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PRECIS FOR “Doctors’ Toughest Diagnosis: Own Mental Health”

Erica Goode’s article, “Doctors’ Toughest Diagnosis: Own Mental Health” (2003) illustrates the
extremely poor mental health of physicians, bringing in multiple points of view.

The thesis is introduced with a story of Dr. Steven Miles’ battle with depression as a doctor then
shifts into other stories and statistics on the mental illnesses of doctors.

Goode incorporates sad stories and information on how closed the medical community is to the
struggles of mental illnesses in order to bring awareness about the topic, hopefully changing the
medical industry’s environment.

This article gears toward an audience of adults and young adults interested in the medical field
or mental health issues and sets an urgent and depressing tone that engages the readers

Goode, Erica. "Doctors' Toughest Diagnosis: Own Mental Health." New York Times. The New York Times,
ResultPosition=7. Accessed 8 July 2003.

PRECIS FOR “Medical Education”

In the article, “Medical Education” (2002), James W. Guthrie summarizes the book,
“Encyclopedia of Education” by Juanita F. Buford, describing the education and experience
needed to become a physician.

Guthrie details the steps needed to take to receive a medical license in chronological order,
starting with high school all the way up to residency, using statistics to emphasize the incredibly
high standards medical students today must reach.

The stunning amount of education, extracurricular activities, and exams are mentioned in the
article in order to illustrate the amount of work and dedication needed to pursue the career of a

Guthrie reaches an audience of aspiring doctors and people curious about the steps to becoming
a doctor setting a calm yet overwhelming tone.

Buford, Juanita F. Encyclopedia of Education. Edited by James W. Guthrie, Gale. Gale eBooks,
7103&inPS=true. Accessed 2002.
- Medical Education
- Doctors' Toughest Diagnoses
- Burnout and coping strategies among resident physicians
- Medical Student's Sue Over Residency System
- Risk factors associated with student distress in medical school
- Doctors and Depression
- Should medical school be shortened to three years
- Stress and Its Effects on Medical Students

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