BX Alt Wilderness

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Overland distances are measured in number Bog/Swamp x.25
of nights it takes to arrive. Hills x.5
Mountainous x.25
Wayfinding Desert/Badlands x.25
The callers tells the Ref the destination or
landmark the party is heading towards and Camp
then rolls a d6 plus Wisdom bonus. Success In the wilderness you will find that you have
(base, 1 in 6) - accurate travel by terrain and to camp out since inns and built structures
weather. Failure - unexpected encounter, off are far and few between. Finding or building
route, an extra d3 days to arrive or roll on a rest-able area is important for protection
the Wayfinding Failure Table. from exposure and being well rested for the
next day. You will have to make choices
Wayfinding Failure Table about campsites, fire building, and who
The Ref rolls 2d6 keeps watch. In the worst weather or coldest
2-5 Lost (in unknown but new location and night a simple shelter is better than nothing.
no idea how to back track)
6-7 You arrive at another destination near or Making camp. Roll a d6
along your route. 1 Wandering horror and exposed
8-9 Delayed (bridge out, tree fallen on road, 2 Worse possible night’s sleep (-1 on rolls
rock slide, bad weather, etc) by d3 days. ongoing) and exposed
10-11 Random encounter (Reaction check 3 Protected
starts at 8). 4 Protected and secure
12 Wandering horror encounter. 5 – 6 Camp is protected, secure, and hidden

Distances covered If your camp is exposed and you don't have

Walking 20 m/d the correct gear you can suffer from
Riding horse 30 m/d exposure. In bad weather roll a save vs
War horse 25 m/d breath weapon, if you fail take 1d3 HP - Con
Draft horse 20 m/d bonus damage from exposure. In really bad
Cart 15 m/d weather or across hostile terrain take 1d6
HP – Con bonus damage from exposure per
Modifiers to distance traveled night.
Good Roads x1.5
Roads x1
Prairie/plains/trails x.75

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