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Writing – current questions of ethics

2023.09.09. Pánczél Kitti

Food waste
First of all, food waste appears in many forms around one’s household, you can think of
leftovers, scraps after cooking, fruits or vegetables which became too ripe. The world
accumulates colossal surpluses every day, and households are not exceptions. It goes without
saying, the developing world has a lot to do with it. Although Hungary is around the median
in the scale of European incomes, food waste undeniably exists. Moreover, in many social
classes people are not conscious about it at all. In my point of this has to stop. Firstly,
everyone should choose fresh fruits and vegetables over packed. Secondly, everyone should
shop less product at once with greater frequency. Second of all, food surplus can occur in
every stage of the food supply chain, from farms to even restaurants, and supermarkets. The
restaurant’s role of saving food is indisputable. There are countless restaurants in every town
and them paying special attention to the utilization of superfluous is inevitable. It is their
responsibility to calculate the amount of fresh ingredients they need to serve customers. In
case there are some extra portions left, they should either get in contact with some charity
organizations and donate, give it to staff members or sell it in a lower price. Unfortunately,
the size of food waste is not easy to define, but as I know the production greatly exceeds
consumption all over the world, and, on the other hand there are also lot of people in hunger. I
think this is an alarming proportion, considering the circumstances we should be able to help
all of those people in need.
All in all, a waste free world is probably an unrealistic concept, but in the age of ours,
when the earth has many serious issues, we should not make it worse by cutting down more
forests, extracting water from depleting water sources knowing that how many people would
need it indeed.

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