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Rubric: Boat Regatta Day

Captain: _________________________________
Shipmates: _________________________________ _________________________________

Boat Construction Points

Points Points
Description Possible Earned

Object resembling a boat made entirely of corrugated cardboard that is present for
judging and inspection. 60
If the boat does not pass inspection, 5 points will be deducted for each infraction.
● Float Line
● 90% cardboard, approx. 10% duct tape.
● Boat Name identical to Launch Schedule

Extra credit: Boat has an easily identifiable theme AND mates have costumes 5

Participation in Boat Regatta

(NOTE: Boats that are disqualified due to student safety behaviors will not be able to earn Boat Regatta points.)
Any boat that navigates ¼ of the course 5

Any boat that navigates ½ of the course 5

Any boat that navigates ¾ of the course 5

Any boat that navigates the entire course 5

Improper boat disposal (up to -40 points) or improper behavior

(Teacher discretion) 20

Extra Credit Teachers’ Awards

Best Overall Theme (boat and team theme) +5

Best-Dressed Team (most creative dress or costume) +5

Team Spirit Award (most excitement & enthusiasm) +5

Titanic Award (most spectacular sinking) +5

Fastest Finish (1st, 2nd 3rd overall) +5

Davy Jones Locker (fastest boat to sink) +5

Points earned: ____ / 120 Points possible Overall Boat Regatta Day Grade (w/xtr crdt if any): ______

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