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– ULIS –

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.

Question 1: The invention of _______ telephone has made communication easier and easier.
A. a B. the C. no article D. an

Question 2: Unlike her parents, Sue chose _______ as her major at university.
A. economy B. economize C. economic D. economics

Question 3: Three robbers _______ a suitcase of money in a bank robbery last night.
A. made off with B. made up for
C. carried along with D. ran away from

Question 4: No wonder she doesn’t remember _______ a beautiful doll on her fourth birthday. It’s such a
long time ago.
A. having been given B. had been given C. to have given D. to be given

Question 5: Manchester United’s coach was _______ for their team’s recent poor performance.
A. charged B. accused C. blamed D. embarrassed

Question 6: Travelling by motorbike to my hometown takes _______ travelling by car.

A. as twice as much time B. twice as much time as
C. as much time as twice D. twice as much as time

Question 7: I can’t stand living with my roommate any more. He _______ a mess in our room
A. always made B. was always making
C. is always making D. has always been making

Question 8: He suddenly burst out laughing in a very strange way, _______ everyone to turn round and
A. making B. attracting C. causing D. allowing

Question 9: They didn’t seem enthusiastic _______ the subject you mentioned in the meeting.
A. with B. about C. on D. in

Question 10: My _______ towards learning has changed dramatically since I entered university.
A. purpose B. goal C. ambition D. attitude

Question 11: Once _______ to university, candidates will receive a letter of acceptance from the
admissions office.
A. admitted B. having admitted C. admitting D. get admitted

Question 12: They managed to do well at school _______ having their early education interrupted by
A. despite B. owing to C. in addition to D. as a result of

Question 13: Beyond all _______, Paul was the best person interviewed for the job.
A. conclusion B. negligence C. contradiction D. dispute
Lớp Tiếng Anh Online Hoàng Việt Hưng

Question 14: By virtue of current financial difficulties, getting a rise in salary is temporarily _______.
A. out of this world B. out of the question
C. out of sight D. out of the woods

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 15: A. answered B. discussed C. returned D. improved

Question 16: A. decorate B. concentrate C. accurate D. operate

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three
in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 17: A. midnight B. colleague C. decent D. surprise

Question 18: A. organize B. imagine C. discover D. embarrass

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions

Whatever happened to the familiar scene from the past of children playing “tag” in the streets while
their parents chatted amicably with the neighbors over the garden fence? This idyllic picture is fading fast
today, as the descendants of the same children are deserting the cul-de-sac in favor of a screen. Several
organizations are attempting to reverse this trend, with varying degrees of success.

One of the organizations is Play England, which aims to improve opportunities for children to play
outside. A leading figure in the campaign is 50-year-old Adrian Voce, who has happy childhood memories
of days spent in the “Big Woods” near his house with his older brothers. “We were given a packed lunch
and told not to talk to strangers. I can remember vividly wandering in and out of each other’s houses.” he

However, it is not the children that members of Play England have to convince. In many cases, the
parents themselves block their efforts, if unwittingly, by their lack of cooperation. A survey in 2004 found
that 85% of adults agreed that it was important for children to be able to play safely in the road or street
where they live. However, a high proportion of them were not prepared to park their cars an extra 50 meters
away to make the street safer.

Society today has changed to such an extent that children do not feel safe on the streets and their
parents no longer feel comfortable about letting them play there. It is not only the appeal of computers and
video games that has driven children inside but also the presence of traffic, crime, and violent gangs of
young people. However, thanks to efforts of people like Adrian Voce, it may not be too late to turn back
the clock.

Question 19: What is the main idea of the passage?

A. British children are playing safely in the streets thanks to organizations like Play England.
B. Children are unable to play games outside without parents’ support in Great Britain.
C. British children are no longer playing outdoors because of their interest in computers.
D. Efforts have been made to encourage British children to play in the streets like their parents.

Question 20: What is the word “figure” in paragraph 2 closest in meaning to _______?
A. number B. person C. case D. picture
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Question 21: What does the word “their” in paragraph 3 refer to _______?
A. children B. cases C. members D. parents

Question 22: Which of the following is NOT mentioned as reasons why children don’t play in
the streets?
A. lack of traffic management crews B. young people’s violence
C. attraction of computer games D. parents’ lack of cooperation

Question 23: The writer of the passage believes that _______.

A. more should be done by the police to reduce increasing street crime.
B. there’s some hope that children will be able to play outside again.
C. new technology is fully responsible for stealing children’s attention.
D. parents in Britain today seem to be over-protective of their children.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks

Leading figures in the business world dumping icy water over themselves, eye-catching photos (24)
_______ on the internet of people lying horizontally for no good reason. Looking at some of the things
online today, it seems these crazes are becoming more and more popular. And they’re all members.

First used by biologist Richard Dawkins in the 1970s, the word “meme” described the transmission
of ideas from person to person. (25) _______ the meaning has evolved in the social media: a dictionary
recently defined meme as “an image or video that is spread rapidly by internet users.” Transmission is so
fast that a joke shared between friends can become a global phenomenon in a matter of hours.

Typical memes are easy to understand and quick to pass on. Those (26) _______ share a meme feel
a sense of belonging: they are “in” on an inside joke. Having seen the potential of the meme, marketing
executives were keen to use this powerful tool. The meme has also proved to be an amazing way to generate
donations for charities and NGOs – in one case producing a tenfold increase in the charity’s previous annual
income. Opinions on this are sharply divided. Supporters say it not only raises money for a (27) _______
cause but also encourages people to donate more in general.

Opponents, however, criticize the way celebrities exploit these phenomena for their own interests:
they say many people taking part are engaged more by the meme than by the real issue; they also feel the
income one charity receives may be out of proportion with the relative (28) _______ of a given disease, or
reduce donation to other causes not in the public eye.

Question 24: A. made B. taken C. printed D. posted

Question 25: A. Additionally B. However C. Therefore D. Otherwise

Question 26: A. who B. which C. whom D. what

Question 27: A. specifying B. specify C. specific D. specially

Question 28: A. expanse B. extension C. extent D. expansion

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 29: Jim can’t say not to cookies. He is know for having a sweet tooth.
A. wishing for sweet food B. losing one tooth
C. disliking anything sweet D. avoiding toothaches
Lớp Tiếng Anh Online Hoàng Việt Hưng

Question 30: Fallout from the nuclear power station damaged in the tsunami may harm the vegetation.
A. benefit B. endanger C. destroy D. select

Mark the letter A, B C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair
of sentences in the following questions

Question 31: Writers need to be fully inspired. Before that, they are not able to write well.
A. Fully inspired though writers are, they cannot produce good writing.
B. Not until writers are fully inspired that they are capable of writing well.
C. Only with the ability to write well can writers get their full inspiration.
D. Only when writers find their full inspiration can they create good writing.

Question 32: I spent too much time watching TV before my final exam. Now I feel deep regret about
A. If only I hadn’t watched too much TV before I took my final exam.
B. I’d rather not spend too much time watching TV before my final exam.
C. I feel sorry when I’ve spent much time watching TV before my final exam.
D. I wish to spend time preparing for my final exams instead of watching TV.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Question 33: Basic knowledge of social studies along with his experience have enabled him to
get the job.

Question 34: The suspect was seen leave the crime scene shortly after the murder had occurred.

Question 35: The company has overcome its difficulty as its debt has been reduced to a more
managerial level.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.

Who isn't tempted by adverts for cheap flights by low-cost airlines? It seems like the ideal solution
to broaden your horizons and go out to see something of the world. But now governments are becoming
increasingly concerned about the impact of air travel on the environment, and politicians are under pressure
from environmental groups to stop the growth in low-cost flights.

Air travel is the fastest-growing source of greenhouse gases, and flights are on course to double by
2020 and triple by 2030. Emissions from aircraft, principally carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and water
vapor, contribute in part to the effect of global warming. If aviation continues expanding at the same rate
as it has done in previous years, it will become the main source of CO2 emissions by the middle of the
Lớp Tiếng Anh Online Hoàng Việt Hưng

Plans to halt the increase in air travel include introducing a tax on jet fuel, selling permits to airlines
to cover their output of carbon dioxide, and ceasing the expansion of existing airports. Airline companies
will be forced to raise their prices to cover these costs, making air travel much more expensive for
passengers. It looks like the days of a cheap weekend break in Venice could be over.

In response to these proposals, airlines insist that the impact of aviation on the environment is not
sufficiently understood to justify introducing such drastic measures. A representative from the
environmental affairs department of British Airways admitted that air travel could account for nearly half
of the total CO2 emissions by 2050, but alleged that the proposals would limit society’s choice on how the
gases should be reduced. He said society might prefer to continue to allow flights to grow and reduce
emissions elsewhere, such as in power generators or road transport.

The European Parliament is at present debating the environmental impact of air travel, and
politicians are drawing up plans for a scheme to cover all flights arriving at or departing from all airports
in the European Union. However, the scheme is likely to be limited in the early years to flights within
Europe in order to avoid legal actions from the United States and other countries.

As the years go by, it is becoming clear that it is not only governments who will be paying the price
of reducing global warming. In the future, individuals will be encouraged to either stay at home or
contribute to the bill.

Question 36: Which could be the best title for the passage?
A. EU’s efforts in reducing airline emissions.
B. Saving the planet with budget airlines.
C. Airlines’ future cost-cutting plans
D. EU’s recent decision against flying

Question 37: What is the word “emissions” in paragraph 2 closest in meaning to _______?
A. discharge B. heat C. exhaust D. sewage

Question 38: When may aircraft emissions be the main source of greenhouse gases?
A. by 2020 B. by 2030 C. by 2040 D. by 2050

Question 39: What is the word “halt” in paragraph 3 closest in meaning to _______?
A. forbid B. stop C. encourage D. stimulate

Question 40: Why will airlines have to purchase permits?

A. To pay for the fuel they will use B. To be able to enter a European airport
C. To keep up with increasing costs D. To make up for the gases planes emit

Question 41: What does the word “their” in paragraph 3 refer to _______?
A. plans B. permits C. companies D. airports

Question 42: Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passage?
A. European governments’ drastic measures to reduce future cheap flights are supported.
B. British Airways think people should be allowed to choose how to reduce CO2 emissions.
C. Governments’ estimate of international aircraft emissions by the year 2050 is exaggerated.
D. Road transport is a greater source of CO2 emissions than air transport or power generators.

Question 43: It can be inferred from the reading passage that _______.
A. European governments should not expect individuals to contribute to reducing global warming.
B. the European Parliament is ready to launch a scheme that covers all flights using airports in EU.
C. the USA and other countries may sue EU if their planes are subject to their upcoming schemes.
D. environmental groups require European governments to close down current low-cost airlines.
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Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of
the following exchanges.

Question 44: Alex is talking to his little sister, Kate, after dinner.
Alex: “Need a hand with your homework, my dear?
Kate: “ _______”
A. I think not. I can manage without you. B. Not at all. It's very kind of you to say so
C. Some other time, perhaps. I’m busy now. D. Never mind. As long as you can do it correctly.

Question 45: Two students are chatting in the corridor after class.
Tim: “Geography is certainly one of the most interesting subjects.”
Laura: “_______”
A. I don’t think so. You can say that again.
B. I’m afraid I’m not with you. It gives me a headache.
C. That’s OK. As long as you like it.
D. That’s not true. I can’t understand how you feel.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 46: Harvard is such a prestigious university that only excellent students are entitled to
scholarships to study there.
A. are rejected to possess B. are given the right to have
C. are obliged to own D. are allowed to decline

Question 47: You should maintain eye-contact with your interviewer. It’s common practice to
look at the person you are talking to.
A. habit B. policy C. method D. technique

Mark the letter A, B C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to
each of the following questions.

Question 48: Were Jack a clever person, he would have been promoted last year.
A. Jack surely isn’t intelligent enough to get the promotion last year.
B. Jack was promoted last year even though he was not so clever.
C. Jack didn’t get the promotion last year since he isn’t intelligent.
D. Jack missed his promotion last year without proving himself clever.

Question 49: I am dead certain he finished his homework and went out with Jane.
A. He must have finished his homework and gone out with Jane.
B. Jane must have gone out with him to finish all their homework.
C. He should have finished his homework to hang out with Jane.
D. Jane could have helped him with his homework before going out.

Question 50: “Hurrah! We have won the match!”, Peter said.

A. Peter yelled out before knowing they won the match.
B. Peter said with joy when guessing that they won the match.
C. Peter exclaimed excitedly that they had won the match.
D. Peter hesitated to infrom that they had won the match.
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Tha hồ làm nhiều đề và khám phá vô số cách học thú vị khác

khi các bạn tham gia khóa:

Tiếng Anh không chỉ là những công thức hay cấu trúc chán ngắt - mà sẽ phát hiện
vô số điều thú vị từ nó !

Nhưng điều quan trọng là các bạn phải dám thay đổi để nhìn nhận nó với góc độ
khác – khoa học hơn.
Lớp Tiếng Anh Online Hoàng Việt Hưng


N0 Key Explanation

1 B có thể dùng the cho danh từ khi muốn diễn đạt ý đại diện: the telephone ở đây không
phải là cái điện thoại nào cụ thể mà có ý nó mang tính đại diện cho điện thoại.

Tương tự: The dolphin is an intelligent animal - the dolphin này cũng không chỉ rõ con
cá heo nào mà muốn nói tổng quan đến loài cá heo.

(ngoài ra a/an mang nghĩa là một - khi ghép vào nghĩa của câu sẽ không hợp nữa)

2 D economics: môn kinh tế học ; major: chuyên ngành.

3 A make off with sth: chuồn đi với cái gì (đồ ăn trộm)

4 A việc này diễn ra rồi nên phải dùng V-ing sau Remmember.

thực ra việc dùng remember doing hay remember having done là không cần phân biệt
- dùng cái nào cũng được (đề không thể cho 2 cái này vào lựa chọn mà đều đúng)

5 C blame sb for sth: trách cứ ai vì việc gì (trong câu là dạng Bị động)

- charge sb with sth: buộc tội ai với tội danh gì.

- accuse sb of sth: buộc tội ai về việc gì.

- be embarrassed by/about: xấu hổ về việc gì.

6 B sau này anh có lý thuyết chuẩn hơn sau, nhưng nói qua thế này:

khi muốn nói cái gì đó hơn gấp 2, gấp 3 cái gì khác sẽ dùng:

twice, three times … + as + Adj + as

khi muốn thêm Danh từ thì cho nó vào sau Adj.

7 C dùng Hiện tại tiếp diễn với always để nhấn mạnh những việc mang tính khó chịu.

8 C ở đây chỉ có cause và allow là + sb + to + V-nguyên thể, nhưng xét theo nghĩa thì chỉ
có cause là hợp.

Dịch: Hắn tự dưng phá cười lên một cách kỳ lạ, khiến cho mọi người quay lại nhìn.

9 B be enthusiastic about: nhiệt tình, rất quan tâm đến.

10 D attitude towards sth: thái độ đối với cái gì.

* Đây là loại câu hỏi liên quan đến giới từ mà chỉ chọn được nếu biết giới từ đó chỉ đi
với từ nào.
Lớp Tiếng Anh Online Hoàng Việt Hưng

11 A Tách V chung chủ ngữ - dạng bị động và có Liên từ.

Dịch: Khi mà đã được nhận vào trường Đại học, các ứng viên sẽ nhận được giấy chấp
nhận (giấy gọi nhập học) từ phòng tiếp nhận.

12 A Dịch: "Họ vẫn học tốt ở trường mặc dù giai đoạn đầu đi học của họ bị gián đoạn do
nghèo khó."

13 D beyond all dispute: không cần bàn cãi, chắn chắn ~ certainly.

(dạng câu này giống như leave nothing to chance ở đề Minh họa - sau này anh sẽ có
bảng LIỆT KÊ LIST những từ dạng dạng này cho bọn em)

14 B be out of question: không thể.

- by virtue of sth: bởi vì điều gì ~ because of.

- out of this world: rất tốt, tuyệt vời.

- out of sight: quá tầm nhìn, mất dấu.

- not be out of the woods yet: vẫn có vấn đề, vẫn chưa ổn.

15 B quy tắc phát âm đuôi -ed.

16 C decorate /'dekəreit/

concentrate /'kɒnsntreit/

accurate /'ækjərət/

operate /'ɒpəreit/

17 D - midnight => âm 1 => quy tắc 5.

- colleague (bạn đồng nghiệp) => âm 1 => quy tắc 1 + 11.

- decent => âm 1 => quy tắc 1 + 11

- surprise => âm 2 => quy tắc 11.

18 A organize => âm 1 => quy tắc 11

imagine => âm 2 => quy tắc 11

discover => âm 2 => quy tắc 10 + 11

embarrass => âm 2 => quy tắc 11

Lớp Tiếng Anh Online Hoàng Việt Hưng


Đoạn 1: hình ảnh trẻ em chơi ngoài đường đã mất dần (giờ là dí mắt vào màn hình), và người
ta muốn phục hồi lại.

Đoạn 2: Tổ chức Play England với ông Voce nhớ lại hồi còn chẻ có mục đích như trên.

Đoạn 3: Chính phụ huynh lại cản trở việc tạo sân chơi cho trẻ dù họ ủng hộ điều này (không
chịu đỗ xe xa ra).

Đoạn 4: Thực trạng trẻ em dán mắt vào màn hình do nhiều nguyên nhân nhưng tổ chức như
Play England có thể giúp khắc phục phần nào.

19 D theo tóm tắt ở trên.

20 B figure: nhân vật quan trọng ~ person.

(thực ra có thể đoán là người vì có tên và đoạn sau có who)

21 C However, it is not the children that members of Play England have to convince. In
many cases, the parents themselves block their efforts, if unwittingly, by their lack of

=> Tuy nhiên không phải bọn trẻ mà các thành viên phải thuyết phục. Nhiều trường
hợp, chính bản thân phụ huynh cản trở nỗ lực của họ (thành viên), do vô tình, do sự
thiếu hợp tác của họ (phụ huynh).

22 D cái ý này chỉ liên quan việc các thành viên của tổ chức kia thuyết phục họ hợp tác thôi
- không được đề cập như nguyên nhân làm bọn trẻ không chơi ngoài đường.

23 B câu cuối cùng - và ý này cũng hợp lý nhất (hope mà).

24 D post sth on the internet: đăng tải trên mạng.

- có take a photo (chụp ảnh) nhưng ở đây không hợp nghĩa.

25 B đoạn đó là như sau:

Lúc đầu từ meme chỉ dùng để miêu tả sự truyền đạt ý tưởng từ người này sang người
khác. Tuy nhiên, cái nghĩa này đã phát triển hơn hơn trên mạng xã hội thành "tranh
ảnh được lan truyền nhanh chóng bởi cư dân mạng".

26 A those who: những người mà.

27 C cần 1 Tính từ bổ nghĩa cho Danh từ - specific cause: nguyên nhân cụ thể, riêng biệt.

28 C extent of disease: mức độ của bệnh nào đó.

(tức là đăng ảnh giật gân sẽ làm dân mạng không để ý nhiều sự thật mà chỉ chú ý nội
dung ảnh ; còn việc lấy ví dụ bệnh tật ở đây thì hơi khó hiểu - có lẽ nội dung bài này
đã bị cắt bớt)
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29 C have a sweet tooth: thích ăn đồ ngọt >< dislike anything sweet.

+ ý A là đồng nghĩa với nó.

30 A harm: gây hại >< benefit: có lợi cho.

31 D Câu gốc: Các nhà văn cần có đầy đủ cảm hứng. (Còn) trước đó, họ không thể viết tốt.

=> D. Chỉ khi các nhà văn tìm được cảm hứng đầy đủ thì họ mới có thể viết tốt.

(ý B tuy đúng nghĩa nhưng sai ngữ pháp - Not until ở đầu phải có Đảo ngữ ở sau)

32 A if only = giá mà - mong điều ngược lại với quá khứ.

33 C have => has

- S1 along with S2 + V-chia theo S1.

34 B leave => to leave/ leaving.

- bị động với các động từ chỉ giác quan sẽ là:

to be + seen/ heard/ watched … + V-ing/ To V

- chữa thành gì cũng được - miễn là 1 trong 2 dạng trên.

35 D managerial (thuộc quản lý) => manageable (có thể quản lý, kiểm soát được)

* Công ty đã vượt qua được khó khăn khi khoản nợ của nó đã được giảm xuống mức
có thể kiểm soát được.

+ Lỗi dùng sai từ na ná nhau.


Đoạn 1: Hàng không giá rẻ và nói sơ qua các vấn đề liên quan.

Đoạn 2: Đi lại bằng máy bay gây ra các vấn đề về môi trường do khí thải của nó.

Đoạn 3: Việc tăng thuế hàng không sẽ làm giá máy bay tăng để hạn chế người đi lại => máy
bay giá rẻ sẽ làm tăng số chuyến bay.

Đoạn 4: Sự tranh cãi về vấn đề liệu giảm chuyến bay có đúng không vì đây là nhu cầu xã hội và
có thể giảm chỗ khác bù lại.

Đoạn 5: Nghị viện châu âu có đưa ra kế hoạch để xem mức độ ảnh hưởng của hàng không
nhưng không ổn.

Đoạn 6: Dự đoán tương lai về việc bảo vệ môi trường.

Lớp Tiếng Anh Online Hoàng Việt Hưng

36 A các nỗ lực làm giảm khí thải hàng không bao quát cả bài.

+ ý D không chính xác ở chỗ là bên Châu Âu chỉ muốn giảm hàng không giá rẻ chứ
không phải là chống lại việc đi máy bay.

37 C emission: khí thải ~ exhaust.

38 D đoạn 4:

A representative from the environmental affairs department of British Airways admitted

that air travel could account for nearly half of the total CO2 emissions by 2050

39 B halt: tạm dừng ~ stop.

40 D Đoạn 3:

Plans to halt the increase in air travel include introducing a tax on jet fuel, selling
permits to airlines to cover their output of carbon dioxide, and ceasing the expansion
of existing airports.

=> Các hãng hàng không phải mua giấy phép để bù lại lượng khí thải do máy bay của họ
thải ra.

41 C Airline companies will be forced to raise their prices to cover these costs.

=> their ~ airline companies = companies.

42 B Đoạn 4:

A representative from the environmental affairs department of British Airways

admitted that air travel could account for nearly half of the total CO2 emissions by 2050,
but alleged that the proposals would limit society’s choice on how the gases should
be reduced.

43 C Đoạn 5:

However, the scheme is likely to be limited in the early years to flights within Europe in
order to avoid legal actions from the United States and other countries.

=> Nếu như kế hoạch này được thực hiện thì sẽ có thể dính dáng đến vấn đề pháp luật từ
Mỹ và các nước khác => họ sẽ sue (kiện).

44 A Tao nghĩ là không cần. Tao tự xử được mà không cần mày đâu.

45 B - Môn Địa chắc chắn là 1 trong những môn học thú vị nhất.

=> Tao e là tao không đồng ý với mày. Nó khiến tao đau đầu.

46 B be entitled to sth: được trao quyền có cái gì ~ be given the rights to have.

47 A practice: thói quen ~ habit.

Lớp Tiếng Anh Online Hoàng Việt Hưng

48 C Nếu Jack là người tháo vát thì năm ngoái đã được thăng chức rồi.

=> Năm ngoái không được thăng chức do không phải người tháo vát.

(câu điều kiện hỗn hợp với vế if ở loại 2 và vế hệ quả ở loại 3)

49 A dead certain: hoàn toàn chắc chắn => dùng must have done: chắc chắn đã.

50 C exclaim excitedly: thốt lên 1 cách rất phấn khích.

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