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SECTION ONE: (50 Marks)

1. (1.5 Marks each question).

i) One of the following sentences best delineates the term guidance…………..

A. The process of helping pupils or students to understand themselves by focusing
attention on their interests, capabilities , and needs in relation to their home, school,
and community, and thus, make the best possible decisions about their lives.
B. The imposition of one’s point view upon another by competent counsellors to an
individual of any age to help him direct own life, make his own decisions, and carry
his own burdens.
C. An interactive process conjoining the counselee who needs assistance, and the
counsellor who is trained and educated to give this assistance.
D. A process in which the counsellor assists the counselee to make interpretations of
facts relating to a choice, plan or adjustments which he needs to make.

ii) In traditional African societies, counselling was given in various forms, the most common
of forms were…………….
A. Proverbs, advice giving, folktales and wisdom sharing
B. Advice giving, wisdom sharing, traditional trainings and songs
C. Discussion, trainings and wisdom sharing
D. Sharing of wisdom and advice-giving

iii) The technique which the therapist strives to adhere to strict relational rules, including
non-disclosure on the part of the therapist/analyst, utilizing psychoanalytic techniques,
and having sessions regularly and consistently is known as………….
A. Analysis and Interpretation of Transference
B. Maintaining the Analytic Framework
C. Interpretation
D. Dream Analysis

iv) The counsellor’s ability to accurately sense the client’s thoughts, feelings and behaviour
and to express these feeling and meanings that the client understands the counsellor is
truly in attuned to the client is known as……………..
A. Congruency
B. Unconditional Positive Regard
C. Empathic Understanding

D. Genuineness

v) The notion that we are the “authors of our lives” means……………

A. We have the freedom to change the way we want our lives to be
B. We are able to create our own life stories
C. We are responsible for anything that happens in our lives
D. We can harm our lives

vi) The World Book Encyclopaedia (1991) defines Guidance as the process of helping clients
to understand themselves by focusing attention on the following, EXCEPT:
A. Interests
B. hostile self-freedom for their own privacy
C. Abilities
D. desires in relation to their home

vii) Existential theory is categorized into two major themes which are:…………...
A. Freedom, alienation, choice/decision; and Guilt, responsibility, despair, death
B. Freedom, choice/decision, responsibility; and Guilt, alienation, despair, death
C. Freedom, choice/decision, death, responsibility; and Guilt, alienation, despair,
D. Choice/decision, responsibility; and Freedom, Guilt, alienation, despair, death

viii) One of the following is not among the three characteristics of the counsellors as described
by Carl Rogers.
A. Unconditional Positive Regard
B. Empathic Understanding
C. Congruency or Genuineness
D. Responsibility

ix) According to Freud, Genital Stage defined as………..

A. a personality disorder characterized by extreme self-love, an exaggerated sense of
self-importance, and an explosive attitude towards others; these attitudes usually hide
a poor self-concept.
B. stage signalled by physical maturity.
C. the unconscious sexual feelings of a daughter toward her father coupled with hostility
toward her mother.
D. Stage whereby negative feelings, including rage, hatred, destructiveness and hostility
are developed.

x) One of the roles of REBT is to help clients stop “catastrophizing” and to help clients
avoid having more of an emotional response to an event than is warranted. The word
“catastrophizing” implies that…………..
A. The client imagines and is over excited about the possible outcome of an action or
B. The client imagines the worst possible outcome of an action or event.
C. The client imagines the worst impossible outcome of an action or event.
D. The client imagines and is thrilled about the worst possible outcome of an action or
B. Match the response in Column B with the most appropriate item in Column A by writing a
letter of the most correct answer in the space provided. USE CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY (10


I Principles of counselling A. Channels that necessitate guidance

and couselling service delivery
II Super Ego B. Life isn’t fair, It’s awful, I can’t stand
it, I must get what I want, I am
III Sigmund Freud (1856 – C. The personality part representing
moral training
IV Cognitive-behavioural D. The client voluntarily sees the
counsellor, the client being fully engaged
in finding solutions to his/her problems.
V Dysfunctional ideas E. Synonymous to reaction

F. Rational-Emotive Therapy
G. Personality part that is blind,
demanding, pleasure-seeking and
H. Psychoanalytic Theory

2. For each of the following sentences, write TRUE for a correct statement and FALSE for a
wrong statement in the answer booklet provided. (25 @ 2.5 mark).

i) Guidance is a specialized service because everyone can play a crucial role in the program
to enable the client to maximally adjust himself/herself in the society……………
ii) Guidance enables individuals to understand their disabilities and interests and to be able
to develop them and relate them to life goals…………
iii) It is not necessary for an individual with no problem to access guidance……………
iv) Like in modern counselling, traditional counsellors give directives and pieces of advices
which must be obeyed/ followed by the client…………..
v) Freud views human behaviour as primarily the manifestation of biological, environmental
and instinctive drives, conscious motivation, and irrational forces……………
vi) Rogers believes all people have a “formative tendency” or inner energy which propels us
towards fulfilment and self-actualization………….

vii) Person-centred theory is a “way of doing rather than a way of being.”………..
viii) One of the weaknesses of person-centred theory is that it is limited to techniques of
attending and reflecting that it is sometimes difficult for a client to feel that he/she is
ix) Oedipus Complex is the unconscious sexual feelings of a daughter toward her father
coupled with hostility toward her mother …………..
x) Guidance aims at developing self-direction, self-guidance and self-improvement through
lesser understanding of one’s limitations, resources and problems……………


Choose and answer 1 question

3. Counselling profession is highly needed in Tanzania today due to drastic changes in societies
responding to global changes. With relevant examples, discuss this statement in ten (10) points
only. (50 Marks).

4. With relevant examples, discuss five contributions and five limitations of using Person-Centred
Theory. (50 Marks).

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