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Part UIC Script

Those are the information for today’s webinar, the session

Announcement MC will begin shortly, Thank you.

“Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your

attention please. Our session is about to begin. Please have a
nice seat. Thank you.”  
Good afternoon, all.  
Honorable Head of General Finance Training Center or
Pusdiklat KU (keuangan umum), Mrs. IVORY ANGGIE
Honorable to Our speakers from Citi Global Perspectives,
Mr. Albert Unwawiola.
Honorable The Regional Head for Global Payments &
Receivables, Mr. Rhian Halim.
Honorable Director and Citi’s Indonesia Economist, Mr.
Mihelmus Douw.
Distinguished Participants;
Ladies and Gentlemen.  
I am TIANITA WANGET. It gives me a great pleasure to be
the host for the Executive Workshop – “The Future Of
As we know that digital money and electonic money have been
rapidly developed. In today’s workshop we will get a closer
look into digital currencies, including the design, implications,
Greetings MC risks, opportunities, and the involved parties.

Informing Rules MC Before the presentation begins, let me tell you how this
workshop will run. Firstly, CITI speakerks will present the
material for about 30 minutes.   After that, there will be a ten-
minute break. And after the break, the session will be
continued with another 30 minute presentation by the speakers.
Part UIC Script

Those are the information for today’s webinar, the session

Announcement MC will begin shortly, Thank you.

Following that, we will have a question and answer session for

approximately 45 minutes, and finally the session will be ended
by a conclusion.  

Part 1

Ladies and Gentlemen, without further ado, Now, allow me to

welcome Mr. Albert Unwawiola and team to present the
Welcoming the material of “Overview of Digital Currencies” for about 30
Speaker MC minutes.

Presentation (30 CITI Presentation time of “Overview of Digital Currencies” Part 1

minutes) Speaker (30 minutes)

Thank you very much Mr. Albert Unwawiola and team for
giving such an informative and comprehensive presentation for
the first part.    
Ladies and gentlemen. We are going to have a short
refreshment for ten minutes. Please return to this room at 15.00
Jayapura Time. And we will continue with the second part of
Thanking MC their presentation.  


Ladies and Gentlemen, shall we continue? We are now going

to listen to the second part of CITI’s presentation. To Mr.
  MC Albert and team, please go ahead.  

Part UIC Script

Those are the information for today’s webinar, the session

Announcement MC will begin shortly, Thank you.

Part 2 &

That was a very comprehensive presentation.  

Ladies and gentlemen, after we know about the comprehensive
Welcoming the outlook of digital currencies, now it’s time to have a discussion
Speaker MC with our speakers.  

Inviting Ladies and Gentlemen, now we’ve come to the Q&A or

Questions MC discussion session.  .  

Apparently, we still have enormous questions or topic to be

discussed. However, due to limited time, we need to end our
discussion session. Some selected  remaining questions will
Ending still be addressed by the speakers and also Fiscal Policy
Discussion MC Agency (BKF) via WA Chatgroup. 


Closing from MC Ladies and Gentlemen, we have finally come to the end part of
MoF Indonesia this Executive Workshop on “The Future Of
Money”. Before I close this session,
Please allow me also to take some highlighted points from this
today’s session
– Digital money is not new and there are many implications of
digital money.  
– There are also some pluses and minuses of Central Bank
Digital Currencies (CBDC). The pluses started from
universality, trust & financial inclusion until greater oversight,
Part UIC Script

Those are the information for today’s webinar, the session

Announcement MC will begin shortly, Thank you.

traceability – fighting financial crime.

– Therefore, the impact of digital currencies could be
categorized in 5 areas which are: risk to Commercial Banks,
Risk to Existing Payment Infrastructure, New Sources of
Revenue, Policy Opportunities and Role of USD.  
And finally, Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to thank the
speakers –Mr. Albert, Mr. Rhian Halim and Mr. Mihelmus
Douw–  for their informative and interesting presentation and
also to all the participants for their active participation.
Please give applause for the speakers and for you all. Thank
you. And thank you very much. God Bless You.

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