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Huajuapan de León, Oaxaca

21 June 2022

To Whom It May Concern:

It is with great pleasure that I highly recommend to you Mr Jesús Mauricio Rodríguez Pacheco, both
as a brilliant student as a good personal friend.

I have known Mauricio since he was a child, the firstborn son of my dear friend Jesús Rodríguez
Olvera. Mauricio grew up around us, showing a keen intelligence and a wide range of interests.

Later in life, as he grew older, Mauricio developed into a bright student, a bachelor's degree in
Actuary at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at UANL, achieving all of his goals. His abilities,
determination and witty sense of humour make him a delightful person to be around.

Finally, when I did learn that Mauricio was interested in studying abroad, I seized the opportunity to
write him a letter of recommendation. I am confident that he will benefit greatly from this
opportunity, broadening his horizons and allowing him to develop world-class skills.

For all this and much more, I am pleased to recommend Mauricio to you. I hope you can meet
Mauricio as well and witness the development of this young man.

Yours truly,

Professor Mario A Moreno Rocha, MSc IT, PhD

Academic Director
UsaLab Laboratorio de Usabilidad
+ 52 953 53 20399, 20214 ext 220

ã2022 UsaLab Universidad Tecnológica de la Mixteca

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