Nutrition Test Revision Sheet

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Nutrient Function Food Examples (x 3) Extension Information Food selection Advantages to Disadvantages to Factor and influence impact on food

Advantages to Disadvantages to Factor and influence impact on food choice How can it be overcome
model making healthier making healthier
Carbohydrate Simple: The body’s primary - Bread Glycaemic Index –
source of energy and the - Beans food choices food choices BIOLOGICAL- Some may be feeling ill and Go to the doctors and try to
brain’s preferred energy - Milk High GI: are broken down quickly in the fatigue and can’t eat overcome your illness
source. bloodstream. appetite
Is very factual Does not
Low GI: have a more gradual effect on the blood ECONOMIC- The inflation of food Try to go for cheaper alternatives in
Complex: releases energy
glucose. appeal much to
slower skyrocketing being a barrier for the supermarkets
audience cost many
Fibre Normalises bowel - Broccoli Fibre’s ability to reduce cancer – it helps
movements - Avocados regulate the body’s use of sugar and fulfilling
- Grains PHYSICAL- Living in a rural area with a Plant a garden and have that as one
harder access to healthy food of your resources of food so you
access don’t starve
Fats Give your body energy and - Olive Unsaturated- SOCIAL- Their religion might limit them Remain in your diet but make sure
to support the cells’ function - Peanuts Included Does not from eating specific foods the alternatives are acceptable
- salmon Complete proteins contain all the essential amino culture
acids. seasonings and include a
Saturated fat –
reminds us to hierarchy PSYCHOLOGICAL- Overeating as a coping Meditate, read a book, go for a
drink water mechanism walk, and touch grass
Incomplete proteins lack one or more of the stress
essential amino acids

Energy Looks like

Protein Repairs and build body - Seafood Complete Proteins-
tissues - Lean beef
Shows how much Is not accurate balance
- Eggs Contain all the essential amino acids. more you need to POSITIVE Balanced and equal energy input and energy output
incomplete proteins – consume
Lack one or more essential amino acids. NEGATIVE Energy input is less than energy output
Mineral – Helps to get healthy, strong - Cheese Supporting health and wellbeing –
Calcium bones and puts and end to - Figs NUTURAL Energy input is more than energy output
blood clotting - Yogurt Stronger bones

Australian dietary guidelines

Mineral – Iron Carries oxygen from your - Red meats Supporting health and wellbeing –
lungs to all parts of the body - Fish 1. To achieve and maintain a healthy weight, be physically active and chose amounts of nutritious food and
- Spinach Energy and focus
drinks to meet your energy needs
2. Enjoy a wide variety of nutritious foods from each of the five food groups (vegetables, fruit, grains, dairy,
lean meat/meat alternatives)
3. Limit intake of foods containing saturated fats, added salts, added sugars and alcohol.
Mineral – Flavours food and is used as - Clams Supporting health and wellbeing – 4. Encourage, support and promote breastfeeding
Sodium a binder and stabiliser - Mangos
Messages and movements 5. Care for you food; prepare and store it safely.
- Pizza

Disease / Condition Describe the condition and its impact on the body. Discuss the behaviour and nutrition involved in Discuss ways to prevent the condition.
Vitamin – A Helps with reproduction, - Tomatoes Helps get you healthier skin and promotes the development of the condition.
growth, and vision - Capsicum immune system health
- Carrots High Blood Pressure Damages your arteries by making them less elastic It can lead you to have anxiety and depression High intakes of potassium, polyunsaturated fatty
which would decrease the flow/rhythm of your blood. more than those with a normal blood pressure and acids, protein, and Vitamin D may all reduce
increased alcohol consumption make elevated. blood pressure

Vitamin – B9 Important in red blood cell - Spinach Helpful in early pregnancy to reduce the risk of
Folate formation and for healthy - Liver birth defects of the brain and spine
cell growth and functioning - Asparagus
Osteoporosis Causes bones to become weak and brittle to the point A lifelong lack of calcium may be a way you Eat food that support bone wealth, get active and
that they fall of even coughing can cause fractures develop this disease when you’re older/ do not smoke

Vitamin – C An antioxidant that helps - Kiwi Supporting health and wellbeing – Obesity An abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that Bad eating patterns, low physical activity levels, Choosing healthier food, increase physical
protect your cells against the - Strawberry presents a risk to high health and sleeping routine activity and limit internet use
effects of free radicals - lemon Helps body absorb enough iron and keep
connective tissue healthy
Cardiovascular disease (stroke) A condition in which the brain can’t get blood flow. Trouble speaking and understanding what others Live tobacco free, eat a healthy diet, be physically
This happens because one or more blood vessels are saying, paralysis, problems seeing in one or active, know your risks (between 40-75)
leading to the brain is blocked or bursts both eyes, and trouble walking
Vitamin - Ds Helps the body absorb and - Orange juice Supporting health and wellbeing –
retain calcium and - Mushroom
phosphorus - oatmeal Building and maintain healthy bones

Cardiovascular disease (heart attack) Occurs when an artery that sends blood and oxygen to Your heart is damaged and chest pains caused by Reduction of salt in the diet, eating more fruit and
the heart is blocked. Fatty, cholesterol-containing restricted blood flow to the heart muscle vegetables, regulate physical activity and
deposit build over time, forming plaques in the heart avoiding harmful use of alcohol
Water Regulates body temperature - cucumbers Supporting health and wellbeing –
- watermelon
- iceberg lettuce Increase concentration and sport performances
Type 2 diabetes An impairment in the way the body regulates and uses Cells in the muscle, fat and the liver become Keep weight under control, exercising more, eat
sugar (glucose) as fuel. resistant to insulin healthy, and do not smoke

Colorectal cancer A disease in which cells in the colon or rectum grow Clumps of cells called polyp’s form Eating vegetables, fruits and whole grains
out of control.

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