Sakhri 2020 Regiões Áridas

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Journal of Arid Environments 180 (2020) 104215

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Experimental investigation of the performance of earth-to-air heat T

exchangers in arid environments
Nasreddine Sakhria, Younes Mennib, Houari Ameurc,∗
Laboratory of Energy in Arid Areas (ENERGARID), University of Bechar, P.O. Box 417, 08000, Bechar, Algeria
Unit of Research on Materials and Renewable Energies, Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Abou Bakr Belkaid University, P.O. Box 119, Tlemcen, 13000, Algeria
Department of Technology, University Centre of Naama - Salhi Ahmed, P.O. Box 66, Naama, 45000, Algeria


Keywords: Earth-to-air heat exchanger (EAHE) is used for heating and/or cooling of dwelling and buildings in arid regions.
Earth-to-air heat exchanger In the present paper, experiments are performed to investigate the efficiency of an earth-to-air heat exchanger
Soil temperature without external devices (fans, air blowers, etc.). The climatic conditions of the region of Bechar, which is
Arid region located in the Southwest of Algeria, are considered. The EAHE is made of a PVC pipe with 66 m in length and
Hygrometry regime
0.11 m in diameter. It was buried at a depth of 1.5 m in the agricultural zone, where the annual undisturbed
Natural ventilation
subsoil temperature at 1.5 m is 28 °C. An increase of 19% in the relative humidity (RH) of EAHE has been
observed in the humidification regime. While a decrease of 27% in RH has been reached in the dehumidification
regime. For the hygrometric regime, the daily working regime was 62.5% of dehumidification (from 00 h to 09 h
and from 18 h to 23 h) and 37.5% of humidification (from 10 h to 17 h). The EAHE technique has excellent
potential for the enhancement of building hygrometry in arid regions.

1. Introduction In the ancient Persian Gulf and before 3000 years B.C., the earth-to-
air heat exchangers were used and called Qanat (Tiwari et al., 2006;
The south of Algeria is classified as a hyper-arid and desert region Trombe et al., 1991; Ozgener, 2011; Ozgener and Ozgener, 2011). The
known by its extensive period of discomfort. This situation implies at earth-to-air heat exchanger (EAHE) is considered as passive heating,
least a cooling period of six months starting from May to September and cooling, and natural ventilation strategy that may be integrated into
four months of heating from November to February. buildings, palaces, and water reservoirs. Their conception is very
To over this thermal discomfort in the summer season, HVAC straightforward; some pipes made of local materials (generally clay) are
(Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning) systems are widely used, buried underground at a defined depth where the soil temperature is
which leads to 40% of electrical energy consumption rising only in the called yearly undisturbed temperature. The EAHE inlet is oriented to-
building sector (APRUE, i.e., the Algerian Agency of Promotion and wards the direction of prevailing winds. The outside air that enters and
Rationalization of the Use of Energy). In the winter season, the heating circulates through the device will submit a thermal exchange by natural
is also essential to reach the thermal comfort requirements in those convection with the sub-soil through the medium of pipe material (it
zones. The outside temperature sometimes drops under 5 °C (and should have good thermal conductivity).
sometimes under zero). The heating system with natural gas is used to The outlet air gains some degrees in winter (Tsoil > Toutside air) and
raise the temperature inside dwellings, which also leads to bigger nat- loses some degrees in summer according to the difference between air
ural gas consumption. and soil temperatures. Final results, a natural pre-heating in the winter
The significant amount of this energy consumption is covered by season, a free pre-cooling in the summer season, and natural ventilation
fossil energies, where the conversion for renewable energies will be a throughout all year, which reduces the energy required for the thermal
benefit on the economic, environmental, and social aspects. The South comfort.
of Algeria is known for its potential for solar and wind energies. The The EAHEs may be used in open or closed loops, under horizontal or
geothermal energy is less known in comparison with the other renew- vertical configurations (BordoloiSharma et al., 2018; Sakhri et al.,
able energies, and it should take more intention and must be in- 2019, 2020). This technique can also be coupled to other renewable
vestigated. techniques like wind-driven natural ventilation, wind catchers, or non-

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (H. Ameur).
Received 20 March 2020; Received in revised form 1 May 2020; Accepted 12 May 2020
Available online 22 May 2020
0140-1963/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N. Sakhri, et al. Journal of Arid Environments 180 (2020) 104215

Fig. 1. Experimental set-up of the earth to-air-heat exchanger.

renewable techniques like the conventional heating/cooling systems multi-pipe earth-to-air heat exchangers. Papakostas et al. (2019) de-
(Nayak and Tiwari, 2009, 2010; Maerefat and Haghighi, 2010; Yildiz veloped a one-dimensional model to predict the thermal behavior of the
et al., 2011). EAHE technique. Liu et al. (2019b) have found that by using a 16.5 m
Some researchers investigated the thermal performance of earth-to- vertical EAHE in Hunan, China can raise the air temperature at the
air heat exchangers (Diaz-Mendez et al., 2014; Misra et al., 2015; outlet of the system from 22.4 to 24.2 °C with 1 m s−1 airflow velocity.
Alimonti et al., 2018; Gao et al., 2018). Among others, Gao et al. (2007) The control of airflow velocity is found to have a significant influence
used an approach to determine the soil temperature in arid regions on technique performance (Taurines et al., 2019; Wengang et al.,
based on the soil thermal diffusivity and the water flux density for four 2019).
soil layer depths. They suggested that this method can be used as a The air quality at the outlet due to condensation phenomena inside
reference to soil temperature. Rouag et al. (2018) developed a new the buried tube was discussed by Chardome and Feldheim (2019). They
transient semi-analytical model to determine the soil temperature in the concluded that the quality of air must be controlled to avoid any effect
region of Biskra (Southeast of Algeria). Cuny et al. (2019) investigated on the occupant's health. Earth-to-air heat exchanger could be used
the effect of soil composition on EAHE performance. They found that a with other renewable energies. Afrand et al. (2019) studied a coupled
mixture of sand and bentonite increases the energy performance by EAHE/solar photovoltaic thermal system. Energetic and exergetic per-
12% and reduces the pipe length by 10%. formances of the new system were compared between two scenarios,
As reported by Yang et al. (2019) and Rosti et al. (2019), the year- where they found that the annual thermal energy, electrical energy, and
round indoor thermal comfort may be achieved by using an earth-to-air thermal exergy were for configuration A: 3499.59, 5908.19, and
heat exchanger coupled to a simple building. Hermes et al. (2020) 55.59 kWh and for configuration B: 3468.16, 5969.87, and 51.76 kWh,
conducted realistic annual simulations of earth-air heat exchangers in a respectively. Li et al. (2019) studied the cooling capacity of an EAHE
Brazilian coastal city. They found that an EAHE buried at 2 m depth can system coupled to an irrigation system to simulate the natural pre-
reduce the heating and cooling of a residential building. cipitation. When using short pipes or shallow depth, these authors
The pipe material of EAHEs can change from PVC, clay, steel, and found that the increased soil moisture from 0.37 cm3/cm3 to 0.42 cm3/
even new innovative materials like Phase Change Materials (PCM) to cm3 yields a decrease in air temperature by 1.6 °C at the pipe outlet. Li
enhance the overall thermal performances (Liu et al., 2019a). The dif- et al. (2020) conducted an annual performance of an EAHE in the cold
ferent parameters affecting the performance of an EAHE connected to a region coupled to the air-handling unit. Heating capacity of 7718 W
building in the Mediterranean region were studied numerically by Rosa was obtained in the heating mode, and a decrease of 13.6 °C in air
et al. (2020). They focused on the effect of the spaces between pipes, temperature was obtained in the cooling mode.
pipes diameter, as well as the flow rates. They found that the pipe
diameter and air velocity are the main parameters affecting EAHE 2. EAHE methodology
performance. They also reported that the distance between the two
pipes could be reduced to 0.5 m. By experiments and CFD simulations, The study was conducted in November 2018. The experimental
Amanowicz (2018) investigated the effect of geometrical parameters of device characteristics are described as follow (Fig. 1):

N. Sakhri, et al. Journal of Arid Environments 180 (2020) 104215

Fig. 2. EAHE: (a) site preparation, (b) pipes assembly, (c) EAHE inlet side, (d) EAHE outlet side.

Fig. 3. EAHE inlet, outlet, and outside air temperature (°C).

N. Sakhri, et al. Journal of Arid Environments 180 (2020) 104215

Fig. 4. EAHE inlet, outlet, and outside air relative humidity (%).

⁃ PVC tube with a good thermal conductivity (λ = 0.2 W/m∙K), well as the relative humidity, were determined. Outside air parameters
⁃ PVC tube thicknesses: 2 mm, (temperature and relative humidity) are obtained from the weather
⁃ Elbow: PVC elbows (110 mm of diameter) serve as inlet and outlet, station of Béchar university near the studied site. The outside air tem-
⁃ The length of the horizontal underground tube is 60 m, perature was between 11 and 24 °C. Fig. 3 shows a comparison between
⁃ The length of the vertical tube is 3 m (½ underground) for each cell, the air temperatures at the outside, EAHE inlet, and EAHE outlet. The
⁃ The working fluid is atmospheric air, EAHE inlet is exposed directly to the sunlight, which explained Tinlet
⁃ The inlet section is oriented towards the north in the direction of air = 39 °C even in winter. The system of the earth-to-air heat ex-
prevailing winds, and the outlet section is oriented towards the changer could reduce this temperature to 27 °C at the outlet (approxi-
south, mately by 12 °C). The mean inlet and outlet temperatures were 32 and
⁃ The vertical parts of the EAHE device are insulated thermally to 22 °C, respectively. This result also shows that the EAHE was able to
eliminate the chimney effect, provide a reduction in temperature by 10 °C. The direct effect of ex-
⁃ The open-loop system is selected, ternal climatic conditions (sun radiations and wind speed) is visible,
⁃ The site of the study is located in the agriculture zone, which explains the change from 36 or 37 °C at 10 a.m. to 4 °C in the
⁃ Depth of buried pipes: 1.5 m underground, early morning and nighttime (Fig. 3).
⁃ Site altitude: 806 m, At the outlet section, the variation between the day highest tem-
⁃ Soil nature: homogeneous sandy-loam with different layers. perature (29 °C) and the lowest one (7 °C) during the night was 22 °C,
which is more stable in comparison with the inlet. The thermal reg-
The site of the study is located in the North-east of Béchar city (31° ulation is another benefit of EAHE, which could reduce the outlet
37′ 0.01″ N - 2° 13′ 0.01″ W), and it is classified as an agricultural zone. temperature difference between the maximum and minimum values
At a depth of 1.5 m, the annual undisturbed sub-soil temperature of this throughout the day.
site in September 2018 was found to be equal to 28 °C (Sakhri et al., The relative humidity is another critical parameter in thermal
2019). comfort. Values of RH at the outside, EAHE inlet, and EAHE outlet are
For this region, the wind velocity varies between 1 and 6 m/s, and presented in Fig. 4.
the annual mean wind speed is 3 m/s. In the absence of all air accel- The external relative humidity was between 37 and 77%. From
erating equipment like the fan and air blower, the wind is the only Fig. 4, it is clear that the highest values of RH at the inlet are more
driving force for air circulation inside the earth-to-air heat exchanger significant than those at the outlet. However, the lowest values of RH at
(Fig. 2). the outlet are more significant than those at the inlet. Even with the
reduction of RH from the inlet due to the presence of solar radiation,
the EAHE increases RH at the outlet. This characteristic could be ex-
3. Results and discussion
plained by the hourly mean relative humidity ΔRH and the dew point
inside the buried PVC tube. The hourly mean relative humidity
For an autonomous and earth-to-air heat exchanger in an arid re-
ΔRH = RHinlet - RHoutlet is calculated and presented in Fig. 5.
gion, the values of air temperature at the inlet and outlet of EAHE, as

N. Sakhri, et al. Journal of Arid Environments 180 (2020) 104215

Fig. 5. Relative humidity difference ΔRH between EAHE inlet and outlet.

Table 1 summarizes the values of hygrometry per hour and day. The appears, the situation is inversed (RHinlet < RHoutlet), and, at this
obtained results show clearly the direct relationship between tem- moment, the EAHE increases the relative humidity until the sun-set,
perature and relative humidity. Because of this direct relation, Tem- where the difference becomes again positive (RHinlet ˃ RHoutlet).
perature-Relative Humidity, two main humidity regimes were ob-
served: 4. Conclusion

- From 00 h to 09 h: Dehumidification regime where ΔRH > 0 Arid regions around the world are characterized by hard weather
(RHinlet > RHoutlet). With the rise of outlet temperature, the relative conditions in both the summer and winter seasons. This characteristic
humidity decreases at the outlet of the system (see Fig. 6). leads to significant thermal and hygrometric discomfort situation inside
- From 10 h to 18 h: in this period, the cooling regime occurs and, at houses and dwellings. A large amount of energy is dedicated to solving
the same time, RHoutlet > RHintlet creating thus a humidification this crucial situation, and the source of this energy is fossil fuels having
regime. a big impact on the environment. Also, the arid environments are
- From 19 h to 23 h: Dehumidification regime (ΔRH > 0) took place known by their renewable energy resources like sun, wind, and geo-
with a heating regime. thermal. Among these renewable resources of arid regions, the geo-
- The relative humidity for day 3 follows a humidification regime thermal resources are less known, and their potentials must be studied.
where ΔRH < 0. In our paper, en experimental investigation was conducted regarding
- The low values of temperature and relative humidity characterize one of these passive techniques. The performance of an earth-to-air heat
the phase of weak wind speed values (close to zero and sometimes exchanger, which is based on a geothermal source and may be used to
equal to zero Vwind = 0 m/s). provide heating/cooling and to enhance the hygrometry, was explored.
The obtained results and daily hygrometric analysis of EAHE show
The EAHE could also contain some quantity of humidity due to the that the daily working regime of the system is as follows:
condensation phenomena accompanied by the cooling regime (Fig. 6).
Inside the pipe, the dew point is formed between the inlet and outlet ⁃ From 00 h to 08 h: Dehumidification regime. The outside air tem-
dew points. It was approximately 3.6 °C. perature was low; it entered from the EAHE inlet and passed
Variations of the daily mean relative humidity (RHinlet -RHoutlet) through the device. At the outlet, the air relative humidity reduces
that are presented in Fig. 7 give an idea about the hourly-daily differ- by 5–28%.
ence ΔRH. It is observed that solar radiation plays a vital role in the ⁃ From 09 h to 17 h: Humidification regime. The outside air warm-up
changes of ΔRH. From midnight to 9 a.m. and with the absence of solar and the upper part of the EAHE inlet was exposed directly to the
radiation, the difference was positive (RHinlet ˃ RHoutlet), and it is one of sunlight. A cooling mode was created and associated with an in-
the characteristics of the arid environment. Since the solar radiation crease in relative humidity by 1–19%. This humidification is due to

N. Sakhri, et al. Journal of Arid Environments 180 (2020) 104215

Fig. 6. EAHE inlet and outlet air Dew point (°C).

Table 1
Hourly mean relative humidity RHinlet - RHoutlet.
ΔRH (RH inlet - RH outlet) (%)

Day hours Days Mode


00 – 8.83 - 13.76 - 21.12 16.89 12.77 8.22 4.43 Dehumidification

01 – 12.41 - 14.1 5.742 19.5 10.34 12.85 9.78
02 – 9.35 - 10.88 20.21 22.73 - 5.01 8.16 9.95
03 – - 2.28 - 4.04 17.92 23.35 5.25 12.72 0.8
04 – 12.93 - 12.65 19.37 25.1 14.01 15.12 - 3.63
05 – 17.06 - 10.93 18.83 20.65 24.50 19.62 7.28
06 – 20.82 - 11.85 23.94 29.57 25.64 14.39 11.63
07 – 23.65 - 15.32 13.77 30.4 27.65 14.55 16.52
08 – 22.01 - 16.73 18.52 11.69 23.85 18.54 15.42
09 – 6.60 - 16.49 26.12 - 3.15 8.91 - 3.25 1.59
10 – - 0.76 - 11.21 18.52 - 11.92 - 5.99 0.02 - 0.62 Humidification
11 – - 8.47 - 9.62 0.82 - 13.18 - 7.07 2.75 - 8.2
12 – - 8.96 - 7.34 - 5.52 - 11.6 - 8.74 - 0.12 - 2.73
13 – - 9.26 - 5.97 - 7.35 - 7.45 - 5.52 0.45 - 3.72
14 – - 7.07 - 5.06 - 8.53 - 6.57 - 5.1 - 2.22 - 6.3
15 – - 7.10 - 4.85 - 6.51 - 5.16 - 4.02 - 4.21 4.43
16 – - 5.73 - 5.65 - 7.16 - 4.91 - 4.29 - 4.63 0
17 - 3.02 - 4.04 - 8.98 - 7.14 - 4.89 - 3.98 - 4.18 –
18 - 1.4 - 1.03 - 19.23 - 1.17 - 2.58 - 1.36 - 5.26 –
19 2.9 2.39 - 25.37 4.95 1.89 3.85 1.59 – Dehumidification
20 3.6 - 0.90 - 24.25 9.90 5.58 4.42 6.25 –
21 4.23 0.89 - 26.27 11.15 8.81 3.62 5.82 –
22 4.383 - 3.15 - 26.92 10.06 13.48 5.9 2.81 –
23 4.06 - 9.59 - 23.5 14.28 11.91 7.57 2.04 –

N. Sakhri, et al. Journal of Arid Environments 180 (2020) 104215

Fig. 7. Repartition of daily mean relative humidity ΔRH = RHinlet -RHoutlet.

the condensation phenomena. next stage (00 h–08 h).

⁃ From 18 h to 23 h: Dehumidification regime. After the sunset and
the reduction of outside temperature, the EAHE reduces the relative Also, a significant dependence of EAHE to local climate conditions
humidity by 0.8–14%. This phase serves as a preparation for the was found. If the wind changes its direction or the day was cloudy, the

N. Sakhri, et al. Journal of Arid Environments 180 (2020) 104215

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