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innovative ideas

superior quality

personal service

advanced design

precision engineering

high performance
hat do Disnev World in Florida, Ballvs and When E.E. Hollister .Jr. and Richard Whitney passed

W Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, San Quentm m

San Francisco, the Library of Congress in
Washington D.C., and the White House all have in
away in the late 1950s, there were only 18 employees
in an antiquated plant. It was in 1960 that Herbert
Glaser, Sr., President of G.A.L. Manufacturing in
New Yorl<, purchased the facility and instituted
common? They all contain elevators made with
products built by Hollister-W'hitney! In fact, we have new designs and modern manufacturing methods.
elevator components all over the globe! Glaser combined his many years of experience,
Hollister-Whitney's knowledge in supplying
In 1899, Edward Everett Hollister founded Hollister mechanical components, and G.A.L.'s ability to
Elevator Company in Quincy, Illinois. He was joined provide the electrical and control equipment.
by Frank H. Whitney in 1906, and they formed This enabled the two organizations to become
Hollister-,v11itney Elevator Company, which built leading suppliers of elevator equipment.
and installed hydraulic lifts.
In 1978, Hollister-Whitney discontinued the mainte-
The sons of both partners, I<:.E. Hollister, .Jr. nance and construction phase of the operation and
and Richard '"11itney, joined the company and concentrated solely on the manufacture of hydraulic
manufacturing was expanded to include traction and traction elevator systems. In 1981. the plant
elevators. During World War II. the facilities were moved to a spacious 100,000 square-foot plant.
used to manufacture large-caliber weapons (tank A 75-foot research tower was constructed for
barrels, etc.) for the government. In those years, purposes in 1986, H-W to offer many new
employment rose and more modem equipment was products and equipment. An additional 30,000 square
added. In the post-war years, these advancements feet of space was added in 1988 to keep up with the
allowed the plant to effecth'cly produce the ever growing business. In 1997. as national and
sophisticated elevator equipment of that era. international markets continued to expand.
another 55.000 square feet and a J 00-foot test
tower were added.

21 1-222-0466 1
Traction l\·Iachii1es ............................................................ 1-2
Basement Set Traction Machines ...................................... 3-4
.......... Basement Set Traction hines ............................................ 5-6
lift Systems ........................ .... ...................................................... 7
Dynavert Systems .............................. .................................................. 8
Direct Current Dntm Brake ................................................................ 9
Direct Current Disc Brake .............. ..... ............................................... 10
Planetary Gear .!\lachine .................. .................................................... 11
Sheaves ....................... ....................................................................... 12
The ''Rope Gripper'"" ......... ............. ........................................... 13-16
''Load Conscious" Roller Guide Shoes .......................................... 17-18
Rigid Guide Shoes .............................................................................. 19
S\vivel Guide Shoes ....................................... ..................................... 20
Type "B" Flexible Guide Clamp Safety .............................................. 21
Type " r\" Instantaneous Safety ......................... .......... ....................... 22
Over speed Governotrs & Tension Weights .................................... 23-24
Ca Slings & Pla tforms .................................... .................................. 2:i
Counter,veight Fr an s .................................... ............ .................... 26
Oil Bu er s ......... .... !1..................................... .. .... . .. .. .... . ..,....... . .. ......... 27
Buffe rs .. .. .. .. .. ... ... .. . .. . ... .. ... .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . 2 8
El vator Equipmen t Accessories ..... ................................. ........ ...... 29-JO
R quest for Quotation.................. .............................................. ... 31-32

Nofe: Seismic equip1nent is available. Please advise HoJJistcr-Whituey

"11 estiug a quotation or placing an order. if reqt.tired.
Left Hand Arrangement
Shown. Right Hand
Arrangement Available

H-W offers H complete line of heavy duty

truction machines with speeds up to 500 f.p.m.
The smooth efficiency of tapered roller
bearings, plus the fact that each machine is
thoroughly tested before shipment. insures
the best possible installation at the lowest
possible cost.
Capacity 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 5 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM:
1000 3 3.c 5 5 7112 10 10 12112 MACHINE SHAFT LOAD LESS MOTOR
1500 3 ... .'f' 7112 7112 7 112 10 2112 12112 15 No. 34 11 .000 Lbs. 1200 Lbs.
2000 71/2 7 112 10 10 12112 15 20 20 25 30 30 No. 44 20,000 Lbs. 1600 Lbs.
2500 s 7 1!2 10 12112 1S 20 2S 2S 30 40 40
No. 54 26,000 Lbs. 2300 Lbs.
3000 7 1!2 10 121!2 1S 2S 30 40 40 so
3500 Lbs.
71 12 lij' 121!2
No. 64 33,000 Lbs.
3500 15 2,D• jtJ2s 2S 30 40 40 50 so
60,000 Lbs.
2011 ·20 2S 30 so 60 60
No. 74 5500 Lbs.
4000 10 121!2 15
4500 10 121!2 20 20 2S 30 4Q so so 60 75
5000 121!2 1S 20 25 25 Pl1o so so 20 7S 7S
Standard Equipment:
6000 12112 20 2S 30 30 40 so so (at no extra cost)
7000 15 20 2S 30 40 50 60 6Qt.["Ys • Direct Current Brake: #34 thru
8000 20 2S 30 40 40 so 60 7S #64 Machines Fumished with
10000 40 so 50 60 7S Disc Brnke, #74 Funlished with
12000 40 so 60 7S Drum Brnke Only
15000 so 75 7S • Motor Bored with Keyway
20000 75 • Fabricated Steel Base
• Demountable Traction Shea\'e
For Intermediate and higher ratings consult the H-W engineering dept. • Demountable Bronze Gear
• All ratings ore approximate. based on a 40% counterwetghhng, 1.1 rop1ng, • Steel Wom1 on Shaft
and compensation If required. Consult faclory for capacity ratings not shown.
Note: For leveling speeds above 30 f.p.m a larger machine or machine
• l\lotor Mounting Pnds
broke may be required. • Customer Name on Housing Cover
• OilinJt Supplies
When Ordering Overhead Traction Optional Equipment:
Machines, Please Specify the Following: • Drip Pans
• Recorder & Drive Assembly
• Rated Car Capacity • Rated Car Speed • Roping (1:1 or2:1)
• Brake Switch
• Hand of :Machine • Number and Size of lloist Ropes
• Sheave Guard
• Pitch of Hoist Ropes (1/ Deflector • Hoist Motor
• Machine Isolation Assembly
Manufacturer (Motor Print.<J Required) • Horsepower and R.P.M. (Standard or Seismic)
• Power Supply • Motor Mounting in Field or by H-W • Motor Mounting in Field or by H-W
• Name to be put on Upper Housing • Isolation Dimensions • Manual Brake Release
from Centerline of Sheave to Centerline of Beams on Either Side • Drum Brake
• Other Optional Equipment

Page 1
hand machine shown, left hand machine
Is symmetlicaRy opposite.



Mach. Brake A 8 c D E F G H J K l M N p Q
R (Dia.)
Min. Max.
li340.H. ll92 DISC 48 11 37 10 7/8 13 11/16 8 12 21 7/8 14 7/8 6 25 5/8 15 3/8 8 1/4 23 5/8 34 3/8 20 25
#440.H. # 102 DISC 60 15 1/2 44 1/2 13 7/8 17 9/16 10 3/4 16 3/4 23 7/8 16 7/8 6 28 7/8 20 10 3/4 30 3/4 37 7/8 20 28
#430.H. #90 DRUM 60 15 1/2 441/2 13 718 17 3/8 10 3/4 16 3/4 23 7/8 16 7/8 6 36 3/4 20 10 3/4 30 3/4 37 7/8 20 28
,, M54 0 .H. #102 DISC 66 17 1/2 48 1/2 14 3/4 17 3/4 12 3/4 15 5/8 26 3/4 19 3/4 6 30 5/8 23 3/4 15 38 3/4 41 3/4 20 30
#53 O.H. #lOODRUM 66 17 1/2 48 1/2 14 3/4 19 9/16 12 3/4 19 26 3/4 19 3/4 6 39 23 3/ 4 15 38 3/4 41 3/4 20 30
#640.H. #112 DISC 78 20 58 18 3/8 19 7/8 13 3/8 17 5/8 33 1/4 241/4 8 34 1/2 25 1/2 16 1/8 41 5/8 51 1/4 25 36
·- #630.H. M110 DRUM 78 20 58 18 3/8 24 3/8 13 3/8 23 3/8 33 1/4 24 1/4 8 45 25 1/2 16 1/8 41 5/8 51 1/4 25 36
11740.H. #120 DRUM 84 20 64 19 5/16 24 3/4 18 23 3/4 40 13/16 2913/16 10 46 5/8 31 3/4 16 47 3/4 5913/16 32 38

No. 74 Machine Is SUpplied with Drum Broke Instead of Disc 1VPe Shown

Page 2
These machines are designed for
installation where there is insufficient
room over the hatch for an overhead
machine. The Standard Basement Set
Right Hand Arrangement
Shown, Left Hand
has a nnrrow steel outboard
Arrangement Available stand to allow the traction wheel
to project into the hatch.



No. 44 B.S. 20,000 Lbs. 1600 lbs.

No. 54 B.S. 26 ,000 lbs. 2300 lbs.

No. 64 B.S. 33,000 lbs. 3500 lbs.

Capacity 50 No. 74 B.S. 60 ,000 Lbs. 5500 lbs.
75 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
1000 3 3 5 5 71/2 71!2 10 10 121/2 15 15
1500 3 5 #rt2 71/2 10 12112 211215 20 20 20 30
2000 5 ?Jft 71!2 10 121!2 15 20 20 25 25 30 40 Standard Equipment
2500 5 !>71/2 lO 12112 15 20 25 25 30 40 40 40 (at no extra cost)
3000 1!!9; 10 12112 15 1?'"25 30 30 40 40 50 50 • Steel Shaft Support Block
3500 7112 10 15 20 25 30 40 40 50 50 60 • Narrow Steel Outboard Stand
4000 10 12112 20 ;' 25 30 4Q 40 50 50 60 75 • Direct Current Brnlie: #44 thru #64
4500 10 15 20 1\"25 25 40 50 50 60 75 75
Machines Furnished \\ith Disc Brake.
5000 121!2 20 20 25 30 A. a 50 50 60 75
#74 Furnished with Drum Brake Only
6000 121/2 20 25 30 -5o 50 75
7000 15 25 30 40 40 50 60 "15 75 • Motor Bored with KcY'"'·ay
8000 20 25 30 40 50 60 7fF 75 • Fnbricated Steel Base
10000 40 50 60 75 • Demountable Traction Sheave
12000 50 60 75 • Demountable Bronze Gear
15000 60 75 • Steel Worm on Shaft
20000 75 • Motor Pads
• Customer Name on Housing Cover
For Intermediate and higher ratings consult the H-W engineering dept. • Supplies
* All ratings ore approximate, based on a 40% counterweighting, 1·1 roping,
and compensation if required. Consult factory for copoc1ty ratings not shOwn.
Note: For leveling speeds above 30 f.p.m a larger machine or machine
broke may be required.
Optional Equipment:
• Drip Pans
When Ordering Standard Basement Set Traction • Mileage Recorder & Drive Assembly
Machines. Please Specify The Following: • Brake s,,;tch
• Sheave Guard
• Rated Car Capacity • Rated Car Speed • Roping (1 : 1 or • Machine Template
2:1) • Hand of .Machine • Number & Size of Hoist Ropes • Foundation Bolts & PJpe
• Hoist Motor Manufacturer (Motor J•rints ReqrtiredJ • Motor Mounting in Field or by H-W
• Horsepower & R.P.M. • Power Supply • Motor Mounting
• .Manual Brake Release
in Field or by H-W • Name to be put on Upper Housing
• Drum Brake
• Other Optional Equipment

Right hand machine shown, left hand machine
is symmetrically opposite.




No . 44 0 .0 . 20 ,000 Lbs. 2000 Lbs.

The 0.0. machine is equipped with a
No . 54 0 .0 . 26,000 Lbs. 2700 Lbs.
detlector sheaYe mounted on the machine
to elimimtte the need for an additional No . 640.0. 33,00 0 Lbs. 3900 Lbs.
sheave independently supported by the
building structure.
Right Hand
Arrangement Shown
Left Hand
Standard Equipment Arrangement
(at no extra cost)
• Direct Current Disc Bral<e
• Motor Coupling Bored with Keyway
• Fabricated Steel Base
• Demountable Traction Sheave
• Demountable Bronze Gear
Ca pa city 50 75 100 125 150 200 25 0 300 3 50 400 450 500
• Gustomer Nmne on I lousing 1000 3 3 5 5 7112 7 1!2 10 10 12112 15 15
• Oiling supplies 1500 3 5 #r/2 71/2 10 121!2 121/2 15 20 20 20 30
• Demountable Detlector SheaYe 2000 5 7§ 7112 10 12112 15 20 20 25 25 30 40
2500 5 10 12112 15 20 25 25 30 40 40 40
Optional Equipment: 3000 10 121!2 15 30 30 40 40 50 50
3500 71!2 10 15 20 25 30 _go 40 50 50
• Drip Pans 4000 10 12112 20 .# 25 30 50 50
• Mileage Recorder and Drive •\sscmbly 4500 10 15 20 25 40 50 50
• Brake Switch 5000 121!2 20 20 25 30 .NY 50 50
• Sheave Guard 6000 121!2 20 25 30 40 '5o
7000 15 25 30 40 40 50
• Template
8000 20 25 30 40 50
• Foundation Bolts and Pipe Spacers
• :M otor l\lounting in Field or hy H-W For intermediate and higher ratings consult the H-W englneenng dept.
• Brake Relcnse • All rahngs are approx1mate, based on a 40% counterwetghhng, I :I roping,
• Drum Brnke and compensation If required. Consult factory for capacity ratings not shown
Note: Far leveling speeds above 30 l.p m a larger machine or machine
brake may be required.

When Ordering O.D. Basement Set Traction Machines.

Please Specify The Following:
• Rated Car Cnpacity • Rnted Car Spcl.'<l • (I : I or 2: 1 J • Hnnd of
• Numher & Size of lloist Ropes • Hoist Motor Mnnufacturer (Motor l,rirrt.., Rc:quin.otl J
• Horsepower & • Power Supply • in Field or by 11-W
• Nmnc to be put on Upper Housing • Other Optional Equipment

PageS 217-222-0466
Right hand machine shown, left hand machine
is symmetrically opposite.



o11ister-Whitney and G.A.L. Manufacturing

H are the exclusive distributors for Lober A.G.

of West Germany, the leading European
manufacturer of A.C. Elevator Motors and
Variable Speed A.C. Electronic Drives.
It's an outstanding combination:
• a Lohcr Motor
• a Power Panel to accommodate the Dynalift
• a Calomat for superior motor protection
Our Dynalift system, when added to a Power
Panel with single speed A.C. characteristics,
achieves a price that's competitive with two
With Dynalift Systems, there are no more
speed A.C .. the smooth ride of variable-voltage
compounding problems! In fact, there are
D.C., and energy savings, too!
no more M.G. sets or motor bntshes and no
more complicated adjustments. Dynalift is
easy to adjust. Set the potentiometers for
starting torque, acceleration rate, high
speed, deceleration rate, leveling speed and
adjust the time delay for the brake to set a
zero speed. Then watch the elevator follow
your adjustments, regardless of load, right
down to an electrical stop ...even the power
switches drop ·without breaking current.

Dynalift Systems incorporate a specially

designed 4/16 or 6/24 pole A.C. motor,
and deliver the smooth, "easy chair" ride
once available only with variable \'oltagc
D.C. systems.

Dynalift is a control delight!

When Ordering the Easily incorporated into any control system.
Dynalift System, Please the required power panel is similar to
that of a single speed A.C. Dynalift systems
Specify The Following: arc the ideal choice for economy.
comfort, performance. and reliability.
• Capacity • Speed • Actual Line Voltage
Contact IIollistcr-\Yhitncy for more
details about Dynalift Systems!

Page 7 21 1-222-0466 1
hat makes the Dynavert System
from Lober A.G. of Germany so
remarkable is the collaborative
effort that went into its development.
Hollister-Whitney supplies the Lober
Motors and G.A.L. supplies the electronic
dynavert. Dynavert is a microprocessor-
based variable-frequency. variable-voltage.
vector drive for A.C. motors. Unlil{e other
frequency drives, Dynavert has been
designed specifically for elevators.

Dynavert Features:
• A.C.-V.V.V.F. vector drive
• Encoder feedback
• Seven input speeds
• Full torque over the entire
speed range
• Precise automatic slowdown
distance calculations with
maximum obtainable one floor
run speeds
• Door pre-opening signal
• Brake drop out signal when
zero speed is reached
• Ovcrspeed protection for
high speed, leveling speed,
and inspection speed
• Reverse phase and phase
loss protection
• and \\ire overload protection
• current is turned off
bcfo1·e contactors drop out
• Encoder failure protection Data entry by keypad allows adjustments for
• Dia,!!nostics with readout in English. speeds, acceleration. deceleration, S-Gurve
French. or Gern1an that clearly rounding, slowdown distance, etc.
pinpoint problems
When the slowdown switch is set longer than
required. Dynavert will initiate slowdown at the
optimal point to bring the car to exact floor level
when zero speed is obtained. Page 8
Ho11istcr-Whitney offers Direct Current Electrical
Brakes that feature a completely Information
enclosed coil. individual spring tension
Models 80-111
adjustments, individual stroke adjust-
ments. 1md pivot shoes with toe and heel Optional Standard
115V 2JOV
adjustments. They are easy to install and
Ohms 71 280
adjust (split frame).
Amps 1.6.'3 .82
Watts 187 189
Operating voltage on Brake Coil is
230 \'olts D.C. (1]5 Volts Optional). Modelo; 115 - 125-20
When using 230-volt coil, voltage may Optional Standard
be decreased to 1 (>0 \·olts for nmning 115V 230V
and holding. For 115-volt coil. voltage Ohms 84 31.1
may be decreased to 85 yo]ts for nmning Amps 1.38 .74
and holding. D.C. Rectifier Panels. \Vatts 159 169
Transfonner and Split Brake Dmms
available. Modifications available for Dimensions
non-standard dnnn diameters
and widths.

When Ordering Brakes, Please

Specify The Following:
• Diameter and Width of Bralie Dmm • Distance from the
Center Line of the Brake Drum to the Top of the Bedplate
• Voltage • Control (Single Speed, 2 Speed. V.V., or
V.F.A.C.) • Capacity and Speed • Amount of Existing
Shoe Con tact on Drum

Hollister-Whitney's Direct
Current Disc Brakes feature
a completely enclosed coil.
individual spring tension Electrical
adjustments. individual
stroke adjustments. They are
easy to install and adjust. Model92
(used on J4 machine)
Optional Standard
Operating voltage on Brake
115V 230V
Coil is 230 Volts D.C. (115
Ohms 33 138
Volts Optional). When using Amps 3.48 1.66
230-volt coil. voltage may Watts 400 382
be decreased to 160 volts
for nmning and holding. Modcl102
(used ou 4-l & 5-l macl1ine1\)
For 115-volt coil. voltage
may be decreased to 85 volts (tLo;cd on 64 muchiue)
for running and holding. Optional Standard
A.C. to D.C. Rectifier Panels 115V 230V
and Transfonner available. Ohms 69 283
Amps 1.67 .83
Watts ll)2 191

When Ordering Brakes,
Please Specify The Following:
• Speed and Capacity of the Machine
• Distance from the Center Line
of the Worm Shah to the Top of
the Bedplate
• Voltage & Type of :M otor Control

A B c D E F G H M N 0 p Q

Page 10
he planetary gear machine is the
latest addition to Hollister-Whitney,
the largest manufacturer of geared
traction machines in North America.
The model PG-.310 has an unbelievable
mechanical efficiency of 98% and a noise
level of 62 decibels (BA) at motor speeds
of 1500 R.P.M. Speeds from 100 It/min
(.Sm/s) thnt 600ft/min (Jm/s) arc
available with capacities up to .1500 lbs.
(1600 Kg.), gross loads up to 15,000 lbs.
(7000 I<g.), and inputs up to 19.5 KW.
at 50 HZ.

This planetary gear utilizes the new

Hollister-Whitney disc brake with easy
adjustability and visible bralie disc and
pads for easy maintenance.

\Vhen this unit is coupled with the

Dynavert variable-frequency vector
motor control. a smooth and precise
ride is obtained with a system that
possibly uses less energy than any
DIA. other available system.

-1 5" I-

.I L 'I
17" BASE
8 5/8" t-11112'-j 8 518"

1 - - -- 28 3/4" + MOTOR LENGTH

Page 11 217-222-0466
H-W Sheaves, (Car, Cwt., Overhead and Deflector) include the
following standard equipment: shaft, bearings, support blocks
(2- and 4-bolt types) and all mounting hardware.
Also available are secondary sheave assemblies.


Pitch Rim Hub Max. No. & Size Sheave Shpg.
Dla. Width Width Of Cables• No. Weight
Car, Cwt., and
4" 4" (4) 1/2" 331-2 210# Overhead Sheave
20" 5 3/4" 4" (6) 1/2" 331-5 240#
7 1/4" 6 1/4" (8) 1/2" 331-8 260#
10" 4" (4) 5/8" 331-11 325#
25" 6 1/2" 4" (6) 112" or (5) 5/8" 331-17 325#
7 1/4" 61 /4" (8) 112" or (6) 5/8" 331-23 350#


Pitch Rim Hub Max. No. & Size Sheave Shpg.

Dia. Width Width Of Cables* No. Weight

7 1/2" 61 /4" (7) 5/8" 331-25 375#

25" 4 1/2" 6 1/4" (4) 5/8" 331-26 325#

6 1/2" 6 1/4" (6) 5/8" 331-27 350#
26" 10" 9" (9) 5/8" 331 -87 600#
30" 6 1/2" 6 1/2" (6) 5/8" or (5) 3/4" 331-90 650#
36" 7 1/4" 7 1/4" (6) 3/4" 331-83 600#
Pitch Rim Hub Max. No. & Size Sheave Shpg.
Dia. Width Width Of Cables• No. Weight

20" 6 1/2" 6 1/2" (7) 1/2" 331-9 375#

6 1/2" 6 1/2" (7) 112" or (6) 5/8" 331-92 500#

8 1/2" 6 1/2" (9) 112" or (8) 5/8" 331 -93 575#
26" 10" 9" (9) 5/8" 331 -88 600#

6 112" 6 1/2" (6) 5/8" or (5) 3/4" 331-90 650# When Ordering Sheaves,
8 1/2" 6 1/2" (8) 5/8" or (7) 3/4" 331 -91 725#
Please Specify the Following:
• Quantity and Size of Hoist Cables
Above Maximum Number of Cables • Centerline to Centerline of Cables
is Based on H-W Standard Traction • Type of Sheave Supports
& Deflector Shea\'e Groove Centers • Beam Spacing (Centerline of Slwa'Oe to
cable= 7/8" Pitch Centerline of .Mounting Beams or Face of
518" Cable 1'' Pitch = Mounting Channels)
314." eable = 1118" Pitch • Capacity nnd Speed
• Type of Sheave

Page 12
n recent years, there has been a great

I deal of discussion about the need for

protection against injuries caused by
elevator cars leaving the floor with the
doors open and <werspeeding in the up
direction. That's why llollister-Whitney
introduced the Rope Gripper": a
remarkable device used to grab elevator
suspension ropes to stop the elevator in
the event of a mechanical or electrical
faiJure . lt is imperative if an elevator
overspeeds in the up direction and also
if the elevator leaves the floor with the
doot·s opened.

The Rope Gripper'" has many unique features, such

as a gently applied but powerful 'grip' which doesn't
damage the rope or cause any undue stress to the
machine or traction sheave. Protection is assured even
when slipping traction occurs. The Rope Gripper'"
provides easy alignment with adcquttte clearances
between the rope and self grooving 'grip' linings and
provides power compensation with a constant but
powerful force to the rope even as the linings wear.
Only four wires are required to the elevator controls
and inst11llation is simple. The Rope Gripper'" is
mcch:mically activated and hydranlicnlly reset.

(( G ®
Conforms To:
CSA 844. 1 (Certificate #88161)
ASME-A 17.1- 2000
(EC-Type Examfnoffon Cerllficate *Nl..()1-A00-1002·02Q-03)

Page 13 217-222-0466 f
When Ordering Rope Grippers'M ,
Specify The Following:
• Capacity • Car Speed • Empty Car • Countenveight
Weight • Rope Weight • Compensation Weight • Number
and Size of Cables • Center Line to Center Line of the Cables
• 1:1 or 2:1 Roping • Single or Double Wrap • Length of
Hydraulic Hose (27" Standard, up to 96" optional)

5,000 lbs 10,000 lb s

(2,268 kg) (4,536 kg)
(wHh 40 to 50% Counte!Welghts)


COUNTERWEIGHT. HOIST 11,000 lbs 11 ,500 lbs 18,600 lbs 38,0001bs
AND COMPENSATION (4,990 kg) (5,216 kg) (8,437 kg) (17,236 kg)
10 inches (254 mm) t.
6001bs 6001bs 1,500 lbs 2,500 lbs
(272 kg) (272 kg) (680 kg) (1 ,134 kg)

2,280 lbs 2,280 lb s 6,000 lbs 8,000 lbs

(1,0 34 kg) (1 ,034 kg) (2,722 kg) (3 ,629 kg)

3,600 lbs 5,000 lbs 10,000 lb s 20,000 lb s

(1,633 kg) (2,268 kg) (4,536 kg) (9,072 kg)
(with 40 to 50% Counterweights)


COUNTERWEIGHT, HOIST 22.000 lbs 18,600 lbs 38,000 lbs 76,000 lbs
AND COMPENSATION (9,979 kg) (8,437 kg) (17,236 kg) (34,472 kg)
10 inches (254 mm) t.
1.200 lbs 1,500 lbs 2,500 lbs 5,000 lbs
(544 kg) (680 kg) (1 ,134 kg) (2 ,268 kg)

4,560 lbs 6,000 lbs 8,000 lbs 16,000 lbs

(2 ,068 kg) (2 ,722 kg) (3,629 kg) (7,258 kg)

901bs 100 lbs 180 lbs 300 lbs 3351bs

(41 kg) (45 kg) (82 kg) (136kg) (152 kg)

•Note: "K" Model Rope Grippers

are required in Korea.
Our Exclusive Agents 1n Korea:
Gum Young General Co. LTD.
3 FL. Sin Woo Bldg. 57·25
Non Hyun Dong Gangnam-GU Korea
Phone #:82·2·3442-1117
Page 14

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