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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Name of Teacher: ___________________

(Supervisor/Principal-Master Teacher/Teacher)

Name of the Teacher :

School:Taal Senior High School District:Taal
Observation Date:

I will be visiting your class on for a classroom observation. To best

help us prepare for the observation and post conference, I'd appreciate it if you could spend a few
minutes responding to the following questions.

After the observation, I've schedule a conference for us to discuss the lesson. Please feel free to
discuss with me any question / concerns you may have about the process of this particular

A. 1. What are the general characteristics of this class?

☐ Fast ☐Average ☐Below Average ☐Slow Group

2. What should the observer know about them as a group?

☐12-Grade ☐Section ☐Heterogeneously Grouped ☐Homogeneously Grouped
3. What general academic progress has the class made?

4. In a range score of 1-10, where is the class in relation to your goals for the year?

B. 1. Subject area of the observation.

2. What are the objective/s of your lesson


Address: Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, 4200 Batangas City

(043)722-1840 / 722-1796 / 722-1437 / 722-2675 / 722-1662
CRN 44 100 18 93 0045
3. What procedure or method do you intend to use?

4. What are the materials to be used?


5. What means of evaluation do you intend to you use to access effectiveness of this lesson?

6. To what aspect of your teaching would you like me to give particular attention?
☐ Presentation ☐ Classroom Management ☐ Question Technique
☐ Working with individual ☐ Lesson Pace ☐ Pupil Involvement
☐ Use of instructional aid ☐ Motivational Technique ☐ Arrow of recitation
☐ Teacher delivery ☐ Lesson Sequence ☐ Others
7. Additional non-curriculum matter to be observed:
☐ Bulletin Boards ☐ Material selection and placement
☐ Behavior code of the class ☐ Housekeeping procedures
☐ Pupils self-direction ☐ Others_______________


Teacher’s Signature over Printed Name Observer’s Signature over Printed Name
Date:__________________________ Date:

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