Montano 3P FinalsQuiz2 EngineeringManagement

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Johnmarc Prince Montano

Engineering Management
Finals – Quiz 2

1. Leading is the management function which involves influencing others to engage in their
work behaviors necessary to teach organizational goals.
2. How do leaders influence others?
Leaders influence because and by the power they possess. A power to have impact
to others and influence them.
3. Determine the bases of power: A person who occupies a higher position has legitimate
power over persons in lower position within the organization. A supervisor, for instance,
can issue order to workers in the unit. Compliance can be expected.

Legitimate Power
4. Determine the bases of power: When a person compels another to comply orders
through threats or punishment.
Coercive Power
5. Determine the bases of power: Expert provide specialized information regarding their
specific lines of expertise?
Expert Power
6–9 Site at least 4 traits of effective leader
Self Confidence
Personal Integrity
Desire to Lead
10. These skills refer to ability of a leader to deal with people both inside and outside of
Human Skills

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