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School Parents Teachers Associa2on BYLAWS Revised October 2009

ARTICLE I: NAME The name of this associa.on is the SCOTT SCHOOL PARENTS TEACHERS ASSOCIATION (SSPTA), Aiea, Hawaii. It is a local PTA unit organized under the authority of the Hawaii State PTSA, and is a branch of the Na.onal Parents and Teachers Associa.on (Na.onal PTA).

ARTICLE II: PURPOSES Sec2on 1. The purposes of the SSPTA in common with those of the Na.onal PTA and the Hawaii State PTSA are: a. To promote the welfare of children and youth in home school, community, and place of worship b. To raise the standards of home life c. To secure adequate laws for the care and protec.on of children and youth. d. To bring into closer rela.on the home and the school, that parents and teacher may cooperate intelligently in the educa.on of children and youth. e. To develop between educators and the general public such united eorts as will secure for all children and youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, social and spiritual educa.on. Sec2on 2. The purposes of the Na.onal PTA, the Hawaii State PTSA, and the SSPTA are promoted through an advocacy and educa.on program directed toward parents, teachers, and the general public; are developed through conferences, commiMees, projects, and programs; and are governed and qualied by the basic policies set forth in Ar.cle IV. Sec2on 3. The organiza.on is organized exclusively for the charitable, scien.c, literary or educa.onal purposes within the meaning of Sec.on 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding Sec.on of any future Federal tax code (hereinaWer referred to as Internal Revenue Code).


ARTICLE III: BASIC POLICIES The following are basic policies of the SSPTA in common with those of the Na.onal PTA and the Hawaii State PTSA: a. The organiza.on shall be noncommercial, nonsectarian, and nonpar.san. b. The organiza.on or members in their ocial shall not, directly or indirectly, par.cipate or intervene (in any way, including the publishing or of statements) in any campaign on behalf of, or in opposi.on to, any candidate for public oce; or devote more than an part of its to to inuence legisla.on by propaganda or otherwise. c. The organiza.on shall work with the schools and community to provide quality educa.on for all children and youth, and shall seek to par.cipate in the decision-making process establishing school policy, recognizing that the legal responsibility to make decisions has been delegated by the people to boards of educa.on, state educa.on, and local educa.on d. The organiza.on shall work to promote the health and welfare of children and youth and shall seek to promote collabora.on between parents, schools, and the community at large. e. No part of the net earnings of the organiza.on shall inure to the benet of, of be distributable to its members, directors, trustees, ocers or other private persons except that the organiza.on shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensa.on for services rendered and to make payments and distribu.ons in furtherance of the purposed set forth in Ar.cle III hereof. f. Notwithstanding any other provisions of these ar.cles the organiza.on shall not carry on any other not permiMed to be carried on (i) by an organiza.on exempt from Federal income tax under Sec.on 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or (ii) by an organiza.on, contribu.ons to which are deduc.ble under Sec.on 170(c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code. g. Upon dissolu.on of this organiza.on, aWer paying or adequately providing for the debts and obliga.ons of the organiza.on, the remaining assets shall be distributed to tone or more nonprot funds, founda.ons, or organiza.ons which have established dthier tax exempt status under Sec.on 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. SCOTT SCHOOL PTA BYLAWS REVISED OCTOBER 2009, PAGE 3

ARTICLE IV: CONSTITUENT ORGANIZATIONS Sec2on 1. The cons.tuent organiza.ons of the Hawaii State PTSSA include local PTAs (Parent Teacher Associa.ons) and PTSAs (Parent Teacher Student Associa.ons) organized under the authority of the Hawaii State PTSA. ARTICLE IV: CONSTITUENT ORGANIZATIONS Sec2on 2. The ar.cles of organiza.on of a cons.tuent organiza.on include (a) the bylaws of such organiza.on and (b) the cer.cate of incorpora.on or ar.cles of incorpora.on of such organiza.on (in cases In which the organiza.on is a corpora.on) or the ar.cles of associa.on by whatever name (in case in which the organiza.on exists as an unincorporated associa.on. Sec2on 3. Bylaws of each cons.tuent organiza.on shall include an ar.cle on amendments. Sec2on 4. Bylaws of each cons.tuent organiza.on shall include a provision establishing quorum. Sec2on 5. The Bylaws of all cons.tuent organiza.ons shall prohibit by proxy, (unless proxy is required by applicable state laws). ARTICLE V: LOCAL PTA/PTSAs Sec2on 1. A local PTA in good standing is one which: a. Adheres to the purposes and basic policies of the PTA; b. Remits the na.onal por.on of the dues through the Hawaii State PTSA to reach the na.onal oce by dates designated by Na.onal PTA; c. Has bylaws approved according to the procedures of the Hawaii State PTSA; and d. Meets other criteria as may be prescribed by the Hawaii State PTSA; e. Remits the state por.on of the dues and membership roster to reach the Hawaii State PTSA oce postmarked no later than December 15th annually. Sec2on 2. This PTA shall keep such permanent books of account and records as shall be sucient to establish the items of gross income, receipts and disbursements of the organiza.on, including specically, the number of its members, the dues collected from its members, and the amount of dues remiMed to the Hawaii State PTSA. SCOTT SCHOOL PTA BYLAWS REVISED OCTOBER 2009, PAGE 4

Sec2on 3. The charter of this PTA shall be subject to withdrawal and the status of such organiza.on as a PTA unit shall be subject to termina.on, in the manner and under the circumstances provided in the bylaws of the Hawaii State PTSA. Sec2on 4. This local PTA is obliged, upon withdrawal of its charter by the Hawaii State PTSA: a. To yield up and surrender all of its books and records and all if its assets and property to the Hawaii State PYSA, or to such agency as may be designated by the Hawaii State PTSA or to another PTA organized under the authority of the Hawaii State PTSA; b. To cease and desist from the further use of any name that implies or connotes associa.on with the Na.onal PTA or the Hawaii State PTSA or status as a cons.tuent organiza.on of the Na.onal PTA; and c. To carry out promptly, under the supervision and direc.on of the Hawaii State PTSA, all proceedings necessary or desirable for the purpose of dissolving this PTA. Sec2on 5. Each local PTA shall include in its bylaws provisions corresponding to the provisions of such of these bylaws as are iden.ed by the state symbol #. Sec2on 6. The adop.on of an amendment to any provision of the Bylaws of the Hawaii State PTSA, iden.ed by the state symbol #, shall serve automa.cally and without the requirement of further ac.on by the local PTA to amend correspondingly the bylaws of each local PTA. Nothwithstanding the automa.c character of the amending process, the local PTAs shall promptly incorporate such amendments in their bylaws. Sec2on 7. All units for which dues and insurance premiums have not been paid by March 1st shall be no.ed in by the Hawaii State PTSA treasurer that all services of the State and Na.onal PTAs will be terminated on March 31. Service shall be reinstated aWer payment of delinquent dues and/or insurance premiums and receipt of rosters. Sec2on 8. Membership cards will not be issued to a local unit that did not send dues and rosters and/or insurance payments for the previous scal year(s). Cards will be issued aWer payment of delinquent dues and/or insurance premiums. Sec2on 9. The charter of all units who remain delinquent for (1) year beyond March 31st termina.on of services will be revoked at the next Board of Directors held aWer the second March 31st deadline.

SCOTT SCHOOL PTA BYLAWS REVISED OCTOBER 2009 PAGE 5 Sec2on 10. This PTA may dissolve and wind up its aairs in the following manner:

a. The CommiMee (or other body that, under the bylaws, manages the aairs of this PTA shall adopt a resolu.on recommending that this PTA be dissolved and the ques.on of such dissolu.on be submiMed to a vote at a special of the members having rights. WriMen or printed no.ce that the purpose of such is to consider the advisability of dissolving this PTA shall be given to each member en.tled to vote at such at least (30) thirty days prior to the date of such b. WriMen no.ce of the adop.on of such resolu.on, accompanied by a copy of the no.ce of the special of members, shall be given to the president of the Hawaii State PTSA at least twenty (20) days before the date xed for such special mee.ngs of the members. c. Only those persons who were in good standing of the PTA on the date of adop.on of the resolu.on and who con.nue to be members in good standing on the date of the special shall be en.tled to vote on the ques.on of dissolu.on. d. Approval of dissolu.on of the local PTA shall require the vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members present and en.tled to vote at the special, a quorum being present. e. of the result of the vote to dissolve must be provided in to the Hawaii State PTSA president within ve (5) days of the vote, at which .me all proceedings as outlined in These bylaws, Ar.cle V, sec.on 9 shall be carried out. ARTICLE VI: MEMBERSHIP AND DUES Sec2on 1. Every individual who is a member of this PTA is, by virtue of that fact, a member of the Na.onal PTA and of the Hawaii State PTSA by which such local PTA is chartered, and is en.tled to all the benets of such membership. Sec2on 2. Membership in this PTA shall be made available without regard to race, color, creed or na.onal origin. Sec2on 3. This PTA shall conduct an annual enrollment of members, but may admit persons to membership at any .me.

SCOTT SCHOOL PTA BYLAWS REVISED OCTOBER 2009, PAGE 6 Sec2on 4. Each member of this PTA shall pay such annual dues as may be determined by the organiza.on. The amount of the dues shall include the por.on payable to the state PTSA and

approved by a two-thirds majority of the body of the Hawaii State PTSA Annual conven.on, and the por.on payable to the Na.onal PTA as recommended by the board of directors and approved by a two-thirds majority of the body at the Na.onal PTA Annual Conven.on. Sec2on 5. Only members of a local PTA who have paid dues for the current membership year may par.cipate in the business of that associa.on. Sec2on 6. The State and Na.onal PTA por.ons of the dues paid by each member of this PTA shall be set aside by the PTA and remiMed to the Hawaii State PTSA through such channels and at such .mes as the State bylaws may provide. Each state PTA shall pay to the Na.onal PTA the amount of the na.onal por.on of dues paid by all members of local PTAs in its area. Sec2on 7. The Hawaii State PTSA membership year shall be October 1 to September 30 annually. ARTICLE VII: OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES Sec2on 1. Each ocer or board member shall be a member of this PTA. Sec2on 2. a. The ocers of this organiza.on shall consist of a president, 2 vice-presidents, a secretary, and a treasurer. b. Ocers shall be elected by ballot at the General Membership to be held in the month of May. However, if there is but one nominee for any oce, elec.on for that oce may be voice vote. c. of said elec.on and nominees for oce to have been given to the general membership at least thirty (30) days prior to the elec.on. d. Ocers shall assume their ocial on July 1 and shall serve two years or un.l their successors are elected.

SCOTT SCHOOL PTA BYLAWS REVISED OCTOBER 2009, PAGE 7 e. A person shall not be eligible to serve more than two terms in the same oce. Sec2on 3. CommiMee a. There shall be a commiMee composed of three members and two alternates who

shall be elected by this PTA at a regular at least three months prior to the elec.on of ocers. The commiMee shall elect its own chairman. b. The commiMee shall nominate an eligible person for each oce to be lled and report its nominees at the regular in May, at which .me addi.onal nomina.ons may be made from the oor. c. Only those persons who have signied their consent to serve if elected shall be nominated for or elected to such oce. Sec2on 4. Vacancies: A vacancy occurring in any oce shall be lled for the unexpired term by a person elected by a majority vote of the board, no.ce of such elec.on having been given. In case a vacancy occurs in the oce of president, the rst vice-president shall serve no.ce of the elec.on. ARTICLE VIII: DUTIES OF OFFICERS Sec2on 1. The President shall: a. Preside at all mee.ngs of the associa.on; b. Performs such other as may be prescribed in these bylaws or assigned by the associa.on; c. Be a member ex ocio of all commiMees except the commiMee; d. Coordinate the work of the ocers and commiMees of the associa.on in order that the Objects may be promoted; e. AMend Region mee.ngs or appoint a Board to such.

SCOTT SCHOOL PTA BYLAWS REVISED OCTOBER 2009, PAGE 8 Sec2on 2. The rst vice-president shall: a. Act as aide to the president; b. Perform the of the president in the absence or inability of that ocer to serve.

c. Assist and oversee the following standing commiMees: (1) Programs (2) Bylaws (3) NewsleMer (4) Fund-raising Sec2on 3. The second vice-president shall: a. Act as aide to the president; b. Perform the of the president in the absence or inability of that ocer to serve, c. Assist and oversee the following standing commiMees: (1) Audit (2) Budget and Finance (3) Membership (4) T-shirt (Ad Hoc) Sec2on 4. The secretary shall: a. Record the minutes of all mee.ngs of the associa.on, both general and board; b. Have a current copy of the bylaws; c. Maintain a current membership list; d. Perform other delegated as assigned.

SCOTT SCHOOL PTA BYLAWS REVISED OCTOBER 2009, PAGE 9 Sec2on 5. The treasurer shall: a. Have custody of all the funds of the associa.on; b. Keep and full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures; c. Make disbursements as authorized by the president, board, or associa.on in accordance with the budget adopted by the associa.on;

d. Have checks or vouchers signed by two of the three authorized board members, one of which is the treasurer; e. Present a nancial statement at every general and of the associa.on and at other .mes when requested by the board; f. Make a full report at the at which new ocers ocially assume their (usually the annual; g. Be responsible for the maintenance of such books of account and records as conform to the requirements of Ar.cle V, Sec.on 2, of these bylaws; h. Have the accounts examined annually or upon change of treasurer by an audit or an commiMee of not fewer than three members, who, sa.sed that the treasurers annual report is correct, shall sign a statement of that fact at the end of the report; i. Submit the books annually for an audit by an commiMee selected by the board at least two weeks before the at which new ocers assume Sec2on 6. All ocers shall perform the outlined in these bylaws and those assigned from .me to .me. Upon the expira.on of the term of oce or in case of resigna.on, each ocer shall turn over to the president, without delay, all records, books, and other materials pertaining to the oce, and shall return to the treasurer, without delay, all funds pertaining to the oce.

SCOTT SCHOOL PTA BYLAWS REVISED OCTOBER 2009, PAGE 10 ARTICLE IX: EXECUTIVE BOARD Sec2on 1. a. The board shall consist of the ocers of the associa.on, the standing commiMee chairs, two teacher representa.ves who may vote if they are PTA members, and the principal of the school or a appointed by the principal. The chairs of the standing commiMees shall be selected by the ocers of the associa.on. b. The principal or principals shall serve as an advisor only, and as such, shall be a member of the board.

c. The president may appoint a parliamentarian, subject to the approval of the ocers of the associa.on. Sec2on 2. A PTA member shall not serve as a member of a cons.tuent organiza.ons board at the local, council, district, region, state or na.onal level while serving as a paid employee of or under contract to that cons.tuent organiza.on. Sec2on 3. The of the board shall be: a. To transact necessary business in the intervals between associa.on mee.ngs and such other business as may be referred to it by the associa.on; b. To create special commiMees; c. To approve the plans of work of all commiMees; d. To present a report at the regular mee.ngs of the associa.on; e. To select an auditor or an commiMee to audit the treasurers accounts; f. To prepare and submit to the associa.on for adop.on a budget for the year; g. To approve bills within the limits of the budget. Sec2on 4. Regular mee.ngs of the board shall be held during the school year as follows: the second Thursday of each month. Each new incoming board may change the date by a majority of the new board. A majority of the board members shall cons.tute a quorum. Special of the board may be called by the president or by a majority of the members of the board, two days no.ce being given. SCOTT SCHOOL PTA BYLAWS REVISED OCTOBER 2009, PAGE 11 ARTICLE X: MEETINGS Sec2on 1. Three regular mee.ngs of the associa.on shall be held during the school year as follows: Quarter 1, Quarter 2, Quarter 3 op.onal, and Quarter 4, unless otherwise provided by the associa.on or by the board, thirty (30) days no.ce having been given of the change of date. Sec2on 2. Special mee.ngs of the associa.on may be called by the president or by a majority of the board, seven days no.ce being given. Sec2on 3. The annual shall be held in May.

Sec2on 4. Two thirds of the members present shall cons.tute a quorum for the transac.on of business in any general of this associa.on. ARTICLE XI: COMMITTEES Sec2on 1. Only members of the associa.on shall be eligible to serve in any or posi.ons. Sec2on 2. The term of each chair shall be one year or un.l the selec.on of a successor. Sec2on 3. The standing commiMees of this unit shall be membership, program, fund raising, website, and newsleMer. Sec2on 4. The chair of each commiMee shall present a plan of work to the board for approval. No commiMee work shall be undertaken without the consent of the board. Sec2on 5. The board may create such special commiMees, as it may deem necessary to promote the Objects and carry on the work of the associa.on. Sec2on 6. The president shall be a member ex ocio of all commiMees except the commiMee.


ARTICLE XII: STATE CONVENTION & REGION DIRECTOR ELECTION Sec2on 1. Each local unit shall be en.tled to be represented at the annual conven.on of the Hawaii State PTSA by its president and three (3) other ocers, or their alternates, and one (1) addi.onal delegate for every Wy (50) members in good standing per rosters and dues submiMed to the Hawaii State PTSA oce and postmarked at least forty ve (45) days prior to the rst day of conven.on. Local units formed with the forty ve (45) day period shall be en.tled to full representa.on at conven.on based on the number of members in good standing as shown on the books of the treasurer of the Hawaii State PTSA twenty four (24) hours before the start of conven.on. Sec2on 2. The annual conven.on of the Hawaii State PTSA shall be open to members of the Hawaii State PTSA and guests, but the privileges of making mo.ons, and shall be

limited to members of the Board of Directors and to the delegates from each local unit and region. No member shall have more than one (1) vote. Sec2on 3. Region directors shall be elected by the delegates local units within that region in aMendance at the annual Hawaii State PTSA Conven.on. If there is but one candidate for oce, elec.on may take place b y voice vote. The person receiving the majority of votes shall assume oce July 1. ARTICLE XIII: FISCAL YEAR The scal year of this PTA shall begin on July 1 and end on the following June 30.

ARTICLE XIV: PARLIMENTARY AUTHORITY The rules contained in the current edi.on of Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Na.onal PTA and its cons.tuent organiza.ons in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not in conict with these bylaws, the bylaws of the Hawaii State PTSA, and the bylaws of the Na.onal PTA, or the ar.cles of incorpora.on.

SCOTT SCHOOL PTA BYLAWS REVISED OCTOBER 2009, PAGE 13 ARTICLE XV: AMENDMENTS Sec2on 1. a. These bylaws may be amended at any regular of the associa.on by a two-thirds vote of the members present and, provided that no.ce of the amendment has been given to the membership in at least thirty (30) days prior and that the proposed amendment shall be subject to approval of the Hawaii State PTSA. b. A commiMee may be appointed to submit a revised set of bylaws as a subs.tute of the bylaws by a majority vote at a of the associa.on, or by a two-thirds vote of the board. The requirement for adop.on of a revised set of bylaws shall be the same as in the case of an amendment. c. Submission of amendments or revised bylaws for approval by the Hawaii State PTSA shall be in

accordance with the bylaws or regula.on of the Hawaii State PTSA. Sec2on 2. The adop.on of an amendment to a provision of the bylaws of the Hawaii State PTSA iden.ed by a number (#) symbol shall serve automa.cally and without the requirement of further ac.on by the local PTA to amend correspondingly the bylaws of each local PTA.


These bylaws were passed by a 2/3 vote at the General Membership held on December 16 , 2009.

____________________________________________________ _________________________ President Date

___________________________________________________ _________________________ Secretary Date

___________________________________________________ _________________________ Approved Hawaii State PTSA Date

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