Assessment Observations

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Child Observation/Get to Know You Log

Name: Lauren Sheehan


Observation/Get to Know You Log

II LOG Format
CHILD Day of the Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
WEEK with Weaknesses

Child 1 M-1/25 Language-Focus is on learning This student had a good day.

Observation 1 digraphs. He was paying attention and
Weaknesses- This student had a participating when the teacher
hard time making the sounds that asked for volunteers. I could
digraphs make. see that he was working hard
Strengths-If the teacher asked this and trying.
student for an example of a
digraph, he could tell her the
letter combination.
Math- Focus is on using tens
blocks to determine numbers.
Weaknesses-This student had a
hard time realizing that the tens
block was made from 10 ones. He
sometimes forgot and counted it
as 5 ones.
Strengths- When he did identify
that there were 10 ones, he was
able to count by tens up to 50.
Observation 2 W- 2/1 Language- Focus is on learning Today, this student was pretty
phonemes in certain words. engaged but he got into a
Weaknesses- This skill was couple of arguments with his
targeted during Heggerty. This classmate. This caused
student was very distracted and distractions for the rest of the
was not paying attention and class. Other then this, he was
following along with the teacher. focused and looked interested
Strengths- When they worked on in what was being learned.
it back at their seats, I could see
him trying to break words up into
Math-Focus is on making a bar
Weaknesses-The student would
color in the wrong amount of
space for the certain bars.
Strengths-If the teacher asked
him how many things are being
represented by a bar before he
drew it, he could tell the teacher.
Observation 3 W-2/8 Language-Focus is on two syllable
words. This student was distracted
Weaknesses-The student would today and playing with things
sometimes say there was only one that should not have been out.
syllable when there were two in a The teacher had to tell him
word. multiple times to put things
Strengths- He followed along and away and pay attention.
clapped the syllables with his
classmates and teacher.
Math-Focus is on adding doubles.
Weaknesses-He did not have his
doubles facts memorized.
Strengths-He was able to figure
out the answers the facts after
thinking about them.
Observation 4 W-2/15 Language-Focus is heart words. This student did a great job
Weaknesses-He did not have all 5 with the lesson that was being
heart words memorized or taught today. He was really
automatic. trying to do his best and was
Strengths-I could see him trying to very engaged.
sound out the words he did not
know which showed that he was
Math-Focus is counting by 5’s.
Weaknesses-This student had to
count on his fingers for some of
these facts.
Strengths-For most of them, he
was able to count by 5’s without
counting on his fingers or making
Observation 5 W-2/22 Language-The focus is learning Today, the student participated
about long vowel sounds. during ELA a lot. It was easy to
Strengths-This student tell that he was trying his
participated in the lesson and hardest. However, towards the
seemed to be trying to attempt end of the day during math, he
each question the teacher asked. was very distracted and
Weaknesses- This student did not seemed to have a lot of energy.
know what each vowels long
sound was.
Math-Focus is adding using tens
Strengths- The student followed
along for 5/8 examples from the
Weaknesses- The student was
very distracted by the tens blocks
and was playing around with
them during most of the lesson.
Observation 6 M/2/27 Language-The focus is short vowel Today, I could tell this student
sounds. was very distracted and he was
Strengths-This student attempted bothering other students. I
at least half of the short vowel could tell that the rest of the
sounds when the class was saying class was distracted by the
them. noise he was making during the
Weaknesses-The student was very lessons.
distracted during most of the
lesson and did not follow along
for very long.
Math-Focus is subtraction with
tens blocks.
Strengths- This student knew that
subtraction meant to take away
from a number.
Weaknesses- The student was
very distracted by the tens blocks
and started to distract others
when playing with them.

Observation 7 F-3/3 Language-Focus is spelling words. Today, the student was very
Strengths-The student could focused, and he was trying
recognize the beginning sound of during each lesson. He did a
each spelling word. great job during these lessons
Weaknesses- The student was not and tried his best and
able to fully pronounce any of the participated.
spelling words. He would give up
when trying to sound out words.
Math-Focus is learning about
Strengths- The student was
paying attention a lot during this
lesson and was trying to
Weaknesses- The student did not
correctly identify any of the
shapes during this lesson without
Observation 8 T-3/7 Language-Focus is writing an Today was a very good day for
opinion piece. this student. He participated a
Strengths-The student was able to lot and I could tell that he was
come up with his opinion and thinking about his answer
share it with the teacher when before sharing with the class.
Weaknesses- He was not able to
write the sentence down after

Math-Focus is measuring.
Strengths- The student was able
to identify which object was the
shortest and which one was the
longest when asked.
Weaknesses- When the student
was given three object, he would
classify two of the objects as the
biggest even though they were all
three different sizes.

Observation 9 W-3/15 Language-Focus is using This student was not distracted

illustrations to identify key details at all during the day and he was
in a text. paying attention for the
Strengths-The student was able to majority of the lesson. This was
explain the illustrations in the overall a very good day for this
book. student.
Weaknesses- His descriptions did
not fully identify the key details of
the text.

Math-Focus is ones and tens

place value.
Strengths- The student was able
to understand that there were
two different place values.
Weaknesses- The students would
mix up the ones and tens place
most of the time.

Observation 10 M-3/27 Language-Focus is Heggerty. This student was very

Strengths-The student was able to distracted for the entire day.
identify the beginning sound of He was very distracting to the
the words that were given. other students as well. This
Weaknesses-This student was student had to be reminded to
very distracted on the carpet get back on task multiple times
during Heggerty. He started to throughout the day.
distract other students as well.
Math-Focus is adding and
subtracting using unfix cubes.
Strengths- The student knew that
adding was giving more to a
number and that subtracting want
to take away.
Weaknesses- He used the unifix
cubes more as a toy than a tool.
This means that he was sitting at
his desk playing with the cubes
more than he was using them to
add and subtract.

Child 2 M-1/25 Language- Focus is on learning This student started out very
Observation 1 digraphs. good in the morning.
Weaknesses-This student could After lunch, he had a hard time
not pronounce any of the paying attention. He was
digraphs that were being taught. playing with small toys that
Strengths- If the teacher asked were in his desk and not
him what two letters were on the listening. The teacher had to
board, he could tell her. take some of these objects
Math- Focus is on using tens from him throughout the day.
blocks to determine numbers.
Weaknesses- This student was
very distracted and not paying
attention during this lesson. He
counted each individual block.
Strengths- He would come out
with the correct answer.
Observation 2 W- 2/1 Language- Focus is on learning This student was not paying a
phonemes in certain words. lot of attention to the teacher
Weaknesses- This student did not today. I could see his eyes
say the phonemes out loud with wandering and he would get up
the teacher during Heggerty. randomly to go to his bookbag
Strengths- He was doing the hand and coat. He could come back
motions with the teacher and his to his seat with a new toy or
classmates. object and start playing with it.
Math- Focus is on making a bar
Weaknesses-This student did not
do any of his work individually
and was looking around at other
people’s papers.
Strengths- He double checked the
work on his paper at the end.
Observation 3 W-2/8 Language-Focus is on two syllable He seemed more engaged
words. today. He followed a long with
Weaknesses-This student did not the teacher and tried with the
say the different syllables out loud two syllable words. He did not
with the teacher. know any of the doubles facts
Strengths-He clapped the syllables but I could see him trying his
out with the teacher. best.
Math-Focus is adding doubles.
Weaknesses-Did not know any of
his doubles by heart.
Strengths-I could see him trying
and counting in his head.
Observation 4 W-2/15 Language-Focus is heart words. He did not know any of the
Weaknesses-This students could heart words by heart, but I
not pronounce any of the heart could see him trying to break
words. the words up into phonemes. I
Strengths-When I broke them up could see him trying today and
into phonemes, he was able to he was paying attention when
say some of the phoneme sounds. the teacher was talking.
Math-Focus is counting by 5’s.
Weaknesses-This student could
not count by 5’s.
Strengths-He used tally marks to
help him during this lesson.
Observation 5 W-2/22 Language- The focus is learning Overall, this was a very good
about long vowel sounds. day for this student. He was a
Strengths- This student could little distracted during math at
identify 3/5 of the long vowel the end of the day but would
sounds with support. get back on task when asked.
Weaknesses- Without support,
this student could not identify any
of the sounds.
Math- Focus is adding using tens
Strengths- This student knew that
adding meant to give more to the
Weaknesses-He was very
distracted with the tens blocks
during the lesson. He was playing
with them and dropping them on
the ground.
Observation 6 M-2/27 Language- The focus is short This student was very
vowel sounds. distracting from the start of the
Strengths- This student could day. He was off task for most of
identify 2/5 short vowel signs the day and distracted other
without support. students as well. The teacher
Weaknesses- During this lesson, had to remind him to get back
the student was very loud and on task several times
talkative. throughout the day.
Math- Focus is subtraction with
tens blocks.
Strengths- The student knew that
subtraction meant to take away.
Weaknesses- The student would
take away the wrong number of
tens blocks. The student would
forget that the single ones are
only worth 1 and not 10.

Observation 7 F-3/3 Language- Focus is spelling words. Today, the student seemed to
Strengths-The student was able to be trying his best during the
sound out 5/10 of the spelling lessons. He did a good job
words. participating and answering
Weaknesses- The student questions when supported by
struggled with pronouncing most the teacher.
of the spelling words. After saying
the beginning sound, he would
guess the rest of the word.
Math- Focus is learning about
Strengths- The student could
match shapes or say an everyday
object that matched the shape
being presented by the teacher.
Weaknesses- The student could
not correctly name any of the
shapes being talked about during
the lesson.
Observation 8 T-3/7 Language- Focus is writing an I could tell that this student
opinion piece. was struggling this day. He
Strengths-The student was able to seemed very tired and not
brainstorm with the rest of the focused. His head was down for
class and come up with his own a lot of the day and would not
opinion. participate when asked.
Weaknesses-The student was not
able to write this opinion down on
the worksheet without a lot of
Math- Focus is measuring.
Strengths- The student could
identify what each item was.
Weaknesses- The student could
not tell me which item was bigger
or smaller when asked.
Observation 9 W-3/15 Language- Focus is using This student was pretty focused
illustrations to identify key details and tried to participate for the
in a text. majority of the day. Overall,
Strengths-The student could this was a pretty good day for
explain what was going on in the this student.
text based on some of the
Weaknesses-He struggled on
getting the main idea. He could
pull key details from using the
pictures but not the overall min
Math- Focus is ones and tens
place value.
Strengths- The student could
identify which number was in
each place value when seeing it
represented by tens blocks.
Weaknesses- If the tens blocks
were taken away, the student
would give up and not be able to
identify each place value.
Observation 10 M-3/27 Language- Focus is Heggerty. The student was not very
Strengths-The student followed distracted during the ELA
along and participated when lesson in the morning. As the
asked. day went on, he got more
Weaknesses-I could tell that the distracted and off task.
student was struggling to come
up with the correct answer.
Sometimes he would wait to hear
what his classmates were saying
before he answered.
Math- Focus is adding and
subtracting using unfix cubes.
Strengths- The student knew what
adding and subtracting meant.
Weaknesses- The unifix cubes
were a big distraction to him and
caused him to get off task.

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