Prueba de Nivel - Inglés Nivel Básico I (A1)

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Prueba de nivel: Inglés ‐ Nivel Básico I (A1)

PARTE 1: Competencia Léxico‐Gramatical

1. Hello, Susan. How are you?

a) I’m Mary’s brother.

b) I’m going home.
c) I’m not very well.
d) I don’t know

2. What’s the matter? Have you got a headache?

a) No, I’ve got a toothache.

b) You’re welcome.
c) No, thank you. I don’t want one.
d) I don’t know

3. What do you do?

a) I’m a dentist
b) I play tennis on Saturdays.
c) I’m learning English.
d) I don’t know

4. Would you like to come to my house?

a) Yes, I went home quickly.

b) No, thanks. I want to go home.
c) Well, I like my house a lot.
d) I don’t know

5. Did you go to Sue’s birthday party last week?

a) Yes, I did.
b) All right.
c) No, I wasn’t.
d) I don’t know

6. Where do you come from?

a) Work.
b) Dublin.
c) Home.
d) I don’t know

7. When can we meet again?

a) It was two days ago.

b) When are you free?
c) Can you help me?
d) I don’t know

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Prueba de nivel: Inglés ‐ Nivel Básico I (A1)

8. I’m sorry I’m late.

a) That’s all right.

b) You can’t go.
c) There isn’t time.
d) I don’t know

9. A: Rob, this is Amy.

B: to meet you, Amy.

a) Well
b) Nice
c) Fine
d) I don’t know

10. My brother is engineer.

a) ‐‐‐
b) an
c) a
d) I don’t know

11. 10 books on the shelf.

a) There is
b) They are
c) There are
d) I don’t know

12. My dad doesn’t like golf.

a) play
b) to playing
c) playing
d) I don’t know

13. your brother speak Spanish?

a) Does
b) Is
c) Do
d) I don’t know

14. Joe at school last week.

a) didn't be
b) isn’t
c) wasn’t
d) I don’t know

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Prueba de nivel: Inglés ‐ Nivel Básico I (A1)

15. Richard’s brother to work yesterday because he was ill.

a) doesn’t go
b) didn’t go
c) didn’t went
d) I don’t know

16. Jennifer got married 1998.

a) in
b) on
c) at
d) I don’t know

17. You house is than our flat.

a) bigger
b) more big
c) more bigger
d) I don’t know

18. My bike is very old. I’m going a new one soon.

a) to buy
b) buy
c) to will buy
d) I don’t know

19. We TV at the moment.

a) ‘re watching
b) watched
c) watch
d) I don’t know

20. Sharon is a doctor. She at night.

a) works sometimes
b) never work
c) often works
d) I don’t know

21. There aren’t classes late in the evening.

a) some
b) any
c) no
d) I don’t know

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Prueba de nivel: Inglés ‐ Nivel Básico I (A1)

22. My brother Joe is fair but children are dark.

a) his
b) her
c) their
d) I don’t know

23. A: do you go to the cinema?

B: Once a week.

a) How long
b) How often
c) How much
d) I don’t know

24. How milk do you drink?

a) lot
b) much
c) many
d) I don’t know

25. Where do you want on Saturday?

a) going
b) go
c) to go
d) I don’t know

26. I usually some toast for breakfast.

a) have
b) drink
c) cook
d) I don’t know

27. My uncle’s son is my .

a) cousin
b) aunt
c) niece
d) I don’t know

28. We can speak .

a) Basque
b) Italy
c) Germany
d) I don’t know

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Prueba de nivel: Inglés ‐ Nivel Básico I (A1)

29. A: Where’s Pat?

B: He’s his bike.

a) riding
b) playing
c) driving
d) I don’t know

30. They the TV and watched the program.

a) turned on
b) looked after
c) turned off
d) I don’t know

PARTE 2: Comprensión Escrita

Katie's diary

Saturday 24 August

We left home early in the morning, but our flight was delayed and we didn't arrive at Dublin Airport
until late in the afternoon. We were really tired, but we took a bus to our hotel because taxis in
Dublin are very expensive. When we got to the hotel, we had a rest and then went out to explore the
city. We had a quick sandwich in a small café and then decided to go to Grafton Street. I bought a
scarf and some T‐shirts. I wanted to buy a sweater too, but I couldn't find one that I liked. In the
evening, we ate in a Chinese restaurant and went to a typical Irish pub. We met some really nice Irish
people and had so much fun that we didn't get back to the hotel until very late!

Sunday 25 August

We got up late and had breakfast in the hotel. I had cereal and some fruit. Anna just had toast. After
breakfast, we went for a walk around the city. We saw Trinity College and the Guinness Storehouse.
In the afternoon, we had a pizza and then took a bus to the train station. Travelling by bus in Dublin
is a great way to see the sights. We caught an evening train to Cork and arrived at about nine o'clock.
We walked to our hotel and went to bed because we wanted to get up early the next day and
explore the city.

31. On Saturday, Katie and her friend to their hotel.

a) walked
b) drove
c) travelled by bus
d) I don’t know

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Prueba de nivel: Inglés ‐ Nivel Básico I (A1)

32. They ate .

a) at the airport
b) at the hotel
c) in a café
d) I don’t know

33. Katie bought .

a) a sweater
b) some clothes
c) a picture
d) I don’t know

34. Anna ate for breakfast.

a) fruit and cereal

b) fruit
c) toast
d) I don’t know

35. When they arrived in Cork, they .

a) had something to eat

b) went to sleep
c) walked around the town
d) I don’t know

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Prueba de nivel: Inglés ‐ Nivel Básico I (A1)

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