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City and Environment Interactions 8 (2020) 100054

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Influence of daily temperature behavior on earth-air heat exchangers: A case

study from Aichi, Japan
Andrew Zajch a,⇑, William A. Gough a, Gyuyoung Yoon b
Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences, University of Toronto Scarborough, 1265 Military Trail, Toronto, Ontario M1C 1A4, Canada
Graduate School of Design and Architecture, Nagoya City University, 2-1-10, Kitachikusa, Chikusa, Nagoya, Aichi Pref. 464-0043, Japan


Keywords: Urban climate modifications are evolving the heating and cooling regime. Earth‐air heat exchangers (EAHE)
Earth‐air heat exchanger are a potential solution in addressing these needs opposite of conventional approaches which are intrinsically
Urban climate ill‐suited for the urban environment. Heating and cooling were classified by detrimental and beneficial condi-
Daily temperature tions based on a degree hours approach for a multi‐tube EAHE system in Aichi, Japan. Linear models were also
constructed for a winter and summer season based on the inlet air and surrounding soil temperatures. Inputting
temporally decomposed model inputs (annual, weekly and random) into the linear models highlighted the
importance of diurnal inlet air temperature variations on producing beneficial cooling in the summer.
Weekly signals in the inlet air temperature also perturbed the surrounding soil, although this had a smaller
effect on system performance relative to inlet air temperature variations. Beneficial cooling was maximized
during the diurnal temperature maximum when inlet air was typically warmer than the soil. This implies a sus-
ceptibility to increased cooling needs during daily temperature minimums. As a result, urbanizing sites where
enhanced morning cooling may arise should consider the impacts of urban climate during the pre‐design stage.

1. Introduction over, lower changes in day‐to‐day daily minimum temperatures

relative to daily maximum temperatures have been shown to be char-
1.1. Urban heat island (UHI) acteristic of urban climates [3,12,31]. UHI can also lengthen the per-
sistence of warm temperatures leading to the occurrence of heat
The built environment modifies the climate of urban areas by alter- waves without the reprieve of natural nighttime cooling [32]. Daily
ing the local energy balance. These effects manifest in the form of temperature behavior can therefore behave as a proxy for urban cli-
urban heat islands (UHI), identified by a temperature difference mate modifications.
between urban and surrounding rural locations. Urban morphological Urban climate modifications have created a new challenge for
site characteristics and climate control the magnitude of the UHI effect meeting cooling needs handicapped by the inherent disadvantages of
[10,15,27]. A robust review by Santamouris [27] identified an annual conventional cooling approaches. Rising ambient temperatures in
average UHI and annual average maximum UHI effect of 1.0 ± 0.7 K urban settings can lower heating needs and increase cooling needs,
and 3.1 ± 0.8 K, respectively, for Australian and Asian sites using stan- with the latter presenting a challenge in cooling dominated regions
dard measurement sources. However, the UHI effect is typically best [26,28]. The application of conventional space cooling techniques
represented by changes to daily air temperature patterns. can be deleterious or incompatible with the urban environment. Air
Diurnal and day‐to‐day temperature signal changes provide observ- conditioners, for example, release sensible heat into their surroundings
able metrics for understanding UHI effects. Asymmetrical warming and exacerbate warming air temperatures [21,42]. The feedback
patterns throughout the diurnal cycle are symptomatic of changes mechanism produced by air conditioner use can therefore negate the
brought on by urban modification [33]. Warming temperatures exhibit benefits of urban climate modification mitigation strategies [29]. This
biases towards cooler portions of the diurnal cycle. Typically, the UHI is amplified by the reduction of the coefficient of performance (COP)
effect generates an increase in night‐time and early morning tempera- for an air conditioner, which in some cases may decrease by 25%
tures coinciding with the release of anthropogenic heat [19,21]. More- due to raised air temperatures [28]. These factors demonstrate that

⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences, University of Toronto Scarborough, 1265 Military Trail, Toronto, Ontario M1C 1A4, Canada.
E-mail address: (A. Zajch).
Received 26 August 2020; Revised 23 October 2020; Accepted 25 October 2020
Available online 2 November 2020
2590-2520/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
A. Zajch et al. City and Environment Interactions 8 (2020) 100054

air conditioners are not ideal for use in an urban environment. Natural 1.3. Objectives
ventilation is another approach for potentially meeting cooling needs
in urban areas, although it also has its drawbacks. Findings by Duan The fundamental objective of this work was to determine the influ-
et al. [9] show that dense urban environments employing natural ven- ence of daily temperature behavior on EAHE heating and cooling
tilation observe a lower magnitude of the UHI effect relative to scenar- potential. This was done from the perspective of the changes to air
ios where air conditioners are used. However, natural ventilation temperature as well as the possible alterations to subsurface tempera-
possesses practical limitations. For example, in Athens, the feasibility tures due to system‐soil thermal interactions. These results will pro-
of natural ventilation was hampered by enhanced air temperatures, vide a qualitative understanding of diurnal temperature pattern
lower wind speeds and noise pollution [11]. While a robust analysis importance for determining EAHE potential. Extrapolating these find-
on cooling strategies in urban environments is outside the scope of this ings based on expected urban climate changes can help inform their
paper, these examples highlight the incompatibility of conventional hypothetical impacts on EAHE feasibility. This can help advise stake-
cooling approaches in evolving urban climatic conditions and empha- holders whether they will need to integrate possible urban climate
sizes the importance of finding cooling systems complimentary to an modifications into their evaluation of EAHE systems within urban
urban environment. settings.

1.2. Earth air heat exchanger and built environments

2. Methodology
Earth air heat exchangers (EAHE) are a demonstrated method for
2.1. Dataset and study area
supplying heating and cooling to buildings which may be a potential
solution in addressing evolving energy needs in urban settings. These
Data collected from a multi‐seasonal observational study of an
systems rely on the natural temperature difference between ambient
EAHE system installed in Aichi, Japan, was used in this study
air and subsurface conditions surrounding buried tubing responsible
(Fig. 1). Aichi has a subtropical climate with annual range of temper-
for transporting tempered air into the building. Displacing heat into
atures varying between a minimum ~7 °C during the winter and a max-
the subsurface rather than the ambient air has the added benefit of
imum of ~30 °C in the summer. Moreover, the site is in the vicinity of
mitigating the warming of urban air temperatures [13]. Like other con-
Nagoya which has an observed UHI [30]. A complete description of
ventional cooling approaches, EAHE systems are also connected to the
the study site and system can be found in Yoon et al. [40]. The system
local environment. Climate influences on EAHE potential have been
is installed beneath a four‐story steel structure. The EAHE consists of 9
demonstrated in the literature through modelling and observational
PVC tubes with a diameter of 0.5 m and varying length (34–44.4 m).
studies (e.g. [2,5,14,23,39]). However, to these authors’ knowledge,
Starting outside the building, the tubing runs underneath the build-
there is a lack of work exploring the impacts of urban climate modifi-
ing’s extent with the buried area comprising up 20% of the total build-
cations on EAHE systems explicitly.
ing area (1330 m2). The building utilizes an outdoor air heating unit
The climate sensitivity of EAHEs warrants an investigation into the
which works under heating, cooling and a transitional mode where
potential impacts of urban climate modification. Thermal variations
the system only supplies unmodified outdoor air.
from the urban environment have been already been shown to pene-
Surveying provided an informative illustration of the working
trate into the subsurface and alter the subsurface temperature regime
fluid’s air temperature and speed in addition to surrounding soil tem-
for geothermal systems (e.g. [1,16,41]). While the results from other
peratures. The complete dataset contains nearly three years of data
geothermal systems can be used to inform some possible urban climate
from January 1st 2002‐ April 1st 2005 with a total of 24,360 h after
impacts, EAHEs have the added complexity of relying on the ambient
removal of hourly measurements where one of the measured variables
air temperatures as the working fluid. Therefore, the evolution of air
was missing. This represented a smaller subsection of the surveyed
temperatures in the urban environment need to be examined beyond
period due to several data gaps which mostly occurred during the first
their effects on the subsurface thermal regime. Changing daily temper-
year of monitoring, particularly for soil temperature measurements.
ature behavior, a side effect of urban climate modification, is a consid-
This complete dataset was used for analysis of EAHE behavior on a
eration which has only been implicitly presented in the EAHE
monthly and hourly basis. As well, smaller seasonal subsets were used
literature through examination of the diurnal variations in EAHE per-
for analysis requiring continuous time series. Near‐field and far‐field
formance. Xamán et al. [39] revealed that irrespective of three stimu-
soil temperatures were measured at roughly 0.15 and 3.5 m from
lated sites and climates, heating peaked during the daily air
the nearest tube in the radial direction, respectively (Fig. 1). Relative
temperature minimums and cooling was highest during the daily air
to the system and the building, the soil temperature sensors were 10 m
temperature maximums. Similarly, Rosa et al. [25] showed predictable
from the inlet of the system and 3.5 m below the ground surface. A
diurnal, in addition to seasonal, variations in COP. Work examining a
copper‐constantan thermocouple (type T with a precision of ± 0.5 °
hypothetical natural‐buoyancy driven EAHE system in a hot summer/-
C) was used for these measurements. The air speed was measured at
cold winter climate demonstrated maximum heating or cooling was
the outlet of three tubes (T5, T3, and T1) using a hot‐wire anemometer
achieved during the respective coldest and warmest periods on both
(type DME‐1 with a precision of ± 10% of the reading value). The
annual and diurnal scales [34]. Air temperature also has ancillary
average of these three air speeds was assigned as the air speed for anal-
effects on the EAHE system’s performance. Notably, system operation
ysis. Lastly, the inlet and outlet were measured at the entrance of the
can influence the surrounding soil temperature. Heat exchange in the
system and air handler unit, respectively.
soil surrounding the subsurface conduits generates soil derating, or
thermal saturation, conditions due to the warming or cooling of soil
relative to undisturbed conditions [4,17,18,22]. Allowing the soil to 2.2. Heating and cooling characterization
recover between operational periods has been shown to be beneficial
to the reduction of soil derating [18,22]. While the operation and Heating and cooling generated by the system was characterized
design are undoubtedly integral in determining the degree of soil der- based on its usability (Table 1). The change in degree hours between
ating, there may be a potential link between climate and this behavior the system’s outlet and inlet air were used to estimate heating and
as the persistence of air temperatures can also prolong heat exchange. cooling. Baselines of 20 °C and 26 °C were used to calculate heating
Ultimately, air temperature changes from both a working fluid and soil and cooling degree hour metrics, respectively. The baselines were con-
derating perspective need to be considered to understand the possible sistent with comfort conditions at the site [40]. This analysis, as well
impacts of an urban climate on EAHE potential. as subsequent work, was conducted in the R environment with rele-

A. Zajch et al. City and Environment Interactions 8 (2020) 100054

Fig. 1. A schematic of the cross section of the system with orientation of the tubes and the location of near-field and far-field soil sensors indicated. This image is
modified from the original in Yoon et al. [40] to show sensors used for this study.

Table 1 and “OFF”, respectively. The slope (ɛ) of a re‐arrange form of Eq. (1)
Criteria for beneficial and detrimental heating and cooling based on the inlet air with an additional intercept (B) was derived for each seasonal and
temperature and the temperature change generated by the EAHE. Beneficial operational scenario (Eq. (2)). Use of the additional constant (B) was
conditions occurred when the desired mode of heating or cooling was possible, justified since the models were not used for extrapolation beyond
whereas detrimental conditions were coincident with counterproductive
the studied interval. As a result, ‘efficiency’ values derived for the lin-
changes to air temperature.
ear models in this work are not necessarily comparable with those
Outlet-inlet air temperature Inlet air temperature shown in other studies. This model allowed for an investigation of
difference (ΔT) the, input parameters, inlet air temperature (Tin) and the surrounding,
Tin < 20 °C Tin > 26 °C Tin < 26 °C and
Tin > 20 °C near‐field soil temperature (Tground) during the separate seasons. It is
>0 °C (Heating) Beneficial Detrimental N/A
important to note that the linear models were not used to extrapolate
<0 °C (Cooling) Detrimental Beneficial N/A the performance beyond the given seasons, but rather they provided a
description of behavior that could be used to gauge the sensitivity to
varying model inputs.
vant software packages [24,36,37,38,35]. The characterization of (
ΔT ¼ T out  T in ¼ ɛ ON ðT ground  T in Þ  BON Airspeed > 0:2m=s
heating and cooling was conducted on the entire, multi‐year, dataset ð2Þ
following the removal of hours with missing data for any of the sur- ΔT ¼ T out  T in ¼ ɛ OFF ðT ground  T in Þ  BOFF Airspeed ≤ 0:2m=s
veyed parameters.
The creation of linear models was conducted for two subsets of
data, a winter and summer period. The summer period contained three
2.3. Fitting linear models for winter and summer seasons months, June‐August, in 2004. This consisted of 2031 h of data start-
ing on June 1st and ending on August the 24th due to missing data.
Linear models of EAHE temperature changes, ΔT, between system Four months were included in the winter period, November‐
outlet (Tout) and inlet (Tin), were constructed based on an empirical cli- December 2003 and January‐February 2004, for a total of 2904 h,
mate based approach (Eq. (1)) [5,6]. The equation allows for a direct starting on November 1st and ending on February 29th. Both subsets
investigation of climate influence without inclusion of the system’s were chosen due to the completeness of the data with no missing val-
dimensions or operational control explicitly Moreover, it was ideal ues for the inlet and outlet air temperature or surrounding soil
since it relied on ambient and subsurface temperatures recorded dur- temperature.
ing surveying while being recognized in other observational studies
as an applicable relationship to describe efficiency (e.g. [7,23,25]). 2.4. Time series decomposition for temporal component sensitivity analysis
The system’s efficiency, ɛ, describes the actual changes in air temper-
ature between outlet and inlet relative to the hypothetical capacity The inlet air temperature and the near‐field soil temperature
determined by the inlet air and surrounding soil (Tground) temperature (Fig. 1) were decomposed into three temporal components using the
contrast (ɛ, Eq. (1)) [6,8,23]. The literature shows that the efficiency additive approach of the ‘decompose’ function within the R environ-
(ɛ) is generally in the 0.5–0.9 range, converging to 1 at high pipe ment [24]. This approach utilizes a moving average to extract a trend
length [7,23,25]. By deriving an estimate of efficiency using experi- component, deemed the annual component for this work, as well as
mental data, the equation can be re‐arranged to study the impact of periodic and random components. The moving average was carried
Tin and Tground on the temperature change produced by the system out using the same window length as that assigned to the periodic win-
(ΔT, or Tout‐Tin). dow. The periodic component length was set to a week (168 h) to emu-
late the weekly operational schedule of the EAHE and is hereafter
T in  T out
ɛ¼ ð1Þ referred to as the weekly component. After removal of the annual
T in  T ground
(trend) component from the original time series, the periodic compo-
Two linear models were developed for each season, differentiated nent is derived by calculating the average value for each time slice
by the operational condition of the EAHE system and based on the in a period window over all the periods within the dataset [24]. The
climate‐based approach (Eq. (1)). Hourly measurements concurrent random component is the residual signal after removal of annual
with air speeds > 0.2 m/s and ≤ 0.2 m/s were classified as “ON” and weekly components. Observations were truncated at the start

A. Zajch et al. City and Environment Interactions 8 (2020) 100054

and end of the time series equal to the half the window size (84 h) due Similarities between the near‐field soil and inlet air temperature
to the use of a moving average filter during extraction of the annual display the expected effects of system operation on the surrounding
signal. The subsequent analysis was carried out on the truncated time soil. This leads to a reduced contrast in near‐field soil and inlet air tem-
series of 1863 and 2736 hourly data points for the summer and winter, peratures, particularly in the late spring‐summer months when the two
respectively. temperatures converge. As a result, inlet air temperature varied from
The decomposed inlet air and near‐field soil temperature data were the near‐field soil temperature only during daily air temperature max-
grouped into varying combinations of temporal components as inputs imums or minimums. From September to March the inlet air tempera-
into the linear models describing the temperature change between sys- ture was consistently lower than the near‐field soil temperature. This
tem outlet‐inlet (ΔT). To account for the magnitude of the values, the difference was even greater for the far‐field soil temperature. It was
weekly and random outputs from decomposition were added to the markedly warmer through October to March and cooler through
annual component (ΔTAnnual) to produce weekly (ΔTWeekly) and ran- May to August when compared to near‐field soil temperatures. Besides
dom (ΔTRandom) inputs, respectively. This allowed for three cases of the delay in the timing of maximum annual temperature, the ampli-
temporal components to be considered. A baseline case was also tude was also smaller for the far‐field soil temperature. The monthly
formed using the original values of the tested variable, termed the soil temperature ranges by ~16 °C and ~10 °C at the near‐field and
combined case (ΔTcombined) since all temporal components were far‐field temperature sensors, respectively. These results demonstrate
included. The original values for the other input variable was used that the near‐field temperature is being influenced by EAHE activity
in these runs. This meant that when examining the varying temporal at the studied site in Aichi, Japan.
components for inlet air temperature, the original surrounding ground
temperature was used as an input in the model without any modifica- 3.2. Characterizing EAHE heating and cooling
tion. Comparing the temporal component input (ΔTcomponent), against
the baseline combined case provides a measure of each temporal com- Beneficial heating and cooling occurred during periods of favorable
ponents’ contribution to the description of the ΔT (Eq. (3)). A value contrasts between inlet air and near‐field soil temperatures (Fig. 3).
approaching 100% demonstrates an increased influence on ΔT for Beneficial heating was observed from September to June, with the lar-
the given component. The ¼ and ¾ quantiles were used to describe gest benefits observed within the winter months during daily air tem-
the variability in the influence calculated for the hourly results in addi- perature minimums. Minimal detrimental heating was witnessed
tion to the median of %ΔT. during August and September when the surrounding soil temperature
can potentially be higher than both the cooling baseline and inlet air
temperature. This happens during the latter half of the summer
ΔT component  ΔT Combined  (August and September) after the surrounding soil has warmed
%ΔT component ¼ 1   
 ð3Þ through operation earlier in the summer. Beneficial cooling was seen
ΔT Combined
from May‐September throughout the day, peaking during daily air
temperature maximums. Detrimental cooling was observed from
Annual and combined inputs for both near‐field soil and inlet air tem- February‐May during daily air temperature maximums as well. This
perature were also compared on an hourly basis. The time series for can be attributed to high daytime air speeds stimulating heat exchange
winter and summer seasons were filtered to include only hourly data during the sporadic incidence of daily air temperature maximums
points requiring heating and cooling, respectively, based on the site’s above the surrounding soil temperature while remaining below the
heating and cooling threshold temperatures (Table 1). The difference heating baseline. This results in cooling despite the need for heating.
between calculated outputs of ΔTAnnual and ΔTcombined for each of these It is was evident that in a subtropical climate such as Aichi’s, there
hourly data points were determined. This was done for the near‐field was a larger tendency for beneficial heating rather than cooling. This
soil and inlet air temperatures separately. This analysis illustrated can be credited to a larger temperature difference between inlet air
whether the importance of weekly‐daily frequency temperature sig- and near‐field soil temperatures during the winter, leading to benefi-
nals, only present in the combined case, varied within the diurnal cycle cial heating. The larger difference between inlet air and near‐field soil
for heating and cooling. temperatures in the winter (October‐March) meant that the daily‐
weekly scale variations in air temperature were not as vital for gener-
ating beneficial conditions. Ultimately, the diurnal variations in heat-
3. Results ing and cooling potential can be correlated with the variations in inlet
air temperatures relative to surrounding soil temperatures.
3.1. Observing diurnal and annual variations in surveyed data
3.3. Modelling summer and winter cases
Inlet and outlet air temperature as well as air speeds within the
tube demonstrated a discernable synchronized pattern on both diurnal Linear models capable of describing ΔT were developed for a sum-
and annual scales (Fig. 2). Daily maximums of inlet air temperature mer (2004) and winter (2003–2004) season, distinguishing between
occurred during the afternoon, 15:00–16:00. This was mimicked by both “ON” and “OFF” conditions. A correction factor, identified as
the air speed alternating between “ON” (>0.2 m/s) from the constant of the linear fit, was also used to improve the ability of
8:00–17:00 and “OFF” (≤0.2 m/s) conditions during the remaining the models. This had a noticeable improvement on the correlation
hours. The system’s outlet air temperature experienced a reduced diur- coefficient (r2) during the summer of 2004, especially for the “OFF”
nal and annual variability relative to the inlet air temperature. It also subset. The use of the derived intercepts was deemed acceptable as
exhibits a consistent temperature during “OFF” hours when the air is the purpose of this work was not to determine a model for extrapola-
not being driven through the system. On an annual scale, the air tem- tion of data but rather for a sensitivity analysis of the different tempo-
perature and air speeds within the tube reached a maximum during the ral components. As constructed, the linear model for the “ON” subset,
summer months, while minimums occurred in the winter. Outlet air which comprised ~70% of the observational period, was more effective
temperature is lower and higher than the inlet air temperature during at describing the variation in ΔT when compared to the “OFF” subset
the summer (June‐August) and fall‐winter (October‐March) seasons, during the summer season (Table 2). A smaller difference in the corre-
respectively. These observations reveal that the operational regime lation coefficient was observed for “ON” and “OFF” conditions during
and air temperature exhibited comparable timings of maximums and the winter season, likely the result of a lower contrast between air
minimums. speeds during “ON” and “OFF” conditions. Lower air speeds increase

A. Zajch et al. City and Environment Interactions 8 (2020) 100054

Fig. 2. Average hourly and monthly air temperatures (top) and air speed (middle) in the EAHE tubing, as well as the subsurface soil temperatures (bottom).
Months are shown from January (1) to December (12), while hours range from midnight (hour 0) to 11:00 PM (hour 23).

interaction time between air and the surrounding soil which is 3.4. Analyzing sensitivity of outlet temperature
reflected by the higher slopes (ɛ) during the winter season. These lin-
ear models were deemed acceptable for emulating system behavior for Results from the time series decomposition demonstrated that the
comparison of input parameter influence. dominant descriptor of ΔT was the annual inlet air temperature pat-

A. Zajch et al. City and Environment Interactions 8 (2020) 100054

Fig. 3. Average hourly and monthly classified heating and cooling represented by temperature changes between system inlet and outlet (see Table 1). Months are
shown from January (1) to December (12), while hours range from midnight (hour 0) to 11:00 PM (hour 23). Transitional seasons are evidently most susceptible to
detrimental cooling or heating, with the latter being minimal.

Table 2 season (87.3%). The changes are reflected in the ¼ and ¾ quantiles
Coefficients of the linear fits generated for “ON” and “OFF” conditions during as well for each case. During the summer the inter‐quantile range is
the summer of 2004 and winter of 2003–2004. much larger for the random temporal component, indicating a spo-
Summer 2004 radic response to high frequency behavior of inlet air temperature.
Operational conditions Slope (ɛ) Intercept (B) r2 The seasonal preference in temporal components was less evident for
“ON” 0.584 ± 0.005 2.05 ± 0.02 0.939 the surrounding soil temperature.
“OFF” 0.57 ± 0.01 1.56 ± 0.02 0.613
Improvements in describing ΔT are primarily observed with the
Winter 2003–2004
Operational Conditions Slope (ɛ) Intercept (B) r2 addition of the weekly soil temperature temporal component for both
“ON” 0.78 ± 0.01 1.88 ± 0.09 0.847 seasons. This is despite the seasonal contrast in prominent inlet air
“OFF” 0.98 ± 0.01 1.56 ± 0.05 0.821 temperature temporal components. The annual signal is still the deter-
mining factor for ΔT. It describes 91.4% and 96.5% for the summer
and winter seasons, respectively. This shows an increased importance
tern, with weekly and random temporal components being important of the surrounding soil’s annual temperature signal relative to the inlet
for summer and winter seasons, respectively (Table 3). For both sea- air temperature which is ~20% lower. Addition of the weekly compo-
sons the annual temporal signal contributed ≈72% to ΔT. The largest nent during the summer produces a marked increase in %ΔT (98.1%).
%ΔT was observed with the addition of the weekly component in the This is expected as the stronger weekly inlet air temperature signal
summer season (84.2%) and random component during the winter during the summer is reflected in the surrounding soil (Fig. 4). Mean-

A. Zajch et al. City and Environment Interactions 8 (2020) 100054

Table 3
The proportion of outlet-inlet air temperature difference described by using different temporal components as input in the EAHE linear models. A median was used due
to the data being non-normal. Erroneous points where the temperature change was ~0 °C, but a significant temperature change between inlet and outlet was still
recorded, were filtered out before the median values were calculated.

Season Temporal components Inlet air temperature Surrounding ground temperature

¼ quantile median ¾ quantile ¼ quantile median ¾ quantile

Summer 2004 %ΔTAnnual 54.9% 72.1% 86.4% 86.6% 91.4% 95.9%

%ΔTWeekly 73.9% 84.2% 92.0% 95.7% 98.1% 99.1%
%ΔTRandom 57.1% 74.6% 90.2% 86.2% 91.4% 95.9%
Winter 2003-2004 %ΔTAnnual 54.3% 72.0% 86.0% 92.6% 96.5% 98.8%
%ΔTWeekly 61.7% 76.8% 88.4% 94.9% 97.1% 98.7%
%ΔTRandom 74.0% 87.3% 94.8% 95.4% 97.5% 98.9%

while, a small difference of ~1% is observed with the addition of Unlike heating, which could observe beneficial heating throughout
weekly (97.1%) and random (97.5%) components during the winter. the operational schedule, the occurrence of beneficial cooling was pri-
This can be explained by the dampening of high frequency random sig- marily driven by diurnal variations in inlet air temperature. Conver-
nals, which dominate the winter inlet air temperature, by the subsur- gence of near‐field soil and inlet air temperatures in the summer
face (Fig. 4). Therefore, comparing the seasonal cases it was evident meant that soil would be warmer than the air during daily air temper-
that lower frequency weekly inlet air temperature patterns can perturb ature minimums. These detrimental heating conditions were often
the surrounding soil temperature. avoided due to the operational schedule being limited to the daytime
A comparison of ΔT for annual and combined temporal component for the system explored in Aichi. However, if operation was expanded
cases highlighted the sensitivity of system potential to the diurnal fluc- into overnight and early‐morning hours when air and surrounding soil
tuations in inlet air temperature (Fig. 5). Since the annual input was temperature contrasts are less favorable, as seen in Fig. 5, there is a
devoid of weekly‐daily scale behavior for the input parameter, com- possibility for detrimental conditions to occur. This implies that the
paring it against the combined input provides a measure of the EAHE system would be vulnerable to increased daily air temperature
weekly‐daily scale effects. The results for inlet air temperature demon- minimums and cooling needs expected in urban climates experiencing
strated that during the daytime, the predominant period of operation, an enhanced UHI. EAHEs are therefore ill suited for sites expected to
there was a diurnal variation in the difference between ΔTAnnual and have significant cooling needs during overnight or morning periods
ΔTcombined for both summer and winter seasons. The effect appeared as a result of urban climate modifications.
largest in the summer when operation was most consistent. During Heat waves may also pose a risk to EAHE cooling as persistent heat
the morning and overnight periods, conditioning was hampered by exchange can cause an undesirable convergence of surrounding soil
the addition of the weekly and random components. This had a pro- and inlet air temperatures. In the summer, daytime operation took
nounced effect during the early morning hours (8:00–10:00) when sys- advantage of the optimal inlet air temperature and near‐field soil tem-
tem operation commenced. Conversely, from roughly 11:00–19:00, perature contrast for cooling, promoting heat exchange with the sur-
cooling tended to benefit from the weekly and random components rounding soil as a result. Extreme and persistent daily maximum
with a median increase in magnitude of roughly 0–2 °C for modelled temperatures brought on by a heat wave can similarly be expected
ΔTcombined. On the other hand, during the winter season, warming to lead to a perturbation of the surrounding soil. Continually warm
was enhanced by several degrees for the ΔTcombined, relative to air temperatures on a weekly scale could warm the soil and produce
ΔTAnnual, case in the morning (8:00–12:00). In comparison to the diur- detrimental conditions for cooling, particularly after the heat wave
nal fluctuations for inlet air temperature the differences witnessed concludes and air temperatures decrease relative to the warmed sur-
between ΔTAnnual and ΔTcombined for surrounding soil temperature rounding soil. More work needs to be done to evaluate the behavior
were negligible (<0.1 °C). These results provide further evidence that of EAHE systems under heat wave conditions to ensure systems remain
diurnal variability in inlet air temperature drives the favourability of effective during and following a such an extreme event.
conditioning, particularly for cooling during the summer season.

4.2. Limitations
4. Discussion
Since the work was done using a single observational case, the
4.1. Implications of daily inlet air temperature on EAHE systems in an results have several limitations. While the length and robustness of
urban climate the dataset allowed for various forms of analysis using several seasons
of data, the case study was limited to a single system configuration and
EAHEs appear well equipped for addressing peak cooling needs in climate. This meant that other system configurations and operation
an urban climate. While other conventional systems may see a reduc- schedules were not contrasted for the study as only the case system
tion in effectiveness related to daily air temperature maximums, the was investigated. As a result, the full effects of night or early morning
EAHE system reached its optimal cooling potential during this time. warming brought on by the urban climate could not be explored as the
The EAHE system in Aichi, Japan, therefore showed highest beneficial operational schedule was limited to business hours. Also, different
cooling when needs are greatest. The diurnal variations in inlet air pipe configurations, aside from the multi‐tube system of the case
temperature directly generate the air–soil temperature contrast neces- study, were not considered. In terms of climate, the analysis was lim-
sary for cooling to occur. This is highlighted by similar peak magni- ited to the sub‐tropical climate of Aichi. This meant that the impact of
tudes of beneficial cooling and daily‐weekly scale temperature soil freezing was not considered due to the above freezing tempera-
influences on ΔT coincident with daily air temperature maximums tures (>0 °C). This work also did not address changes to the surface
during the cooling season. However, this same mechanism also makes conditions, such as overlying anthropogenic surfaces, and atmospheric
the EAHE system susceptible to potential urban climate impacts. conditions other than temperature, such as moisture, wind and shade.
Increased cooling needs during daily air temperature minimums However, since the system was implemented beneath the receiving
may pose issues for the implementation of EAHEs in urban climates. building, these factors are not expected to have much influence on

A. Zajch et al. City and Environment Interactions 8 (2020) 100054

Fig. 4. The summer 2004 (top) and winter 2003–2004 (bottom) temporal component inputs of hourly inlet air (red) and surrounding soil (teal). The summer
season extended from June 1st at midnight to August 24th at 2:00 pm. The winter reason started on November 1st 2003 at midnight and ended on February 29th
2004 at 11:00 pm. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

the specific system. The release of anthropogenic heat release capable less, the analysis and discussion carried out in this case study is a use-
of elevating soil temperatures was also not explicitly surveyed. Heat ful introduction to designers examining EAHE systems as a space
permeating from the building above would be expected to reduce cool- conditioning strategy in an urban climate.
ing and increase heating potential. Further study is required to build
upon the analysis conducted in this work by using newer datasets rep-
resentative of different climate regimes. Ideally, EAHE systems compa- 5. Conclusion
rable in design and operation employed in varying land‐use
environments, for example urban and rural sites, could be compared This work provides a qualitative considerations for designers look-
to better identify the impact of local climate modification. Neverthe- ing to implement an EAHE system in an urban environment. The

A. Zajch et al. City and Environment Interactions 8 (2020) 100054

Fig. 5. Hourly boxplots for the difference between ΔTAnnual and ΔTCombined for both ground and inlet air temperature signals. Winter values > 0 and summer
values < 0 indicate the addition of weekly and random components to the annual component (combined case) were detrimental for system conditioning.

results from this case study highlight that median air temperature tative of the EAHE’s hypothetical site, particularly if rural weather sta-
reductions of approximately 2 °C can be attributed to the daily maxi- tion data is being used to describe an urban or urbanizing site. This
mum air temperature driven by diurnal variations. This constitutes a will ideally help avoid sub‐optimal performance in a changing urban
large component of the beneficial cooling, with an average value peak- environment. Due to the investment costs of implementing shallow
ing at 3°C during this coincident afternoon period. A greater diver- geothermal systems, designers need to be certain that the EAHE system
gence between soil and air temperatures in the winter season meant will be effective in both the near and distant future. Ultimately, the
that beneficial heating was much greater than the heating attributed analysis provides a preliminary look at the potential influence of urban
to diurnal air temperature variations during cooler morning periods. climate which can be expanded upon by the study of additional sites in
While these results are limited to our case study, two inferences can contrasting environments. Further work is required to account for the
be made based on the results that can be useful for stakeholders and additional complexities of an urban environment and quantify the
warrant further investigation. change in capacity for EAHE systems in order to improve the ability
of designers to assess feasibility.
(1) Daily temperature variations, and possible changes to the diur-
nal temperature regime through urban climate modification,
should be considered during the evaluation of EAHE potential
(2) EAHE cooling may be sensitive to growing cooling needs during CRediT authorship contribution statement
cooler periods in the diurnal cycle generated by urbanization
due to its reliance on diurnal temperature variations Andrew Zajch: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing ‐ original
draft, Visualization. William A. Gough: Conceptualization, Writing ‐
Stakeholders should be conscious of their climate data source to review & editing, Supervision. Gyuyoung Yoon: Data curation, Writ-
ensure the weather information used in EAHE evaluation is represen- ing ‐ review & editing.

A. Zajch et al. City and Environment Interactions 8 (2020) 100054

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