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Day 1- Math Whole Class- I provided oral 1- I would put a post it note on their

feedback to each student as they desk with the statement “count

came up to the board to help again and check your answer”. We
complete or shape attributes chart. could also create an anchor chart
The feedback explained how the that shows that a right angle looks
number of sides, vertices, and like a squares corner and other
angles determined what shape it is. angles look like the corner of an
When students answered a question equilateral triangle.
incorrectly, I prompted them to
look and try again or ask a friend 2- The follow up lesson would be
for help. sorting shapes based on their
Student # 1- This child responds
best to verbal feedback since they
have difficulties reading. When
completing the shape attribute
graphic organizer, the student
verbally answered questions. If the
student answered them incorrectly,
I told them you are on the right
track! Count again to check your
Student # 2- This student responds
best to verbal feedback since they
have difficulties reading. This
student struggled to determine if an
angle was a right angle or not. I told
the student Right angles are the
corner of a square and other
angles are the corner of a triangle.
Day 2- ELA Whole Class- I provided written 1- We would create an anchor chart
feedback to the each student in their that would remain in the classroom
book talk journal to highlight areas the demonstrates that a sentence
of weaknesses and strengths starts with a capital letter, ends in a
demonstrated in their writing. period or other punctuation, and is
in between the lines. The students
Student # 1- I provided the student could refer back to this when doing
with written and verbal feedback to future writing pieces.
highlight the student’s areas of
strengths and weaknesses. I wrote 2- The students will write another
You have great ideas, make sure entry in their book talk journal in
you keep your writing in between next week’s lesson.
the lines. We will keep practicing
this in your writing.

Student # 2- I provided the student

with written and verbal feedback to
highlight their areas of strength and
weaknesses. I wrote I like your
details I can tell you looked back
into the story. Remember to end
your sentences with punctuation.
Day 3- Social Studies Whole Class- I provided written 1-Creating a list of responsible
feedback to each individual in their choices and decisions for the
book talk journal to get the students students to refer back to will help
to further think of how they make them identify these in a story.
responsible choices and decisions.
2- Throughout the rest of the book
Student # 1- I provided written and the characters in the story has to
oral feedback to the student. This make responsible choices.
student struggled relating the
prompt to their real-life
experiences. To help the students
with future writing experiences I
wrote good start, think of times
you had to be responsible such a
taking care of a pet and doing
your homework at home.

Student # 2- I provided written

and oral feedback to the student.
This student was able to relate the
writing prompt to real-life
experiences, so I prompted the
student to think deeper about the
prompt. I wrote think about your
biggest responsibility, how did you
make responsible choices?
Day 4- Science Whole Class- I provided the class 1- As a class we will test if objects
with written feedback on their are magnetic and create a anchor
rating scales. chart for the students to refer back
to in future lessons.
Student # 1- I provided this student
with written and verbal feedback on 2- In the next lesson the students
their rating scale. The student put continue to learn about magnets and
their clip on “I get some of it, but I magnetic forces.
still need some help”. I wrote
You’re on the right track! Some
objects include metals that are not
magnetic. Steel and iron are

Student # 2- I provided this student

with written and verbal feedback on
their rating scale. This student put
their clip on “I don’t get it I need
help”. I wrote objects that are
magnetic are made of metals such
as iron and steel.

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