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Life in Acacia (New Normal Version)

January 2022

Welcome to Acacia Residence Hall!

This document contains some, if not all the necessary information you will need during your stay
with us. It supplements and specifies the “New Normal Guidelines for UP Diliman Residence Halls
(October 2021)” which you can check-out at:

Should you have questions, feel free to email us at

A. Before you go

1. Pack Your Stuff - For your everyday living in Acacia, you will want to bring the following:

a. Portable closet and hangers (Acacia’s rooms do not have provided closets)

b. Trash cans and trash bags (You will need at least 2 trash cans to segregate your
trash. Our Staff collect and dispose trash in a segregated manner)

c. Personal Water Gallon (You will be needing this at least for your Precautionary
Quarantine upon arrival. This gallon will be refilled using water from Acacia’s water
supplier. Hopefully you will not need this again. But in the New Normal, it’s better
to be ready)

d. Room and bathroom cleaning supplies (In the New Normal, no Staff may enter to
clean any part of your room)

e. Electric fan, other appliances, gadgets, chargers, and extension cord (Only a few
specific appliances, listed later in thus Primer, may be allowed in Acacia. In the
New Normal, Air-conditioners are not allowed)

f. Pillows and beddings

g. Utensils, tupperwares, dishwashing supplies

h. Pail, dipper, and toiletries

i. COVID Preparedness Kit – face masks, thermometer, pulse oximeter, vitamins,

paracetamol, antihistamines, decongestants, lozenges and gargles, cough
medicine, cool fever, Lysol (You WILL need at least the thermometer for your
Quarantine upon arrival. Hopefully, you won’t need the symptom management
medicines. But in the New Normal, it’s better to be ready.)

j. Maintenance Medicines, if any

2. Pack a Separate Quarantine Bag - In the first 7 days of your stay, you will be staying in a
Temporary Room for Precautionary Quarantine. After which, you will be moving to your
assigned room for the semester. As such, you may want to prepare a separate Quarantine
Bag containing all your needs for your 7 days of Quarantine in the Temporary Room. We
suggest that you do not purchase/assemble/set-up your cabinets and all of your
belongings while on quarantine, since you might need to transfer to another room after.

3. Fill-out This Form - The “Residents’ Information Sheet” will be our source of the information
that will be important in your stay with us. It will also contain your check-in information so
please finalize your travel and check-in plans before filling it out. The form can be
accessed through:

4. Confirm Your Check-in - Once you fill-up the above form, an email will be sent to you
confirming your Check-in date, time, and Temporary Room. Your Personal QR Code will
also be sent through this email. You will be using this QR code every time you enter or
exit Acacia.

B. When You Arrive

1. Come in, Carefully - When you arrive at Acacia, you will be welcomed by our Guards and
guided through our Pre-Entry Health Protocols. Be ready to fill-up an Online Health
Declaration Form and present your Personal QR Code.

2. Be ready for some heavy lifting! In the New Normal, none of our Staff may help you in
bringing your belongings to your rooms, to avoid contact. We also may not allow your
chaperones to enter Acacia’s premises. You will have to bring your items to your room by

3. Precautionary Quarantine - For your first 7 days in Acacia, you will undergo a
Precautionary Quarantine in a Temporary Room. The following will be the guidelines for
said quarantine:

a. Stay in your assigned room. Everything you will be needing during the quarantine
will either be already in your room (e.g., own comfort room, drinking water), or can
be delivered to your room by our Staff (e.g., food deliveries).

b. Deliveries. If there is anything you need bought or delivered from outside your
room, please message us via messenger. Deliveries will be brought to your floor
and left on the chair in front of your room at the following time: 8AM, 11 AM and
5PM. Thus, have items delivered before these times.

c. Seek approval before going out of your room. If for some reason, you feel it is
absolutely necessary for you to go out of your room, please message us via
messenger and wait for our approval. On occasions that you will be allowed to go
out, make sure to wear a face mask.

d. Monitor your health. While on quarantine, you will be asked to answer an online
“Monitoring Form” twice a day through this link:

e. Waste disposal. If possible, it is advised that you use large trash bags during
quarantine, to lessen frequency of trash pick-ups. When you do need to have trash
picked-up, please disinfect first before leaving them right outside your door by 9

f. Wear facemask. Wear facemask at all times even when you are alone in the room.

g. Maintain proper respiratory etiquette. Cover your mouth and nose with tissue when
you cough or sneeze, or you can cough or sneeze into your sleeve.

h. Wash your hands. Wash your hands often and thoroughly with soap and water
specially when receiving goods from the outside.

i. Emergencies. In case of medical emergency, please call +63 89818500 local 111
and inform the Guard on duty.

C. During your Stay

1. Fees - Monthly billings for the following fees will be sent through email.

a. Lodging - Php 3000

b. Electricity - Depends on monthly submeter reading

2. Procedures for paying online - Payment of dorm fees may be thru the following 2 options:

a. OPTION 1: Direct Bank Deposit thru Landbank

i. Fill up "Deposit Slip".


Account Number : 3072-1006-96

ii. Go to any LBP branch for deposit. No Official Receipts will be
issued. Validated deposit slip will serve as proof of payment.

b. OPTION 2: Through Landbank Linkbiz

i. Go to and click Link.BizPortal

ii. Click "Pay now" and Select the University of the Philippines Diliman

iii. Select Transaction Type among the drop down menu "Other Fees"

iv. Select Payment Gateway

v. Fill out the "Transaction Form" and Input captcha code

Payor Code: Name of Student


vi. Review your transaction details

vii. Input your "One Time Password (OTP)" on the pin pad

viii. Print/ Save the "Payment Confirmation Receipt" which also serves as your
Official Receipt

Once payment has been made, send a screenshot of (1) The Billing Form issued by
Acacia and (2) the Proof of Payment to, Carbon Copy and State your name, college, nature
of payment (in this case, Acacia Dormitory Fee- _____ (month) and deposit.

For your payment to be recorded with Acacia Residence Hall, please fill-up our “Payment
Submission Form” which can be accessed through the QR Code in your room or through
this link:

3. Appliances - Only the following appliances are allowed inside Acacia

a. Electric fan

b. Laptop, tablets or Desktop and printer

Please declare these and other appliances/valuables/vehicles you will be bringing into
Acacia in our Property Declaration Form through the QR Code found in your room or this

4. Food

a. Weekdays - It is recommended that your meals on weekdays be ordered from the

University Food Service (UFS). Menus will be relayed every Thursday, and orders

will be accepted until Friday noon. Payments must be via GCash by the Monday
of that week, through these details: 09175380325 under Maricel Lourdes E.

b. Weekends & Holidays - It is recommended that your meals on weekends or

holidays be availed through online, cashless deliveries.

c. Drinking Water – Php 150 per month will be charged for each resident. Payment
may be done thru GCash at the end of each month through these details:
09175380325 under Maricel Lourdes E. Rodriguez.

5. Deliveries – In the New Normal, Acacia may not do cash on delivery transactions on your
behalf. Thus, all delivery transactions must be done on a cashless basis.

The Guard on duty may receive paid deliveries on your behalf. As much as possible,
please inform the Guard early in the day that you are expecting a delivery.

All deliveries, except food deliveries, will be disinfected and placed in the “Deliveries Area”
for your claiming.

6. Trash – Residents are expected to segregate trash. Schedule of collection are as follows:

a. Monday to Sunday 9 AM – Biodegradeable

b. MWF- 3PM – Non-Biodegradeable

c. TThS- Recycable.

7. Repairs/Replacement – Residents may request repairs/replacement of busted lights,

leaking faucets or shower heads, hairline cracks, dysfunctional door knob, and others by
scanning the QR code found in the room or going to this link:

8. Internet – DILNET-WIFI is the internet connection in the dorm. Here’s how to connect:

a. Select and connect to the access point “DILNET WIFI” on your Windows Taskbar,
Linux or macOS/OSX Network preferences.

b. Once connected, your Web browser will open and show you the DILNET WiFi Login

If the page did not automatically load, open a web browser and go to

c. Sign in using your *DILNET account

d. Once successfully logged in, you will be connected to DILNET and can now access
the Internet. There is no need to configure proxy settings.

*If you do not have DilNet Account, please email, make sure to
attach a copy of your form 5 or screenshot of your CRS enrollment

9. Errands – In the New Normal, going out of the dormitory (besides for academic purposes)
is discouraged. However, for essential errands, you must request approval through the
“Off-dorm Errands Form” which can be accessed through the QR Code in your room, or
through this link:

Errand requests must be sent at least 24 hours before the errand. For errands on
weekends and Mondays, requests must be submitted by 12 noon of the preceding Friday.

10. Acacia Residence Hall Details

Acacia Residence Hall- Building 2
Laurel Avenue, UP Diliman
Quezon City
+632 89818500 local 4633-4634
Email Address:

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