Local Government & Development in SA

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LOCAL GOVERNMENT & DEVELOPMENT sty AFRI PV CON Coston laity BJECTIVES Sine oanents (ont eae ea ae Gre ees Peea ER eR seamen Coenen eee cutee aie er eeri ey oreo PNG rete Bieta Tee Bee) Roars m South African local authoriti -To emphasize the fact that South African local authorities (will) have to play a crucial role in the upliftment of disadvantaged Om eR ARE ona rete edt cns INTRODUCTION South African local government has not gained sufficient direction to attain economic viability and social stability. CERCA One eae ee ore tne emt eee necro See oeaeea nic cs © The 1998 White Paper on Local Government can almost be regarded as a mini- constitution for local government. © It gave a direction that S.A. has the obligation of meeting developmental objectives in a manner that enhances community participation and accountability. INTRODUCTION © Segregation was already a policy when apartheid was introduced in 1948. Ree Wier eye se ee Pee eee eee erect Oe ee et ie nce etc Gee knoe Relectric! So renee Ree re een ea © The chiefs were less recognised as most of the traditional functions were passed to the magistrates. INTRODUCTION infrastructure for blacks & © Towns & cities were divided into townships without basi well-resourced suburbs for whites. See ecm en Onin go eam Come cce peace ssc © The economy was built on systematically enforced racial division in every sphere of erase © Poverty characterised our society. INTRODUCTION CORSA e oe ores Rec Taos ce eme ea GS Ace RRS Petco © Millions of ordinary $ Africans struggled with this system over decades to improve Re ee en anee eee eta © This approach to developing and implementing the policy was unique in SA’s political history. INTRODUCTION © Segregation in education, health, welfare, transport & employment left deep scars of Preset eke ee eee ® Large companies dominated by whites controlled large parts of the economy. Labour policies concentrated skills in white hands, & black workers were poorly equipped for the rapid changes that took place in the world economy. INTRODUCTION @ RDP is an integrated, coherent, socio-economic policy framework, seeking to mobilise all Reso eee Sets eee teenie eine ect eee Rg sernt ee nate aes Sen Ge nero Rance atts © This framework stipulated detailed positions and legislative programmes of government. © The RDP has been drawn by the ANC alliance, NGOs, businesses and researchers and was a Peretti Cee eee Ro oc one ce Rr encore ene omc etter CTE rea INTRODUCTION SOM AN ELST Than Mo TiN ee CS eon m COR Anne Led uty TRU ey eT Lat mn cere] Cl bear the financial burden of servicing the disadvantaged black areas. Seen tc nen ee auc C cnet ns canes ees INTRODUCTION ees a ea ee ce ey Ce OR CnC ORS Se er ec ee erect eg Co CN aS CSW oe OW Tore cc Ce RBCs Rte en D Ge eee et aR ene © The BAA Act of 1971 appointed Administrative Boards which Peete enn een neater INTRODUCTION © In 1977 Community Councils were introduced butthey = and reveieo @ In replaced Community Councils but had no revenue erro SS Bere eee ena ee a CE VTS ca Ptveretrs © Apartheid barred retail and industrial development in black areas and eee ee eee ers INTRODUCTION OMY ava oc) neo Tas) ete ae COR ae COCs er mt oe Coe Rots Cont Sos Mathes MECC OR UE Ccoae nn Rel ceeg (elo occa yo Acs ECCS Lt Nc Black local authorities tried to impose rent and services charges on township > to increase revenue. © Their cry was the appalling social and economic conditions in townships and Rea Tas Protesting Against Distorted System OM Westar acre en CFE TeV Ney Tec Laes cre CoNaE ne BSTounareons LEE eX | consumer boycotts. © Bythe the apartheid state started directing funds to disadvantaged areas. @ White municipalities started negotiations with township authorities. eon era, Cea tates tater te eee ene ce mtirteres Rerac htr addressed nationally. BoM Bre op at baat mee) | cre hee bap sTUT atte Cones SCCM ciecTo) Ebr Crate a a Different forms of municipalities The transition resulted in a local government system consisting of 843 municipalities and over 11 000 democratic elected councillors. PSU eco eee een er ee eee RST cco 1 Metropolitan Council - Metropolitan municipalities [Category Al: © Metro. is a region consisting of a densely populated «:-- and its less-populated surrounding territories, sharing industry, infrastructure, and housing. SO Veeco ee eS eect ESWC © They have more than 500 000 voters and the metropolitan municipality coordinates the Sone eea cee ee SO ere Ses eS ce Elizabeth and the East Rand, eee econ ne 2 cy Different forms of municipalities Local municipalities [Category Bl: Areas that fall outside of the six metropolitan municipal areas are divided into local Pees There are a total of of these local municipalities and each municipality is broken into war The residents in each ward are represented bya ae RONG a ace ee Oa eT Tet eee re ete sc Warrenty Different forms of municipalities peer cenuntar ae tetas ces © District municipalities are made up of a number of local municipalities that fall in one district. © There are usually between local municipalities that come together in a district counc Bee errr teers ecco ts Ca eee tees co Pree es eee canteen ate PM Umi es iccecs mnie coms iccke (ores fomeet intel Ua By a OS eee Cecrreee este Ct Ek ee cre Municipalities are responsible for the following functions: Electricity delivery SOM ZNeca ora Noto) Rtn CORO ee are EU ear) Segoe SMS acon cls eae eien tear Om VT eTU ete Nera Municipalities are responsible for the functions: cy eS cS eS rs cS ° rs eer eneeetne ene nts Nn Municipal public transport Street trading Abattoirs and fresh food markets eee eee Libraries and other facilities Reece! following Roles and Functions of Local Authorities © They ate required to publicise legislation or act as agents of government especially the White Paper on Local Government (Act 108 of 1996 / 1998). © The most constitutional function of local authorities is to promote socio-economic Pe eneaea tose Sete a nee tee eae ee ence ncaa’ Retattears omen ts teats Roles and Functions of Local Authorities None arora Local authorities have to play a crucial role in the economy of the country. © The local economic development (LED) supports national and provincial government strategies. ee een i. The growth of the local economy ii. Inctease job opportunities rm Oe eee eR eee msg Rees se iv. Involved in the lives and fate of the communities they serve en ono eects SO ors ek oe Reem Authorities should review their service deliver Cees ee + They should focus on enhancing the quality of life of their communities. Roles and Functions of Local Authorities PAB tra cogn rae ice: elem a Se etna cen ene eoreac tite Ce Veeceea ena tere en Chk eCecetenee ne ec Oanenacas aac © They need to create opportunities for small businesses © African countries made a mistake by treating local authorities as administrative Reetete teres Roles and Functions of Local Authorities 3) The lackey/taol/instrument role In developing countries local countrieshave and © In Africa, after gaining independence, central government was Panta et ce Sg es ote ce ne a ea eee ee © These African countries recognised postcolonial local authorities as illegitimate relics of Senn © These countries are highly centralised unitary systems of government dominated by one single part rear ae ee ec da a Roles and Functions of Local Authorities 3) The lackey/tool/instrument role ORS Ter roa oreo ad toom arose Comat CoC ara Ca COMMUNE TTTs bach CoM cs CCU CM Nc CMU acc SOR Ona ce Cou eree tom Coon a Mane Raced Reeth te too RO Maarten om RSL: ere Cece nn poe ene eeenar eae SMU a eens Comat aS eR rma te Cenc lan arom Rehr ater eateeg cleo Re Reece en ee ae oMeU ae careeyt Ce Motte CE MITA U NC] my Cre nrctatesuM con Yom Ce) LaToya (cc cers: ana Roles and Functions of Local Authorities 4) The development Role Poe eet artnet © Stimulate economic growth through exploiting the potential of tourism. ety ee ee eee eee Teen ne Tee ESC Ecce cen Rcecnes © Areas like uKhahlamba-Drakensberg Park which is famous for Bushmen paintings. © Job opportunities will be created if the attractions are properly advertised. Crime and violence impact negatively on the tourism industry in S. A. Roles and Functions of Local Authorities 4) The development Role 4.2. Capitalise on physical surrounding Cone niece reat enor eet n Gites Cmca CT retest aU Ue Ce eee © To attract development and investment, urban areas should be 0) and pated Roles and Functions of Local Authorities 4) The development Role 4.3. Create conducive entrepreneurial conditions © Local authorities need to ensure that are pegged ata oenenel el ac ere ecm el ec eee can © Municipal authorities must ensure that contracts are awarded on the b: ee ec iss. ene Cras Sante cticed in the awarding of tenders to avoid Roles and Functions of Local Authorities Bieter oneal 4.4, Provide appropriate infrastructure CS greene ont eee ier ec eens Cater nt eee ce CSTE ante ees ce SU Ca eC rest of Africa and the rest of the world are in proper order. ePaper ten Bear enc ces sence RCo n ve n Pee Cee ere ene et settee Roles and Functions of Local Authorities 4) The development Role 4.5. Grant liberal incentives to investors and donors Fos Coe eco etter cares emer Neccolona mea retenta tae tears © Municipalities need to review their approach toward © © local industries closed down and become detrimental the local Pecans Roles and Functions of Local Authorities 4) The development Role EA oa Oyen ce taal erie i} © New developmental local government systems must be geared to ere renee terse et eu eceena cas Peo Urea tate ee etna re ee oe tee ee rapidly changing work environment. Roles and Functions of Local Authorities 4) The development Role Pa Reo ae eas © Local authorities should. from tertiary institutions and technikons. Neer ee secre ene ca en ec ce oee SN Rete en eee te steers ae oe cee ence Sree ere ee Challenges facing municipalities econ c ca HoT nonaret ones Reena Pre tears asonteacceetoye Ke) Meo lal ol ceere einen ore ec ne elem ny icor cry cee Con ent ene ice ater Gnas on Ibsen Etc Dee ia ear ter meee ett cree Ue cece a eee Tee Ree eee Ree ee te a Cid Oconto: ce RR Lone nCca Core] Reena ORS a

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