Field Work Report

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REG NO ;19/U/CHE/1642/PE





Waste water management in Kyambogo university community.


This fieldwork report was carried out with in Kyambogo university to vist the waste water
management systems as a class and under the supervision of the lecturer .we used direct method
to collect information the main objective was to understand the waste water management
systems used with in the institution we visited areas like west end mail hall which had systems
like the septic tank ,we also reached areas having sewage lagoons and facultative ponds . the
field work study was successful since the objectives of the field study were enriched though we
found out some challenges facing the waste water management systems and we also
recommended some recommendations to them


 To understand how waste water is managed with in the institution.

 To find out the waste water management systems in Kyambogo university
 To have a clear picture about the sewage lagoons, septic tanks, and sewer lines
 To find ways of improving waste water management in Kyambogo university


This exercise was carried out with in the Kyambogo university institution and around the
university on as a class under the guidance of the lecturer .we visited areas like the department
of distance learning, west end main hall which are inside the university and the sewage lagoons
which a found nearer to the campus the method of collection of data was by direct method we
carried out different observations and we found out that septic tanks sewer lines and sewage
lagoons are commonly used as methods of waste water management with in kyambogo
university but most commonly used were the septic tanks because they were easy to manage and
to construct as compared to the sewer lines and sewage lagoons

if wastewater is not properly treated, then the environment and human health can be negatively
impacted. among the impacts are harm to fish and wildlife populations, oxygen depletion, beach
closures and other restrictions on recreational water use.

the aim of wastewater treatment is to remove as much of the suspended solids as possible before
the effluent is discharged back to the environment.
how is wastewater formed? 

wastewater is formed by a number of activities such as bathing, washing, using the toilet, and
rainwater runoff. wastewater is essentially used water that has been affected by domestic,
industrial and commercial use. 

some wastewaters are more difficult to treat than others, according to the safe drinking water
foundation. for instance, industrial wastewater can be difficult to treat due to its high strength
nature. domestic wastewater, on the other hand, is relatively easy to treat. 

there are a number of ways in which wastewater can cause pollution problems, considering not
all waste makes it to wastewater treatment plants. 

many cities, particularly older ones, have combined sewer systems (css), which collect domestic
sewage in the same pipes as storm water runoff. after heavy precipitation, street gutters collect
more water than the system can hold and a combination of raw sewage and storm water is
released directly into the environment, otherwise known as a combined sewer overflow (cso). 

what is the process of wastewater treatment? 

there are two main levels of wastewater treatment: primary and secondary treatment. 

in the primary stage, solids are allowed to settle and be removed from wastewater. the secondary
stage uses biological processes to further purify wastewater. sometimes these stages are
combined, and in some cases additional treatment such as tertiary treatment and advanced
wastewater treatment are used.
primary treatment

primary treatment removes material that will either float or readily settle out by gravity. this
treatment includes the physical processes of screening, comminution—the act of reducing a
material to minute particles or fragments—grit removal and sedimentation. 

as wastewater enters a plant for treatment, it flows through a screen. this removes large floating
objects, such as rags and sticks, which clog pipes or damage equipment. once the wastewater has
been screened, it passes into a grit chamber, where cinders, sand, and small stones settle to the

once the screening process is complete and grit has been removed, the wastewater still contains
organic and inorganic matter along with other suspended solids. 

these solids can be removed in a sedimentation tank. biosolids are usually removed from tanks
by pumping. 

primary treatment alone is increasingly unable to meet many communities’ water quality
standards, according to the epa. as a result, cities and industries normally treat it to a secondary
treatment level and in some cases use advanced treatment to remove nutrients and remaining

secondary treatment

secondary treatment removes the soluble organic matter that escapes primary treatment.
secondary treatment also removes more of the suspended solids, usually by biological processes
in which microbes consume the organic impurities as food and then convert them into carbon
dioxide, water and energy. 

removal of soluble organic matter at the treatment plant helps to protect the dissolved oxygen
balance of receiving stream, rivers, or lakes.
the secondary stage of treatment removes about 85% of the organic matter in sewage by making
use of the bacteria in it, according to the epa. the principal secondary treatment techniques used
in secondary treatment are the trickling filter and the activated sludge process. 

after effluent leaves the sedimentation tank in the primary stage, it flows or is pumped to a
facility using one of these processes. people tend to use the activated sludge process instead of
trickling filters, since the activated sludge process speeds up the work of the bacteria. 

after the sewage leaves the settling tank in the primary stage, it is pumped into an aeration tank.
during this time, the bacteria break down the organic matter into harmless byproducts. 

the sludge is now activated with additional billions of bacteria and other tiny organisms and can
be used again by returning it to the aeration tank for mixing with air and new sewage. 

from the tank, the partially treated sewage flows to another sedimentation tank for removal of
excess bacteria. in order to complete secondary treatment, the wastewater from the sedimentation
tank is usually disinfected with chlorine before being discharged.

many states now also require the removal of excess chlorine before discharge to surface waters
by a process called dichlorination. 

new methods for removing pollutants are being developed, including advanced waste treatment,
filtration, carbon adsorption, distillation and reverse osmosis.


Waste management systems used in Kyambogo university

septic tanks

A septic tank is an underwater sedimentation tank used for waste water treatment through the
process of biological decomposition and drainage.  
A septic tank makes use of natural processes & proven technology to treat wastewater from
household plumbing produced by bathrooms, kitchen drains,and laundry. 

A septic tank system has a relatively simple design. It is an underground watertight container
(mostly rectangular or round) made of fibre glass, plastic or concrete. 

The Compartments in a septic tank and normally a T-shaped outlet prevent the sludge and scum
from leaving the tank and travelling into the drain field area. 

Septic tank systems are a type of simple onsite sewage facility (OSSF) and only provide a basic

For homes that have poor drainage or are not connected to the mains sewage network septic
tanks allow a safe disposal of wastewater.

They work by collecting the excreta and wastewater in one big underground tank, they are
predominantly used in rural areas.

Septic tanks are installed underground normally 50 metres away from the household.They are
usually made up of two chambers or compartments and one tank that receives wastewater from
an inlet pipe. 

 For those that live in cities and towns septic tanks are not needed as waste water will be
transported and dealt with their sewage system. A local water company will maintain & manage

sewage lagoons 

Lagoons are pond-like bodies of water or basins designed to receive, hold, and treat wastewater
for a predetermined period of time. If necessary, they are lined with material, such as clay or an
artificial liner, to prevent leaks to the groundwater below. In the lagoon, wastewater is treated
through a combination of physical, biological, and chemical processes. Much of the treatment
occurs naturally, but some systems use aeration devices to add oxygen to the wastewater.
Aeration makes treatment more efficient, so that less land area is necessary. Aerators can be used
to allow existing systems to treat more wastewater. Lagoons must be individually designed to fit
a specific site and use. Designs are based on such factors as type of soil, amount of land area
available, and climate. An important design considerations for lagoons includes the amount and
type of wastewater to be treated and the level of treatment required by regulations. Wastewater
leaving a lagoon may require additional treatment, or "polishing," to remove disease-causing
organisms or nutrients from the wastewater before it can be returned to the environment. If
surface applied to crops or grassland in Indiana, a land application permit is needed from the
Indiana Department of Environmental Management.

There are several different terms for lagoons. For example, the terms lagoon and pond are often
used interchangeably, and names, such as polishing, stabilization, and maturation, can refer to a
lagoon's particular role in treatment. This can be very confusing for community leaders and
homeowners trying to evaluate lagoon systems. The following is a brief overview of some of the
more common types of lagoons.

Anaerobic Lagoons...

The word anaerobic means "without oxygen", which describes the conditions inside this type of
lagoon. Anaerobic lagoons are most often used to treat animal wastes from dairies and pig farms,
commercial or industrial wastes, or as the first treatment step in systems using two or more
lagoons in a series. Typically, anaerobic lagoons are designed to hold and treat wastewater from
20 to 150 days.* They are relatively deep (usually 8 to 15 feet) and work much like septic tanks.
Inside an anaerobic lagoon, solids in the wastewater separate and settle into layers. The top layer
consists of grease, scum, and other floating materials. If not preceded with septic tanks, the layer
of sludge that settles at the bottom of an anaerobic lagoon eventually accumulates and must be
removed. The wastewater that leaves an anaerobic lagoon will require further treatment. Odor
can be a problem with anaerobic lagoons. However, in many cases odor can be managed through
a variety of methods, such as adding sodium nitrate, recirculating pond effluent, and through
regular maintenance.

Picture of anerobic lagoon

Naturally Aerobic Lagoons.

Dissolved oxygen is present throughout much of the depth of aerobic lagoons. They tend to be
much shallower than other lagoons, so sunlight and oxygen from air and wind can better
penetrate the wastewater. In general, they are better suited for warm, sunny climates, where they
are less likely to freeze. Wastewater usually must remain in aerobic lagoons from 3 to 50 days to
receive adequate treatment.* Wastewater treatment takes place naturally in many aerobic lagoons
with the aid of aerobic bacteria and algae. Because they are so shallow, their bottoms need to be
paved or lined with materials that prevent weeds from growing in them. Sometimes, the
wastewater in aerobic lagoons needs to be mixed to allow sunlight to reach all of the algae and to
keep it from forming a layer that blocks out the air and sun.
Aerobic lagoon picture

Aerated Lagoons...

Aerated lagoons are common in small communities. These systems use aerators to mix the
contents of the pond and add oxygen to the wastewater. They are sometimes referred to as
partial-mix or complete-mix lagoons depending on the extent of aeration. Partial-mix aerated
lagoons are often anaerobic lagoons that have been adapted and upgraded to receive more
wastewater. With the exception of wind-driven designs, most aerators require energy to operate.
However, energy costs are almost always considerably less than those for other mechanical
treatment systems. Aeration makes treatment more efficient, which offsets energy costs in some
cases. Aerated lagoons require less land area and shorter detention times.

Picture of a Facultative pond

Unsafe sewage lagoon

the lagoon should be checked frequently and any problems reported to the authority responsible
for providing maintenance. It is important to report any of the following incidences

 still areas on the surface of the lagoon.

 damaged fences or gates that cannot be locked properly to keep out animals and children.

 a swampy situation near the lagoon which could provide mosquito breeding areas.

 broken lagoon banks.

 trees and/or other vegetation growing in the lagoon, on its banks

sewer systems

A sewerage system consists of the following:

• House Service Connections

They connect the house to sewers in the road.

• Sewers

These are pipes or conduits meant for carrying sewage and are laid along the roads and flow by

• Lift Stations

When sewers are at a deeper depth, lift stations are used which help to move sewage from lower

elevations below the ground to the required higher elevation.

• Pump Stations
They transfer the sewage from one location to another.

• Sewage Treatment Plants

They treat the sewage to meet the permitted discharge qualities.

• Safe disposal system of final effluent

A picture of a sewer system


 Flooding of the septic tanks due to poor maintenance as seen at the west end main hall.
 Blockage of the sewer line system which also lead to flooding of the sewage
 The sewage lagoons are open to the environment which could cause accidents gto the
people in living around the site
 Poorly constructed sewage channels


 The sewage systems should be reconstructed to meet modern standards and to increase
their efficiency.
 The septic tanks should be emptied to avoid flooding and well maintained.
 The sewage lagoons should be fenced to avoid accidents.


The field study was successful since we were able to find out the different waste water
management systems used in Kyambogo university .we also found out the challenges faced by
these systems and also recommended solutions to them.

1. Gibbs, F.S. The removal of fatty acids and soaps from soap manufacturing wastewaters.
Proceedings of the 5th Industrial Waste Conference, Purdue University, Lafayette, IN,
1949, Vol. 5, p. 400.
2. Greek, B.F. Detergent industry ponders products for new decade. Chem. & Eng. News
1990, Jan. 29, 37-60.
3. Gumham, C.F. Principles of Industrial Waste Treatment; Wiley: New York, NY, 1955.
4. Gurnham, C.F. (Ed.) Industrial Wastewater Control, Academic Press: New York, NY,
5. Herin, J.L. Development and operation of an aeration waste treatment plant. Proceedings
of the 25th Industrial Waste Conference, Purdue University, Lafayette, IN, 1970, Vol. 25,
p. 420.
6. Koziorowski, B.; Kucharski, J. Industrial Waste Disposal; Pergamon 

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