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Montano, Johnmarc Prince G.


ES106 – Computer Fundamentals and Programming

Assignment 1.1

1. Is a computer necessary for civil engineers? Why?

As a civil engineers on this age/time where technology have been part on most of the aspects of
life, where technology helped us to make life easier, computer is necessary in the field. There
are things that are done easily with the help of the computer, such as saving data, calculating,
analyzing, storing data, researching, connecting to others and many more. Although one could
say that computer was never existed years ago yet there are still civil engineers, but in these
times, time is precious, precision and accuracy is important in this field, reliability and efficiency
is always a priority, and all these things are easily achievable with the help of the computer, thus
computer is necessary for civil engineers.

2. Being a civil engineering student, how will you build and choose your computer? Explain each
component or hardware specifications on why you selected those components.
Studying civil engineering connects us with computer works such as AutoCAD drafting, STAAD,
SAAP and other software. If I were to build and choose my computer, I would prefer to have a
computer with at least i5 processor if Intel or at least Ryzen 5 for AMD so that it can do well with
the software/apps that I always use. Graphics is also important when there are rendering works
which would want me to have at least a RTX 3060. Storage capacity is then to be considered
which for me should be at least 512GB of storage, 1TB would be so good too. I would also prefer
to have SSD for better performance. A RAM of at least 16GB would my preference. For power
supply, motherboard, other extensions, and cooling systems, I would go to any that is needed
for the prior components that I stated first. A monitor with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 is ideal. I
would also want a quality headphone for I am into music.

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