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0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0


Figure 48: Illustration of Well-Mixed Zone and Radially-Averaged Concentration

The gas and liquid flow rates corresponding to Figure 48 were 0.4 slpm and 13.5

lpm, respectively. The terms z* and CI* are nondimensional depth and dimensionless

indigo dye concentration, given by

z*  (64)


C I*  (65)
C I ,0

where z is depth from the water free surface, H is reactor height (from the

discharge ports to the water free surface), CI is indigo dye mass concentration and CI,0 is

indigo dye concentration at the liquid inlet.

Based on this observation, two models for indigo dye decoloration were proposed:

 a single-zone model in which the dispersion and mass transfer coefficient were

assumed uniform in the reactor and

 a two-zone model in which the portion of the reactor near the sparger was modeled as

a continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR) and the rest of the reactor was modeled

using the 1-dimensional advection-dispersion-reaction (ADR) model.

Detailed derivation of expressions for indigo dye concentration for the one- and

two-zone models are provided in Appendix B and summarized below.

For the single-zone model, normalized indigo dye concentration is given by

C I*  1  
 

 Pe e  N S S
1  e  NS S  z*
 N 
S  e  Pe 1  e Pe z
 (66)
  N S S   Pe

where NS is Stanton number, given by

kL a H
NS  ; (67)

S is stripping factor, given by

S ; (68)

Pe is Peclet number, defined in equation 39 (repeated below)

Pe  (39)

and the parameter  is given by

M I CO3  g  0 M m QG CO3  g  0
 S I (69)
M O3 C I ,0 M O3 QL C I , 0

In equations 37, 59 - 61, kL is liquid side mass transfer coefficient, a is specific surface

area, m is Henry’s law constant (dimensionless ratio of mass concentration in gas phase

to mass concentration in liquid phase), UG and UL are superficial gas and liquid flow

rates, MI and M O3 are molecular weights of potassium indigo trisulfonate and ozone,

C O3  g 0 is gas ozone concentration at the sparger, and CI,0 is indigo trisulfonate

concentration at the water intake. Measured water temperature ranged from 4.9° C to 22°

C over the course of mass transfer visualization experiments and Henry’s law constant

was calculated via the expression (Perry and Chilton 1973)

 840
3.25  T 5  C  T  5 C
logm    (70)
6.2  5  C  T  5 C
 T

In the limit of NS  Pe, the single zone expression for normalized indigo dye

concentration becomes

C I*
 
 Pe
 
 1  Pe  Pe z *  1 e  Pe 1 z   e  Pe 1  Pe 
 (71)

Two versions of the two-zone model were fit to experimental data. In one version

the Stanton number was assumed the same in zones 1 and 2 and only mixing differed

between the two zones. The indigo dye concentration for this model is given by

 
CI*  e Pe z  CI*, 2   1  e Pe z 
* *

 
  Pe  1    N S S z c*  z *  Pe z *   N S S  z c*
   e e
  N S S   Pe  1   N S S  1  zc
 

where Pe refers to the Peclet number in zone 1 (the top of the reactor), zc* is the

nondimensionalized critical depth and C I*, 2 is the dimensionless indigo dye concentration

in zone 2 (the well mixed zone) given by

1 1
C I*, 2 
C I , 0 ndata  nc
i  nc
I ,i (73)

where ndata is the number of (pixels) in the indigo dye image and nc is the row

corresponding to the critical depth.

For the two-zone model in which different Stanton numbers were allowed in

zones 1 and 2, the expression for indigo dye concentration is


 
CI*  e Pe z  CI*, 2   1  e Pe z 
* *

 
  Pe  1    N S 1 S z c*  z *  Pe z *   N S 1 S  z c*
   e e
  N S1 S   Pe  1   N S 2 S  1  zc
 

where NS1 and NS2 are the zone 1 and zone 2 Stanton numbers. In the limit  N S1 S   Pe ,

the expression for indigo dye concentration becomes

  Pe z * e Pe z  z c 
  
* *

C e
Pe z *

 C *
I ,2  1  e Pe z *

 1   N S 2 S  1  zc* 

 

VI.2.2.2 Methodology for Determining Model Parameters

Model equations 58, 62, 65 and 66 were fit to radially-averaged indigo dye

concentration data from digital photographs of mass transfer visualization experiments.

Fits were made using the nls (nonlinear least squares) utility in the R programming

language (The R Foundation 2006). After models were fit to data, independence was

assessed via runs tests (Manly 1997). Data were considered independent unless

independence could be rejected with 95% confidence.

When dependency was encountered, a subset of data was taken from the original

data set, best fit parameters were again determined and independence was again assessed.

Two sampling methodologies were assessed when selecting subsets from the original

data set. In one, a random sample of ndata/j points was taken from the original data set,

where ndata was the number of data points (rows) in the original data set and j took the

values 2, 4, 8, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60 and 64. In the second

sampling methodology a systematic sample was taken in which the subset consisted of

each jth data point where j took the values 2, 4, 8, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52,

56, 60 and 64. In all cases the systematic sampling resulted in elimination of dependence

at lower values of j than the random sampling. Reducing the number of data points did

not result in significant changes in parameter estimates. In all cases, independence could

be demonstrated for the two-zone model (usually after the number of data points in the

sample was 20 times less than that in the original data set). Independence could not be

demonstrated for any cases for the single-zone model. Thus, the two zone model was

considered the more appropriate model and parameter estimates were taken from the two-

zone model.

In two zone models, the critical depth, zc*, was determined as follows. The best

fit parameters and sum of the squares of the errors were determined for all zc*  (0.5,

1.0). The critical depth was taken to be the value that gave the lowest sum of squares of

errors. The minimum sum of the squares of the errors was usually readily identifiable. A

typical plot of sum of the squares as a function of index of critical depth is provided in

Figure 49. In digital images, each row of pixels corresponds to a value of z*, so in Figure

49, the index nc is the row number corresponding to the critical depth zc. For the plot

shown, there was a total of 60 data points and the critical depth was determined to be at

the 44th data point.

An R-language script used for determination of two-zone model best fit

parameters and for performing a runs test of the fitted model is provided in Appendix D:

Similar scripts were written for the one zone model and for versions of the models in

which the Peclet and Stanton numbers were equal.



30 35 40 45 50 55 60


Figure 49: Identification of Best Fit Critical Depth

VI.2.2.3 Parameter Estimates

Processed images, best-fit models and parameters corresponding to best fit

models for each mass transfer visualization experiment are presented below. For each of

the indigo dye experiments, two images and plots showing 1- and 2-zone best fit models

are shown in Figure 51 - Figure 59. Both color (blue) and grayscale images are provided,

since the color images provide greater detail in the variation of indigo dye color. Along

with reactor images, plots of best fit 1-zone and 2-zone models are provided. In all cases,

independence could not be demonstrated for the one-zone model; the one-zone plots are

included in Figure 51 - Figure 59 for contrast with best fits of the two-zone model and to

document the trends in data that gave rise to data dependence. Data dependence is

manifested in either periodic variation of the data around the model (such as seen in

Figure 53 (c)) or significant deviation of the model from the data at the top and bottom of

the reactor (such as seen in Figure 52 (c)).

Several general observations can be made based on Figure 51 - Figure 59. First,

in all cases, in the top of the reactor the indigo dye concentration decreases steadily as the

water progresses downward. Second, the rate of decrease of indigo dye in the bottom of

the reactor is always less than that in the top of the reactor (though not necessarily zero,

as would be observed in a true CSTR). Third, in several cases (Figure 53, Figure 56,

Figure 58 and Figure 59) there is an upturn in indigo dye concentration at the very bottom

of the reactor. One explanation for this upturn is that dye-rich water flowing along the

column walls is backmixed into the column as the water is entrained into the large eddies

near the sparger (as seen in Figure 40). As seen later in this chapter, CFD also predicts

there is a region of high indigo concentration at and below the sparger depth. Finally, the

inability to demonstrate independence for the single zone model is related to large length

scale oscillations in indigo dye concentration around the trend line. These oscillations are

not surprising, given the observation of large dye-rich eddies flowing downward in the

reactor, and indicate that time series analysis of radially-averaged indigo dye

concentration data might yield quantitative data on large scale mixing processes.

Figure 50: Mass Transfer Visualization, Qgas = 0.4 slpm, QL = 7.0 lpm, Case A

Figure 52: Mass Transfer Visualization, Qgas = 0.4 slpm, QL = 7.0 lpm, Case B

Figure 53: Mass Transfer Visualization, Qgas = 0.4 slpm, QL = 10.5 lpm, Case A

Figure 54: Mass Transfer Visualization, Qgas = 0.4 slpm, QL = 10.5 lpm, Case B

Figure 55: Mass Transfer Visualization, Qgas = 0.4 slpm, QL = 13.5 lpm, Case A

Figure 56: Mass Transfer Visualization, Qgas = 0.4 slpm, QL = 13.5 lpm, Case B

Figure 57: Mass Transfer Visualization, Qgas = 0.7 slpm, QL = 7.0 lpm

Figure 58: Mass Transfer Visualization, Qgas = 0.7 slpm, QL = 10.5 lpm

Figure 59: Mass Transfer Visualization, Qgas = 0.7 slpm, QL = 13.5 lpm

Best fit parameters for each mass transfer visualization experiment are presented

in Table 22. In Table 22, the sample size at which independence could not be rejected

with 95% confidence was ndata / j where ndata is the number of data points in the full data

set. In general, Peclet number estimates were found to vary more widely than estimates

for Stanton number and length of the entrance region. In one case (gas flow rate of 0.4

slpm, liquid flow rate rate of 10.5 lpm, case B) the zone 2 Stanton number was estimated

to be zero. This indicates that the change in indigo color observed in the top of the

reactor can be attributed solely to mixing and that all significant mass transfer takes place

in the well-mixed zone in the bottom of the reactor.

Table 22: Best Fit Parameters

Qg (slpm) QL (lpm) Case j Pe NS1 NS2 zc *

0.4 7.0 A 24 1.49 0.29 0.29 0.266
0.4 7.0 B 56 1.93 0.43 0.43 0.282
0.4 10.5 A 32 5.77 0.16 0.025 0.226
0.4 10.5 B 16 1.66 0.19 0.00 0.240
0.4 13.5 A 16 2.04 0.14 0.14 0.173
0.4 13.5 B 36 7.76 0.10 0.10 0.216
0.7 7.0 24 1.91 0.96 0.96 0.396
0.7 10.5 28 1.52 0.35 0.35 0.266
0.7 13.5 24 1.93 0.38 0.38 0.219

Peclet number, Stanton number and critical depth were found to correlate with the

ratio of gas to liquid flow rates. Figure 60 shows the variation in entrance region length

(1 - z c* ) with gas to liquid flow ratio. Estimates based on data from experiments

conducted at a gas flow rate of 0.4 slpm are shown as solid diamonds and those based on

experiments at a gas flow rate of 0.7 slpm are shown as unfilled squares. Entrance region

length increases steadily with increasing gas to liquid flow ratio for the gas and liquid

flow rates used in this study. This result indicates that high gas to liquid flow rates result

in greater mixing of the liquid phase (primarily through the formation of large vortices in

the vicinity of the sparger and attendant backmixing of the liquid phase) but less uniform

distribution of the phases. In a more complex reactor geometry than that of the

laboratory rector used in this study, uneven distribution of phases creates the potential for

short-circuiting of the liquid phase in the bubble column and could result in significant

variations in ozone residuals, as has been observed in full-scale ozonation reactors

(Schulz and Bellamy 2000).

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