Analysis and Design of Algorithms (BCL 206) : Lab Practical Report

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Analysis and Design of Algorithms (BCL

206) Lab Manual


Analysis and Design of Algorithms

(BCL 206)

Lab Practical Report

Faculty name: Dr. Anuradha Student name:

Roll No.:



Department of Computer Science and Engineering

NorthCap University, Gurugram- 122001, India
Session 2022-23

Student Name:
Analysis and Design of Algorithms (BCL
206) Lab Manual

Student Roll No.:

S. Experiment Title Date of Date of Sign CO Sign
No Experiment Submission student Covered Faculty

1. Write a program in JAVA to

perform insert and delete
operations in an array.

2. Write a program in JAVA to

perform search operation in an
array using:
a) Linear Search
b) Binary Search

3. Implement and calculate the

time and space complexity of
following programs:
a) Factorial of a number
b) Fibonacci series

4. Implement Insertion/Selection
sort algorithm and compute its
time and space complexities.

5. Implement Merge sort/Quick

sort algorithm. Compute its
time and space complexities.

6. Implement Strassen’s matrix

algorithm. Compute its time

7. Implement fractional knapsack

algorithm using Greedy

8. Implement 0/1 Knapsack

algorithm using Dynamic

9. Implement 4- Queens problem

using Backtracking.

10. Implement Hamiltonian and

Graph coloring algorithm.
Analysis and Design of Algorithms (BCL
206) Lab Manual

Value added Experiments

11. Implement travelling salesman

algorithm using Branch and
Bound approach
12. Implement Prim’s and
Kruskal’s algorithms. Compute
and compare their space and
time complexities.

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