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Name: Usama Farooq Section: E

Sap ID: 70078349 Submitted to: Sir Ahmed Abdul

Hameed Date: 25-3-2020 Course:
Business English 2

Case Study:
A New Kind of Structure

Describe and evaluate what Pfizer is doing with its Pfizer works?
What Pfizer is doing with its Pfizer works is a Smart vital arrangement. Pfizer in fact, as I would see it,
broke the association into a kind of work specialization structure. They are redistributing the dreary
work and it is costing them less cash in labor costs.

What structural implications good and bad does this approach have? (Think in terms of
the six organizational elements.)
I feel that some great ramifications of Pfizer works are that it has work represented considerable
authority in things that representatives at the base of Pfizer and the individuals that work Pfizer works
do. the individuals at Pfizer send the "Occupied" work to the representatives at Pfizer Works thus they
can pay less in the process of giving birth costs. Doing this likewise makes it with the goal that the
individuals working at Pfizer can accomplish more Knowledgeable work than simply crediting data on a
PC. An awful ramification that I see with they are doing that with regards to complex things, the
representatives at Pfizer ought to accomplish the work so they recognize what the plans are, and they
know better of what the result ought to be than those that work for Pfizer works.

Do you think this arrangement would work for other types of organizations? Why or Why
not? What types of organizations might it also work for?
I do believe that this would work for other types of organizations, but they must be a type of
organization that doesn’t need to know all the details of what strategy making is> Per the Washington
post, outsourcing busy work is very popular in the health industry. This type of work wouldn’t work for
all organizations though. Organizations that are mechanistic would not be able to use this arrangement
because there is a certain hierarchy that must be followed, and I would assume that it wouldn’t be an
employee that would be giving the go to head to outsource. I would imagine that the employee would
have to verify cost with the HR department and then there. This would take more time.

What role do you think organizational structure plays in an organization’s efficiency and
effectiveness? Explain.
I believe that the job that authoritative structure plays in their productivity and adequacy is an
enormous job. In the event that the association didn't utilize work specialization, it would have set aside
significantly more effort to carry out the current responsibility. They spared 66,500 worker work hours
by re-appropriating to Pfizer works. This implies it is taking the individuals in India far less time to get the
"bustling work" done, than it accomplishes for a base representative to do it in light of the fact that a
base worker at Pfizer has such huge numbers of a greater number of activities than simply do desk work.

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