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Making brief notes helps with the realism of the chat. It prolongs the life of the session. It shows the client that
the ‘’profile’’ he is chatting with is interested in him and is paying attention. And it is part of your role with

Also – not reading the notes before you reply is just as bad. Be sure you are aware of who you are chatting
with – many clients have more than one profile and use the same photo – just because he says ‘’he’s into
pegging’’ on one profile doesn’t mean to say he’s told the same FSP (Favourite Sexual Position) on another.

Likewise, anything we tell the client about the profile needs to be logged too. Overtime, the Profile and Client
‘’grow’’ rather than just being 2 pictures on a webpage. We MUST make Notes.

1. Start Date – always log the start date of the session in the DESCRIPTION field in WORDS ‘’CS 30 th April
2019’’ This helps to make a clear to everyone who works that session. Anything else that pertains to
her can go in there too. Always write the newest note at the TOP of the stack. Eye colour, one ear
bigger than the other, one boob bigger than the other etc..
2. Names – always a great place to start when chatting with some one new. Tell him the Profile name
and Log it and also log his name after you have asked him.
3. Age – this is usually filled in already for you. Be mindful of the Profile Age when assigning her
employment – saying how many children she has etc.. An 18 Year Old Girl is NOT going to be a Doctor
or Lawyer etc.. and could still be at university or working in retail etc… Office temp, tanning salon, Nail
Specialist etc.. make her girly and feminine ( I don’t mean to sound sexist or assign gender specific
roles here) But you know what I mean.
4. City – this is usually filled in for you too. You can always change that if an error has been made and
she is too far away from him. ‘’I’m in the process of moving’’ or ‘’my ex is so violent I can’t put my real
location on here’’ – anything you tell him – make a note.
5. Other Information – Anything you tell the client about her life can go in there – divorced 5 times /
been stalked 3 times / likes Tomato Ketchup on EVERYTHING etc..

Make her appear Human and Real is key here – don’t just tell the client one thing and not log it – that’s no
good and that is not you doing your job as you have been trained to do.

Example. ‘’David, there is this man that I have seen following me about for days. He is everywhere I go. Today,
he stopped me in the shop and complimented me, but then squeezed my bum! I am so lucky I had witnesses
as they called the police and I’ve filed a sexual assault charge on him’’

Great excuse given by the agent for not being ready to meet – but nothing was logged in the notes. You MUST
use the notes. This way other agents will be aware.

I’m visiting my mum, my sisters are here, the girls have just turned up unexpectedly with wine, my boss is
being a bastard and making me work late, I slipped out the shower and now I think my ankle might be broken,
I’m so stressed over my neighbours – I swear he is spying on me, I love Himalayan Salt Lamps and I have 8 of
them all over the house, I live in a flat, I have 2 bedrooms, I live in a small bedsit, I live with my parents, my
parents are away this weekend and I have the girls over.
These are all examples of things large and small that you need to log in the notes.

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