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5th grade

Social Studies final

1. Loom- a machine for making thread or yarn in cloth
2. Interchangeable- something that can be used in place of something else
because it is identical
1. According to the timeline. How long after construction began on the natural

road did the Erie canal open?

2. How would you define the Industrial Revolution?

3. Why was Samuel Slater able to build the first American factory?

4. Why was Lowell, Massachusetts, build on a river?

5. What two farm activities became a productive with the Newbold and Deere

plows and the Mc Cornick reaper?

6. In what way did New England’s factory economy still rely on farming?

7. What effects, good and bad, did the cotton gin have on the southern

8. Why was Eli Whitney development of interchangeable parts so important?

True or false. Make the false true

___1. The easiest way to ship goods is by train
___ 2. steamboats were much faster than any type of transportation.
___3. Clintons ditch was a project that connected the Hudson River with the Erie
on New York border
___4. Robert Fulton developed a steam engine that could be used to run a boat
___5. In 1800 the four main ways by train, steamboats, locomotives and
___6. Public were filled with charge tolls
___7. The National Road extended from New York to Mississippi River
___8. A canal was created to let people ship goods quicker and cheaper
___9. Steamboats could only move with the rivers current
___10. The first locomotives were built in the US
Fill in the blanks
1. Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail both created a _____________________
2. Mores telegraph was demonstrated to members of the
3. ____________________ drew immigrants to the US from
__________________________ and ____________________
4. ____________________ created busier river ports
5. Sending messages by using electrical signals over a wire was a device called
6. A person would go to a ______________________office and
_____________ to send messages to another office
7. The first telegraph line was set up between
________________________,____________________ and
8. The New York spurred the growth of
__ and ______________________
9. The city’s population ____________________ because of Indianapolis and
Madison _________________________
10.In the 1860’s, Chicago had over ___________________________ residents

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