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GRADE 1 to 12 School Pinagbayanan Integrated National Grade Level Seven


Teacher Karla Lyca S. Escala Learning Area English
Teaching Dates and Time February 27, 2023 (8:30-9:30) Quarter Third

The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding
GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS of Philippine Literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine
A. Learning Competency/Objectives
React to what is asserted or expressed in a text.
Write the LC code for each.
II. CONTENT Statements of Fact
and Opinion
A. References
1. Learner’s Module Pages 2-15
2. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resource LED TV, Activity Sheets and Activity Materials (Cartolina)
A. Reviewing previous lesson or
presenting the new lesson As a recapitulation, ask the students if the given statements are TRUE or FALSE.
1. We must speak with confidence.
2. We must establish eye contact with our audience.
3. We may not pause when we are giving important ideas before and after.

B. Establishing a purpose for the

lesson Activity 1: FACT or BLUFF???
Get 5 pairs of students who will play the game. They will identify if the given
statements are FACT or BLUFF. For the fastest student who will get the whistle and
blow it three times, will have the turn to answer. If he/she answer it correctly, he/she
will be considered as winner.
1. Cellphones can make phone calls.
2. Swings are more fun than the slide.
3. School lunch is better than the lunch at home.
4. Soccer is a sport.
5. The playground has a slide.

C. Presenting examples/Instances of
the new lesson Every day we are bombarded with different information coming from various
sources like social media, TV, newspapers, and others. But are you aware which of
those are facts, and which are opinion? Our topic will help you understand and
distinguish whether those assertions are facts or opinion.

Present the poem entitled, “Fact or Opinion” by: Jenny Capps.

D. Discussing new concepts and

practicing new skills # 1 Emphasize the following statements…
Distinguishing between a Fact and Opinion
1. Facts can be proven while Opinions cannot be proven.
2. To find out if a statement is a fact, ask yourself, “Can this statement be
3. To find out if a statement is an opinion, ask yourself, “Does this statement tell
what someone thinks or feels?

E. Discussing new concepts and

practicing new skills # 2 Differentiate Fact and Opinion to better understand…
FACT is objective, states reality and can be verified while OPINION is subjective,
interprets reality and can’t be verified.

F. Developing mastery
(leads to Formative Assessment 3) Activity 2: Challenge Quiz Show
Get 5 students to play the game. Using the teacher’s laptop, they will play the game
by identifying if the given statements is a Fact or Opinion.

Game link:

G. Finding practical application of

concepts and skills in daily living Ask the students:
Why do we need to be aware which of those are facts, and which are opinion???

H. Making generalizations and

abstractions about the lesson Activity 3: WORDCLOUD
Using WORD CLOUD, students will provide key words or phrases that go around
with Fact and Opinion.

I. Evaluating learning
Activity 4: Drag and Drop
Group the students into 5 groups. Each group will drag and drop the given
statements into its correct group, if the given statements belongs to FACT or OPINION.
They will be given 1 minute to do the activity.
GROUP 1: There are 12 months in a year.
Basketball is a sport.
Mathematics is easier than reading.
Camping is not fun.
GROUP 2: There are 12 inches in a foot.
The Earth revolves around the sun.
Trucks are big and noisy.
Hamburgers are better than hotdogs.
GROUP 3: Dogs bark.
The sun is a star.
Cats are the best pets.
It feels good to walk barefoot.
GROUP 4: Elephants are bigger than dogs.
Apples and Oranges types of fruits.
July is the best month of the year.
Cellphones are the greatest invention.
GROUP 5: Zebras have stripes.
Bread is made from flour.
Chocolate ice cream is better than Vanilla ice cream.
Bats are scary.

Activity 5: FACT or OPINION

Directions: Read each statement below, identify whether the statement is a Fact or
an Opinion.
___________1. Mother Theresa has dedicated her life in helping the poor.
___________2. The sweetest dessert after meal is an ice cream.
___________3. Basketball game catches the most number of tele viewers.
___________4. Zeus is the King of the gods in Greek Literature.
___________5. Not every place has four climate seasons.

J. Additional activities for application or

remediation Activity 6: Reading for Understanding (Pages 14-15)
Read “Men Land on Moon” and answer the questions that follow by writing the
correct letter.

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by:


English Teacher

Checked by:


Head Teacher I


School Head

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