إجابة إمتحان OGS

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Mohamed Fagelnour Geoscientist1@hotmail.


OGS Exam Answer

1- Define: Fault, Joint

- Fault: a fracture with a displacement

- Joint: a fracture without displacement

2- Give short note about:

- Lag time: the time mud takes from mud tanks to surface
- Mud Circulation: the way mud takes from mud tanks through flow
lines, pipes, then go back again to mud tanks
- Mud logging unit: a unit servicing mud logging operations

3- Define the following:

- Formation: a stratigraphic unit characterized by limited geologic age

and known by lithology and fossil content
- Unconformity: a gap in time in the stratigraphic column which is
resulted either due to erosion or non-deposition
- Index fossil: a special type of fossil characterized by high areal extent
and limited geologic age. It is used in determining age of a formation and
- Sequence: a group of strata that is characterized by an unconformity
below and above
- Total porosity: the volume of rock that is pore space (measured %)
- Effective porosity: the volume of rock that is connected pores
- Permeability: the ability of rock to conduct fluid (measured by mdarcy)
Mohamed Fagelnour Geoscientist1@hotmail.com

- Mobility: the ability of fluids to move through connected pores

- Wettability: the ability of rock to adhere water molecules
- Cement: a precipitated chemical material between rock grains (calcite)
- Matrix: a detrital material between rock grains (clay, mud)
- Reservoir rock: a rock characterized by enough porosity and
permeability to storage and produce hydrocarbons
- Seal: a rock characterized by very or zero permeability and high
ductility that it can prevent fluids from migration
- True dip: the angle of dip that is measured in a direction normal to the
strike line
- Apparent dip: the angle of dip that is measured in a direction other
normal to the strike line
- Hydrocarbon: a chemical compound composed mainly of Hydrogen
and Carbon
- Moveable water: free water moving in pores between grains
- Connate water: or restricted water which is deposited during rock
deposition and associated with irreducible reservoirs

4- Mention factors controlling porosity

Packing, overburden pressure, cement, matrix
5- Mention factors controlling rock permeability
Shale volume, connected porosity, tortousity
6- Choose the correct answer: (right answer in blue color)
- Shale has (High- Low) effective porosity and very (High- Low)
- High gamma ray response in front of a zone preliminary indicates the
zone is (clean- shaly- not enough information)
Mohamed Fagelnour Geoscientist1@hotmail.com

- If Anhydrite is present in a Lime stone formation, the apparent density

limestone porosity will be (too low- too high- the same- not enough
- Resistivity of a solution is directly proportional to its salinity (true-
- SP log could be used to calculate shale volume (true- false)
- Hydrocarbon properties depend on ( its composition- reservoir
conditions- not enough information)

7- What do you know about?

- Clysmic fault: a rift at the eastern part of the Gulf of Suez. Clysmic
faulting was initiated in Oligocene and continued into Post- Miocene time
- Attic oil: residual oil which can not be extracted from a reservoir
- Oil water contact: the contact line between oil and water in a reservoir
- Transition zone: in a reservoir it is found between oil and water, gas and
oil, and between invaded and un-invaded zone (intermediate zone), in
structural geology it is defined as a deformed zone between two un-
deformed zones

8- Define the trap and mention different types?

A trap is a geological phenomenon based on structure, lithology and
it’s a ability to capture or trap oil
- Types of traps:
1-Structural Traps
Traps caused by folding:
-Low Circular Dome (Khalda, Alamein and Umm Baraka oil fields- Western Desert)
- Elongated Narrow Anticline, both symmetrical and asymmetrical
-Overturned Fold -Hanging traps
-Diapir -Monocline
Mohamed Fagelnour Geoscientist1@hotmail.com

Traps caused by faulting:

- Normal Faulting combined with a regional homoclinal dip (Gulf of Suez- Feiran
Kareem, Belayim and Abu-Zenima Fields) which is found in two types:
- By single Normal fault
- By two or several intersecting faults
- Reverse and Thrust faults
Traps caused by both faulting and folding
-Low fold with Normal fault
- Normal fault with a more acute fold (W.D. Egypt)
- Faulted diapiric fold
2- Stratigraphic Traps
A-Primary Stratigraphic Traps
- Lenses and Facies changes in clastic rocks
- Interlayer Up-dip edge of Permeable on a homocline
- Shoestring-Sand traps
- Lenses of volcanic rocks
-Facies changes in Chemical rocks
- Bioherms and Biostromes
B- Secondary Stratigraphic Traps
Traps associated with unconformity
3- Fluid Traps
Where water flow (Down Dip) is against oil flow (Up Dip) and supposing that:
Oil flow=Water flow
4-Combination and Salt Domes
-Intersection of an up-dip edge of Permeable layer in impermeable layer
- Arching across an up-dip edge of permeable
- Salt domes
Mohamed Fagelnour Geoscientist1@hotmail.com

9- Correct the following statements:

- Um Bogma Formation is related to Cretaceous Age (wrong)
Um Bogma Formation is related to Cretaceous Age (right)
- Jurassic sediments are well exposed in G. Maghara (right)
- The plant remains are called trace fossils (wrong)
The plant remains are called fossils (right)
Mohamed Fagelnour Geoscientist1@hotmail.com

- Zeit Formation is related to the Pliocene Age (wrong)

Zeit Formation is related to the Upper Miocene Age (right)
- The Genus may contain many Orders (wrong)
The Genus may contain many Species (right)
- Belayim Formation is older than Abu Roash Formation (right)
- Kareem Formation is well developed in Abu Gharadig field (wrong)
Kareem Formation is well developed in Morgan field (right)
- Abu Madi Formation is well developed in Gulf of Suez (wrong)
Abu Madi Formation is well developed in Nile Delta (right)
- Sudr Formation is a very thick body of fine sandstone in Gulf of
Suez (wrong)
Sudr Formation is a very thick body of chalk in Gulf of Suez (right)

10- What is the rock name that has the following chemical
- Ca So4 Anhydrite
- CaCo3 Limestone
- CaSo4. 2H2o Gypsum
- Ca Mg (Co3)2 Dolomite
- Na Cl Halite

11- Correct the following statement and comment

- Sandstone is usually deposited in a shallow marine environment
Sandstone is usually deposited in a fluviatile environment
- Silica overgrowth increases porosity
Silica overgrowth decreases porosity
- Shale is a porous rock (correct)
- Limestone may be accumulated in deep and shallow marine marine
environment (correct)
Mohamed Fagelnour Geoscientist1@hotmail.com

- Laminated clay is affecting the horizontal permeability

Laminated clay is affecting the vertical permeability
- Dispersed clay is affecting both horizontal and vertical permeability
(correct answer)

Good Luck

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