WH Changelog

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- Added a continuation of the storyline with Will and Susan (With several choices,
depending on which the resulting scenes will differ)
- Added about 15 NSFW scenes (2 of which are animated).
- Added animation for the old NSFW scene with Taranee (under the table)
- Added about 12 story scenes
- Added a new character (one of the soldiers of Prince Phobos)
- Added sprite with new clothes (bathing suit) for Will
- Added a sprite with new clothes (bathing suit) for Susan
- Added a sprite with new clothes (WITCH uniform) for Taranee
- Added a sprite with new clothes (WITCH uniform) for Irma
- Added a new page to the adult magazine (in the bookstore)
- Added 4 new backgrounds
- Added two sprites for fighting (Taranee and Irma in the form of WITCH)
- Added three new items
- Added a new player notification system. Notifications will appear when earning
money or gold, receiving, buying, selling, losing, crafting or using items and
other situations in the game.
- Added a reporting system that will help the developer calculate and correct
errors in the game. Detailed information on how to use this system can be found in
the game by reading the instructions.
- The combat system has a functionality with which two opponents can participate
against a player.
- Fixed the name "Blank" to "Blunk" in English
- Now you can't write or call on the phone if Cedric is on the Meridian.
- The correct answer to the question "What is the basis of the Latin alphabet?" has
been corrected in the history textbook.
- Now Elion is marked for a quest where you need to cheer her up.
- Now the player has highlighted the way to get the Larvec Fang.
- To make it easier for the player to understand where and how to raise the
knowledge of history, the book
on the table will be highlighted with an exclamation mark at the right moment.
- Fixed the moment when Cedric didn't have enough money for an Aphrodisiac for
Elion, then there was an opportunity to go through the content further, and it also
caused an error that could be ignored.
- Other minor fixes

- Added a new storyline with Will and Susan (With several choices, depending on
which the resulting scenes will differ)
- Added about 11 NSFW scenes (2 of which are animated).
- Added animation for the old NSFW scene with Irma (in the toilet)
- Added about 13 story scenes
- Added a sprite with new clothes for Will
- Added a new page to the adult magazine (in the bookstore)
- Added two dialogs in phone messages
- Added the ability to view images in phone messages
- Preloading of the action has been added. Preloading can be turned off in the
settings, called "Wait for the battle to load". If you turn off the setting, then
for some time after the start of the fight, you may experience some braking
- A "Hide" button has been added to the dialogs to hide the interface
- The "Auto" button has been added on mobile devices to automatically skip dialogs.
- In the future, you will be able to find out about the available new update via
the main menu. This function works only when the Internet is turned on.
- Added an intermediate message with a black screen "After some time in the
bookstore" between quests in the bookshop. What this means: The player could and
still can activate several quests in the bookshop. Previously, the dialogues of
these quests could follow each other. This turn of dialogues caused the feeling
that the characters allegedly forgot what had just happened and abruptly changed
their mood.
- Added animations to quest markers
- Now Cornelia can call you, not only when you are in bookshop, but also on the map
- Fixed image smoothing in some animations, thanks to this, animations look clearer
and without the staircase effect
- Now the default language in the game is set depending on the installed language
in the system, that is, Russian or English. If you have a language installed on
your operating system that the game does not support, then English will be
installed in the game by default.
- Improved the appearance of the save file menu
- In the mini-game of the bookstore, the ability to move to the shelves during
dialogues or when Cedric picks up a weapon has been removed.
- Fixed a typo in the quest where it was said that it was necessary to increase the
depravity of Elyon to 6, instead of 7.
- Fixed looping of the quest with the form of a maid for Elyon, previously this
quest was started over again if the player performed a certain action with Elyon
- Fixed some spelling mistakes in Russian and English.
- In the galleries, the scene with Elyon on the stairs was duplicated twice.
- When pressing the Sleep button, the music in the bookshop now fades smoothly.
- Now, the announcement of the disappearance of Brian and Alchemy on the wall of
the store appears after they disappeared.
- Fixed micro pauses between switching animations in the action.
- It was possible to minimize fragments of animations in the action, when one of
the animations did not have time to end before a new animation began.
- The day was coming, after spending an evening of readings with Elion in pajamas.
- Now you can skip the credits.
- Fixed the Skip button for Miranda and Reitor, now the button will not move you to
the bookshop.
- Earlier, when opening a magazine page, the sprite did not disappear as Cedrick
holds a closed magazine.
- In one of the animated scenes with Elyon, Cedrick's shirt was displayed
incorrectly at the edge of the screen.
- Elyon statistics were displayed in Russian, regardless of the configured language
in the game.
- The interface no longer disappears for a few seconds if you move from location to


-Added a new plot fork in the story of Taranee about the fate of Nigel

-A new plot fork has been added in the plot with Cornelia and her Sister

- the second plot fork with Alchemy has been completed

-Added a small plot at the end of the Hi Lin branch with Hi Lin's mom

-Added a small story scene with Miranda during a quest with Hai Lin

-Added small plot edits\changes to the intro of the game

-Also, the plots and dialogues for the Taranee, Irma, Hay Lin and Alchemy branches
were partially reworked (many plot holes and inconsistencies were removed)

-Added 8 new NSFW scenes (two of which are animated)

-Added a new sprite (costume) for Cornelia

-Added 1 story scene (with variations) with Cedric

-Some relationships between quests have been changed

-Some corrections were made in the dialogues in Russian

-During the battle, animations of attack, block, damage, skills and effects for
Cedric (in the form of a man and in the form of a snake) and an archer appeared.

-The "FPS animations" option has appeared in the game settings. This option allows
you to increase or decrease the frames in the battle animations so that the
animations do not consume a lot of memory, which can cause friezes on devices with
low memory.

-A hint appeared in the dice game, which displays the combination of the player and
the enemy.

-Saving previous versions will stop working from version 0.13.0

-Other minor changes

- Added a new storyline related to the Alchemy, the Brothel and Miranda
- Added 10 new NSFW scenes (with many variations)
- Added more than 2 unique story images
- Added five new character sprites (includes costumes for Prince Phobos ' Alchemy)
- Added three new characters
- Added 2 new backgrounds
- Added two NSFW pages to the magazine in bookshop
- Added a new monster to the Meridian Forest
- Added about 4 new items
- Added a lot of sounds and music in scenes and places where previously music and
sounds were absent
-Some corrections of dialogs in Russian
- It was made so that Commander Reiter's rebel stripes could be sold with one click
- Other minor minor fixes

- Added a new storyline related to Will Wandom and the new character Sondra
- Added 11 new NSFW images (including scenes with Will Wend and Sondra)
- Added more than 25 unique story images
- Added six new character sprites (includes costumes for Will and Sondra)
- Added three new characters (Mr. Barton, Sondra, Matt Olsen)
- Added 6 new backgrounds
- The sore now displays the amount of the character's money, as well as the
following buttons: card, bag and phone
-The statistics of money and gold are displayed again in the menu of the mini-game
“poker on dice”
- Added some door sounds that were missing earlier
- Some fixes for dialogs in Russian
-The game has moved to the new version of the Ren'Py engine 7.4.2. The new version
of the engine no longer works on Windows XP and on 32-bit iOS devices
- Partially fixed English text in the game
- Other minor minor fixes
I hope I haven't forgotten anything. Thank you for your attention, expect an

- Added a new story branch, not connected with the main plot (associated with the
universe, Wakfu)
- Added two new characters Amalia and Evangeline
- Added Amalia's sprite in the tavern
- Added three new sprites with new characters
- Added six new NSFV images (Three scenes with variations)
- Added 1 new page to the adult magazine in the store
- Added 1 new background
- Added 1 new background variation in the lab
Also fixed some bugs in previous versions.
And that's it, thank you all

Added a continuation of the story with Irma Lair and the Sisters Gramper
Added 2 new types of clothes for Irma Lair
Redrawn sprites of the Gramper sisters
Added new Irma sprite for combat
Added 3 new NSFW scenes with Irma
Added 6 new NSFW scenes with the Gramper sisters
Added 3 new pages to the adult magazine in the store
Added 3 new backgrounds
Added about 12 story scenes
Also fixed some bugs of previous versions.

- Added a new story with Elyon
- Added 2 new types of clothing for Elyon
- Redrawn old casual clothing Elyon
- Added 2 pornographic scenes with Elyon
- Added 2 erotic scenes with Elyon
- Added a new page in the pornographic magazine
- Added about 7 non-pornographic scenes with their variations
- Added training on the phone interface
- Completely removed the old branch with Elyon, as well as art from it.
- Fixed a bug where Cornelia could kill you in battle and the game ended with a
game over scene

- Added a new story with Elyon
- Added 2 new types of clothing for Elyon
- Redrawn old casual clothing Elyon
- Added 2 pornographic scenes with Elyon
- Added 2 erotic scenes with Elyon
- Added a new page in the pornographic magazine
- Added about 7 non-pornographic scenes with their variations
- Added training on the phone interface
- Completely removed the old branch with Elyon, as well as art from it.
- Fixed a bug where Cornelia could kill you in battle and the game ended with a
game over scene

List of changes:
- Overall fighting system simplification;
- Removed the coefficient of health recovery for Cedrick and almost all mobs. Those
mobs, which have remained this recovery health coefficient has less now;
- Reduced the chances of critical hits from some mobs and the chances of evasion. I
tested the new system by myself and in my opinion everything turned out quite
casual and simple;
You can reach level 10 more easily now, but if you can't kill Gargoyle or Sand
monster, then use the potions that Miranda creates. Although you can kill them
without any bomb-potion.
Also fixed a small bug when instead of the Larvek's Eye the star was displayed in
your inventory.

- New Hay Lin storyline added;
- We’ve changed the main menu pic;
- We’ve changed the game intro;
- Added more than 15 new items;
- Added 3 porn and 1-2 erotic scenes with Hay Lin;
- Changed the fighting system, Cedrick got a soul now, and he saved the world.
Cedrick has skills now.
- New battle items. Mobs has new skills and stats too;
- You can make bomb-potions now. Talk to Miranda;
- New chars: Joan Lin, Chen Lin, Commander Raythor, Caleb;
- Added new background-scenes such as Hay Lin’s room, the Silver Dragon restaurant
basement, restaurant side street, cinema;
- Added 11 non-porn pics and scenes with variations;
- Added new page for Slutty Sluts magazine;
- Overall bugfixes;
- The second arc removed (Get help from Miranda);
- Added new locations on map such as gym, Walmart and central park;

List of changes (0.6.0):

We've added:

-a new story including Irma;

-a new locations: Lair's house, Police department and an underwater mines on the

-a new characters: Anna Lair, Officer Gordon, Detectives Medina and McTiennan;

-a new clothes for Tom Lair;

-a new items;

-one sex scene with Miranda;

-two sex scenes with Anna Lair;

-one erotic scene with Irma;

-Now you have a rewritten combat system. We will improve this system and add new
features in the future;

-Now you have a new “What I need to do” menu in your phone. Now you can track your
tasks, completed or in progress. You also have a new redesigned phone;

-In addition to the new “What I need to do” menu on the phone, pop-up markers will
indicate the “true” direction that you need to go. So now you can complete your
quests or events more easily;

-We have changed the inventory. Now you can sort your items and scroll through the
inventory if it's full;

-Making money will be more interesting for you from now on. A new mini-game has
been added. Now you will have to sell various books and comics to the customers and
protect the store from robbers and thieves. Now all the profit is up to you;

-Since you really wanted it... We've added an art gallery into our game;

-We have fixed a bug with a frog-toy order;

Phew... I hope I haven't forgotten anything...

Here is a list of fixed bugs:

Fixed a bug where you could skip Will’s quests with the skip button.

Fixed a bug when Elyon's mood could not return to normal after Brian and Alchemy
disappeared or when her parents got into a car accident.

We removed the interface after the Will’s frog delivery. Because of this, player
could press the skip button and skip the delivery.

Thank you very much for your support! The public version will be released in two
Вот список исправленных багов:

Исправлен баг, когда вы могли пропустить квесты с Вилл с помощью кнопки скип.
Исправлен баг, когда настроение Элион не могло нормализоваться, после того как
пропали Брайан с Алхими или когда её родители попали в аварию.

Убран интерфейс, когда была доставлена лягушка Пеппа, иначе игрок мог нажать кнопку
скип и пропустить доставку.

Привет-привет, котаны! Вот вам окончательный список изменений и нововведений:

—В игре появились новые персонажи: Лилиан Хейл (взрослая и юная, в пижаме и

школьной форме)

—Добавилось несколько вариантов одежды для Корнелии Хейл.

—Появились новые локации: Комната в замке Меридиана, Школьный коридор и дом


—Добавлено 5 новых предметов.

—Добавлена анимация удара Седрика в бою.

—Добавлены 2 новых монстра.

—Добавлены 3 порнографические сцены с Лилиан.

—Добавлены 2 порнографические сцены с Корнелией.

—Добавлены 2 порнографические сцены с Лилиан и Корнелией.

—Также добавлены различные сцены для продвижения истории игры и их насчитывается

около девяти.

—Также добавлено много музыки и несколько звуков.

Всем спасибо за поддержку!

Прохождение выйдет примерно через недельку, оно уже написано и в данный момент
находится на редактуре и переводе.

Скорее всего у вас не будут работать сохранения из версии 0.4 и уж точно не будут
работать сохранения из предыдущих версий, но мы добавили чит-мод, который должен
упростить вам прохождение.

Всем спасибо за поддержку! Дальше идёт список фиксов.

Список изменений, исправлений и нововведений (0.4.1):

Исправлены некоторые ошибки в русском и английском тексте.

Были исправлены ошибки в именах персонажей.

Исправлен баг, когда после того, как вы получали трусы Миранды, вы не могли
поговорить с Джинком.

Исправлены некорректные вопросы в тесте по истории.

Исправлен баг, когда вы не могли убежать от полицейского во время драки.

Исправлен баг, когда вам не доставлялись лягушки “Пеппа” после того как вы их

Исправлен баг, когда из-за прихода полицейского не приходил Томас Вендом.

Исправлен баг, когда из-за недостатка денег вы не могли поговорить с Джинком.

Добавлен чит-мод. (Используя его скидывается пролог, все статы прокачены, открыты
некоторые новые сюжетные ветки сразу, у вас максимум денег и золота и т.д.)

Добавлена новая страничка в порнографическом журнале в магазине.

Также добавлены некоторые подсказки игрокам по мере прохождения игры, когда было не
понятно, что делать дальше.
List of changes (0.5.0):

— The game has new characters: Lillian Hale (adult and child version, in pajama and
school uniform)

—We have added new clothes for Cornelia Hale.

—New locations: bedroom in the Meridian castle, the School corridor and the Hale’s

—Added 5 new items.

—Added a new punch animation for Cedric.

—Added 2 new monsters. —Added 3 pornographic scenes with Lillian

—Added 2 pornographic scenes with Cornelia.

—Added 2 pornographic scenes with Lillian and Cornelia.

—We have also added various scenes to move the game's story. There are about nine

—We also added a lot of new music and some sounds.

The walkthrough will be released in about a week, it is already written and is

currently being edited and translated.

Most likely, the save from version 0.4 will not work for you and the save from
previous versions will not work too, bu-u-u-t we have added a cheat-mode, which
should simplify your walkthrough!

Thank you all for your support! Next comes the list of fixes.

List of changes, fixes and innovations (0.4.1):

Fixed some bugs in the Russian and English text.

We fixed some mistakes in character names.

Fixed a bug that you couldn't talk with Jink after you received Miranda panties.

Fixed incorrect questions in the history test.

Fixed a bug that you couldn’t run away from a police officer during a fight.

Fixed a bug when you didn’t get the “Peppa” frogs after you ordered them.

Fixed a bug when Tomas Vandom didn’t come because of the Tom Lair arrival. Fixed a
bug when you couldn’t talk with Jink due to lack of money.

Added a cheat mod. (Using it, the prologue is thrown off, all the stats are high,
some new story lines are opened right away, you have a maximum of money and gold,

Added a new page in the pornographic magazine in the store.

Also added some tips to players as the game progresses, when it was not clear what
to do next.

[b]Changelog 0.4[/b]
В игре появились новые персонажи: Мартин Таббс, Ирма Лэир, Хай Лин и Тереза Кук.
Также появилась Миранда в форме паука и Тарани в прикиде панка.

Появилась новая локация — Дом Тарани. Д

Добавлена новый стата — Красноречие.

Добавлено 2 порнографические сцены с Тарани

Добавлена 1 порнографическая сцена с Ирмой

Добавлена 1 порнографическая сцена с Мирандой

Добавлена 1 порнографическая сцена с Алхими

Добавлено 1 порнографическое изображение в порнографический журнал в книжном


Также добавлены различные сцены для продвижения истории игры, их насчитывается

около 9.

Еще было добавлено около 6-ти новых предметов.

Введено около шести небольших сюжетных изменений игры исправляющие некоторые

сюжетные дыры и на мой взгляд улучшающие сюжет игры.

Также в некоторых сценах добавлена музыка и несколько звуков. Остальные звуки и

музыку будем добавлять постепенно.
Исправлены многие ошибки во всем русском тексте.

Исправлены многие ошибки во всем английском тексте.

The game now has new characters: Martin Tubbs, Irma Lair, Hay Lin and Theresa Cook.
Miranda also appeared in the form of a spider and Tarani in a punk outfit.
There is a new location — Taranee house.
Added new stat — Speechcraft.
Added 2 pornographic scenes with Taranee.
Added 1 pornographic scene with Irma.
Added 1 pornographic scene with Miranda.
Added 1 pornographic scene with Alchemy.
Added 1 pornographic image to a pornographic magazine in a bookstore.
Also added a variety of scenes to progress the history of the game, there are about
Added about 6 new items.
About six small plot changes of the game were introduced, correcting some of the
plot holes and, in my opinion, improving the plot of the game.
Also added music and a few sounds in some scenes. The rest of the sounds and music
will be added bit by bit.
Fixed many bugs in the entire Russian text.
Fixed many bugs in the entire English text.

List of fixes 0.3.2:

1. Partially corrected translation

2. The system of items in the inventory was changed. When the game was loaded
again, the state of items was dropped and it was not possible to give the quest
item to the character.

3. When the game is restarted, items in the inventory are no longer relevant for
use in further quests.

4. Fix the phone, when something was ordered through the phone and at the same time
rebooted, the order was not saved, and the paid money was not returned, or the game
returned an error.

5. When the Thomas came in and the player did not have enough money and when
switching labels on returning the book the same night, Thomas would come again

6. At the beginning of the game, when you click on the book, when you need to
report to the Phobos about what Elyon found, turn out to be on the map of Meridian,
now we get directly to Phobos

7. During the file, the Colins sprite

8. Will did not come to pick up frogs

9. The game moved to the main menu after footjob and henjoba

10. Also fixed some scenes




Список изменений и правок:

1. Частично исправлен перевод

2. Была изменена система предметов в инвентаре. При новой загрузки игры состояние
предметов сбрасывалось и не удавалось отдать квестовый предмет персонажу.

3. При перезагрузке игры предметы находящиеся в инвентаре переставали быть

актуальными для использования в дальнейших квестах.

4. Починен телефон, когда что то заказывали через телефон и в этот же момент

перезагружались, то заказ не сохранялся, а заплаченные деньги не возвращались, или
игра возвращала ошибку.

5. Когда Томас приходил и у игрока не оказывалось достаточно денег и при

перезаключении лейблов по возвращению назад букшоп в эту же ночь, Томас приходил

6. В начале игры, при нажатии на книгу, когда нужно доложить Фобосу о том что нашли
Элион, оказывались на карте Меридиана, сейчас попадаем прямо в К Фобосу

7. Во время файта изменен спрайт Колинза

8. Вилл не приходила забирать лягушек

9. Игра переходила в главное меню после футджоба и хенджоба

10. Также исправлены некоторые сцены

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