Extreme Values Notes

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Calculus (Version #2) - 5.

1 Extreme Values Notes

Alejandro Sanchez
Period 4


In calculus, extreme values are points on a function where the function takes on either a maximum or a
minimum value. These points are also known as extreme points, critical points, or stationary points. The
process of finding these points involves the use of differentiation and optimization techniques. In this
section, we will explore the concept of extreme values in greater detail.

Critical Points:

 Critical points are the points where the derivative of the function is zero or undefined. These
points are also known as stationary points, since at these points the function is neither
increasing nor decreasing. A critical point can be either a maximum, a minimum, or a saddle
 To find the critical points of a function, we must first differentiate the function with respect to
the independent variable. This will give us the derivative of the function, which we can then set
equal to zero to find the critical points. Once we have found the critical points, we can use the
second derivative test or the first derivative test to determine whether they are maximums,
minimums, or saddle points.

First Derivative Test:

 The first derivative test is used to determine the nature of a critical point. To use this test, we
evaluate the sign of the derivative of the function on either side of the critical point. If the sign
of the derivative changes from positive to negative, the critical point is a maximum. If the sign of
the derivative changes from negative to positive, the critical point is a minimum. If the sign of
the derivative does not change, the critical point is a saddle point.

Second Derivative Test:

 The second derivative test is another method for determining the nature of a critical point. To
use this test, we evaluate the second derivative of the function at the critical point. If the second
derivative is positive, the critical point is a minimum. If the second derivative is negative, the
critical point is a maximum. If the second derivative is zero, the test is inconclusive.

 Optimization involves finding the maximum or minimum value of a function subject to certain
constraints. In many real-world situations, we are interested in finding the maximum or
minimum value of a function subject to some constraints. For example, we may want to
maximize the profit of a company subject to some budget constraints, or minimize the amount
of material used to construct a bridge subject to certain safety constraints.
 The process of optimization involves finding the critical points of the function subject to the
constraints, and then evaluating the function at these points to determine the maximum or
minimum value. The constraints may be expressed as equations or inequalities, and we must
use techniques such as Lagrange multipliers to find the critical points subject to these

Local and Global Extreme Values:

 A local extreme value is a maximum or minimum value of a function in a small neighborhood

around a point. A global extreme value is a maximum or minimum value of a function over its
entire domain. A global maximum is also known as an absolute maximum, while a global
minimum is also known as an absolute minimum.
 Finding global extreme values requires evaluating the function over its entire domain and
comparing the values to find the maximum or minimum. Finding local extreme values requires
finding the critical points and determining which of these points are maximums or minimums.

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