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Deadline: September 18, 2022, 5PM

Quiz #3


For each situation below, please propose the most appropriate sampling method and explain why it is
the most applicable. Your explanations should not exceed 10 sentences.

Situation #1: (5 pts)

The principal’s secretary went to the classroom of Mrs. Dominguez to tell her that there was a sudden
art conference for students in the school auditorium. The principal wanted her to URGENTLY send 10
students in her class to the conference as the event will start in 10 minutes. She asked the secretary if
there are specific criteria that she needs to follow in selecting the 10 students. The secretary told her that
any student who knows how to paint and draw.

The secretary left the classroom then Mrs. Dominguez started thinking of a way on how to select the 10
students that will fit the criteria. If you were Mrs. Dominguez, what sampling method will you use to
select the 10 students and why?

Questions Your answer

1. What is your proposed sampling method?

2. Why is it your proposed sampling


Situation #2: (5 pts)

You are the market researcher of Company XYZ. The marketing director asked you to set-up a taste test
of your flagship beverage product in select public and private colleges and universities in Region 8. St.
Paul School of Professional Studies (SPSPS) was one of the chosen schools.

You then secured an approval from the management of SPSPS to set-up the taste test. Once the set-up is
done, you now have to find students who will taste your product. You do not have any specific profile
and criteria when it comes to student testers of your product. In doing so, what sampling method will
you use to invite the testers?
Questions Your answer
1. What is your proposed sampling method?

2. Why is it your proposed sampling


Deadline: September 18, 2022, 5PM

Situation #3: (5 pts)

Imagine that you are a graduating student at ABC University. Your thesis is about the impact of various
teaching styles and methods to the learning abilities of ABC University. You have decided to employ a
quantitative quasi-experimental method where you will be exposing respondents of your research study
to various learning styles and methods via controlled environments, then measure their scores from a set
of quizzes and exams that you will give them one week after the exposure.

You want your respondents to be ABC University students from various year levels and representative of
both male and female genders. You also want that all departments of the University will be represented
in your study, thus, you plan to get student respondents from those departments. There seems to be
various layers and stages that you must take into considerations in selecting your respondents. Given
this, what would be the most appropriate sampling method that you should use to select your
Questions Your answer
1. What is your proposed sampling method?

2. Why is it your proposed sampling


Situation #4: (5 pts)

You have just finished crafting your questionnaire for a quantitative research study you are working on.
You have decided to pilot test the study before proceeding to the actual data collection. To minimize
time, you have decided to test the questionnaire among 3 people. You want that three (3) people to be
among your 15 closest friends in your class. However, all of them want to participate in the pilot test.
What sampling method should you employ to select the 3 people among your friends in such a way that
you avoid favoritism and bias?
Questions Your answer
1. What is your proposed sampling method?

2. Why is it your proposed sampling


Deadline: September 18, 2022, 5PM


1. Please formulate or create an example of a dichotomous close-ended question. Please do not

use the example shown in class or the unit module I asked you to read. Create a question of your

Is Samsung better than Apple?


2. Please formulate or create an example of a multiple-answers close-ended question. Please do

not use the example shown in class or the unit module I asked you to read. Create a question of your

Which of the following products do you have/own?

_____ Cellphone

_____ Earphones

_____ Laptop

_____ Tablet

_____ Watch

3. Please formulate or create an example of a semantic differential close-ended question. Please

do not use the example shown in class or the unit module I asked you to read. Create a question of
your own.

I find Samsung to be . . .

Affordable ____________________ Expensive

High Quality ____________________ Low Quality

User-Friendly ____________________ Difficult to Use

4. Please formulate or create an example of a rating scale close-ended question. Please do not use
the example shown in class or the unit module I asked you to read. Create a question of your own.

Samsung products are

___5 Excellent

___4 Great

Deadline: September 18, 2022, 5PM

___3 Good

___2 Bad

___1 Poor

5. Please formulate or create an example of an unstructured open-ended questions. Please do not

use the example shown in class or the unit module I asked you to read. Create a question of your

What do you think of Samsung as a brand?

Bonus Round (5 points)

You have the option to not answer this question since this is just a bonus question. However, answering
this will give you extra 5 points that will boost your score.

Question: Why is it important to pilot test any type of research instrument? Please explain your
answer in no more than 5 sentences.

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