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1. Habitat
1. Not found in Australia, Greenland and New Zealand’s
2. Live mostly in tropical regions and near fresh water sources as they have tougher skin.
2. Sources of food
a) Toads eat insects, glubs, slugs, worms and other invertebrates like other amphibians do.
b) Toads as pest will eat fruit and vegetables.
3. Morphology
a) Toads have stubby bodies and hind legs and watery dig legs
b) Toads are often blueish and grayish in color with bright jewel like eye with transverse pupil.
c) Tongue attaches to the front of its mouth. The tongue is sticky and it grasps the prey and carries back to mouth.
4. Behavioral activity
a) Toads are nocturnal, resting during the day in burrows and in tree or under leaves.
b) It also hibernates in burrows
5. Mode of nutrition
They commonly show a mechanism for nutrition known as “flip and grabs” mechanism
6. Reproduction
a) They are dioecious
b) They commonly mate in springs
c) Female tend to bigger than males and females lay eggs in form of stings where frogs lay in
d) Lifespan is approximately from 4-15 years
e) Their larvae known as tadpole.


Occurrence: 1. They are found only in neo tropical and Holarctic regions.
2. One third of the known species are found in north America.
Body features
1. They are amphibians that look like cross between frogs and a lizard.
2. Their bodies are long and slender.
3. Their skin is moist and usually smooth.
4. They have a long tail.
5. They are very diverse. they have 4 legs and some have two.
Habitat salamander lives in or near water and find shelter on moist ground and are typically found in
brooks, creeks, ponds, and moist locations such as under rocks. they lay shell less eggs in water
Habit salamander diet changes with age. Young salamander will often eat small daphnia or cyclopean
(small organisms in ponds) after a week they will eat a longer daphnia. adult salamander is extremely
carnivorous eating almost everything that moves.
a) about 90% of all salamander species reproduce via fertilization.
b) In here the male salamander will deposit spermatophore on the ground rocks and leads female into area.
c) The female then will pickup by her cloacal lips and proceed to a pond or ditch.
d) There she will lay eggs which brood to keep the egg moisture laden.
Rose ringed parakeet
1. Introduction: the rose ringed parakeet are also known as Ringed neck pockets
they are popular as pet and have long history in aviculture.
2. Feeding Behavior: Rose Ringed parakeet are herbivores and usually feed on
buds, fruits, vegetables, nuts, berries, seeds, mulberry and household scrap.
3. Body features: they have green body with a reddish beak. They have a rather
long pointed tail that is more than half of body’s length. They are endothermic
and have bilateral symmetry.
4. Habit: rose ringed parakeet are social birds. They ae active during the day spending their lives foraging, flying about
and resting in shades of canopy during midday hours. They often gather in flocks that fly several miles to forage in
farmlands and orchards.
5. Habitat: they are mainly found in urban environment like cities. They inhabit deserts, savanna, grass-lands. Forests
and rainforests. They also inhabit wetlands like marshes, swamps and hogs.
6. Reproduction: the rose ringed parakeet is a seasonal breeder and monogamous. They are oviparous, laying eggs
and iteroparous means that the birds produce many young’s each year.
7. Conservation status: The species is listed as least concern by international union for conservation of nature (IUCN)
because its population appears to be increasing.

Grass carp

1. Introduction: grass carp is of Chinese origin but has been cultivated in Pakistan and all over the world for many
2. Body features:
 Elongated body head and snout: its body elongated with broad head and round snout.
 Body color: Body color is grey on the dorsal surface while silver on the ventral side.
 Body scales size and color: Body scales are of moderate size and dark brown at the base.
3. Habit:
 Predominantly in fresh but also in brackish water: it is predominantly a fresh water fish but can survive in
brackish water as well.
 Import to Pakistan and cause: t was import to Pakistan to control aquatic vegetation in natural as man made
water bodies and to alleviate meat and protein deficiencies.
 Submergent vegetation: Grass carp naturally lives in water bodies where submergent vegetation Is present.
4. Feeding behavior:
 Omnivorous: it is omnivorous fish.
 During early life stage glass carp mostly feeds on Protozoa, rotifers, Copepods and benthic algae.
 As the fry grow up it starts eating phytoplankton and algae.
 Adult fishes prefer high vegetation and aquatic weeds as the natural fertilizer, indirectly serving as food for
other fish specie living in the same period.
5. Reproduction:
 Maturity age and weight: silver carp reach maturity during the 2 nd to 3rd year of age when it weighs 1.5 to 3kg.
 300000 eggs: silver carp of 4kg weight can lay 300,000 eggs.
 No breeding in standing water: silver carp like the other major carps does not breed in standing water.
 Spawn period April to May: It typically spawn from April to may and less often in lateral months of summer.
 Naturally breeding in river: Silver carp naturally breeds in rivers during monsoon.
 Artificial breeding and purpose: However, it can be breed artificially like other carp’s silver carps is cultured
worldwide to control aquatic vegetation in natural and man-made water bodies.
 Suitable for polyculture: Due to its non-competitive in nature it is a suitable candidate for polyculture system.
 Open market price: In the open market it fetches the same price as Indian major carps of the same size.
6. Conservation status: not extinct
Rhesus monkey
1. Introduction:
 Rhesus monkey is a specie of old-world monkey.
 There are between six and nine recognized sub species that are split between two groups the Chinese derived
and Indian derived. They are generally brown or grey in color.
 It is 19-21 inches in length and tail is 8.1-9.0 inches it weighs 5.3-7.7kg.
2. Body features: rhesus monkey both Chinese derived and Indian derived range in color from dusty brown to auburn
with little to no fur found on their little pink faces. Their rumps are the same color as their faces and have medium
length tail;
3. Feeding behavior: rhesus monkey are generally omnivores and have highly varied diet. It can also eat invertebrates,
drink water from streams and rivers and has specialized cheek, pouches where it can temporarily store it food.
4. Habitat: their habitat stretches from Afghanistan through India, Thailand, Vietnam and China since they are
extremely adaptable. They can survive cold high mountain ranges in Himalayas as well as dry and hot areas of the
plains. Usually, they prefer to live in open scrubs, forests and parks.
5. Habit: rhesus monkey is highly vivacious and active animals. they live in groups of 20-200 animals and live on ground
or in trees depending on habitat. they spend most of day in eating and foraging.
6. Reproduction: rhesus monkey is serial mounter means that a male mounts female multiple times before ejaculating.
breeding season varies widely amongst populations;
7. Conservation status: it is listed as least concern in list of IUCN and exist in large numbers.

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