Pain Symptom PCS

Flexion HS 0.047 0.061 0.347#
Flexion peak ES 0.036 0.024 0.100
Extension peak LS 0.048 0.031 0.328#
Peak flexion ES 0.011 0.027 0.025
Peak flexion LS 0.058 0.193 0.090
Peak extension LD 0.186 0.159 0.091
Peak extension LS 0.027 0.123 0.254
Peak adduction ES 0.290* 0.288* 0.005
Muscle activity
FEDCCR LD 0.188 0.150 0.211
FEDCCR ES 0.138 0.040 0.182
FEDCCR MS 0.022 0.030 0.118
MLDCCR LD 0.162 0.078 0.215
MLDCCR ES 0.102 0.070 0.144
MLDCCR MS 0.020 0.126 0.101
HAMDCCR LD 0.258 0.218 0.389#
HAMDCCR ES 0.251 0.125 0.319*
HAMDCCR MS 0.138 0.098 0.354#
Net activation LD 0.367# 0.012 0.482**
Net activation ES 0.405# 0.060 0.557**
Net activation MS 0.412# 0.071 0.607**

Note: PCS = Physical component score of the SF-36, HS = heel strike, ES = early
stance, LS = late stance and LD = loading.
P < 0.05.
P < 0.001.
P < 0.02.

Table 4
Correlations between muscle co-contraction and kinematic and kinetic gait variables
for each phase of stance.


Loading phase
Flexion angle at heel 0.288# 0.354* 0.178 0.253
Peak extension moment 0.001 0.016 0.056 0.089
Early stance
Flexion angle peak 0.364* 0.331# 0.342* 0.195
Peak adduction moment 0.329# 0.308# 0.100 0.243
Peak flexion moment 0.374* 0.339# 0.308# 0.152
Late stance
Fig. 3. Mean (standard error) for co-contraction ratio data at each stage of stance.
Extension angle peak 0.462* 0.456* 0.488* 0.346*
MLDCCR (A), HAMDCCR (B), and FEDCCR (C). Significant differences at P < 0.001.
Peak flexion moment 0.265 0.284# 0.436* 0.148
Peak extension moment 0.338# 0.380* 0.481* 0.295#

late stance significant relationships existed between peak exten- Note: MLDCCR = medial/lateral directed co-contraction ratio, HAMDCCR = medial
hamstrings/lateral hamstrings directed co-contraction ratio, FEDCCR = flexion/
sion angle and all muscle co-contraction variables, peak extension
extension directed co-contraction ratio, and net activation = sum of all normalized
moment and all muscle co-contraction variables, whist the peak muscle activity.
flexion moment was related to both HAMDCCR and FEDCCR (Table *
P < 0.001.
4). P < 0.01.

4. Discussion with moderate to severe OA (Thorstensson et al., 2005). The differ-

ence in OA patient self-perceived measures, compared with con-
This study examined the knee joint kinematic and kinetic gait trols, shows that knee OA patients are subjected to higher levels
alterations most commonly associated with knee OA patients, of disability than those resulting from age alone.
compared with a similarly aged asymptomatic control group, Knee joint kinematic measures in knee OA patients have been
whilst controlling for walking speed. Further, we examined the widely reported. In moderate OA patients kinematic differences
muscle co-contraction levels during gait, and how they related to have been found to differ very little to those of controls with the
the knee joint kinematic and kinetic features of gait, and the pain outward appearance of gait being similar (Astephen et al., 2008).
and symptoms experienced by the knee OA patients. OA patients in this study exhibited greater knee flexion angles at
The OA patients in this examination exhibited levels of patient heel strike, early stance and during late stance. Heel strike knee
self-perceived disability and physical function, reported on the flexion angles, within the knee OA literature, are varied with some
KOOS and SF-36, similar to those previously reported by patients studies finding greater knee flexion (Baliunas et al., 2002; Childs
T.L. Heiden et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 24 (2009) 833–841 839

et al., 2004; Joss, 2006), some studies reporting greater knee exten- compartments of the knee (Kaufman et al., 2001; Messier et al.,
sion (Mundermann et al., 2005) and others finding no difference 2005). It seems likely that the reported increase in knee adduction
(Rudolph et al., 2007; Smith et al., 2004) in knee OA patients com- moment is specific to medial compartment knee OA patients. How-
pared to controls. Similarly, peak knee flexion during early stance ever, we did not have radiographic information to reliably identify
also differs between reports with greater knee flexion for controls the location of OA and therefore we cannot confirm this affect.
(Al-Zahrani and Bakheit, 2002; Lewek et al., 2006) or no difference Although there was no radiographic data, our OA patients’ had
in the peak knee flexion values (Baliunas et al., 2002; Joss, 2006). self-perceived disability consistent with a moderate to severe
Reductions in knee flexion excursion have been found in several grouping (Thorstensson et al., 2005), and self-perceived disability
examinations of knee OA patients (Childs et al., 2004; Lewek has been associated with the size of the adduction moments (Shar-
et al., 2006; Rudolph et al., 2007) a finding that was not replicated ma et al., 1998). We additionally used a strict inclusion criterion of
in the current investigation. Zeni and Higginson (2009) found that 65° varus/valgus alignment to ensure that our OA patient group
patients with moderate OA did not differ from controls in knee had close-to-normal alignment. Hurwitz et al. (2002) found that
joint excursion when statistically controlling for walking speed, varus alignment of knee OA patients was positively associated with
although severe OA patients had significantly reduced knee joint the peak knee adduction moments. Walking speed also affects the
excursion. These findings suggest that knee excursion is related size of the peak adduction moments in OA patients (Mundermann
to OA grade and walking speed, both of these factors probably et al., 2004; Zeni et al., 2009). Therefore, the moderate level of knee
the cause for limited between group differences in knee kinematics OA and neutral limb alignment of our OA patient group, and con-
in the current study. trolling for walking speed in the control group, contributed to the
The knee joint kinematic model used in our study may have lack of adduction moment differences between groups.
contributed to the observed between group differences in the knee The OA patients in this current study employed greater levels of
kinematics. However, other studies have also shown greater knee net muscle activation during loading and early stance. Previous re-
flexion at heel strike and similar knee flexion excursion in early search has shown increased muscle activity in the hamstrings
stance, in OA subject’s, using other marker sets and gait analysis (Astephen et al., 2008; Hortobagyi et al., 2005; Schmitt and Ru-
methods (Baliunas et al., 2002; Childs et al., 2004). In addition, dolph, 2007), quadriceps (Astephen et al., 2008; Hubley-Kozey
we did not see any gross knee flexion deformities in this group et al., 2006; Schmitt and Rudolph, 2007), and gastrocnemius (Aste-
and inclusion criteria for knee alignment probably excluded exces- phen et al., 2008) muscles during the stance phase of OA patient
sive deformities in our OA population. Finally, we also analysed gait. The greater levels of muscle activation seen the OA patients
data from trials that were used to determine the knee mean flex- in the current investigation were associated with greater levels
ion–extension helical axis. In these trials participants cyclically of flexor activation in loading and greater flexor and lateral muscle
moved their knee from a comfortable position near full extension activation in early stance. Additionally, net muscle activation val-
to comfortable flexed knee posture. All patients had a knee flexion ues in loading, early stance and mid-stance were shown to increase
range of at least 90° from full extension. as patient self-perceived physical function deteriorated. Our exam-
There was little difference in the knee flexion–extension mo- ination of muscle co-contraction differed from previously used co-
ments between the knee OA patients and asymptomatic controls contraction indices (Lewek et al., 2004, 2006; Rudolph et al., 2007;
in the current study. The only difference was for the external Schmitt and Rudolph, 2007) and is the first to directly examine
extension moment in late stance; this variable not being often re- medial/lateral differences in knee OA patients compared with con-
ported in the knee OA literature, although Baliunas et al. (2002) trols of the same age. The use of both medial/lateral and flexion/
found a non-significant reduction in this variable in knee OA pa- extension DCCR comparisons revealed large differences between
tients compared to controls. We found no differences in the peak controls and OA patients in this investigation. A directed co-con-
flexion moments in early stance, these being typical of an internal traction strategy was observed with knee OA patients exhibiting
extension moment avoidance gait, often reported in people with greater lateral muscle activation during loading, early stance and
knee OA (Astephen et al., 2008; Smith et al., 2004; Zeni et al., mid-stance that was clearly different to the predominantly medial
2009). However, not all knee OA patients demonstrate extension muscle activation exhibited by the controls. A similar pattern has
moment avoidance (Smith et al., 2004). It is also well known that been found in both severe and mid stage knee OA patients (Hub-
walking speed affects flexion–extension moments in the gait of ley-Kozey et al., 2008; Hubley-Kozey et al., 2006) and shows a dis-
normal subjects (Kirtley et al., 1985; Lelas et al., 2003) and people tinctive difference in the muscle activation strategies utilized by
with knee OA (Astephen et al., 2008; Mundermann et al., 2004; the OA patient and control groups.
Zeni et al., 2009). Zeni and Higginson (2009) showed that all differ- This is also the first study to show that laterally directed co-con-
ences in flexion–extension moments between controls and pa- traction of the knee muscles increases with increasing knee adduc-
tients with differing knee OA severity could be statistically tion moments in those with knee OA. The knee flexion angle at heel
accounted for by their different walking speeds. Using matched strike and peak adduction moment in early stance revealed signif-
walking speeds of OA participants and controls, Baliunas et al. icant positive correlations with the MLDCCR and HAMDCCR. In
(2002) also found no differences in these flexion–extension mo- early stance an increased peak adduction moment corresponded
ments. Therefore, controlling for walking speed in our control to increased lateral muscle activity across patients. This dominant
and knee OA groups probably contributed to our lack of between lateral pattern of muscle activation continued throughout mid-
group differences in the flexion–extension moments. stance. Such a response may aid in controlling lateral knee joint
The often reported increase in peak external knee adduction mo- opening (Schipplein and Andriacchi, 1991), and provide greater
ment during early stance was not present in the current OA patient knee joint stability against the prevailing adduction moment. This
group. This may have been due to location and grade of knee OA of activity suggests a laterally directed co-contraction strategy, in re-
our patients. Studies that have found increases in knee adduction sponse to the knee adduction moment, similar to that found in side-
moments, compared to age matched controls walking at the same stepping in healthy individuals (Besier et al., 2003a,b). However, in
speed, have studied OA patients with specific medial compartment this population this strategy is not simply due to a perturbation, as
pathology (Baliunas et al., 2002; Lewek et al., 2004; Rudolph et al., found previously (Buchanan et al., 1996; Dhaher et al., 2003) and
2007; Schipplein and Andriacchi, 1991; Schmitt and Rudolph, may be a developed motor pattern (Dhaher et al., 2003) in response
2007). In contrast, studies that have not found increased knee to the high levels of pain and disability associated with an increased
adduction moments have used groups with OA located in various knee adduction moment as suggested by our results.
840 T.L. Heiden et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 24 (2009) 833–841

We found a relationship between pain, symptoms and the muscle activation patterns are varied despite only little alteration
external knee adduction moment whereby increased levels of pain in kinematics and kinetics. We have established that the medial/
or symptom coincided with decreases in the adduction moment. lateral patterns of muscle activation in a group of knee OA patients
These findings are in agreement with Hurwitz et al. (2000) who differ from asymptomatic controls. Patients in this cohort exhib-
showed that pain was related to the size of the adduction moment ited higher levels of lateral muscle activation throughout the
in knee OA patients by washing out NSAIDs and Ebert et al. (2008) stance phase of gait possibly as a protective mechanism against
who found a low to moderate correlation for high knee pain, on the pain experienced with external knee adduction moments. In addi-
KOOS questionnaire, with lower adduction moments in patients tion, this laterally directed co-contraction increased with increas-
following matrix-induced autologous chondrocyte implantation. ing levels of the external adduction moment in people with knee
Therefore, our study shows that in addition to altered knee loading, OA. The presence of this control of directed co-contraction may
increased levels of pain and disability may trigger muscle activa- have large ramifications for the stabilisation of the knee and artic-
tion patterns that redistribute the medial versus lateral loading ular loading, and should be the focus of future studies.
of the knee, possibly reducing pain and adduction moments.
Muscle redundancy at a joint, allows a person to generate the
Conflict of interest statement
same net joint moment with the same joint posture and movements
but with different muscle activation patterns (Buchanan et al.,
None of the authors have any financial and personal relation-
1996; Tax et al., 1990). This is especially the case with co-contrac-
ships with other people or organisations that could inappropriately
tion. The antagonist muscles counter the agonist muscles, therefore
influence (bias) this work.
with higher levels of co-contraction the same net moments are gen-
erated but with higher net muscle activity (Lloyd et al., 2008; Lloyd
and Buchanan, 2001). This is exemplified in the current study that Acknowledgements
when compared to the controls, matched for walking speed, age
and knee alignment, knee OA patients had increased levels of net The authors wish to acknowledge The University of Western
muscle activity and laterally directed co-contraction, while still Australia for their funding assistance for this work. We would also
having similar joint moments and posture. Zeni and Collgues like to thank the orthopaedic surgeons involved in recruitment of
(2009) have recently shown that generalized co-contraction in- patients; Riaz Khan, Sean Williams, and Bo Nivbrant. Thanks must
creases even when statistically controlling for walking speed in con- go to Dr Chris Winby for his Matlab programming skills.
trol subjects and patients with differing knee OA severities. They
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