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23-00078-SW Agency Case Number: 23-002583


BEFORE ME, a Judge of the Circuit Court, Sixth Judicial Circuit of Florida,vin and for

Pinellas County, Jerry Hunt, a law enforcement officer with the Largo Police Department, who

was duly swopn by the below signed notary, pursuant to FSS 117.10, states that proéable cause

exists that within a vehicle identified as:

Red Toyota four door vehicle registered to Tom’asz Kosowski with a Florida Licenée

Plate of EMFK38 (VIN: JTDEBRBE3LJ000215).

And is located in Pinellas County, Florida, which is under the care, custody, and control of

Tomasz Kosowski, Which is currently located at in front of 34 W Orange St Tarpofi Springs, FL t

and is registered to Tomasz Kosowski that the laws of the State of Florida, to wit:

782.04--First Degree Murder

are being violated and/or propefiy which constitutes evidence that said laws are being violated is

locate'd therein.

Your affiant/affiants’ reason for this belief is as follows:


Your Affiant was contacted by Sgt Recla With the Largo Eolice Department on 03/21/2023 in '

reference to a repofi of a missing person. Your Affiant reviewed call notes and learned that on

March 2 1, 2023, at approximately 1146 hours, officers With the Largo Police Department were
dispatched to lSOl—B S Belcher Road, Unit 6, Largo, Pinellas County, Florida to conduct a
Welfare Check.
Your Affiant obsewed and reviewed a floor plan and observed that 1501-B S. Belcher Road is a
one-story building Which includes separate office suites. The building has several common areas.
The Blanchard Law Office Suite is located inside of unit 6, 1501-B S Belcher Rd. The men’s
restroom is located in a common area of the building and is not inside the Blanchard Law Office

Agency Name: Largo Police Depamnem Wan‘ant No.: 2023-PIN-SW000528-

ORI: FL0520800 ,

Reviewing Prosecutor: Nathan Thomas Vonderheide Approved on: Mar 25. 2023

Filed, MAR 28, 2023, 15:05, Ken Burke, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller, Pinellas County
Agency Case Number: 23-002583

suite. A utility closet Which shares an adj oining wall with the men’s restroom is also located in I

common area of the building. ‘

Jake Blanchard (W/M 08/22! l 974) of Blanchard Law told your Affiant he called to report that
his employee, Steven Cozzi (W/M 05/12/1981) went to the restroom on March 21, 2023 between
0930 hours and 1000 hours and had not retumed t0 his desk. This was the last time Steven was
.known to be present. Jake infonned dispatchers that he went into the restroom and observed
blood. Steven’s keys,

wallet, cell phone, work laptop, and unsecured on his desk before walking to the
tablet were left

restroom. Jake Blanchard reported that Steven’s keys, wallet, cell phone, work laptop, and tablet
stillremained in Steven’s office.
Jake Blanchard told your Affiant that he and Rebecca Watters were jointly working 0n a proj ect
in the- Blanchard Law Office Suite'at the time Steven Cozzi exited and did not return. When
officers arrived on scene an area check was conducted With negative results. Officers conducted
a check of local hospitals in the area With negative results. Your Affiant observed that Steven

Cozzi’s vehicle was still Your Affiant leamed from Det. Moore, Who had also
in the parking lot.
reviewed surveillance footage that‘ Steven Cozzi had not been obsewed leaving the building. At
1433 hours Steven Cozzi was listed as a missing person in the Florida Crime Information Center ‘

(FCIC) and the National Crime Information Center (NC-IC).

On March 21, 2023, your Affiant responded t0 the business. Your affiant was later shdwn
surveillance f10m 3/21/2023 at 08: 32. 52 hours what appeared to be a Toyota Tundra, gray in
color, enter the parking lot of the businessfrom Belchex Road.
Your Affiant obsen ed on the video that at apploximately 08: 34: 24 hours a male dlessed 1n jeans,
a long sleeve white shin, and a backpack walk east fiom the parking lot toward the main
entrance for the law office ofBlanchard Law, Unit 6. The male was carrying a large box on his
shoulder and appeared to be wearing dark color gloves. The unknown male opened the door to
the main entrance and walked into the lobby of the building.
Your Affiant observed on the video that at approximately 08:37:26 hours a person that was later
identified as Steven Cozzi walk toward the main entrance of the building from the east, wearing
a long sleeve red sweater. Jake Blanchard later reviewed still photos from suweillance and
identified Steven Cozzi entering the building.
Your Affiant was told by Det Bolton, who had spoken with Jake Blanchard Who said he remotely
viewed an alarm system activity 10g and determined. that the sensor affixed to a door of Cozzi’s
office, which ultimafely leads directly to the hallway, recorded an opening and closing event at
approximately 9:50 hours. Blanchard stated there is no surveillance inside of the law firm. .

Blanchard also told your Affiant that Steven Cozzi had a 10:30 teleconference hearing
scheduled. Your Affiant also viewed suweillance video with a time stamp of 3/‘21/2023 at
approximately 10:22: l 8 that depicted a male wearing jeans, a blue short-sleeve shirt, a backpack,
white surgical mask and hat exit the main entrance of the law firm. The male was observed
tugging and pulling at what appeared to be a small wagon 0n Wheels with a heavy load. The
wagon was observed to have an open top and its contents appeared to fill the wagon. The
contents appeared to be covered by a red or orange blanket. The unknown male pulled the wagon
toward the parking lot until he was lost out of view of the surveillance camera from the business.
It should be noted that the male appealed to have difficulty pulling the wagon due to the heavy

contents. Jake Blanchard was shown still photos 0f the unidentified white male and stated that
the male was not Steven Cozzi.

Agency Name: Largo Police Department Warrant No.: 2023-PIN-SW000528

0R1: FL0520800
Reviewing Prosecutor: Nathan Thomas Vonderheide Approved on: Mar 25. 2023

Filed, MAR 28, 2023, 15:05, Ken Burke, Clerk of the Circuit Court'and Comptroller, Pinellas County

Agency Case Number: 23-002583

Your Affiant further learned from De't Bolton who obsewed on the suweillance video from
03/21/2023 that atapproximately 11:05: 15 hours the same unknown male subject repositioned
the cal“: in the parking lot and then went out of view 0f the camera. At approximately 11:15:37
hours the unknown male can be seen now Wearing a different shin that appeared to be gray in
color audjeans. The male walked from the parking lot to the northwest cornér of the building
that housed the law firm. The male looked toward the main entrance of the law firm before
turning around and walking west to the parking lot. At approximately 11:16:04 hours a crew cab
truck, gray in color, was observed pulling forward from the parking spot. The tmck proceeded
3 north through the parking lot before making a right tum to go northbound onto S Belcher Road.
Your Affiant was able to observe from that footage that a red bag 01' item, consistent with what
the unknown male subject was seen dragging from the building, was in the bed of the truck as it
proceeded northbound on Belcher Rd.
Your Affiant reviewed surveillance videB from the Circle K located at 1499 S Belcher Road
which showed a PSTA bus near the suspect vehicle at that time. Your Affiant observed images

from the PSTA bus With a

timestamp of March 21, 2023, 1 1:24:42 hours. The images show that the suspect truck was
northbound on S Belcher Road, near the intersection of Gulf to Bay Boulevard, in the median
through lane. The camera image from the PSTA bus showed a large orange 01' red bag or
container in the bed ofthe suspect vehicle consistent With the previously viewed wagon from the
law office.
During the investigation, your Affiant learned of a similar call for service that took place on

March l4, 2023, at 12:54 hours. On that date

and time, a complainant with the Tampa Bay
Veterinary Clinic in their administrative office at, 1501-B S Belcher Road, called t0 report a
suspicious incident that had taken place earlier on that date. The incident was documented as
LPD Event# 2300017743. Tampa Bay Veterinary Clinic’s administrative office is in the same

building as the Blanchard law office at 1501-B S Belcher Rd.

Your Affiant leamed from Detective Compton that on March 14, 2023 an employee (Debra
Hem‘ichs W/F DOB 06/03/ 1958) had walked into the utility closet located in the common area of
Building B, the building where the Blanchard Law office suite is located. Henrich went to close a
door and o'bsewed an unknown male hiding behind the door in the dark room. The male was
described as wearing jeans, a loose and a surgical face mask. The male stated that he was

there because of a power outage" andwalked out of the room. The employee observed the
unknown’male leave in a tmck that was believed to a be a Toyota Tundra. The employee
Observed a yellow license tag affixed to the rear of the truck. Henrich further detailed that she
believed the tag was possibly from New Jersey.
While on scene at 150 l-B S Belcher Rd, your Affiant entered the men’s restroom in the- office
building. Your Affiant observed what. appeared to be a red liquid smeared on the exterior of the
men’s restroom door. Your affiant obsewed what appeared to be drops of a red liquid on the
\single toilet stall wall to the left of the single urinal. In your affiants training and experience- as a

Jaw enforcement officer, the liquid appeared to be blood. In your Affiant’s training and
experience, a similar red liquid, consistent With blood, was observed smeared 011 the exterior of
the toilet bowl in the single stall. Your affiant observed what appeared to be a dark liquid on the
floor of the single stall that appeared t0 have been dried and smeared in a circular motion. Your
affiant observed that the room smelled strongly of cleaning products.


Agency Name: Largo Police Department I

Warrant NO; 2023-PIN—SW000528 ,

ORI: FL0520800
Reviewing Prosecutor: Nathan Thomas Vonderheide Approved, on: Mar 25. 2023

Filed, MAR 28, 2023, 15:05, Ken Burke, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller, Pinellas County
Agency Case Number: 23-002583

From the smell and the condition of the room it appeared attempts were made t0 clean up the
liquid. on the floor.
. Certain sections 0f 1501 -B S Belcher Rd wele determined to be a crime scene These areas \

include the single men’ s lest100m in the building the vestibule of the building and the electrical
closet located behind the restrooms. Once the crime scene was eStablished, Processing 0f those
aleas was conducted by the Pinellas County Sheriff‘s Office Forensics Division. Your Affiant
leamed from PCSO Forensic Specialist A Camacho that the led substance previously observed
by you1 Affiant tested positive with a presumptive blood kit
On Malch 23, 2023 yom Affiant was notified Via phone by Lt. Focade of the PCSO AFIS
Division that, a latent print identified as Tomasz Koswoski s left index finger, was found on the
_interior portion of the utility closet door. Det. Moore of the Largo Police Department informed
your affiant that he had continued reviewing surveillance video of the businesé to determine if
the incident 011 March 14, 2023 may be related to the incident 0n March :21, 2023. Your Affiant
learned from Det. Moore thatsurveillance video showed a truck, gray in color, leave the parking

lot of 1501 S Belcher Road on March l4, 2023 at approximately 9:34:03 hours. The truck turned

right onto S Belch'er Road and proceeded north bound. Det. Moore further informed Your
Affiant that the physical descriptors of the vehicle observed in the surveillance- video from March
14th, 2023 matched the descriptors of the vehicle leaving the scene 0n March 2lst, 2023.
Your affiant learned from Jake Blanchard that the March 21, 2023 10:30 AM
hearing that Steven
Cozzi missed was in reference to a telephone conferehce regarding a pending civil case with
Tomasz Kosowski (W/M DOB 01/08/1979), the plaintiff who was representing himself Pro Se./
Your affiant learned from Det. Gay of the Largo Police Department that another attorney, Jacob
Pillsbury (W/M DOB 09/09/1984) involved in the telephone conference, reported that Tomasz
Kosowski had called in and participated between approximately 10:30 AM and 11:00AM. Your
affiant is aware that .

during this time, the male obsewed leaving 1501-B S Belcher Rd at approximately 10:22 AM
with the wagon is out ofview of suweillance and does not reappear until approximately 11:05 \

Blanchard also informed Your Affiant that on January 26, 2023, Cozzi and-IKosowski had both
previously attended a deposition at the Blanchard Law office suite that became verbally
contentious. After the deposition, Kosowski had confronted Cozzi in the men’s restroom in the
common area just outside the office and verbally confronted Cozzi again before leaving. Your
Affiant researched Kosowski and learned that he has a residential address of 511 Seaview Dr
located in Tarpon Springs, Pinellas County, Florida.
Your Affiant was informed by Det. Gay-of the Largo Police Department that she had located
footage from a “FLOCK” camera of the same grey Toyota Tundra with distinct red “Tundra”
badging. The footage is from a camera listed as Tarpon Springs FL PD-#01 W.Klosterman @
Pinellas and the relevant image is timestamped 3/21/2023 11:51:32 EDT. Your Affiant obsewed
the image captured by that camera 0f the- Toyota Tundra with the wagon in the bed and its
contents coveled by a red or orange blanket. The tmck 1s affixed with a yellow New Jersey
license plate‘ JGMS4C”. You1 Affiant leamed that the license plate 1s cu‘lrently not valid or
legistered to any motor vehicles.
On March 23, 2023, Det. Compton of the Largo Police Depamnent notified Your Affiant that he
had located footage of the Toyota Tundra from motion activated surveillance cameras on the
exterior of the residence at 503 Seaview Dr., Talpon Springs, Pinellas County, Florida. This

Agency Name: Largo Police Depanmem Warrant No.2 2023-PIN—SW000528

ORI: FL0520800
Reviewing Prosecutor: Nathan Thomas Vonderheide Approved on: Mar 25, 2023 J

Filed, MAR 28, 2023, 15:05, Ken Burke, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller, Pinellas County
Agency Case Number: 23-002583

residence on the same side of Seaview Dr and is directly south of Tomasz’s residence, 5 11

Seaview Dr. Your Affiant was informed by Det. Compton that suweillance footage from the
same camera shows the Toyota Tundra traveling south on Seaview Dr. on March 21, 2023 at
07:5 1 AM. Footage timestamped March 21, 2023 at 1-1 :58 AM
showed the Toyota Tundra with
the wagon and red/ orange blanket still Visible in the bed, driving north toward 511 Seaview Dr. x
Your affiant leanléd from Det. Compton that he further reviewed surveillance footage from 503
Seaview Dr. and observed a red sedan, consistent with a Toyota Corolla, leaving the area of 511
Seaview D12, traveling southbound on March 21, 2023 at 16:48 PM. The homeowner at 503
Seaview D12, Jocelyn Lucidi (A/F DOB 03/08/1961), identified the red sedan as belonging to her
neighbor “Tom” (Tomasz Kosowski). The- sedan returns at 16:51 PM and leaves a second {gime at
16:58 PM. Your affiant leamed that Det Compton reviewed surveillance from the time the
Toyota Tundra was seen x

passing by 503 Seaview Dr until the time that the red Toyota left the area. During that time
frame the Toyota Tundra is not seen leaving the area.
It should be noted that Seaview Dr. is a 511011 north/ south road Which intersects with Sunset Dr.

Seaview Dr does not continue north past Sunset Dr. Sunset Dr. does not continue we,\st past
Seaview Dr. Sunset Dr. is a dead-end road with only one way in or out.
Your Affiant viewed in Driver and Vehicle Infonnation Database (DAVID) that a red Toyota
four door vehicle was registered to Tomasz with EMFK38 (VIN:
a Florida License Plate of
JTDEBRBE3LJ0002 15). Your Affiant conducted an inquily through a VIN decoder and
discovered that the Toyota is in fact a Corolla. In Viewing the DAVID infonnation, Your Affiant
obsewed that the only other vehicles registered to Tomasz were a “Vehicle trailer” and a

Your Affiant learned from Det. Moore of the Largo Police Department that he obsewed in the
VIGILANT license plate reader database that license plate EMFK38 was captured in the area of
52195 Tannami Trail East, Ochopee, FL at 9. 36: 5 1 PM EDT.
34341 0n 3/21/2023
On 03/23/2023 a Seamh Wan ant was Honomble Judge Fedelico of the 6th Judicial
signed by the
Cilcuit for the lesidence- of Tomasz Kosowski, 51 l Seaview Dr. Y0u1 Affiant was plesent du1ing
the initial execution of warrant and obsewed the Toyota Tundra that was utilized in the
commission of this crime was located inside the northern most single garage stall of the
residence. Your Affiant was present during the initial sweep of the inteLior of the garage and
obsewed a red liquid substance inside the truck bed 0f the G1ey Toyota Tundla. T111 ough your
Affiant s traming and expelience the substanCe was consistent with blood. Your Affiant was told
by Forensic Specialist D Junas that a presumptive test for blood was positwe for the located
While at the residence of Tomasz Kosow ski your Affiant. noted that the only motor vehicle
present on scene was the g1 ey Toyota Tundla that had been used to travel from the initial crime
scene 1501 -B S
Becher Rd, back to the residence of Tomasz Kosowski. Your Affiant noted that the Toyota
Corolla that is registered to Tomas Kosowski was not. present. Youraffiant obsewed in the
surveillance video that the Toyota Corolla did not appear to be sagging from any large loads in
the trunk.
Fufihermore, the Toyota Corolla matches the same description of the vehicle that was observed
on surveillance video leaving the area of the rqsidence on 03/21/2023 by Det Compton and was
identified by Lucidi.

Agency Name: Largo Police Department Warrant No.: 2023-PIN-SW000528

0R1: FL0520800
Reviewing Prosecutor: Nathan Thomas Vonderheide Approved on: Mar 25. 2023

Filed, MAR 28, 2023, 15:05, Ken Burke, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller, Pinellas County
Agency Case- Number: 23—002583

Your Affiant was latbr told by Det Bolton that during the execution of the search warrant and
processing ofKospwski’s residence areas of possible blood were located on the floor of the
garage t0 511 Seaview Dr. Your Affiant then spoke with PCSO Forensic Supervisor Stropes,
who explained that the garage floor was tested with Luminol and had a positive 'reaction.

Through were located and tested positive

further forensic processing, areas of possible blood k

through presumptive testing. Through your Affiant’s training and experience this could be
consistent with an area of blood being cleaned off of the garage floor. This could also be
consistent with blood saturated items being transferred from the grey Toyota Tundra to another
vehicle (Toyota Corolla).
Your Afflant is aware body was not located during the search of the residence.
that a
Additionally, the clothing worn and the wagon with the orange or red blanket was not located.
Due to the totality of the circumstances your Affiant has strong probable cause that the Toyota
Corolla has been utilized in an attempt to avoid apprehension and to transport evidence of the
said crime to an tmknown location.

Based on the above facts and circumstances and your Affiants training and experience, there is

probable Cause to believe that crucial evidence related to Steven Cozzi’s disappearance and
suspected death are contained Within the red Toyota Corolla belonging to Kosowski. Your
Affiant has reason to believe that the red Toyota Corolla contains evidence, including trace and
forensic, that a crime occurred and a thorough processing of said vehicle is necessaly. To date,
Steven Cozzi has not been located.

WHEREFORE, your affiant seeks to secure a search warrant issued in accordance with

the laws of the State of Florida commanding any certified Law Enforcement Officer 01‘ Agent of

the Tarpon Springs Police Department, Pinellas County‘SheriffS'Office or within Pinellas

County, either in the daytime 01' nighttime, and on any day of the week including Sunday, With

the proper and necessary assistance as the exigencies of the occasion may demand, to search the

vehicle described. herein, and seize as evidence the following property:

A wagon, an o'range or red blanket 0r covering as seen in suweillance footage, any human
remains, any item used t0 store, alter, conceal, preserve evidence of the crime 01' human remains.
Any contents located within the interior and exterior of said vehicle including but pot limited
to any cellular or any c01mnunication devices. Any item in the conveyance that may contain
blood evidence or serological evidence, DNA samples, hair, fibers, fingeLprints, bloodstained
clothing, any clothing believed to have been worn, changed or altered, including but not limited
to a white long sleeve garment, blue jeans, blue short sleeve shift, ball caps, red long sleeve
garments, backpacks, surgical masks, bodily tissue, footprints, handprints, palm prints, shoe
prints, items indicative 0f dominion and control, e.g., mail, and any other trace evidence or
evidence related t0 the crime. Including photographing, videotaping, vacuuming, digitally
Agency Name: Largo Police Department Warrant No.: 2023-PIN-SW000528
0R1: FL0520800
Reviewing Prosecutor: Nathan Thomas Vonderheide Approved on: Mar 25. 2023

Filed, MAR 28, 2023, 15i05, Ken Burke, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller, Pinellas County
Agency Case Number: 23-002583

scanning and the use of light energy in order that such evidence may be procured to be used in
the prosecution of such person found to be involved in the illegal activity alleged. Lastly, any
item reasonably believed to have been 0r could have been used in the perpetration 0f this crime.

After Tarpon Springs Police Department or the Pinellas County Sheriff s Office executes this
warrant all property collected will be turned over and held by Largo Police! Depamnent as
evidence in their criminal case.

in order that evidence may be procured to be used in the prosecution of such criminal activity as


Jeny Hunt
Largo Police Department

Lieutenant Christy Lomonaco

Law Enforcement. Officer Authorized t0 Administer Oaths un’der F.S. 117.10.

Agency Name: Largo Police Department Wan‘am No.1 2023-PIN—SW000528

ORI: FL0520800
Reviewing Prosecutor: Nathan Thomas Vonderheide Approved on! Mar 25, 2023

Filed, MAR 28, 2023, 15:05, Ken Burke, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller, Pinellas County
Agency Case Number: 23-0025 83





The Attached Affidavit for Search Warrant coming on to be heard and the Court having

examined Jeny Hunt, a law éllfOl‘cetllexlt officer with the Largo Police Department, under oath

and having been satisfied that the facts as alleged establish p’r0~bable‘cause that within a vehicle

identified as:

Red Toyota four door vehicle registered to Tomasz K'osowski with a Florida License

Plate of EMFK38 (VINz' JTDEBRBE3LJ000215).

And is located in Pinellas County, Florida, Which is under the care, custody, and control of

Tomasz Kosowski, which is currently located at in front of\34 W Orange St Térpon Springs, FL
and is registered to Tomasz Kosowski that the laws of the State of Florida, to wit:

782.04-—First Degree Murder

are being violated and/or property v;hich constitutes evidence that said'laws arerbeing violated is

located therein, a Search Warrant is hereby allowed to search said vehivcle, as described in the

Affidavit for Search Warrant. A copy of said Affidavit for Search Warrant is attaéhed hereto and

incorporated by reference herein. ,

THESE PRESENTS THEREFORE are Io command you,-with the- necessary and proper

assistance as the exigencies of the occasion may demand or require, either in the daytime or

Agency Name: Largo Police Department Wan‘am No.2 2023-PIN-SW000528

ORI: FL0520800
Reviewing Prosecutor: Nathan Thomas Vonderheide Approved on: Mar 25. 2023

Filed, MAR 28, 2023, 15:05, Ken Burke, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller, Pinellas County
Agency Case Number: 23-002583


nighttime, and 011 any day of the week including Sunday, to search the vehicle described herein,

and to seize as evidence the following property:

A wagon, an orange or red blanket or covering as seen in suweillance footage, any human
remains, any item used to store, alter, conceal, presewe evidence of the crime or human remains.
Any contents located within the interior and exterior of said vehicle including but not limited
toany cellular or any c-onnnunication devices. Any item in the conveyancefihat may contain
blood evidence or serological evidence, DNA samples, hair, fibers, fingerprints, bloodstained

clothing, any clothing believed t0 have beeleom, changed or altered, including but not limited
to a white lopg sleeve garment, blue jeans, blue short sleeve shirt, ball caps, red long sleeve
garments, backpacks, surgical masks, bodily tissue, footprints, handprints, palm prints, shoe
prints, items indicative of dominion and control, e.g._. mail, and any other trace evidence or
evidence related to the crime. Including photographing, videotaping, vacuuming, digitally
scanning and the use of light energy in order that such evidence may be procured t0 be used in
the prosecution 0f such person found to be involved in the illegal activity alleged. Lastly, any
item reasonably believed to have been 0r could have been used in thelpeICpetration 0f this crime.

After Tarpon Springs Police Depamnent or the Pinellas County Sheriffs Office executes this
warrant all property collected Will be turned over and held by Largo Police Department as'

evidence in their criminal case.

as described in the Attached Affidavit for Seagch Warrant, and if the same shall be found, to

seize same and return to a Coufi having jurisdiction a «complete invent6ry of the evidence seized.

The tangible evidence seized shall be maintained at the law enforcement agency as evidence

Within the constructive custody of the Court until further Order of a Coufi of competent \


YOU ARE FURTHER ORDERED to bring any person arrested in connection With said
property before a Court having jurisdictiox} of the offense.

YOU ARE FURTHER ORDERED, if no person is found in custody or control of said

premises, to leave at said premises a copy ofthis Search Warrant and a complete inventory of

propelfy seized as described in the Affidavit for Search Warrant, and if the same shall be found,

Agency Name: Largo Police Department , Wanant NO.:V2023-PIN—SW000528

0R1: FL0520800 ‘

Reviewing Prosecutor: Nathan Thomas Vonderheide Approved on: Mar 25. 2023

Filed, MAR 28, 2023, 15:05, Ken Burke, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller, Pinellas County
Agency Case Number: 23-002583

to seize same and renun' to a Court having jurisdiction a complete inventory of the evidence


IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, if needed, the Vehicle may be towed from the current

iocation of in front of 34 W Orange St Tarpon Springs, FL, to Largo Police Department to be

searched and processed.

F ‘DONELAND ORDERED in Pinellas County, Florida the 25th day 0f Mar, 2023.

m i“? Z


A4 5‘ 'w‘fi


mm»; m6: w fl . ~

Joseph Buloné


Agency Name: Largo Police Depamnem Warrant N0.: 2023-PIN-SW000528

ORI: FL0520800
Reviewing Prosecutor: Nathan Thomas Vonderheide Approved on: Mar 25. 2023


Filed, MAR 28, 2023, 15:05, Ken Burke, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptrbller, Pinellas County

> _
Agency CaseNumber 23- 002583 I




- COUNTY 0F P_meuas r;
- v

This wan‘ant Was recelved o'n 03/25/2023and the was executed on 03/25/2023
> '

Upon making search of . _ . . I I _ ‘ . _ _ .

Red Toyota

fOur- (1'00: vehlcle reglstered to Tomasz Kosowsk1 With _a Flonda Llcense Plate of >
I _

1EMFK38 (VIN: JTDEBRBE3LJ000215), located 1n Pmellas County, Flouda whlch ls; unde1 the’. ?

Care, custody and control of Tomasz Kosowsk1 thCh .1s currently located at in fiont of 34 W I

V ' V

O1ange St Tarpon Spnngs FL and ls_ reglstered to. Tomasz Kosowsk1


' ‘

The. followmg Items were selzed

> ‘

.See attachments


SerVed the Same by readmg and dehvenng a copy to. Recelved by vehlcle descnbed herem


m '


:I, Detectlve Steven E AllrEd the Law Enforcement OffiCe'r by whom this wanant was executed do _


swear that. the above stated mventmy Contams a true and detailed accoum ofall property taken by me .i

-on said warrant 1

_ '

1§‘*§;;9;1§${;2‘ fig.” Egg! ,

fl. g} tnvggfif

r 3o".
Qr’ u a

‘90?) C(SAgsdfl“ Jw": u

I Ir

3&9 W“ 75" ”ma?“ affffi‘mfi' I”

De'tectiVe StevenE Allred

- ‘

,L'arg'o PoliCe Department



Agency Name: Lalgo Police Depaltment ,

1 7'

Warrant No.:2023- PIN-SW000528

Reviev’vl-ng Prosecutor ..
_, __ f Approved 011-: -

‘_ ,


' '1' " '


Filed, MAR 28, 2023, 15:05, Ken Burke', Clerk of the Circuit Court- ahd Comptrollér, 'Pi-nellas County" -
Age'n'c'y Cas'e Number. 23- 002583

The foregoing mstrument W'as acknowledged before m’e this 28 the da‘y. Of Mar, 2023 by Detectlve -S_t_eVe_n
E Allred.

"Sergeant Mlke. Vegensk1

Law Enforcement Officer Authorlzed t_o Admmlster Oaths under F. S. 117. 10

Agency Name: Largo Police Department ,

Warrant No.1 2073-PIN-SW000528

RevieWing ProsecutOr . _


_ _
-_ Apploved on':

Filed, MAR 28, 2023, 15:05, Ken Burke, Clerk of the Circuit Court ahd Comptroller, Pinellas County

r .

Received this Warrant On the ~15. . -da'y of. Maw“ -3:'-


. 1°15 .and
executed same On the L‘s": day of Mtwvux V 1-7
L013 by reading th'ev
-W_arran‘t to \ILWLLA— .
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and dehvenng atme copy to



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and Searching theherei'n described. _ _

\WAAU—k i


1 . .

.I and up’o'n
completing such search, [deliver to, v
1 '


" 3‘

.a wrixten invenIOry of the property taken and s_et

forth same specxfymg such property in detail. A true and corredt- li‘st'1s s t forth 1n the following, ,


AODQ \RNM‘J— ”(Irma (m—rf (chflu.

{mLFOM {mm b\wt. LNB/
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i-Jrlrmer fixer IF El 8'0 w? 2
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CHon rmlu— romal/L .

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FOJIM DOLLb‘l an/lh 1/,9n4tf {IDAVJZL

(YJDKKV/nls/v/ gnr-u 5V fl 6M“ (3-346 {00r6anrJ



-',I,S L ,
_.: wt Officer by whom this Warrant was

executed, do" swear th'at the above inventory contains a true and _emled account of- all property taken

by. me on said Warrant.




\/ Can DAY OF

ml --

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Fil-ed, MAR 28, 2023, 15:05, Ken Burke, Clerk-of the Circuit Court and Comptroller, Pinellas'Couhty‘


same on he
WarranttoJ/e/t I’M
Warrant on

l5 "- {d

day ofz-


MW m [\A.


202,5 and.
by. reading the

U? \VJJ.

i3 andsearchmgtheherem described
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and Upon completlngsuch search, Ideliverto

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2' 5
.a written invento'r-y of the property ta'kén and s'et-

forth same Specxfymg s_u'ch property in detail -A true a correct list

sc forth' the following
‘ ~-
inventory .

75Cmb~ fl l 9/3

@0469 \c’wwv Mm Gaalk QflZQSKMBfi/HS

”-E’uremw’w We Lémxoqv sxxsow P345 9h.»
”060 Qwu
#80 OOO CaWQ' \OJMO 00¢ anfi‘mé ((3% bfia>
x6“! «MAM ,. . .

“ML 5mm m/rmumks Mmoomi “Room seJAMNw
Gum \n' O(g-‘vfir‘ '


"#7,_OO_/écvcano\/tm> (Nov 3

fl 220 {0‘
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_-STATE ..


COUNT} o. nflLAs

L- g) \A,

.the Officer by wh'om this Warrant was

executed do swear that the above mventory contains a tru nd detailed account "of all property taken
by me o_n said Warrant.

~ prYoF.

3' 3

202.3 g


Filed, MAR 28, 2023, 15:05, Ken Burke, Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller, Pinellas County'
'ReCeived this Warrant on Bi

da of
WT. NW i


s ZOL1 a'nd


executed same on te _-_L> 1'5 -day of ‘

a '

1023b}: reading the

Warrant -1~/
'3] anddehvermgatruecopyto:

:3 H
l-lb bbL ‘
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anduponcompletmgsuchsearch [deliverto'


a written inventory of thfe property taken and set


forth sar'ne speclfymg such property in detail. d correct list'1 set forth m the followmg ‘

,mvemory . . .
i ‘ - -

- ~

fierdlm 1mm sufléollyosl 7m.
élnujc thDHK-‘l/LH- N/rf/[A z Aida] Mhmi
.14me Plait, JLJHUWM Olf/Vux

Jiflt/nlck ora/uA‘M/to Mflrl'
[Emis— qwlwx.


COUNT OPP“jams .

I' I

the Officer by whom .this Warrant _was
- -

executed d_o swear that the' above Inventory contains a tru d detailed account of all property taken”

by m'e on said Warrant.


{WW v_ DAyroF; -

Y é,

10' 7— l :


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Filed, MAR. 28, 2023, 15:05, Ken Burke, Clerk of the CircuitCourt and Comptroller, Pinellas County --

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