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Samanvitha Reddy Challa


My Own Mythology
I was thinking whether I should name this Samanvitha’s Myth or something like that but it sounded
too narcissistic even to me, I did wish I could create a fully comprehensive myth as if I’m writing a
novel revolving around it but wandering around in the vacation completely exhausted my creative
spirit, so in my myth I create no new names, and am solely reflecting human anatomy and feelings in
a mythical story.

The Concept of My Myth

Everything within the borders of human skin has its own realm, the main gods are the brain, heart,
lungs, kidneys and liver but the brain is crowned the god of all gods. These gods and others with
them together are responsible for the human well-being. With the origin of the first humans on
earth, was when all these realms came into existence, and each of these almost maintain a data
entry of every human to keep track of their unhealthy habits and organs and give a suitable result.
Yes, they work together. This is just the physical aspect of the human being. Till here, everything was
running smooth, but then brain had children named emotions and thoughts, multiple children that
either brought out the best in humans or the worst and created the many conflicts in the world.
Fear, anger, greed, pride, jealousy, hatred plagued the world but always in constant battle with love,
kindness, peace. The balance and battle between all the emotions and thoughts brings the world to
where it is now.

Key Conflicts
The other realms are often upset for not getting enough prayers and appreciations because the
humans mostly care about the brain and heart. Heart often gets mistaken for feelings and emotions
instead of brain and gets un deserving patronisation. The heart enjoys this, and has playful
discussions with the brain. The brain is frequently blamed for bringing in all the wrath of humans
that would lead to end of mankind one day. With the end of mankind, all these gods also perish
because these gods start with the existence of humans and also end with them.

Mythogony? Theogony? Cosmogony?

I would like to make this to be a very modern myth that originated with the development of science
and technology by the people who wouldn’t just take the explanations as to how every organ
functioned because they couldn’t ever look at it themselves and so they made the myth. The gods of
the myth as aforementioned created with the first humans and the origin of cosmos is well the big

I tried basing the myth on very real scientific aspects but since I don’t have enough research on that
it’s just something I created with the very bare facts I have, this is obviously completely fictional,
even my own rationality questions this, but I definitely do worship my brain more compared to the
other organs and I hope they aren’t offended.

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