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The Unlucky


I discussed the shadow issue with Benjamin, he said

that maybe I had some kind of illusion. Somehow, I
believed him and tried to forget that thing. It was
time for the bed. I was walking to the place of my
bed which was at the last of the hall. Behind the bed
was a wall covered with dirt and scratches.
That night was hard to sleep as I had been planning
the whole night. Also, the credit goes to the snoring
of Andrew Macama. After the struggle of 3 hours,
finally I slept.

I was puzzled when I woke up. As today, I had a
different dream. In that dream, I could see Benjamin
drowning in an ocean with a lot of people watching
and although I was having a ton of life jackets but I
couldn’t move my legs. At last, he sank.
I woke up at 8 in the morning. I did my breakfast of
toasts and marmalade with my company. I told this
dream to Benjamin, Stevenson and George. They
had a lot of difficulty in wondering what that dream
meant. But everyone knew that something tragic is
going to happen.
Now we were planning of to go in Mrs. Linda’s cabin
at lunch time nearly at 2 pm and get my property
back, the letter. To do that I needed to distract Mrs.
Linda and to do that we had a plan, that Steve and
George will have a fight in the middle of the lunch, at
the topic of food. Then the whole staff of the
orphanage will gather, even Mrs. Linda. After
sometime, Kevin will secretly escape from the lunch
table to the cabin of principle. Afterwards, he will
search for the letter and properties of other
students. When he will be done with that. He will
give a signal to George and Steve, then they will
apologize to each other, stopping the fight.

At 1.45 we had our positions ready. After 10-15
minutes, George walked alongside the lunch table
and sat down on the bench with his food.
His plate was full of cooked red haricot beans so that
they could get longer time to clean it. Now Steve
accidently gave a cautious push to George and his
whole food fell down. Beans were scattered all over
the place. They both started arguing. “What did you
do” muttered George in a shouting way. “I didn’t
have the intention to do that” shrieked Steve. And
after a minute or two they tipped over to fighting.
At this point, the whole staff gathered around them.
Many of the orphans were laughing and some were
trying to shout to seek attention. And as usual Mrs.
Keres called Mrs. Linda while using a lot of
exaggeration. Mrs. Keres told everything like the real
thing is sickness and she will exaggerate to death.
Kevin saw the right moment and ran towards the
Mrs. Linda was heading towards the lunch table.
She was very ferocious. And when she reached the
table, she shrieked to all to go and do their own
work. When everyone was gone, Mrs. Linda started
asking questions.

At that time Kevin reached the door of the cabin
which was very beautifully carved and a lot of work
was done to it. There were carvings of cross, skulls
and mainly a demon who was laughing.
Kevin opened the door with a lot of struggle. He saw
a beautiful sculpture of a mermaid holding a trident.
It was of stone or wood covered in grey paint. Next to
it was a stand of clothes and hats. At the front, was
a table. The cabin was full of books. The table had
globes, small telescopes and loads of books. The
walls were made up of oak planks. The ceiling had a
dirty black fan.
Kevin tipped toed towards the drawers, which had
bunch of stuff like a slingshot, a pair of paintings
explaining Mrs. Linda’s strictness. He opened the
second drawer which had weird stuff filled in it. It
had the human skull which Mrs. Linda was carrying
when Kevin and Steve were raking.
Kevin found a lot of cool stuff but was unable to find
his letter. He took ten minutes to search for it. He
became so tired that he sat on the chair beside the
table. He saw something fishy.
There was a red button. He was so curious that he
pressed it.

He heard some sounds of dragging and then was
opened a secret basement. Tommy was also present
over there.
There was some kind of bad smell. When he saw
some coffins, he was terrified. He just explored the
starting part of basement where there were also
present shelves.
The shelves were full of files. Maybe, the files of
He found the file of Benjamin, George and Steve.
Benjamin’s file was a bit strange as on it was written
“The Next Target”. He took the files with him.
He found his file. When he opened it there was
nothing but the orphan report. He was confused that
where his letter went. He tried to get out of the
basement but tommy kept on making sounds as
though she was using a code language.
Kevin went out of the basement and pressed that
button. His heart started thumping really fast. He
could hear the thumping with the footsteps of
someone. He though it was Mrs. Linda and hid
behind the table so that he could see Mrs. Linda’s
face from a crevice in the table. The door opened but
he couldn’t see Mrs. Linda’s face.

It was Benjamin. He whispered in the room: “The
fight is about to resolve so Kevin please hurry up”.
Kevin got out of the table and Benjamin saw him
holding 3-4 files. He seemed to get jolly. But now
Kevin hid the files in his pants so nobody is able to
guess what he is having. Kevin and Benjamin got
out of the room and saw Mrs. Linda marching
towards the cabin with George and Steve.
Kevin hid beside the empty kitchen beside the cabin.
Mrs. Linda looked furious. Then Kevin was about to
ask Benjamin to leave but heard Mrs. Linda’s
shrieking voice: “Kevin, Kevin come out. Come out
from the place you are hiding from me or else I will
have to show you what I can do”.

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