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1. Whom would you like to take along with you, if you were told to shift to some other

2. If you had to share your secret with someone, with whom would you like to share?

3. If you have to complete a project and you fall sick, whom would you ask for help to
complete your project on time?

4. If you have to go on a vacation, with which friend would you like to go?

5. In case of emotional breakdown, which friend would you contact first?

6. Whom do you ask first if he/she would be going to school the next day and make your
decision accordingly?

7. To which friend you can say anything and everything without any fear of being judged?

8. If you met with an accident on road, whom do you think would come to help you

9. If you had made any mistake, to which friend would you consult to advise you to correct

10. With whom would you share your romantic relationship issues?

11. Whom would you call (phone) the most throughout the day?

12. Which friend you think will share his/her meal with you if only he has bring the lunch to

13. For a competition, whom would you like to team up with?

14. With which friend you feel you can communicate without words as well.

15. Whom would you like to take along when you go for shopping?

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