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General Assembly Committee

Iran (Cole LeRoux

Afghanistan Crisis.

Security Council and General Assembly,

Recognize that the UN has placed successful sanctions on Afghanistan because they imposed on the
Taliban and its senior leadership in 1998 after Al Qaeda carried out attacks on two US embassies in Africa – the
sanctions aimed to punish the Taliban for hosting al Qaeda.

Emphasizing that most of the Sanctions on Afghanistan have worked since they worked with the UN.

In order to give the Afghan-led peace process more momentum, the UNSCR 1988 and UNSCR 1989
that divided the sanctions regime created by UNSCR 1267 into separate tracks for the Taliban and al-Qaeda
were passed in 2011.

Fully Aware of the Crisis in Afghanistan they are asking the UN for a lot of help since everything is not going
their way and people are not safe and can have a good life.

Fully aware that the UN launched the largest single-country aid appeal ever.

1. Encourages the General Assembly and the Security Council to be open-minded about allowing
the Taliban to do what they need to do to make what they want better.

2. Fully Aware that the Taliban could do what they need to do to make Afghanistan better.

3. Acknowledges that sanctions must be placed on Afganistan because of the Taliban so they can’t
do whatever they want to do so it doesn’t cause harm to the people of Afganistan and harm to
other countries.

(a) Reasoning for the sanctions is that they were imposed on the Taliban and its senior leadership in
1998 after Al Qaeda carried out attacks on two US embassies in Africa – the sanctions aimed to
punish the Taliban for hosting al Qaeda.

(b) Freezing of funds and economic resources because the Taliban treats women with disrespect and
doesn’t let them have a good education without getting in trouble
(c) Restrictions on admission: Fully Aware that women can’t do a lot of things in Afghanistan and
that they can’t go into banks since all of them are frozen.

(d) Ban on the provision of certain services

4. Knowing that Afghanistan is a sovereign country we should not take that away from them we
should keep it the way they want.

5. Emphasizing that the UN and Afghanistan are both relying on one another to get their jobs
done so Afghanistan can go back to normal and have independence and not have to worry about
the Taliban.

6. China, India, Asia, European Union, Italy, and Russia are all allies of Iran this means that Iran
wants to be the main hub for these countries so they can get more money and help out the
economy of Afghanistan doesn’t fully fall apart.

7. That these countries are not Afghanistan and that the UN and Afghanistan have a strong
relationship since of the crisis and monitor what the Taliban does. It does affect the allies what
the Taliban does.

8. The UN doesn’t recognize the Taliban and doesn’t blame Afghanistan for what the Taliban
does. The allies of Afghanistan want to work with or get rid of them so Afghanistan can get back
to normal
Iran wants to be the main hub for goods and services for Afghanistan, and Asia, they are helping by keeping
the economy from collapsing all the way. Iran wants more money for their country.

Currently, United States sanctions against Iran include an embargo on dealings with the country by the United
States and a ban on selling aircraft and repair parts to Iranian aviation companies.


Recalling that (5) spaces should be indented before each perambulatory phrase using the tab key,

Recognizing that (1) line should be skipped before each title and before and after each phrase,

Gravely concerned that delegates may forget to use a comma at the end of perambulatory phrases,

Noting that every resolution begins with an italicized word,

Taking note of the requirement that three or more documents be cited with their titles and dates,

Recalling that perambulatory phrases cannot be amended,

Aware that the format of a resolution is one long sentence,

Who will do the actions?

What exactly are they doing?

When will these actions Start? End?

Where will they be accomplished?

- Economy
1. Nevertheless recognizes that this format is used at most conferences;

2. Urges that three (3) lines separate the perambulatory portion from the operative portion of the

3. Welcomes clear and simple wording, and splitting complex ideas into sub-operatives:

(a) With a colon introducing the first sub-operative;

(b) With one (1) line between each sub-operative;

(c) With a semi-colon at the end of each sub-operative and operative;

(d) With sub-operatives being indented below the operative phrase;

4. Observes that a resolution, being only one sentence, always ends with a period.

Preambular Phrases:

Affilming Emphasizing Keeping in mind

Alarmed by Expecting Noting with regret
Approving Fulfilling Noting with satisfaction
Aware of Fully aware Noting with deep concern
Believing Fully alarmed Noting with approval
Bearing in mind Fully believing Observing
Confident Further deploring Realizing
Convinced Guided by Rearing
Declaring Having adopted Recalling
Deeply concerned Having considered Recognizing
Deeply convinced Having examined Seeking
Deeply disturbed Having studied Taking into consideration
Deeply regretting Having heard Viewing with appreciation
Desiring Having received Welcoming

Operative Phrases:

Accepts Designates Proclaims

Affimls Emphasizes Reaffinns
Approves Encourages Recommends
Authorizes Endorses Reminds
Calls Expresses its appreciation Regrets
Calls upon Expresses its hope Requests
Condemns Further invites Solemnly affirms
Congratulates Further proclaims Strongly condemns
Confirms Further reminds Strongly supports
Considers Further recommends Supports
Declares accordingly Further resolves Takes note of
Denies Further requests Transmits
Deplores Has resolved Urges
Draws the attention Notes Welcomes

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