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Timothy Buck Period 4 Raymond 2/4/2011 Ch 21 IDS 1.

.Triangle Shirtwaist Fire- Factory Fire in 1911 where 141 factory workers were killed. Significance- Doors were locked, inward opening doors blocked escape, the only escape was to jump to certain death. This disaster caused the passage of many New York laws to regulate factories and protect workers. 2.Muckrakers- Journalists who focused on the facts, uncovering corruption and obsessed with the seamier side of life. Significance- Awakened middle-class readers to the conditions of industrial life. 3.Frederick W. Taylor- Was a mechanical engineer who is considered to be the Father of Scientific Management. He strove to increase efficiency in industry. -Scientific Management- Theory of management that improved economic efficiency. Standardizing job routines and reward the fastest workers. Significance- Increased efficiency in America even with some resentment from workers towards increased pressure to speed up output. 4.Robert La Follette- Governor of Wisconsin in 1900 Significance- Adopted the direct-primary system, set up a regulatory commission, increased corporate taxes, and limited campaign spending. His reforms were known nationally as the Wisconsin Idea. 5.W.E.B. Du Bois- Against Booker T. Washington's call for patience and his emphasis on manual skills. Du Bois called for full racial equality and for blacks to resist all forms of racism. -Niagara Movement- Caused the formation of the NAACP which called for aggressive activism. -NAACP- The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Significance- Vehemently fought for complete equality for blacks and complete integration into American life. 6.Carrie Chapman Catt- Successor of Susan B. Anthony in the National American Woman Suffrage Association(NAWSA). Adopted the Winning Plan. -Alice Paul- Opposed Catt's state-by-state approach to womans suffrage. Founded the Woman's Party in 1913 to pressure Congress for a woman-suffrage amendment. Significance- Fought for Woman's Suffrage with some victories such as New York voters approving a woman-suffrage referendum in 1917. 7.Margaret Sanger- Activist for birth control and author of The Woman Rebel which got her prosecuted so she fled to England but eventually returned. Significance- Opened the first birth-control clinic in Brooklyn in 1918 and later founded the American Birth Control League. 8.The Jungle- Novel wrote by Upton Sinclair to point out the troubles within the working class and the disgusting conditions of the American Meatpacking industry in the 20th century. -Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)- Outlawed the sale of adulterated foods or drugs and required ingredient labels. -Meat Inspection Act (1906)- Imposed strict sanitary rules on meat-packers and set up a federal meatinspection system. Significance- Step towards a healthier nation. 9.Preservationists vs. Conservationists- Conservationists focused on the proper use of nature while the preservationists focused on protection of nature from use. Significance- Created the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, the National Reclamation Act of 1902, etc.

10.Federal Reserve Act (1913)- Act which created the Federal Reserve system. Created 12 Federal reserve banks under public and private control and each bank could issue legal tender. Significance- Is Wilson's greatest legislative achievement. 11.Federal Trade Commission Act (1914)- Created the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The FTC had the power to investigate suspected violations of federal regulations, issue cease-and-desist orders, and require regular reports from corporations. -Clayton Antitrust Act (1914)- Listed corporate activities that could lead to federal lawsuits. Significance- Caused nearly a hundred suits against corporations with the combination of the FTC and the Clayton Antitrust Act.

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