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Pathophysiology and Pharmacologic

Modulation of Hepatic Fibrosis

Cynthia R. Leveille, DVM, and Irwin M. Arias, MD

Most chronic liver disorders are accompanied morphologically by the deposition of fibrous tissue within
the hepatic parenchyma. This fibrotic tissue compromises hepatic function and contributes significantly
to hepatic failure. Fibrosis is a dynamic process associated with the continual deposition and resorption
of connective tissue. Therapeutic strategies are emerging whereby this dynamic process can be modu-
lated. Since collagen is the major component of the extracellular matrix deposited in hepatic fibrosis,
most anti-fibrotic therapies have been directed toward the control of collagen metabolism. After collagen
genes are transcribed and translated into precursor procollagen proteins, a number of post-translational
modifications that ensure the deposition of structurally sound collagen within the extracellular matrix
occur. A number of drugs can specifically modulate collagen biosynthesis at the transcriptional level or at
various post-translational stages. These anti-fibrotic drugs include corticosteroids, azathioprine, penicil-
lamine, colchicine, zinc, prostaglandins, cyclosporine, and interferons. The pharmacologic action of
these drugs and the clinical role in veterinary and human fibrotic hepatopathies will be discussed.
(Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 1993; 7:73-84)

HEPATIC FIBROSIS is an important feature of chronic are rever~ible.~,~Therefore, if the fibrogenic processes as-
liver disease. The replacement of normal hepatic paren- sociated with chronic liver injury could be detected early
chymal tissue by connective tissue compromises the and curtailed, the development of end-stage hepatic fail-
functional capacity of the liver and disrupts the normal ure might be prevented. Hepatic anti-fibrotic drugs are
architectural relationships of the liver. An important rapidly emerging as potentially important therapeutic
consequence of liver fibrosis is the deposition of connec- modalities for chronic hepatopathies in human beings.
tive tissue around the hepatic sinusoids so that vascular Anti-fibrotic therapy in human medicine has been di-
diffusion barriers are disrupted and sinusoidal blood rected toward four major hepatic disorders: 1) Schistoso-
flow tracts are narrowed. The resultant portal hyperten- miasis, a parasitic disease known to affect more than 200
sion and impaired clearance of endogenous and exoge- million people, is associated with the development of
nous metabolites contribute to hepatic dysfunction (Fig. periportal hepatic fibrosis. Schistosoma eggs are depos-
l).’ Portal hypertension also leads to pooling of blood in ited in the mesenteric veins and blood flow cames them
the splanchnic circulation, decreasing effective arterial to the liver via the portal vein where parasitic antigens
blood volume and activating volume receptors so that trigger the development of periportal hepatic granulo-
sodium and water is avidly retained and eventually mas. The granuloma formation is primarily mediated by
ascites ensues.’ Hepatic fibrogenesis ultimately results in T-lymphocyte ~ytokines.~ 2) Acute hepatitis B virus in-
cirrhosis, a condition marked by diffuse lobular fibrosis fection often progresses to chronic active hepatitis and
and conversion of normal liver architecture into struc- ultimately to cirrhosis. Currently, there are more than
turally abnormal nodules. 200 million people with chronic hepatitis B infection.63)
The liver has a remarkable regenerative capability and Chronic alcohol ingestion causes a spectrum of patho-
studies have shown that early hepatic fibrotic changes logic changes in the liver starting with lipidosis and lead-
ing to alcoholic hepatitis and finally cirrhosis.’ 4) Pri-
mary biliary cirrhosis is an immune-mediated disease
From Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine, North Grafton, characterized by granulomatous bile duct destruction
and Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts. and subsequent cholestasis. Inflammatory and fibrotic
Accepted for publication October 9, 199 I . changes in the intrahepatic bile ducts involve a number
Reprint requests: Cynthia R. Leveille, DVM, Tufts University
School of Veterinary Medicine, 200 Westboro Road, North Grafton, of immune reactions many of which are mediated by T
MA 01536. lymphocytes.*

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Journal of Veterinary
74 LEVEILLE AND ARIAS Internal Medicine

I MAJOR CONSEQUENCES OF F I B R 0 S I S 1 usually accompanies either form. The nonsuppurative

form of the syndrome may represent the later stage in a
I perisinusoidal fibtosis I continuum of inflarnrnati~n.~~ It is associated with
marked periductal fibrosis and the development of
bridging fibrosis, i.e., the deposition of connecting bands
of fibrous tissue between portal tracts.25Biliary cirrhosis
is the final sequela of chronic cholangiohepatitis in
which severe diffuse fibrotic changes are commonly as-
~UomorCu*.l hpaocsC1.r
01 hspatccylea
deledive clearance
01 toxc umpamnja
sociated with end-stage liver disease.26The etiology of
1 1 1 1 1 1 this syndrome in cats is unknown although a relation-
~ m i ~ l uocdcldblpfmms1
n l rrmtatnhc psrwtent endotoxmaemu ship with pancreatic disease has been suggested. Its histo-
OumI wnrnpdshs1 ha~mnerry ~ m c ~
hepltccoma Wmp
Mnutdropnt nocross pathologic similarity to primary biliary cirrhosis in hu-
EClF t
man beings suggests a role for immune mechanisms.
FIG. 1. Biochemical and clinical consequences of perisinusoidal fibro-
sis. (Modified and reprinted with permission from Semin Liver Dis
1990; 10:31.
Extracellular Matrix
The extracellular matrix (ECM) of the liver consists of
the insoluble portion of the extracellular environment
Hepatic fibrosis plays an important role in the develop- and is composed of four major substances: collagen, pro-
ment of end-stage liver failure in many hepatobiliary dis- teoglycans, elastin, and glycoproteins including fibronec-
eases in veterinary medicine. The etiology of these hepa- tin and laminin. Hepatic parenchymal cells, sinusoidal
topathies varies. Doberman pinschers develop a familial endothelial cells, hepatic macrophages (Kupffer cells),
hepatopathy characterized by chronic active hepatitis and hepatic lipocytes (Ito cells) are all capable of synthe-
that eventually progresses to ~irrhosis.~-'~ Similar syn- sizing components of the E C M . ' TThe ~ ~ ECM provides
dromes occur in West Highland White Temers13 and not only a structural framework for those cells to exist in
Skye Terrier~.'~ Some controversy exists as to whether but also acts a determinant of cell function by regulating
copper accumulation within the hepatocytes in these gene expression and r e g u l a t i ~ n .Normally
~ ~ , ~ ~ the ECM
breeds of dogs is a consequence or a cause of their liver surrounding differentiated cells or tissues is regionally
disease. Copper balance is normally regulated by biliary specialized, but during hepatic injury, a histologic redis-
excretion. Increased hepatic copper concentrations, tribution of the constituents of the ECM occurs. In he-
therefore, often accompany hepatobiliary diseases asso- patic fibrosis, the production of each of the components
ciated with cholesta~is.'~ Such cholestasis is often a fea- of the ECM is increased. In pathologic conditions, the
ture of the hepatopathies in these breeds of dogs. In Bed- hepatic lipocyte is stimulated to proliferate and trans-
lington Temers, however, there is an inherited disorder form into a myofibroblast-likecell capable of producing
in hepatic copper metabolism that leads to copper accu- large quantities of ECM. This activation occurs in re-
mulation in the liver independent of c h o l e ~ t a s i s . ~ ~ * ~ ~ to cytokines released from Kupffer cells, plate-
Eventually chronic hepatocellular copper overload re- lets, and other inflammatory cells as well as in response
sults in hepatic necrosis and inflammation, which pro- to changes in ECM c o r n p ~ s i t i o n . ~ ~
gresses to chronic active hepatitis and cirrhosis. Lepto-
sporosis" and infectious canine hepatitis virus19 have Collagen Metabolism
been incriminated as infectious causes of chronic active
hepatitis. A transmissible agent, as yet unidentified, has
been associated with canine chronic active hepatitis in Because collagen is the major component of the ECM,
Scotland." Fibrotic hepatopathies have occurred with anti-fibrotic strategies have centered on attempts to alter
chronic anticonvulsant therapy2' and have also been as- hepatic collagen metabolism. In chronic liver disease,
sociated with the use of the daily heartworm preventa- hepatic collagen content increases significantly. Cir-
tive combination diethylcarbamazine-o~ibendazole.~~~~~ rhotic liver contains up to seven times as much collagen
Fibrosis may also be a component of the feline cholan- as does normal liver.30
giohepatitis syndrome. This syndrome encompasses he- Collagens are proteins composed of three polypeptide
patobiliary disorders marked by inflammation of the in- chains folded into a triple helix. The polypeptide chains,
trahepatic bile ducts and portal triads. It has been classi- which are called alpha chains, contain the repetitive
fied histologically according to the predominant amino-acid sequences, glycine-X-Y. Unique to collagen
inflammatory cell infiltrate. A neutrophilic infiltrate is the frequent presence of the amino-acid proline in the
characterizes the suppurative form24and a lymphocytic, X position and hydroxyproline in the Y position. Varia-
plasmacytic cell infiltrate is present in the nonsuppura- tion in amino-acid chain length and amino-acid compo-
tive form.25 Varying degrees of pericholangial fibrosis sition allow for at least 13 types of ~ o l l a g e n . ~ Hepatic
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Vol. 7 . NO.2, 1993 HEPATIC FIBROSIS 75

tissue contains eight types of ~ o l l a g e n .In

~ . some
~ ~ types translational modification is the hydroxylation of pro-
of collagen, the triple helix molecules are longitudinally line and lysine residues. These reactions are catalyzed by
aligned into fibrils that are subsequently strengthened by three enzymes, prolyl-4-hydroxylase, prolyl-3-hydroxy-
interchain covalent bonds.” This is true of the most lase, and lysylhydroxylase. All three enzymes require
abundant collagens in liver, types I and 111, the so-called iron, 2-oxoglutarate, ascorbic acid, and molecular oxy-
interstitial collagen^.^.'^ Type I and 111 collagens com- gen as cofactors. These hydroxylations are necessary for
prise 80% of the total liver collagen. Type I collagen the spontaneous formation of a stable triple helix by the
forms the thick dense connective tissue networks located procollagen alpha chains. The triple helix formation, in
primarily in the liver capsule, portal triads, and around turn, is necessary for resistance to intracellular and ex-
venules. Type 111 collagen forms the fine, thin networks tracellular degradation and for optimal secretion of the
of connective tissue associated with type I collagen in the procollagen molecules into the extracellular ma-
portal triads, centrolobular regions and around venules, tri~.”.’~,’~ The second step in the intracellular processing
and is responsible for the fine, reticulum network that of the procollagen molecule is the addition of sugar moi-
supports the liver lobules. Type IV collagen, which does eties to the hydroxylysyl residues. This reaction requires
not form fibrils, represents about 10%of the total liver glucose and galactose sugars and specific glucosyl and
collagen. It is localized primarily to sinusoidal basement galactosyl transferases. Manganese serves as a cofactor
membrane~.~,~~,~~,’~ for these enzyme^.^'.^'.^^ After hydroxylation and addi-
tion of the sugars are complete, the procollagen alpha
Biosynthesis chains spontaneously fold into a triple helix and intra-
chain and interchain disulfide bonds form to stabilize
The synthesis of all types of liver collagen is increased in
the molecule (step 3). The fourth step in the intracellular
chronic liver diseases; however, increases in type I and
processing is the secretion of the procollagen molecule
111 collagens pred~minate.’,~,~’.’~ Early fibrotic changes
into the extracellular m a t ~ i x . ” . ~ This
’ . ~ ~ secretory pro-
are primarily due to increases in type 111 collagen. Type I
cess is similar to that of any protein synthesized for ex-
collagen deposition predominates in advanced fibrotic
disease.’ Although quantitatively less important, the in-
Once within the extracellular environment type I and
creased deposition of the type IV basement membrane
type 111 collagen undergo extracellular modifications re-
collagen within the space of Disse with subsequent
sulting in the formation of fibrils (Table 1).31.33.36 In the
disruption of sinusoidal endothelial cell function may
first step, the amino terminal and carboxy terminal pro-
play an important role in initiating hepatic dysfunc-
peptide sequences in the type I and type 111 procollagen
molecules are enzymatically cleaved. These reactions are
The biosynthesis of collagen occurs in several steps,
catalyzed by procollagen amino proteinase and carboxy
many of which are unique to collagen metabolism. Col-
proteinase. Both enzymes require calcium as a co-factor.
lagen genes are transcripted and translated as long pro-
After cleavage of these propeptides, the collagen triple
collagen molecules that contain additional amino and
helices spontaneously assemble into fibrils. These fibrils
carboxy terminal amino-acid sequences (Fig. 2).31The
lack tensile strength until they are crosslinked by a series
procollagen molecules then undergo a series of intracel-
of covalent bonds. The second extracellular modifica-
lular and extracellular post-translational modifications
tion prepares the collagen molecule for the formation of
(Table 1).31,33.36 The first step in the intracellular post-
these bonds. It is the oxidative deamination of lysine and
hydroxylysine residues. This reaction is catalyzed by the
copper-containing enzyme, lysyl oxidase, and requires
molecular oxygen. The reactive aldehydes generated by
the action of lysyl oxidase can then participate in the
formation of covalent crosslinks (step 3) that confer the
I collagen fiber with its tensile strength. Improperly cross-
linked collagen molecules are subject to increased degra-
dation by extracellular pro tease^.^^.'^
Type IV procollagen molecules do not undergo exten-
sive extracellular modification and do not form collagen
fibrils. The terminal propeptides are not removed but
remain to crosslink the molecule into a three-dimen-
sional n e t ~ o r k . ’ ~
FIG. 2. Schematic representation of the structure of the procollagen Degradation
molecule. Glc, glucose; Gal, galactose: Man, mannose; and GlcNac,
N-acetylglucosamine. (Reprinted with permission from N Engl J Med Because native collagen is resistant to proteolysis by
1979; 301:16. most tissue proteases, collagen degradation requires the
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Journal of Veterinary
76 LEVEILLE AND ARIAS Internal Medicine

I . Post-translational Events in Collagen Biosynthesis


Event Enzymes Co-Factors Functional Significance

Intracellular modifications
1 . Hydroxylation of proline Prol yl-4-hydroxylase Fe+2 Requiring for folding of (Y
and lysine Prol yl-3-hydroxylase 2-oxoglutarate, Ascorbic chains into triple helix
Lysyl hydroxylase acid, O2
2. Addition of sugar Glucosyltransferase galactosyl Manganese May influence cross link
moieties transferase formation
3. Triple helix formation Spontaneous disulfide bond Necessary for procollagen
formation secretion
4. Secretion procollagen Requires microtubular Secretion necessary for
into extracellular assembly extracellular collagen
environment deposition
Extracellular modifications
1. Cleavage of amino- and Amino proteinase Calcium Necessary for assembly
carboxy-terminal Carboxy proteinase into fibrils
2. Oxidative deamination of Lysyl oxidase Necessary for
lysine and hydroxylysine stabilization of fibrils
by covalent cross links
3. Fibril assembly and cross Reactive aldehydes from Stable collagen fibers
link formation previous reaction

presence of specific collagenases. Two types of neutral are chemotactic for fibroblasts. PDGF is also a potent
proteinases are involved in collagen d e g r a d a t i ~ n . ~ ' . ~ fibroblast
~ m i t ~ g e n . ' . TGFP,
~ ~ . ~ ~an important profibro-
One is an interstitial collagenase capable of degrading genic factor, stimulates collagen synthesis. Hepatic

type I and type 111 collagen and the other is a type IV macrophages are an additional source of TGFP. Acti-
collagenase. The cellular origin of these enzymes in the vated macrophages also release additional cytokines in-
liver has not been accurately determined but evidence cluding tumor necrosis factor, fibronectin, macrophage-
suggests that the transformed hepatic lipocyte may be derived growth factor, fibroblast activating factor, and
the major source.37All of the collagenases are synthe- interleukin- 1, that are chemotactic and/or mitogenic for
sized as latent proenzymes and must undergo activation. fibroblast^.',^^,^^ T lymphocytes are also important medi-
Once specific collegenates unfold the collagen helix, the ators of connective tissue deposition. Lymphokines such
molecule becomes susceptible to a number of broad as lymphocyte-derivedfibroblast growth factor, collagen
spectrum proteinases. activating factor, and fibroblast activating factor attract
fibroblasts and stimulate their proliferation and produc-
Anti-fibrotic Therapy tion of collagen.38Inflammatory reactions play a pivotal
role in initiating fibrogenesis. Therefore, anti-inflamma-
Modulation of Inflammation
tory agents that alter cytokine production or :he subse-
One approach to antifibrotic therapy is to alter the stimu- quent response of target cells should modulate collagen
lus for connective tissue deposition. There is ample evi- deposition. Corticosteroids, azathioprine, cyclosporine,
dence that soluble factors released during hepatocyte in- and colchicine have been used in fibrotic hepatopathies
jury and the subsequent inflammatory response provide to modulate inflammatory responses.
this s t i m ~ l u s . ~Inflammatory
~ , ~ ~ . ~ ~ cell infiltrates com-
posed of neutrophils, platelets, macrophages, and lym- Modulation of Collagen Synthesis
phocytes usually accompany hepatic fibrosis. Mediators
released from these inflammatory cells are involved in There are a number of unique events that can be pharma-
the activation and transformation of the hepatic lipocyte cologically modified so as to disrupt collagen synthesis in
into the connective tissue producing myofibroblast and the post-translation processing of the collagen molecule
subsequent stimulation of their synthetic activity. 1927,32(Table 2). Inhibition of proline and lysine hydroxylation
Early in the inflammatory cascade, platelets release al- results in underhydroxylated procollagens that do not
pha granule contents. These contents include fibronec- form stable triple helix molecules. Divalent cations, such
tin, platelet- derived growth factor (PDGF), and trans- as zinc, interfere with hydrolase activity by competing
forming growth factor P (TGFP). PDGF and fibronectin with the enzymes ferric ion ~ o - f a c t o rInhibitors
.~~ of 2-
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VOl. 7 . NO.2, 1993 HEPATIC FIBROSIS 77

2. Pharmacologic Modulation of Collagen Metabolism

Event Pharmacologic Agent Mechanism of Action

Transcription of collagen DNA Corticosteroids Inhibit mRNA transcription

Gamma interferons
Hydroxylation of proline and lysine Zinc Competes with Fe+*co-factor
Pyridine 2,4 dicarboxylate Inhibitors of 2-oxoglutarate
3,4-dehydroproline Proline analogues preferentially
Cis-4-hydroxyproline incorporated but not hydroxylated
Corticosteriods Inhibit prolyl-4-hydroxylase
Secretion into extracellular Colchicine Inhibits microtubular assembly necessary
environment for secretory process.
Cleavage of carboxy-terminal Amino acids Inhibit carboxy-proteinase activity
propeptides Polyamines
Oxidative deamination of lysine Penicillamine Inhibits lysyl oxidase by chelating copper
and hydroxylysine
Complexes with products of lysyl oxidase
Zinc Inhibits lysyl oxidase by chelating copper
Collagen degradation Tumor necrosis factor a Increase collagenase activity
Interleukin I

oxoglutarate, another hydrolase co-factor, have been de- A major focus in anti-collagen therapy centers on inhi-
veloped, and preliminary work indicates that they sup- bition of the extracellular cross link formation between
press collagen hydro~ylation.”~~~ Proline analogues, the collagen triple helical molecules. Without the forma-
such as 3,4-dehydroproline, cis-4-hydroxyproline, and tion of cross links, the unstable collagen molecule lacks
L-azetidine-2-carboxylate, are preferentially incorpo- tensile strength and is more sensitive to degradation. Sev-
rated into procollagen. Since these analogues will not eral inhibitors of lysyl oxidase are effective in decreasing
undergo hydroxylation, the formation of the stable triple collagen deposition in animal models of hepatic fibro-
helix is prevented. If given before experimental injury, sis.” Penicillamine at high concentrations inhibits lysyl
these analogues effectively delay fibrotic changes in a rat oxidase by chelating copper, a necessary co-factor for the
model of carbon tetrachloride induced hepatic fibrosi~.~’ enzyme. Penicillamine also disrupts cross link formation
No clinical trials with these analogues have been con- by interfering with the product of the lysyl oxidase reac-
ducted. tion, the lysine derived aldehydes, rendering them un-
Interference with secretion of procollagen molecules available for cross link~.”*~’
into the extracellular environment disrupts collagen de-
position. Vinca alkaloids, such as vinblastine, vincris- Modulation of Collagen Degradation
tine, and colchicine, inhibit protein secretion by interfer-
ing with polymerization of microtubules, a process re- Collagenase activity is increased in early hepatic fibrosis
quired for secretory a ~ t i v i t y . ~ ~ , ~ ~ but is often low to normal in late fibrosis and cirrhosis.
The lack of collagenase activity in advanced fibrosis may
Once within the extracellular environment, cleavage
be an important reason why the ability to remodel is lost
of the amino and carboxy terminal procollagen peptides
and may contribute significantly to irreversible fibrosis.
is necessary for proper alignment of collagen molecules
into fibrils.” The carboxy proteinase and amino protein- Several compounds including colchicine, interleukin- 1,
tumor necrosis factor a , and PDGF stimulate procolla-
ase which catalyze these reactions have not been well
genase activity in vitro.34.37,40,43Retinoids, corticoste-
characterized biochemically. Several amino acids, poly-
roids, and TGFP decrease collagenase a~tivity.’~,~’
amines and their analogues inhibit carboxy proteinase
activity in vitro and decrease collagen synthesis in cell
culture^.^'*^* Because these proteinases are extracellular, Anti-fibrotic Agents
drugs which modulate their activity may have a therapeu- Corticosteroids
tic advantage in that they do not have to penetrate the
cell to be active. No clinical work has been done with Corticosteroidshave anti-inflammatory, immune-modu-
these compounds. lating, and anti-fibrotic effects in liver d i ~ e a s e . ~Corti-
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Journal of Veterinary
78 LEVEILLE AND ARIAS Internal Medicine

costeroids inhibit the movement of monocytes and neu- mitochondria1 antibodies have been demonstrated in the
trophils into sites of inflammation ar 1 interfere with serum of AIH patient^.^^,^^ These autoantibodies may be
leukocyte adherence to blood vessel walls. Mononuclear more important as serologic markers of the autoimmune
phagocytosis is depressed. The major effect on mono- disease process rather than as mediators of hepatocyte
cytes, however, is to suppress responsiveness to lympho- injury. These antibodies are most likely present second-
kines which accounts for suppression of cell mediated ary to hepatocellular destruction or due to primary de-
immune (CMI) responses. CMI reactivity is also ad- fects in immunoregulation. The demonstration of anti-
versely affected by a corticosteroid-induced decrease in bodies against liver-specific cell membrane antigens may
T lymphocyte numbers and impairment of T cell cyto- be of more importance in causing hepatocyte lysis. Anti-
t o x i activity. Humeral antibody responses are indirectly bodies to liver-specificlipoprotein, liver membrane anti-
reduced by corticosteroids due to a steroid mediated sup- gen and liver microsomal antigen are present in the sera
pression of T lymphocyte effector activity and subse- of many patients with AIH.57Lymphocytes sensitized to
quent decreases in antigen presentation to B lympho- these antigens have also been demonstrated in the sera of
c y t e ~Corticosteroids
.~~ also inhibit phospholipase A, ac- AIH patients57implicating a role for cell-mediated im-
tivity and therefore decrease the enzyme's conversion of mune processes in hepatocellular damage. Additional ev-
membrane arachidonic acid to prostaglandins and leu- idence incriminating this arm of the immune system in
kotrienes. These arachidonic acid metabolites are potent AIH is the consistent decrease in suppressor T-cell activ-
mediators of inflammation. By suppressing immune re- ity found in these patient^.^^.^^ Corticosteroids by virtue
sponses and inflammatory activity in hepatic tissue, cor- of their ability to suppress immune responsiveness are
ticosteroids control a major stimulus for ongoing fibro- able to control the stimulus for ongoing hepatocyte de-
genesis. struction. Although there are occasional reports of hy-
A direct anti-fibrotic effect of corticosteroid therapy pergammaglobulinemia or positive antinuclear anti-
relates to their ability to inhibit proline hydroxylaseactiv- body titers in dogs with chronic active he pa ti ti^,",'^ the
ity.44 Corticosteroids also work at the transcriptional immunologic status of most veterinary patients with
level to decrease procollagen mRNA ~ y n t h e s i s . ~ ~ , ~ ~ chronic hepatobiliary disease has not been well docu-
Several human studies have shown that the use of mented.
prednisone improves survival, slows progression of dis- A recent retrospective study evaluated the use of corti-
ease, and improves biochemical tests and quality of life costeroids in 151 dogs with chronic he pa ti ti^.^' In dogs
in some fibrotic he pa top at hie^.^^-^' These beneficial ef- that survived for more than 1 week from the time of
fects are seen only with chronic, noninfectious liver dis- diagnosis,prednisone significantly increased survival. Al-
ease accompanied by moderate histologic activity char- though inherently biased, this retrospective study sug-
acterized by inflammation and/or necrosis with fibrotic gests that prospective trials of corticosteroid therapy are
changes. The use of corticosteroids is detrimental, how- warranted in canine chronic hepatopathies. One factor
ever, when ascites or hepatic encephalopathy is pres- that was statistically related to a shorter survival time in
ent.44 Corticosteroid-induced sodium retention poten- the dogs was the degree of bridging fibrosis in a liver
tiates fluid accumulation, and an increase in protein ca- biopsy specimen, which emphasizes both the need for
tabolism potentiates encephalopathy. anti-fibrotic therapy and the importance of early diagno-
Prednisone is the corticosteroid of choice in human sis in management of canine hepatic disease.
beings with hepatic d i ~ e a s e .Prednisone
~.~~ itself, how- The ideal dose of prednisone in canine hepatopathies
ever, has little glucocorticoid activity and requires he- is unknown. In human beings, prednisone is started at
patic conversion to the active form, prednisolone. Al- high doses, 60 mg daily, to induce clinical remission and
though in severe liver disease some impairment of this is then tapered in 10-mg increments usually over a 6-
conversion occurs, a concurrent reduction in elimina- week period until a maintenance dose of 10-20 mg a day
tion and further metabolism offsets this d e f i ~ i e n c y . ~ ~ is
. ~r~e a ~ h e d . ~Clinical
~ , ~ ' , ~remission
~ is defined by normal-
Similar studies comparing the two forms of the drug in ization of histologic and biochemical parameters and res-
animals with hepatic disease have not been conducted. olution of clinical signs. The most commonly reported
The therapeutic benefit of corticosteroids in human prednisone doses in dogs are 1-2 mg/kg a day tapered
beings is most profound in individuals with documented gradually to 0.5 mg/kg a day.'0,58,59 Alternate day ther-
autoimmune chronic hepatitis (AIH).55 Patients with apy is preferred to avoid side effects. In human beings,
this diagnosishave a number of immunologic abnormali- alternate day therapy has been shown to be effective in
ties, which although not specificfor chronic active hepati- maintaining clinical and biochemical remission but does
tis, suggest immunologic imbalances. Hypergammaglo- not induce histologic remi~sion.~' No such data is avail-
bulinemia associated with a polyclonal increase in serum able in canine hepatopathies.
immunoglobulins is found in 80% of human patients In human beings, steroid therapy is continued well
with AIH.56,57 Numerous non-organ specific antibodies beyond clinical remission. If medication is prematurely
including anti-nuclear, anti-smooth muscle, and anti- discontinued, 50% of those with severe liver disease re-
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VOl. 7 . NO. 2, 1993 HEPATIC FIBROSIS 79

lapse within 6 months of remission, whereas only 8% Azathioprine

relapse if treatment is continued more than 6 months
beyond r e m i ~ s i o n . ~Comparable
~.~’ studies in canine hep- Azathioprine is an anti-metabolite that has immune-
atopathies have not been conducted. modulating effects. It is metabolized in the liver to its
Evaluation of response to corticosteroids in canine active form, 6 mercaptopurine. Mercaptopurine com-
hepatopathies is complicated by corticosteroid induc- petes with purines in the synthesis of nucleic acids, and
tion of hepatic enzyme Since increases in thus, disrupts nucleic acid synthesis. It also inhibits
serum alanine aminotransferase and serum alkaline coenzyme formation and disrupts mitosis. The net effect
phosphatase accompany the administration ofcorticoste- is to inhibit proliferation of rapidly dividing cells. Azathi-
roids in dogs, these important biochemical indicators of oprine also modifies T-lymphocyte functions, such as
hepatobiliary disease cannot be reliably used to monitor cell-mediated immunity and T-cell-dependent antibody
therapeutic response. Histopathology of serial liver synthesis.69
biopsy samples must remain the standard for judging the Azathioprine has proven to be a valuable adjunct to
response to therapy although normalization of serum al- prednisone therapy in treating chronic active hepatitis in
bumin and bilirubin values as well as resolution of clini- human beings primarily because it allows steroid doses
cal signs can be used as indicators of remission in dogs. to be decreased thereby avoiding troublesome adverse
In human beings, hepatic biopsy is recommended at 6- effect^.^^,^' In clinical trials in human beings a combina-
month intervals, but due to the inherent difficulties in tion of prednisone, 10 mg/day, and azathioprine, 50 mg/
monitoring dogs biochemically, more frequent biopsies day, was shown to be comparable to prednisone alone at
would seem appropriate. 20 mg/day in improving biochemical parameters and
Because hepatic biopsy is an invasive and expensive histologic lesions in patients with chronic active hepati-
procedure, a reliable serum marker of hepatic fibrogene- ti^.^^ The prednisone/azathioprine combination was as-
sis is needed for people and dogs. Such a marker would sociated with only a 13% incidence of serious adverse
allow for frequent, inexpensive, noninvasive assessment effects while 67% of those on the higher prednisone dose
of the benefit of corticosteroid and other antifibrotic alone had serious adverse effects. In human beings, some
agents in hepatic fibrosis. In human patients, prelimi- advocate the rapid induction of remission with high
nary clinical studies indicate that the serum concentra- doses of prednisone (60 mg/day) and subsequently add-
tions of the amino terminal type I11 procollagen peptide ing azathioprine ( 1.25 mg/kg/day) so that prednisone
released during the extracellular processing of the type can be eliminated quickly.7o
I11 procollagen molecule may serve as such a marker. Combination therapy has been recommended for use
Elevated concentrations of this peptide have been found in dogs at a prednisone dose of 0.5 to 1.O mg/kg/day and
in chronic active hepatitis and cirrhosis in human beings an azathioprine dose of 1 m g / k g / d a ~ If
. ~possible,
~ both
and correlations with histologic degree of fibrosis have drugs should be tapered to an every other day dosage to
been d e m o n ~ t r a t e d . ~Other
~ - ~ ~ investigations suggest avoid toxicoses.
that serum concentrations of the 7s fragment of type IV The role of hepatic insufficiency in decreasing conver-
collagen may also be a useful marker of hepatic fibrogen- sion of azathioprine to its active form mercaptopurine
esis.66Clinical studies of these markers have not been has not been investigated clinically but should be kept in
conducted in veterinary medicine. mind in evaluating response to therapy.
Corticosteroid therapy has been recommended in fe- The major adverse reaction associated with azathio-
line nonsuppurative cholangiohepatitis.26Although no prine use is bone marrow suppression. Other adverse ef-
large-scale clinical trials have been reported, prednisone fects include gastrointestinal disturbances and hepato-
given at an initial dose of 2.2 mg/kg daily tapered gradu- Although controversial, a major concern with
ally to 1.O mg/kg every other day has been beneficial in the long-term use of azathioprine is its oncogenic poten-
some cats.25 tial. An increase in the incidence of malignant neo-
Corticosteroids can be associated with significant ad- plasms occurred in human beings with chronic active
verse effects in humans and animals. Suppression of the hepatitis during a 9 1-month clinical trial.” Another
pituitary-adrenal axis occurs with glucocorticoid ther- study contends that concerns over the drugs oncogeni-
apy, and long-term administration can result in adrenal city are ~nfounded.’~ Because carcinogenicityassociated
atrophy and iatrogenic Cushing’s syndrome marked by with antimetabolitc use develops slowly, the shorter life
polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, muscle wasting, weight span of animals may preclude concerns over azathio-
gain, hepatomegaly, alopecia, and thin skin.60-62*67,68 Al- prines oncogenicity.
ternate day therapy with short-acting corticosteroids
such as prednisone minimizes axis suppre~sion.~~ Other Colchicine
associated adverse effects of corticosteroid therapy are Colchicine, an alkaloid derived from Colchicum autum-
gastrointestinal ulceration, diabetes mellitus, pancreati- nale, has a number of beneficial effects in liver disease.
tis, and secondary infection^."".^^.^^ Colchicine binds to tubulin and thereby inhibits func-
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Journal of Veterinary
80 LEVEILLE AND ARIAS Internal Medicine

tions requiring microtubular assembly. It has been used Often these signs abate and do not require discontinua-
for years in humans to control inflammation associated tion of therapy. Rare toxic reactions have been reported
with gout. Anti-inflammatory effects are mediated by and include agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia, myopa-
the drug's inhibition of neutrophil and mononuclear cell thy, and ne~ropathy.~"~' No adverse effects have been
m i g r a t i ~ n . ~The
~ . ~anti-fibrotic
' effects of colchicine are a noted in dogs treated with c ~ l c h i c i n e . ~ ~ - ~ ~
result of the ability of the drug to block the microtubular-
mediated transcellular movement of proteins and, thus, PenicillaminP
inhibit the secretion of the procollagen molecules into Penicillamine, a derivative of penicillin, was first iso-
the extracellular matrix.40 This same action also sup- lated from the urine of a patient who had liver disease
presses release of various mediators of fibrogenesis from and was taking penicillin. It has anti-fibrotic and im-
macrophages such as fibronectin and macrophage-de- mune-modulating e f f e c t ~ . ~By ~ .forming
~ ~ , ~ ~complexes
rived growth factor.73Colchicine also increases collage- with the reactive aldehydes generated by the action of
nase activity in vitro and may play a role in increasing lysyl oxidase on the hydroxylysine residues in the colla-
collagen degradation in Colchicine may exert a gen molecule, penicillamine inhibits collagen crosslink-
direct hepatoprotective effect by stabilizing hepatocyte ing, rendering the collagen molecule more susceptible to
plasma membranes and, thereby, restoring important degradation by nonspecific proteinases. Penicillamine
enzyme a ~ t i v i t i e s . ~ ~ also chelates copper and promotes cupriuresis. It inhibits
Colchicine is effective in decreasing hepatic fibrosis in the activity of the copper-containing enzyme, lysyl oxi-
people. The drug has been investigated in a number of dase. Immunornodulating effects relate to the ability to
double-blind prospective trials in patients with cirrho- decrease circulating immunoglobulin concentrations, in-
sis74.75and patients with primary biliary c i r r h o s i ~ . ~In~ * ~ ' hibit chemotaxis of neutrophils and to interfere with T-
a trial involving 100 patients observed over a 14-year lymphocyte function.42
period, cirrhotics given colchicine at 1 mg/day once a The use of penicillamine as an anti-fibrotic agent in
day for 5 days a week showed improvement in survival human medicine has been disappointing. Seven prospec-
and hepatic histopathology compared with the placebo tive, controlled studies of penicillamine use in primary
group.75These findings were independent of the cause of biliary cirrhosis have not demonstrated drug efficacy at
cirrhosis. In three controlled trials of patients with pri- doses ranging from 600- 1000 m g / d a ~ Similar . ~ ~ results
mary biliary cirrhosis, patients treated with 0.5-0.6 mg have been seen with penicillamine therapy in a limited
of colchicine twice a day showed biochemical improve- number of Doberman Pinschers with chronic active hep-
ment manifested as increases in serum albumin and de- atiti~.~.'~
creases in bilirubin.78Albumin and bilirubin concentra- There is a increased incidence of adverse reactions to
tions are particularly important predictors of survival in penicillamine therapy in human beings. Cutaneous al-
assessing human patients with lergic reactions are seen in about one-third of the pa-
There are limited reports ofcolchicine use in dogs.80-82 tients. More serious adverse effects include: renal pro-
Colchicine was given at 0.03 mg/kg daily to a dog with teinuria and hematuria that may progress to a nephrotic
chronic active hepatitis. The dog showed clinical remis- syndrome associated with a membranous glomerulo-
sion for 7 months and repeat liver biopsies at 7 weeks pathy; hematologic alterations such as leukopenia,
post-colchicine therapy showed histologic improve- aplastic anemia, and agranulocytosis; and pulmonary
ment." A Cocker Spaniel with a fibrotic hepatopathy complications manifested as acute dyspnea due to bron-
accompanied by multiple portal systemic shunts was c h o a l ~ e o l i t i sAnorexia
.~~ and vomiting are the major ad-
successfully managed with combination therapy that in- verse effects observed in dog^.'^,^^ Penicillamine given to
cluded colchicine.8' Colchicine, 0.025 mg/kg, was in- one cat with chronic nonsuppurative cholangiohepatitis
cluded in the therapeutic regime for a 2-year-old English caused significant n e ~ t r o p e n i a . ~ ~
Setter with evidence of hepatoportal fibrosis during liver Penicillamine is used to treat patients with chronic
biopsy.82The dog survived for 30 months after diagnosis hepatic disease primarily for its copper-chelating ability
during which time there was gradual improvement in in diseases associated with excessive copper accumula-
clinical signs and biochemical tests of liver function. At tion. Wilson's disease is a familial human disorder of
the time of death from nonhepatic causes, histopatho- hepatic copper excretion that is similar to the copper
logic assessment of the liver indicated no progression of hepatopathy seen in Bedlington Penicilla-
hepatic fibrosis. mine at 750-2000 mg daily retards the development of
Colchicine has a long tract record of safety in treating hepatic pathology in Wilson's disease patients. 15,83 Peni-
gout in people. Many patients have been treated without cillamine ( 10- 15 mg/kg BID) has been used to treat af-
serious complications for long periods at doses similar to fected Bedlington T e m e r ~ . ' ~Penicillamine
,~~ works
those found to be useful in controlling hepatic fibrosis. slowly and it can take years before appreciable copper
Because of interference with the rapidly dividing cells of detoxification is realized. Other copper chelators such as
the gastrointestinal tract, adverse effects of colchicine in- 2,3,2 tetramine have also shown efficacy in Bedlingtons
clude nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. with this ~yndrome.'~
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VOl. 7 . NO. 2. 1993 HEPATIC FIBROSIS 81

Zinc upset, cholestatic hepatopathy, hypertension, and neuro-

logic adverse effects have been reported.” In addition to
Zinc is an essential co-factor in a broad range of biologi-
these adverse effects, the unpalatibility of the oral prepa-
cal reactions. An important therapeutic action of zinc in
ration may preclude long-term dosage in some animals;
hepatic disease relates to its ability to inhibit the intes-
the highly variable intestinal absorption of the oral solu-
tinal absorption of copper.” It has therefore been used in
tion makes monitoring of blood or plasma concentra-
copper-associated hepatopathies. Zinc also inhibits pro-
tions of the drug essential to maintain therapeutic con-
lyl hydroxylase activity in vitro by competing with its
centrations; and the use of cyclosporine in animals is
femc ion ~ o - f a c t o r .In
~ ~an
. ~experimental
~ model of fi-
limited because of the high cost of therapy.93
brotic liver disease using carbon tetrachloride induced
lesions in rats, concurrent dietary zinc supplementation
decreased hepatic collagen a c c u m ~ l a t i o n . In
~ ~addi-
.~~ Miscellaneous Agents
tion to its anti-fibrotic and cupruretic actions, zinc may
Prostaglandins increase the rate of degradation of intra-
have a direct hepatoprotective effect by inhibiting lipid
cellular collagen and thus decrease the rate of extracellu-
peroxidation and stabilizing lysosomal membrane^.'^,^^
lar collagen deposition in fibroblast culture^.^^.^^ In a rat
Interestingly, serum and hepatic zinc concentrations are
significantly decreased in a variety of chronic liver dis- model of nutritional liver disease in which the animals
orders in human being^.'^*^^-^^ Although the clinical sig- were fed a high fat, lipotrope-deficient diet, the adminis-
nificance of this finding is unknown, some advocate the tration of prostaglandin E, significantly decreased colla-
gen formation and deposition.” Prostaglandin E, may
administration of zinc, 3 mg zinc gluconate/kg/day or 2
also have cytoprotective effects on the liver protecting
mg zinc sulfate/kg/day, to dogs with chronic he pa ti ti^.'^
against hepatocyte necrosis and subsequent inflamma-
This recommendation is also based on the finding of
tory reactions that may be an important stimulus for
high hepatic copper concentrations in canine hepatopa-
connective tissue deposition. In several animal models
thies associated with chole~tasis.~-l~~~’
Zinc therapy is not associated with significant adverse of liver disease, these prostaglandins have suppressed the
effects except at very high doses when iron deficiency development of hepatic necrosis if administered concur-
and hemolytic anemia are possible.89 rent with the inciting e ~ e n t . ~Prostaglandins
~-~’ may also
exert some of their beneficial effects by decreasing the
release of macrophage c y t o k i n e ~or~by
~ promoting he-
patic arterial va~odilation.~~
Cyclosporine is a complex cyclic peptide produced by Investigation into a potential role of interferons in the
the fungus, Tolypocladium inflaturn. It is a powerful im- modulation of collagen synthesis has been prompted by
mune-modulating drug exerting its primary effects on the close association of lymphocytes and collagen-pro-
cell-mediated i r n m ~ n i t y . ~Its
~ *actions
~’ are affected by ducing cells. Although both alpha and gamma interfer-
its ability to block the production of lymphokines pro- ons have potent anti-proliferative effects on fibroblasts,
duced by T lymphocytes particularly interleukin 11. It most of the work in fibrotic diseases has been done with
also inhibits precursor cytotoxic T cells from acquiring gamma i n t e r f e r ~ nGamma
.~~ interferon, a lymphokine,
responsiveness to interleukin I1 possibly by inhibition of decreases collagen synthesis in human fibroblast cell cul-
interleukin I1 receptor formation. The net result of these turesIm and prevents collagen deposition in in vivo mod-
actions is to suppress differentiation and clonal expan- els of hepatic fibrosis.’O’ This effect apparently involves
sion of cytotoxic T cells involved in specific target cell modulation at the transcriptional level as decreases in
lysis and graft rejection and to suppress lymphokine-in- collagen mRNA levels have been demonstrated in experi-
duced delayed-type hypersensitivity responses. For max- mental systems.lo2Clinical trials with gamma interferon
imal effectiveness cyclosporine must be given before the have not been conducted in human or veterinary medi-
onset of T-cell activation. Cyclosporine has no effect on cine.
suppressor T-cell f u n ~ t i o n . ’ ~ . ~ ~ Alpha interferons are produced by many cell types
Cyclosporine has been used in three preliminary hu- during viral infection. Several clinical trials involving pa-
man clinical trials in primary biliary ~ i r r h o s i sa, disease
~~ tients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection have dem-
believed to be mediated by T-lymphocyte activity di- onstrated the efficacy of alpha interferons in reversing
rected against antigenic determinants in the biliary epi- viremia and achieving biochemical and histologic remis-
thelium. Improvement in clinical signs and biochemical sion.Io3The drug was administered subcutaneously daily
parameters including decreases in bilirubin and in- and adverse effects included bone marrow suppression
creases in albumin have been noted. In an experimental and flu-like symptoms such as myalgia, fever, fatigue,
model of schistosomiasis, hepatic granulomas induced and headache.Io3 Although experimental infection of
by the injection of streptococcal wall antigens into rats Beagles with the canine infectious hepatitis adenovirus
were inhibited by pretreatment with cycl~sporine.~~ has been associated with the development ofchronic hep-
Nephrotoxicosis is a major adverse effect of cyclospor- atitis,’’ the importance of this virus in clinical cases of
ine use in human patients. In addition, gastrointestinal chronic hepatitis remains unknown. A newly discovered
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Journal of Veterinary
82 LEVEILLE AND ARIAS Internal Medicine

3. Anti-fibrotic Agents in Canine Fibrotic Hepatopathies

Drug Dosage Major Adverse Effects

Prednisone 1-2 mg/kg/day gradually tapered to Polyuria, pol ydipsia Iatrogenic hyperadrenocorticism
0.5 mg/kg/day or alternate day Gastrointestinal ulceration
therapy Diarrhea
Colchicine 0.025-0.03 mg/kg/day Vomiting/diarrhea
Azathioprine I mg/kg/day or alternate day therapy Neutropenia, vomiting, diarrhea, hepatopathy
Penicillamine 10-15 mg/kg/twice a day Vomiting, diarrhea, cutaneous hypersensitivity, renal
Zinc Zn Gluconate: 3 mg/kg/day Iron deficiency
Zn Sulfate: 2 mg/kg/day Hemolytic anemia

transmissible agent involved in cases of chronic hepatitis thioprine would be an appropriate a l t e r n a t i ~ e . ~Ini- ~?~'.~~
in Scotland may be viral.20Until the role of viruses in tial doses of 1 mg/kg/day can be tapered to alternate day
chronic hepatopathies is better investigated, alpha inter- therapy. Azathoprine does not induce hepatic enzyme
ferons will have limited clinical applicability in animals. activity thus simplifying biochemical monitoring.
The anti-fibrotic and possible hepatoprotective ac-
Summary tions of colchicine will most likely be beneficial in a vari-
ety of veterinary fibrotic hepatopathies regardlessof etiol-
Fibrosis accompanies most chronic liver disorders and
ogy. In human clinical trials, the effectiveness of this
its presence is a major factor contributing to hepatic fail-
drug was independent of the initiating cause of cirrho-
ure. Therapeutic strategies are emerging whereby he-
s ~ sAnother
. ~ ~ advantage of colchicine treatment in peo-
patic fibrogenesis can be modulated. Some anti-fibrotic
ple is its low incidence of toxic adverse effects. Hopefully
drugs, in particular, corticosteroids, azathioprine, peni-
this same safety profile will animals.
cillamine, colchicine, and zinc have been evaluated on a
In cases of copper-associated hepatotoxicosis, penicil-
limited basis in veterinary populations (Table 3). Im-
lamine is the preferred drug. In these cases, penicilla-
proved histologic, biochemical, and etiologic character-
mine is used primarily for its copper-chelating ability
ization of the various veterinary hepatopathies will allow
and not for its anti-fibrotic actions. The effectiveness of
the clinical use of these and other anti-fibrotic drugs to
penicillamine in delaying fibrotic changes in liver disease
be further clarified and expanded in veterinary medi-
in animals remains to be demonstrated. The drug has
been shown to have limited benefit in human clinical
In suspected autoimmune hepatopathies, immune-
trials.78At the same time the drug has also been asso-
modulating drugs such as prednisone and azathioprine
ciated with significant
are the therapeutic agents of choice. High dose predni-
Zinc by virtue of its actions in blocking intestinal ab-
sone therapy at 1-2 mg/kg/day should be initiated until
sorption of copper may also have a role in copper-asso-
clinical and biochemical signs of remission are evident at
ciated hepatotoxicosis and possibly in managing choles-
which time the dosage can be tapered to 0.5 mg/kg/day.
tatic hepatic d i s ~ r d e r s . ' ~ ~
' ' , ~anti-fibrotic
~ and hepa-
As in human AIH, dose reduction will most likely be
toprotective effects of zinc remain to be demonstrated in
possible within the first few weeks of therapy. Because
human and veterinary clinical trials.
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