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Nowadays Young People wonder about how people used to spend their free time in the early 2000

because back then there weren’t as much things to do like today. A lot of things have changed in the
past twenty years. I'm not saying that twenty years ago people didn't have anything to do, they had
television (which hasn't changed that much since then) or the internet, but that last one has changed a
lot, not only did it evolve but now it's absurdly easy to use, even elders are able to use it. Today we have
all this streaming platforms like Netflix, hbo, disney+, etc., and the way of watching a movie or a tv series
is now much easier because you don’t have to go out to a blockbuster to rent a movie that you don't
even know if its going to be good, right now all you have to do is to sit in front of the tv or the computer
and choose from a very large amount of audio-visual content. I'm not talking anything about depending
your free time outside your house because I don't think there is a significant change, you can do almost
the same from twenty years ago.

To finish I have to say that not all is better nowadays because we have so many things to do that it is
difficult to focus on your studies or work but if you manage to organize your time you won't suffer the
need to do entertaining stuff all the time.

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