Actividad Diagnostica MC

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Metodología Cualitativa

Actividad 1.1 Evaluación diagnóstica

María Fernanda Salazar Santacruz

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras

Author Note:

Maria Fernanda Salazar Santacruz 0000-0003-4431-6181

I have no know conflict of interest to disclose.

Correspondence concerning this essay should be addressed to María Fernanda

Salazar Santacruz

Metodología cuantitativa Metodología cualitativa

• The epistemic bases of this are  Qualitative research is best

projected more than anything in suited to address a research problem in
history, since it goes back to the which you do not know the variables
procedure applied by Galileo in and need to explore. A qualitative
studies on gravity. research study is needed to explore this
phenomenon from the perspective of
This approach is based on the
distance education students. In
measurement of the phenomena qualitative research, the literature
that are studied through review plays a less substantial role at
procedures that guarantee the beginning of the study than in
precision and thus these are quantitative research. In qualitative
characteristics with which the research, although you may review the
birth of modern science was literature to justify the need to study the
made possible. research problem, the literature does
not provide major direction for the
research questions. The reason for this
is that qualitative research relies more
on the views of participants in the study
and less on the direction identified in
the literature by the researcher
 In quantitive research, the  In qualitative research, the
investigator identifies a research purpose statement and the research
problem based on trends in the field questions are stated so that you can
or on the need to explain why best learn from participants. You
something occurs. research a single phenomenon of
Some quantitive problems require interest and state this phenomenon in a
that you explain how one variable purpose statement. A qualitative study
affects another. Normally, it involves that examines the “professionalism” of
variables, and this are an attribute teachers and the responses to it will
or characteristic that researcher’s yield qualitative data such as quotations
study. By explaining a relation, a
mog variables, we must be
interested in determining whether
one or more variables might
influence another variable.
 The methodology of this method  In qualitative research, you
was conceived for the study of collect data to learn from the
various natural phenomena, such as participants in the study and develop
astronomy, physics, chemistry, forms, called protocols, for recording
biology, neurology, botany, etc. Of data as the study proceeds. These
which the human being used to forms pose general questions so that
extend the life of human beings and the participants can provide answers to
to give a better quality of life to the questions. Often questions on these
society. forms will change and emerge during
Bearing this in mind, the data collection. Examples of these
applications of this method must be forms include an interview protocol,
defined depending on the nature of which consists of four or five questions,

the phenomenon to be studied. or an observational protocol, in which

the researcher records notes about the
behavior of participants.
 In quantitative research questions,  In qualitative research typically
you must ask specifically, narrow you gather a text database, so the data
questions to obtain measurable data analysis of text consists of dividing it
on variables. And the major into groups of sentences, called text
statements and questions of segments, and determining the
direction in a study are specific meaning of each group of sentences.
because you identify only a few Rather than using statistics, you
variables to study. From a study of analyze words or pictures to describe
these variables, you obtain the central phenomenon under study.
measures or assessments on an The result may be a description of
instrument or record scores on a individual people or places. In some
scale from observations qualitative studies, the entire report is
mostly a long description of several
individuals. The result may also include
themes or broad categories that
represent your findings
 In quantitive data collection, you use  In reporting qualitative research,
an to measure the variables in the you employ a wide range of formats to
study, normally an instrument is a report your studies. Although the overall
tool for measuring, observing, or general form follows the standard steps
documenting quantitative data. It in the process of research, the
contains specific questions and sequence of these “parts” of research
response possibilities that you tends to vary from one qualitative report
establish or develop in advance of to another. A study may begin with a
the study. Examples of this can be long, personal narrative told in story
survey questionnaires, standardized form or with a more objective, scientific
tests, and checklists. report that resembles quantitative
We administer the instruments to research.
participants and collect data on the Qualitative reports typically contain
form of numbers. The intent of this extensive data collection to convey the
process is to apply the results complexity of the phenomenon or
(called generalizing the results) from process. The data analysis reflects
a small number of people to a large description and themes as well as the
number. The larger the number of interrelation of themes. In addition, you
individuals studied, the stronger the discuss your role or position in a
case for applying the results to research study, called being reflexive.
many people This may also involve discussing
personal experiences and identifying
how you collaborated with participants
during phases of the project.

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