Class 1 Wordlist - Vocab Champ 2022-23

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The Aga Khan Schools, South

Wordlist for Vocab Champ 2022-23

Class I

S. Word Form Definition Synonym Antonym Pronunciation

1 family noun a group of people who are related to you, like mother, father, /ˈfæməli/
brother and sister fam-uh-lee
2 brother noun a boy or man who has the same mother and father as another /ˈbrʌðər/
person bruhth-ur
3 uncle noun the brother of your mother or father; the husband of your aunt /ˈʌŋkl/
4 aunt noun the sister of your father or mother; the wife of your uncle /ɑːnt/
5 eat verb to put food in your mouth /iːt/
6 play verb to take part in a game /pleɪ/
7 black adjective having the very darkest color, like coal or the sky at night dark white /blæk/
8 this pronoun to show something that is near you that /ðɪs/
9 these pronoun plural of this those /ðiːz/
10 cold adjective not hot, cool like ice icy hot /kəʊld/
11 small adjective little in size or number little big /smɔːl/
12 sunny adjective with a lot of bright light from the sun bright shady /ˈsʌn.i/
13 sad adjective not happy unhappy happy /sæd/
14 sleep verb to rest with your eyes closed rest wake up /sliːp/
15 old adjective lived for many years aged young /əʊld/
16 add verb to put something together with something sum subtract /æd/
17 before preposition earlier than somebody/something earlier after /bɪˈfɔːr/
bih-fawr, -fohr
18 go verb to travel or move to another place leave come /ɡəʊ/
19 time noun hours, minutes, days or past, present, and future moment /taɪm/
20 more adverb something extra to what you have extra less / few /mɔːr/
mawr, mohr
21 mother noun your female parent mom /ˈmʌðər/
22 father noun your male parent dad /ˈfɑːðə(r)/
23 friend noun someone you know well and like, and who is not a member chum, pal enemy /frend/
of your family frend
24 parents noun a person’s father or mother /ˈpeərənt/
25 dark adjective with no or very little light, especially because it is night dim bright /dɑːk/
26 field noun an area of land used for growing crops or keeping animals: plot /fiːld/
27 scared adjective frightened of something or afraid that something bad might afraid calm /skeəd/
happen skeuhd
28 cool adjective fairly cold; not hot or warm warm /kuːl/
29 warm adjective having or giving off normal heat cool /wɔːm/
30 day noun a period of 24 hours night /deɪ/
31 morning noun the early part of the day from the time when people wake up before noon evening /ˈmɔːnɪŋ/
until 12 o'clock in the middle of the day or before lunch maw·nuhng
32 grow verb to increase in size, number, strength, or quality develop shrink /ɡrəʊ/
33 make verb to create or prepare something by putting parts together create break /meɪk/
34 teach verb to make someone learn or understand something by example explain learn /tiːtʃ/
or experience. luhn
35 windy adjective with a lot of wind breezy /ˈwɪndi/
36 word noun a group of letters that can be spoken or written term /wɜːd/
37 missing adjective not at the usual place absent present /ˈmɪsɪŋ/
38 animal noun something that lives and moves but is not a human, bird, fish, /ˈæn.ɪ.məl/
or insect an-uh-muhl
39 between preposition in or into the space separating two or more points, objects, middle /bɪˈtwiːn/
people, etc. buh·tween
40 after preposition later than something; following something in time later before /ˈɑːftə(r)/
41 straight adverb not in a curve or at an angle linear curve /streɪt/
42 watch verb to look at something for a period of time look at ignore /wɒtʃ/
43 bottle noun a container for liquids, usually made of glass or plastic, with container /ˈbɒtl/
a narrow top bo·tl
44 level noun the height of something in relation to the ground or to what it even uneven /ˈlevl/
used to be leh·vl
45 practice noun doing an activity or training regularly so that you can improve routine /ˈpræktɪs/
your skill; the time you spend doing this prak·tuhs
46 jump verb to move forward through the air and over something leap /dʒʌmp/
47 dance verb to move your body in a way that goes with the rhythm and shake stillness /dɑːns/
style of music that is being played daans
48 bring verb to come to a place with somebody/something get leave /brɪŋ/
49 angry adjective having strong feelings about something that you dislike very cross calm /ˈæŋɡri/
much or about an unfair situation ang.gree
50 glass noun a hard, usually clear, substance used, for example, for making /ɡlɑːs/
windows and bottles glaas
51 dress verb to put clothes on yourself or someone else decorate undress /dres/
52 catch verb to stop and hold a moving object or person, especially in your hold drop /kætʃ/
hands kach
53 lazy adjective unwilling to work or be active, doing as little as possible idle energetic /ˈleɪzi/
54 people noun human beings; men, women, and children humans /ˈpiːpl/
55 under preposition in, to or through a position that is below something below above /ˈʌndə(r)/
56 bottom noun the lowest part of something base top /ˈbɒtəm/
57 sequence noun a set of events, actions, numbers, etc. order /ˈsiːkwəns/
58 choice noun something that you can choose option /tʃɔɪs/
59 borrow verb to take and use something that belongs to somebody else, and take lend /ˈbɒrəʊ/
return it to them at a later time bo.row
60 compare verb to examine people or things to see how they are similar and match /kəmˈpeə(r)/
how they are different kuhm.peuh
61 fall verb to drop down from a higher level to a lower level drop rise /fɔːl/
62 rainy adjective having or bringing a lot of rain pouring /ˈreɪni/
63 cloudy adjective when it is cloudy, there are clouds in the sky. bright /ˈklaʊdi/
64 ride verb to sit on and control a bicycle, motorcycle, etc drive /raɪd/
65 climb verb to go up something towards the top go up descend /klaɪm/
66 wood noun the hard material that trees are made of: logs /wʊd/
67 wash verb to clean (something) with water and usually soap clean /wɒʃ/
68 son noun your male child /sʌn/
69 daughter noun your female child /ˈdɔːtə(r)/
70 because conjunction for the reason that /bɪˈkəz/
71 solution noun a way of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult way out problem /səˈluːʃn/
situation suh·loo·shn
72 problem noun a thing that is difficult to deal with or to understand difficulty solution /ˈprɒbləm/
73 music noun a pattern of sounds that is made by playing instruments or melody/ tune /ˈmjuːzɪk/
singing, or a recording of this myoo.zik
74 height noun the measurement of how tall a person or thing is /haɪt/
75 length noun the size or measurement of something from one end to the /leŋθ/
other length
76 few pronoun used with plural nouns and a plural verb to mean ‘a small little many /fjuː/
number’, ‘some’ fiyu
77 many pronoun used mainly in negative sentences and questions and with a lot of few /ˈmeni/
"too", "so", and "as" to mean "a large number of" meh.nee
78 less pronoun a smaller amount (of), or to a smaller degree fewer more /les/
79 equal noun the same in size, quantity, value, etc. as something else alike unequal /ˈiːkwəl/
80 coin noun a small flat piece of metal used as money currency /kɔɪn/
81 sauce noun a thick liquid eaten with food to add flavour puree /sɔːs/
82 amazing adjective very surprising, especially in a way that you like or admire surprising /əˈmeɪzɪŋ/
83 cheap adjective costing little money or less money than you expected low-priced Cheep
84 hope verb to want something to happen and think that it is possible wish Hohp
85 hot adjective having a high temperature, spicy cold /hɒt/
mild hot
86 greater adjective large in amount, size, or degree big small /ˈɡreɪ.tər/

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