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Name: JONAH N. LORETO Course: BSGE-3B Date: 03/09/2023

Make an Impact Prediction and Mitigation Program (Table) for a Subdivision Project on a 7 hectares
coconut farm in Guinobatan, Albay. (20 pts) A subdivision project is proposed to be developed in
Guinobatan, Albay. As it will provide homes for several families, the location of the project site affects
and impacts a 7 hectares coconutfarm. It means thousands of trees are to be cut.


Air quality Emissions from construction A biological effect is generally defined
vehicles, equipment, and as the response of an organism, a
machinery used for excavation population, or a community to changes
and construction resulting to in its environment (Walker et al.,
dust and increase in 2006). We cannot stop this kind of
concentration of vehicle- construction if it was already been
related pollutants such as approved by the government but we can
carbon monoxide, sulphur mitigate the impact that it will cause in
oxides, particulate matter, the specified location. First of all, with
nitrous oxides, and the said location wherein it is in a
hydrocarbons coconut farm, cutting those tress will
Biodiversity fauna and flora The proposed site is in a not be inevitable but after cutting trees
coconut farm. No areas of make sure to plant new trees or plants
ecological diversity occur around the area after construction so
within the project location. that it will help the environment again
Due to the nature and locality and make new habitats for animals.
of the project there is unlikely Planning is essential to ensure minimal
to any significant impacts on losses during the implementation stages
biodiversity within the area and steps must also be taken later to
during maintenance works ensure that the losses are “replenished.”
Sources of materials Extraction of materials can This is crucial especially when
disrupt natural land contours development is in the vicinity of a
and vegetation resulting in protected or animal sanctuary, a
accelerated erosion, forested area, or a catchment area.
disturbance in natural drainage Ecological losses should be minimized
patterns, ponding and water and suitable protection put in place for
logging, and water pollution. the conservation of flora and fauna.
Ecological resources Cutting of trees would affect Introducing a recycled concrete policy
terrestrial ecological balance in construction, this strategy could
and affect terrestrial and serve to reduce the impact in the
aquatic fauna/wildlife. environment. While the construction is
Deforestation Habitats for animals and other ongoing, make sure that the materials
living organisms can be used are not harmful to the environment
damage due to the construction and every raw material is approved by
which will cost loss of lives and DENR or government facilities which
habitats. ensure the safety of our environment
Construction waste Trenching will produce first.
additional amounts of waste
soil. And also accumulation of
debris waste materials and
stockpiling can cause
environmental visual pollution.
Surface water quality Mobilization of settled silt
materials, run-off from
stockpiled materials, and
chemical contamination from
fuels and lubricants during
construction works can
contaminate downstream
surface water quality.
Temporary work camps Temporary air and noise
pollution from machine
operation, water pollution from
storage and use of fuels, oils,
solvents, and lubricants.
Air emissions and odors Air emissions from wastewater
treatment operations may
include hydrogen sulfide,
methane, volatile organic
compounds, gaseous or volatile
chemicals used for disinfection
processes (e.g., chlorine), and
Temporary construction Locations may cause Physical impacts include the people and
work camps, stockpile encroachment/impact either its workers to. Health problems are one
areas, storage areas, and directly or indirectly on of the major problems with regards to
disposal areas adjacent environments. physical impact of the ongoing
Dirty and foul-smelling Health problems like fever, construction of the subdivision. As said
surrounding and swampy flu, and malaria in the above, raw materials used and
areas caused by flooding other equipment used/ emitted by the
coming from the upper land equipments used should not be harmful
due to construction to the environment. Also, Installation of
Cultural and heritage sites Earthworks or development drainage and bigger canals. the canal
associated with subdivision outlet should not be directed towards
has the potential to modify or the residential areas of the surrounding
damage historic, community. Air, water, climate, soil,
archaeological or cultural sites natural vegetation and landforms and
or landscapes. changes in these factors may affect our
Noise and Vibrations Sensitive receptors (hospitals, daily lives especially in terms of health.
schools, churches) may be If ever there are other places that is
affected temporarily by much more suitable for the construction
increased traffic and related and cannot harm the coconut farm, then
impacts maybe they can change the location for
Disturbance from afterhours the subdivision. Overall there is a high
work. level of awareness and commitment
Deforestation Construction of buildings may with regard to protecting the
provide shelter for the people environment among contractors and
who wanted to live in those others involved in the construction
areas but the forest will also industry. Some have already taken
degrade. measures to comply with all regulations
Clean-up operations, Impacts on social or sensitive regarding water pollution, noise
restoration and receptors when post control, and dust emissions. In some
rehabilitation construction requirements are cases, additional initiatives have also
not undertaken, e.g. proper been adopted, such as energy
closure of camp, disposal of conservation and recycling of materials
solid waste, and restoration of (Rodríguez et al. 2007; Tam 2008).
land after project construction.
Competition with other Nearby water resources may
water resources be adversely affected by the
additional water abstraction.
Traffic Traffic flow will be
disrupted if routes for
delivery of construction
materials and temporary
blockages during
construction activities are
not planned
and coordinated.
Social and economic The use of land for different People in lower income or class status
purposes can cause increased are often relegated to living and
demand for infrastructure, working environments that have a
community facilities, public higher risk for pollution, stress, injury
and private transport, and a and other risk factors for disease
change in amenity values or outcomes. With the construction of the
social coherence. subdivision, many lives will be affected
Health of the served Public health is expected to such as people around the
population improve with the available neighbourhood. Depending on the
source of potable water. scope of the problem to be handled and
Noise levels Increase in noise level due to data availability, socioeconomic impact
earth-moving and excavation assessment may produce different
equipment, and the levels of outcomes that may somehow
transportation of equipment, affect the decisions- and policies
materials, and people. making processes. Develop and
Operation of heavy equipment implement public awareness programs
and machines in the night time about the potential environmental
can cause nuisance to the impacts from the construction of the
surrounding environment/ subdivision is a must. In order to
people minimize risks to the neighborhood
Temporary construction It may also include the from the construction, planning of the
work camps, stockpile impacts on the people who development followed an
areas, storage might lose their homes or environmentally friendly approach by
areas, and disposal areas livelihoods due to the project minimizing cut and fill and maximizing
activities. slope protection measures.
Community health and Community hazards which can
safety arise during construction (e.g.,
open trenches, air quality,
noise, falling objects, etc.).
Trenching on concrete roads
using pneumatic drills will
cause noise and air pollution.
Traffic accidents and vehicle
collision with pedestrians
during material and waste
Air emissions and odours Odours from treatment
facilities can also be a
nuisance to workers and the
surrounding community.
Health and safety Danger of operations and
maintenance-related injuries.
Safety of workers and general
public must be ensured.
Duration of construction Can cause injuries to the
and operation workers and safety of workers
regarding health and wellness.
Income Impede the access of residents
and customers to nearby
shops. Shops may lose
business temporarily.
Social and cultural Risk of archaeological chance
resources finds. Sites of social/cultural
importance (schools, hospitals,
religious place, tourism sites)
may be disturbed by noise,
dust, vibration, and impeded
Economic development Impediments to residents and
businesses during routine
Temporary work camps This may cause conflict with
(Barracks) residents and problem of waste
disposal and disruptions to
Wastewater Treated effluent will be
discharged into the receiving
body of water and may also
affect nearby communities/

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