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Netanyahu Delays Bid to Overhaul

Israel’s Judiciary as Protests Rage
The Israeli prime minister called for dialogue as civil
unrest and work stoppages reached a crisis point, grinding
the country to a halt.
By Patrick Kingsley, Isabel Kershner and Eric Nagourney
March 27, 2023

JERUSALEM — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

said on Monday that he was delaying his government’s
campaign to exert greater control over the judiciary,
backing off in the face of furious public protest that has
plunged Israel into one of the deepest crises of its history.

In recent weeks, Mr. Netanyahu had been unyielding in

his pursuit of the court overhaul, even as protests
drawing hundreds of thousands have erupted across the
country. On Sunday, he fired his defense minister for even
suggesting that the plan be delayed.
But on Monday, with civil unrest at new heights, with
work stoppages hitting hospitals, airports and schools,
and with dissent growing in the military, he relented — if
only for the moment.

“When there is a possibility of preventing a civil war

through dialogue, I, as the prime minister, take a timeout
for dialogue,” Mr. Netanyahu said in a speech announcing
the postponement.

The concession came as Itamar Ben-Gvir, the head of a

powerful far-right political party in Mr. Netanyahu’s
governing coalition, said he was open to delaying a
parliamentary vote on overhauling the judiciary, giving
Mr. Netanyahu some breathing room as protests ground
the country to a halt.
Itamar Ben-Gvir greeting supporters of the judicial overhaul on
Monday in Jerusalem. Avishag Shaar-Yashuv for The New York Times

By backing down, Mr. Netanyahu may be able to restore

calm to the streets, but he now risks destabilizing the
political coalition that he labored to assemble, finally
forming a government in December. Many of his hard-
right government partners had dug in their heels at any
suggestion of a delayed vote.

Even as he relented on the timing, Mr. Ben-Gvir made it

clear that he was not giving it up. “The reform will pass,”
he declared, vowing that “no one will scare us.”
And it was unclear if Mr. Netanyahu’s announcement
would, in fact, appease opponents of the court plan.

The Israeli opposition parties appeared to be split over

his offer of dialogue. While Yair Lapid, a former prime
minister and the centrist leader of the opposition,
welcomed it, if warily, Merav Michaeli, the head of the
center-left Labor party, rejected it.

“How many more times can we fall into the trap of

cooperating with Netanyahu?” Ms. Michaeli said,
accusing him of “buying time at the expense of our

The protesters, too, seemed unpersuaded.

“So long as the legislation continues and has not been

shelved, we will be in the streets,” an informal protest
body known simply as “the struggle HQ” said in a
statement. “This is another attempt to weaken the

Still, after the Netanyahu announcement, the head of

Israel’s main labor union called off a general strike
planned for Tuesday.
Protesters trying to block the main highway in Tel Aviv were
dispersed by police officers on Monday. Amit Elkayam for The New
York Times

The tensions began after the Netanyahu government

moved to give itself more control over the appointment of
judges — including those who sit on the Supreme Court.
It also moved to strip much of that court’s power to
review parliamentary decisions.

Both sides have tried to wrap themselves in the mantle of

The government’s supporters contend that Israel cannot
be a true democracy without giving elected lawmakers
primacy over unelected judges. Critics argue that the
removal of judicial oversight of Parliament would pave
the way for authoritarian rule — at a time when Israel
has the furthest-right and most religiously conservative
government of its history.

Some also expressed fears that Mr. Netanyahu might

have another agenda.

The prime minister is currently standing trial on charges

of corruption, and opponents worry that the court
overhaul might make it easier for him to push through
legislation that could allow him to avoid any punishment.
Mr. Netanyahu has repeatedly denied that claim, but
adding to the suspicions, Parliament voted last week to
make it more difficult to declare prime ministers
incapacitated and remove them from office.
Demonstrators opposing the judicial overhaul in Tel Aviv on
Monday. Amit Elkayam for The New York Times

On Monday, in agreeing to hold off on any vote on the

judiciary measure until after Parliament returns from an
April recess, Mr. Netanyahu struck a tone of diplomacy.

“I am giving a real chance for a real conversation,” he

said. “We insist on the need to bring about the necessary
corrections in the legal system, and we will allow for an
opportunity to achieve them with a broad consensus.
That’s the worthiest goal there is.”
It appeared more a moment of calculation than
conciliation, however, and the prime minister made clear
his scorn for the protesters. He likened some opponents
of his plan to the woman in the biblical story of King
Solomon who would have allowed a disputed baby to be
cut in two.

The battle over the courts has become a proxy for much
deeper social disagreements within Israeli society related
to the relationship between secular and religious Jews
and the future of Israeli settlements in the occupied West
Supporters of the judicial overhaul also took to the streets in Tel
Aviv on Monday. Amit Elkayam for The New York Times

Orthodox Jews and settlers in the occupied West Bank

say the court has historically acted against their interests
and that it has for too long been dominated by secular
judges. Jews of Middle Eastern descent also feel
underrepresented on the court, which has mostly been
staffed by judges from European backgrounds.

Others say the court plays an important role as a check

on Parliament and the executive arm of government.

In urging this past weekend that the government delay a

vote, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant noted that many
military reservists had pledged to stand down from duty
to protest the court overhaul.

“The rift within our society is widening and penetrating

the Israel Defense Forces,” he said in a televised speech
on Saturday. He added: “This is a clear and immediate
and tangible danger to the security of the state. I shall not
be a party to this.”

The next day, Mr. Gallant was out of a job — and the
streets of Israel were in chaos.
Government backers turned out to demonstrate in Jerusalem on
Monday. Avishag Shaar-Yashuv for The New York Times

His firing heightened friction between Mr. Netanyahu and

the Biden administration, which has become increasingly
vocal about the move to weaken Israeli courts. The U.S.
National Security Council issued a statement calling for
compromise, expressing deep concern and stressing that
“democratic values have always been, and must remain, a
hallmark of the U.S.-Israel relationship.”

On Monday, the White House welcomed word of the

postponed vote.

“Compromise is precisely what we have been calling for,

and we continue to strongly urge leaders to find a
compromise as soon as possible,” said Karine Jean-
Pierre, the White House press secretary. “We believe that
it is the best path forward for Israel and all of its citizens,”
she told reporters in a White House news briefing.

On Monday, the president of Israel, Isaac Herzog, whose

position is largely ceremonial, welcomed the
postponement. “I call on everyone to act responsibly,” he
said on Twitter. “Protests and demonstrations, on
whichever side — yes. Violence — absolutely not! If one
side wins, the state will lose. We must remain one people
and one state — Jewish and democratic.”
Patrick Kingsley and Isabel Kershner reported from Jerusalem, and Eric
Nagourney from New York. Gabby Sobelman contributed reporting from
Rehovot, Israel; Hiba Yazbek from Jerusalem; and Carol Sutherland from
Moshav Ben Ami, Israel.

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