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Одеса Власенко О.В.

050 347 26 95

Оleksii Vlasenko
(Власенко Олексій)

Date of birth: 22.11.1981

City: Одеса
+38 050 347 26 95

 LLC Hryhor`ivskyi rudnyk, village Grigoryivka, Donetsk region. .

Position: General Director
Period of work: July 2022 -
Functional duties and achievements:
Organization of warehouse management, Preservation and evacuation of
assets, reduction of staff, optimization of costs, organization of reissuance of
permit documentation and licenses.
 PJSC Weighting plant, Kostyantynivka, Donetsk region
Position: Advisor to the director on a part-time basis
Period of work: August 2022 -
Functional duties and achievements:
Preservation and evacuation of assets, downsizing, optimization of costs, sale
of remaining stock of finished products.
• PJSC Weighting plant, Kostyantynivka, Donetsk region
Position: Director (CEO)
Work period: May 2022 - August 2022.
Functional duties and achievements:
Reduction of receivables by 28%, restructuring of payables; Monetization of
stocks - start of production under martial law, finishing of all semi-finished
products, production of finished products for 24 million hryvnias; Carrying out
a complete inventory, organization of warehouse management; Asset
conservation and evacuation, staff reduction, cost optimization; Payment of
taxes for 6 months - VAT, EUV, personal income tax.
• PJSC Weighting plant, Kostyantynivka, Donetsk region
Position: Deputy Director of Economics and Finance (CFO - CAO)
Work period: June 2021 - April 2022.
Functional duties and achievements:
Management of financial flows (FDMS) with a cash gap of up to 6 months,
budget planning (BDR) and corresponding consolidated reporting of VS, PL,
CF. Increasing the financial stability of the organization, developing the
financial and accounting policy of the enterprise. Control over economical and
rational use of all company resources; Additional assessment of the enterprise
by 89 million hryvnias; Successful completion of a tax audit within 1.5 years;
Constant control of pricing, prompt response to changes in cost price or sales
competitiveness; Optimization of fixed costs; increasing the share of variable
Одеса Власенко О.В. 050 347 26 95

costs to 62%; cost reduction; Analysis and control of accounting (IFRS) and
management accounting; Preservation of economic activity in the conditions of
martial law.
• PJSC Weighting plant, Kostyantynivka, Donetsk region
Position: Director (CEO)
Work period: July 2020 - June 2021..
Functional duties and achievements:
Functional duties and achievements:
Management of all spheres of activity, with full legal responsibility for the
operation of the enterprise and its consequences; Control over the effective use
of operational management tools; Reduction in the number of service
personnel by 57 people, increase in the number of people employed in
production by 29 people; Increasing the share of export sales to 40% and the
release of high-margin products from 26% to 39%; Increase in production
volume by 32%.
• PJSC Weighting plant, Kostyantynivka, Donetsk region
Position: Deputy Director of Economics and Finance (CFO - CAO)
Work period: May 2020 - July 2020.
Functional duties and achievements:
Development of a program of development and risk minimization in the
conditions of the Covid19 pandemic, analysis of the capacity and price level of
the domestic and export markets, pricing - reduction of prices for products of
daily demand and increase of prices for unique products, which allowed to
increase the market share.
 LLC "Ukrgeoservice" / Saint Matrona, Toretsk, Donetsk region.
Position: Deputy Director of Economics and Finance
Period of work: June 2014 - April 2020.
Functional duties and achievements:
Compilation of financial plans and reports of the enterprise, VS, PL, CF 1100
people, 65 million hryvnias/month, final closing of the FR in the UO, factor
analysis of S/V, complex economic analysis and assessment of the company's
production and economic results; Drawing up plans for long-term development
(1-10 years), dissection and development of the horizon; Development of KRI
maps for ITP AUP, coordination of services of 8 people: sales, marketing,
supply, PEO, accounting, VPiZP; Reducing the difference between the actual
FR and S/V from the planned from 40% to 5%; Compilation and
implementation of IP: 4 years implementation period, $1.2 million investment,
payback 11 months, EBIDA $8.9 million; Optimization of fixed expenses,
growth of the specific weight of variables in the structure of expenses from
28% to 58%; Personnel training - trained 3 specialists at the company's
 NGO Mechanic / LLC Coal Energy association of 7 mines in the city of
Position: Deputy Director of Economics and Finance
Period of work: January 2012 - June 2014.
Functional duties and achievements:
Одеса Власенко О.В. 050 347 26 95

Consolidation of plans and reports, distribution of DS in conditions of a cash

gap of up to 2 months, participation in the Warsaw IPO, implementation of
transfer pricing, opening of a trading house, outsourcing at the enterprises of
the association.
 LLC "Ukrgeoservice" / Saint Matrona, Toretsk, Donetsk region.
Position: Deputy Director of Economics and Finance
Period of work: September 2011 - January 2012.
Functional duties and achievements:
Compilation of financial plans and reports of the enterprise, VS, PL, CF, final
closing of the FR in the UA, on factor analysis of S/V, complex economic
analysis and evaluation of the company's production and economic results.
 "Donbassuglerazrabotka" LLC / Saint Vasiliy the Great, Hirnyk, Donetsk
Position: Chief Economist, Deputy Director for Economic Affairs
Period of work: June 2008 - September 2008 - August 2011.
Functional duties and achievements:
Compilation of financial plans and reports of the enterprise, 400 people
turnover 12 million hryvnias/month; Constant cost optimization; Compilation
of long-term development programs and investment projects; Analysis and
forecasting of production indicators, calculations and analysis of rural coal
mining; The company's exit to the break-even level, with a positive financial
result; Development and implementation of reporting forms for daily
forecasting of expected results of the mine, for making management decisions,
modeling of financial results.
 OP "OF "Postnikovskaya" LLC "Donugletehinvest" in Donetsk
Position: engineer of the marketing department (manager-economist)
Period of work: October 2007 - June 2008.
Functional duties and achievements:
Management accounting, advance reports, collection and processing of primary
documents; Monitoring of the coal market; Logistics of supplying mines with
materials; Search and recruitment of personnel; Shipment of coal for export,
increase in shipment from 12,000 tons to 40,000 tons/month; Optimization of
logistics, organization of the stock of goods with a monthly supply.

 September 2001 - June 2007. Donetsk National Technical University, faculty
of geotechnology and production management, specialty - "manager-
economist" and "mining engineer", specialist diplomas excellent (full-time
 September 1997 - June 2001, Donetsk Industrial Technical School, mineral
beneficiation department, specialty - "mineral beneficiation technician-
technologist", junior specialist diploma excellent (full-time department).
Additional education:
 March 2019 - May 2019. DonNU courses - Management of personnel selection
and adaptation.
 June 1998 – accounting courses.
Одеса Власенко О.В. 050 347 26 95

Professional skills:
 Certain PC user (MS Office programs, Internet), 1C 8.2 Production user, bank
client, Knowledge of business etiquette;
 Experience working with more information, in-depth knowledge of Excel;
 Language skills: fluent in Russian and Ukrainian; English – basic;
 Ownership of a passenger car, category B license, ready for business trips.
Personal qualities:
Responsibility, attentiveness, tact, teamwork skills, communication, stress resistance,
result orientation, analytical abilities, self-organization, multitasking, thoroughness,
purposefulness, perseverance.

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