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Answer all questions

1. Draw and label the components of a computer (5)

2. The term software refers to _______ (2)

3. What is an operating system (4)

4. Define application software (2)

6. Give the difference between general purpose software and of the shelf software(4)

7. Explain the meaning and state the users of customised software (4)

8. ________ is used to input images into a computer.(1)

9. GPS stands for ________ (2)

10. What are the uses of computers in agriculture (4)

11. Why are robots preferred than humans in the mining sector (3)

12. List three uses of a computer in your home (3)

13. A sensor is classified under which types of input devices. (1)

14. Give an example of a sensor and where it is used (2)

15. In security systems computers are used in combination whith sensors and actuators to capture data
and perform programed tasks in the absence of human interference.

Can you list any two security systems found at a bank in your local area name the bank (3)

16. The following terms represents numbers in which base (6)

1. Denary 2. Octal 3. Binary

17 convert the Following numbers to binary using the repetitional division method(4)

a) 10 b) 5

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