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good evening teacher my final project is about how life was in the past,

how it is in the present and in the future.

let's start
the routine of people in the past
they got up very early in the morning at about 5.00 am.
they had breakfast and cleaned themselves up personally
they worked very early like at 8.30 am .
they would leave work very late

the routine of people in the present

they get out of bed a little bit late at about 8.00 am
they usually don't eat their meals on time
they are very late for work
go out to parties in the evenings

the routine of people in the future

will get out of bed very late, like 10 am.

people will get up very early to going to work.
people will eating a lot of fast food

the means of transportation they had were horses, donkeys and bicycles.
thanks to technology, transportation is now more accessible and
comfortable, among them we have ,cart,bus ,train ,Minibans
in the future transport will be more modernized
in the old days the work was very hard, they got up early to go to
their farms or lands to pick their vegetables and fruits, they also had
their own consumption and trade for other people, and the women
worked in the harvest of flowers and livestock.
Nowadays, work is more specialized, people work with a degree or
Today's jobs can be in offices, mining companies, retail stores and
in the future the work will be more technological as in large
companies will work with robotic machines and better performance
and the possibility that the work will bear fruit in large companies of
much scope.

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