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. Ive been there twice.

712 here.
2. Its about 15 Km from
Formulazione di domande next month.
con wh- words: tutti i 3. She will be starting University
Barcelona time.
tempi 4. by that
They will have reached to the
Formula domande the doctors, but not shops.
adeguate alle seguenti 5. She had already been to
risposte (la parte in 6. He was waiting for an ltalian friend.
corsivo è l'oggetto 7. After school we went to the swimming-pool.
della domanda) in Mexico and in most central and
8. from is spoken
Apart Spain, Spanish
south Anerican countries.

9. The Greek team won the competition.

10. He used to walk everywbere before getting a driving
11. Dinner will be served at 8 oclock.
12. IfI were you, I would forgive ber:.

1. They are in their bedroom. I think / am thinking they listen /are listening
713 to musi1C.
Simple tenses
e "progressive tenses 2. She's so clumsy. She aluays breaks / is always breaking things.
Scegli l'alternativa 3. Do youknow / are you knowing my Uncle John?
corretta tra quelle
4. Fiona makes / is making Yorkshire pudding. Will you stay /Are you staying
in corsIvo
for dinner, Steve?
5. As we went/ wern going out, someone calledI was calling led on the phone.
6. What time did you get / were you getting up this morning?
7. Tve only smoked I Tve only been smoking two cigarettes since after lunch.
8. Frances played I has been playing in that team for four years, until 1999
9. This tour operator has organized 1 has been organizing package tours to
Tunisia for over twenty years now.
10. We havent had I haven't been having any news from him since last July.
1. 7never eat | have never eaten
tacos before.
714 2. You washed I
Simple tenses washed your car at last!
3. 1 didn't
e Pertect tenses I sleep haven't slept well last
Scegli l'alternativa 4. She will arrive /
have night.
quelle in
arrived by that time.
Steward I has
been engaged to Ruth
for years but then
split they split I have
c o r s i v o

months ago.
6. After he locked
I had locked the
front door, he drove I had driven
7. The baby will be born I away.
have been born in a few
8. She
often speaks/ has
often spoken to Juliet on the way to
offices are I have
been quite close. work. Their
9. He just
finished I has just finished reading all the papers.
10. Before he called/ had
called her, she didn't know I hadn't known what to

1. How long
Present Simple, Present 2. Tonight we
(you/ be) here?
go) to the Red Lyon.
Progressive, Present 3. The shop usually (open) at 9:00 but this morning it
Completa queste frasi (not open) yet.
con il Present Simple, 4. Who (che dog/ bark) at?
il Present Progressive 5. They always (play) on Saturday afternoons, but they
oil Present Perfect
dei verbi tra parentesi (not play) today.
6. Martha (live) in the city she
centre, so
(walk) to school.
7. I (read) an interesting book about animals' reactions
8. (he finish) the project? - No, he

(still/ work) at it.

9. They (never meet), but they
write) lots of letters to each other.
10. I (think) we (only waste) our


(you/ remember) your first kiss?
Present Simple, Present Q:
Perfect, Past Simple A: Yes, it (be) with a French girl, when I
Completa (be) about 11. She (be) here as
quest'intervista con
il Present Simple, an exchange student, and I1. (kiss) her in the wood
il Present Perfect o behind school. After that we (have) a vweek or soo
il Past
Simple dei verbi together, then she (go) back to France, and I
t parentesi
(never/ see) her since.
Esercizi di revisione

(youhave) many girltriends when you i

(be) at school?

A (not know), they all (last) about

two days, so (not know) it they
(Count) as qirlfriends. The first proper one (be)when
(be) 15 or 16. She (be) 18, and
We (work) together at a hospital radio station.

(you/ever / write) a love letter?

AYeah! (write) to a paper giri,
(leave) the letter behind a van and she (pick) it up.
QWhat (be) the most romantic thing you
(ever/ do)?
A: always (send) things on Valentine's Day
(buy) loads of jewellery or presents for the girls, but
it never work).
(adapted from 'Big')

Present Simple, Present
The Pestalozzi Children's Village (be) a special kind of
educational charity giving aid to the developing countries of the world
Perfect, Past Simple through the education and practical training of poor but intelligent
Completa questo brano
con il Present Simple,
children. How (it all / begin)? The village.
il Present Perfect (be) named after a man who (die) over 150 years ago.
o il Past Simple At the turn of the 18th century, Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, a Swiss
dei verbi tra parentesi
humanitarian and educationalist, (propose) that European
countries should provide help for child victims of the Napoleonic wars in
order to restore their broken lives. Afterthe Second World War, another
Swiss educationalist, Walter Corti, (take) Pestalozzi's
idea and (set) up an international village at Trogen in
1946 for the rehabilitation and education of war orphans from both
sides. Altogether, 120 children, mostly from France, Italy, Germany and
the U.K. (form) this first international village.
Naturally, such a scheme. (attract) consideration from
all over the world, especially Europe. Many countries, including the U.K.,
(set) up support organizations to ensure that funds and
Services would sustain the village. At one time there
(be) two British houses, each with 12 orphans. The U.K. group
(have) the opportunity in 1957 to buy a
174-acre estate, Oaklands Park, Sedlescome, in East Sussex. 1959
mark) a signiticant turning point for the Pestalozzi
village, because that
Esercizi di revisione

(be) World Refugee Year. This . (mean)

the elimination of refugee camps in Europe and thus the main source of
future child citizens for the village (disappear). The

Council responsible for the policy of the village then

(decide) the emphasis on selecting children should be on the provision
(be) to be achieved
aid for the Third World. This lack of
by providing education to children who, because of poverty or i
(not have) educational opportunities
proper facilities,.
at home. In 1963 22 Tibetans, living in India, (join)30
Europeans at the village. This then. (be)the beginning

of a new policy. In 1966 Thais, Arabs, Indians and Nigerians

later a group of
arrive) at the village and two years
them. Since then the English Village
Vietnamese. the earlier Swiss
(follow) policy quite different from
children from many countries
village. For the past 30 years groups of
of life which
(build) up a community and pattern

countless others round the world.

will influence and benefit the lives of
'Pestalozzi International Children's Vilage)
(adapted from

When Christopher Columbus, (arrive) in America, the

American Indians. There
718 only inhabitants (be) the
that time, but only
Present Perfect, Past million of them at
(be) over one

Simple, Past Progressive (remain). Then, immigration

Completa questo brano about 800,000
in the last four
con il Present Perfect, (change) the face of America completely America from
il Past Simple o il Past go) to
centuries, during which people ,

Some of them
Progressive Asian
and African
dei verbi tra parentesi European,
persecution at home,
(suffer) from religious or political
as life in their country
(look) for a second chance,
(be) very
hard. Many
centuries, but they
17th, 18th and 19th
(move) to the U.S.A. in the (be)
so. They
(not choose) to do (buy) them and
slaves: plantation owners

the 1820's to about the end

(exploit) their work. (emigrate) to

over 50 million people

of the XX century Italy, Ireland and
(come) from
America. Most of them. but the life they
(escape) problems
Germany. They (not be) much easier.
(find) there
(have) to work hard, and in this way they
They and the welfare of
(contribute) to the economic success

the nation.
Esercizi di revisione

719 1. Weall
(leave) together.
(meet) in the main square and then we

Past Simple, Past

Progressive, Past Perfect 2. The students (still/ write) theircompos1tions when
Completa queste frasi the bell (ring)
il Past
Simple, 3. After he (speak) to his tutor, he
il Past Progressive
o il Past Perfect dei
(change) his study method.
verbi tra parentesi 4. (the thief/ run) away when the police patrol
(be called)?
5. She (not be) in bed when the doctor
6. I (not think) it over enough when I
(have) to give an answer.
7. What .(you / do) when they
(open) the door?
8. Jimmy (play) with the computer when we
get) home, but then he
concentrate) on his work.
9. (she/ already/ break) up with her boyfriend
when she (meet) George?
10. While Mum (read) the newspaper, Granny
(have) a nap in her armchair.

Present Perfect, Present
15, from Uxbridge was appearinglhad
appearedlhas appeared in
blockbusters like "Four Weddings and a Funeral". "I have
beenlwaslhad been
Perfect Progressive, at
stage school since I have been/was/had been six. Producers were
Past Simple,
Past Progressive,
cominglhad always comelhave aluays been coming round to the schoolalways for
Past Perfect
talent. When I have benl had beenlwas nine, I have
hadlhadlhad had my first
Scegli l'alternativa part in "The Bill. All I have hadlhadlhad had to do has beenlhad
corretta on the stairs
been/was sit
tra quelle in corsivo sucking my thumb but it was/has beenlhad been incredible.
When it waslhas beenlhad been on TV I am/have
beenlwas so excited my -

family tapesl has tapedltaped it and we were

watching/watchedlhad watched it
again and again. I have workedlhave been working/worked on 'Four
and Funeral for about two weeks. There has
a Weddings
been/waslhad been lot oft a
standing around but it has beenluwaslbad been great to see how
workedlhad worked/worked. I have said/said/was everything has
but haven't saying 'hello' to
Hugh Grant
chatedlhatvent been
chattingldidnt chat him much. I to
expectedldidnt expect/havent been expecting Andie McDowell speakhavent
us to to
because she is/lhas beenlhad been such a big star but she has
chattedlhas been
chattinglchatted to all the extras and askedlhas been
askinglhad asked us what
we have donelhave been doingldid at school."
(abridged from "Real Life)
Esercizi di revisione

Infinito, Forma Base,

(disquiet) figures (release) by the Centers

Participio Passato, for Disease Control in Atlanta confirm that fo0d-poisoning is far moro
-Ing Form prevalent in America than earlier studies suggested. A House-Senate
Completa questo brano (decide) how much
con l'lnfinito, la Forma Conterence committee is about
Base il (allocate) for food safety efforts bythe
Participio money will be
Passato dei verbi tra Agricultural Department and the Food and Drugs Administration. Both
chambers have (pass) budget measures that skimp on
food safety. Although President Bill Clinton requested an increase of $ 62

million (expand) food inspections and research on

how (minimize) microbial contamination, the House
bill provides only $ 35 million and the Senate bill only $ 42 million. The
the CDC should (prompt) the participants
new figures from
(approve) the full funding (request).
It is nothing (compare) with the huge tinancial costs
(impose) by food-borne illness in terms of lost
work and medical care, (estimate) by some experts
as (exceed) $ 8 billion a year. Beyond the immediate
budget battle, Congress needs (turn) to structural

reform. The current system for (protect) the public

from unsafe food is a dangerously inefficient jumble
(administer) by a dozen different agencies. A_ (promi
se) measure. (pend) in the Senate would create a stream-
lined system under the authority of a new independent federal agency.
The latest CDC findings make it. (seem) all the more
(adapted from 'International Herald Tribune')

Lucinda Rhodes-Flaherty, 15, from Hornchurch, (go)

Riepilogo tempi verbali
from Eastenders to Evita. "Until a year ago, I _
normal school and to the theatre school in my spare time but since
(go) to a

Completa questo brano

(start) going full time to stage school, T
con il tempo
dei verbi tra parentesi (have) loads more extra work. "I.
(have) a really fun day on Eastenders, starring Bianca's fashion show.
(know) some of the cast, like Dean Gaffney and Paul
Nicholls, because they used _(come) to school here. "My
mates from my old school (be) quite jealous that
get) to see Paul Nicholls reqularly but l'rn e d to
(See) good-looking young actors around Usually, I
(not pay) much attention to them "T
recently /get) the hance to work witlh Jonathan Price in Madonna's filrn,
Evita, For my scene, 1 (have) t0 run up to Jonatha,
who (be) the male lead, and to ask him for an auto
raph. Everyone (ask)me if speak)
to Madonna while we (film). She
i(seem) approachable, but I always (prefer) to be noree
professional wheni (work)
(acdapted from 'Shout Down The Line', Shout Magazine)

During Shakespeare's lifetime, drama developed faster than ever before

With some theatres holding two or three thousand people, there
liari delle forme
ee passive huge profits to made, and new material always
pleta questo needed. Drama not seen as literature', but merely as
no con gli
popular entertainment. When Shakespeare was young, he could
ortuni ausiliari
watched, or eventaken part in, several different kinds of
ertormed by townspeople, schoolboys and
drama. Plays
opened in
University students. The first purpose-built theatre
London in 1576. Playwrights not often make up new plots: they
used traditional tales or borrowed ideas from other books. Many playsS
set in other countries and in times gone by. Plays
written in poetry or prose, or a mixture of both. Shakespeare's plays
written to performed, not printed as books. When
they -printed, they weren't always exactly the same as
original version. When Shakespeare was alive, poetry Considered

the most artistic form of writing. Shakespeare's poerms

dedicated to the rich man who was his patron. His first collection of 154

sonnets first published in 1609. The first 126 sonnets record

the poet's love for his friend, sometimes complaining that he.
not loved in return, or even that the friend prefers another poet. The i
known i
later sonnets, 127 to 154, address a lady, who.
as the 'dark lady'. She betrayed the poet by loving
men, including the poet's young friend.
(adapted from 'The World of Shakespeare)

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